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4. J D E monica70 38947
5. A murit Laura! craciunitza 29667
6. Un nou inceput...(2) danangie 27973
7. scrisoare catre mama Picasso 22483
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9. Povestea lui bebe 2 continua buburuza2013 20833
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Acest mesaj a fost trimis de andruskandu pe data de 12/12/2011 la 20:40 .:. 2536  vizionari .. Exista 3 raspunsuri la acest anunt

Jolene, jolene, jolene, jolene
Im begging of you please dont take my man
Jolene, jolene, jolene, jolene
Please dont take him just because you can
Your beauty is beyond compare
With flaming locks of auburn hair
With ivory skin and eyes of emerald green
Your smile is like a breath of spring
Your voice is soft like summer rain
And I cannot compete with you, jolene

He talks about you in his sleep
Theres nothing I can do to keep
From crying when he calls your name, jolene

And I can easily understand
How you could easily take my man
But you dont know what he means to me, jolene

Jolene, jolene, jolene, jolene
Im begging of you please dont take my man
Jolene, jolene, jolene, jolene
Please dont take him just because you can

You could have your choice of men
But I could never love again
Hes the only one for me, jolene

I had to have this talk with you
My happiness depends on you
And whatever you decide to do, jolene

Jolene, jolene, jolene, jolene
Im begging of you please dont take my man
Jolene, jolene, jolene, jolene
Please dont take him even though you can
Jolene, jolene

Inima nu e judecata dupa cat iubesti, ci dupa cat te iubesc altii
(Vrajitorul din Oz)

www.onetruemedia.com/otm_site/view_shared?p=88028d9eaeae0f93a00846" target="_blank"> Povestea unui licurici

Poznele lui Andrei Nasterea lu' Andrei

www.dropshots.com/andruskandu" target="_blank">PozeAndrei Muzica mea

Andreea mamica fericita de Andreiut Puiut 11.06.2006

Trimite reactia ta

membru matur

Posted 12/12/11 @ 20:48 (Edited 12/12/11 @ 20:55) Reply with Quote

Inima nu e judecata dupa cat iubesti, ci dupa cat te iubesc altii
(Vrajitorul din Oz)

www.onetruemedia.com/otm_site/view_shared?p=88028d9eaeae0f93a00846" target="_blank"> Povestea unui licurici

Poznele lui Andrei Nasterea lu' Andrei

www.dropshots.com/andruskandu" target="_blank">PozeAndrei Muzica mea

Andreea mamica fericita de Andreiut Puiut 11.06.2006
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Posted 12/12/11 @ 22:04 Visit Tala's Homepage Reply with Quote
si mie imi place melodia asta (doar ca n-as vrea sa traiesc ce spune in ea)

tablouri pentru copii
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membru stang

Posted 13/12/11 @ 17:22 Reply with Quote
Mie imi place mult mai mult versiunea Queen Adreena - Jolene
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