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1. Atelierul Piticilor - Lucrari AT_Piticilor 118283
2. Jurnalul unei romance "americanizate"- si nu numai olguta12 56203
3. Bilantz olguta12 50285
4. J D E monica70 40620
5. A murit Laura! craciunitza 30726
6. Un nou inceput...(2) danangie 29512
7. Povestea lui bebe 2 continua buburuza2013 27984
8. scrisoare catre mama Picasso 23201
9. Curiozitate! Ana68 22850
10. Moartea lui Metaforel olguta12 21157

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Anthony Quinn - I love you
Acest mesaj a fost trimis de andruskandu pe data de 01/02/2010 la 12:22 .:. 2658  vizionari .. Exista 2 raspunsuri la acest anunt
love you
I love you
I love you
I love you
(I love you)
I love you
(How many different ways are there to say)
How many different ways are there to say
I love you
(I love you)
I love you
No need to say it any other way

You love me
How wonderful,
Oh, how wonderful that such a thing can be

Just, just we two
(Adds up to I love you and you love me)
Adds up to I love you and you love me

I love you
How many different ways are there to say
I love you
Te volio bene, Te chiero, Ich Liebe Dich, Je t'adore
I love you
No need to say it any other way

And honey, honey you love me
(How wonderful that such a thing can be)
How, how wonderful that such a thing can be
Baby, baby, just we two
(Adds up to I love you and you love me)
Adds up to I love you and you love me

Inima nu e judecata dupa cat iubesti, ci dupa cat te iubesc altii
(Vrajitorul din Oz)

www.onetruemedia.com/otm_site/view_shared?p=88028d9eaeae0f93a00846" target="_blank"> Povestea unui licurici

Poznele lui Andrei Nasterea lu' Andrei

www.dropshots.com/andruskandu" target="_blank">PozeAndrei Muzica mea

Andreea lui Andreiut Puiut 11.06.2006

Trimite reactia ta

membru matur

Posted 01/02/10 @ 12:25 Reply with Quote

Inima nu e judecata dupa cat iubesti, ci dupa cat te iubesc altii
(Vrajitorul din Oz)

www.onetruemedia.com/otm_site/view_shared?p=88028d9eaeae0f93a00846" target="_blank"> Povestea unui licurici

Poznele lui Andrei Nasterea lu' Andrei

www.dropshots.com/andruskandu" target="_blank">PozeAndrei Muzica mea

Andreea lui Andreiut Puiut 11.06.2006
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Vincit qui se vincit

Posted 01/02/10 @ 21:47 Visit anca74's Homepage Reply with Quote

Mamica de Zanuta mica, Anna Laura

www.youtube.com/watch?v=ckFvoGRPiCU&feature=related/" target="_blank">Shape up, Anca!
Le meilleur moyen de réaliser ses rêves c'est de se réveiller.
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