THIS IS IT - movie - 2
Raspunsuri - Pagina 7

rall spune:
Ei, na, ca dupa... epifania traita, am recitit mesajul si am obervat ca e:
- pe pagina 7 din 7, am zambit si am spus... ce chestie, cum se leaga Michael mereu de 7ele asta
- apoi am observat ora la care am trimis mesajul 02:07:17
- este al 1060-lea mesaj al meu (1+6 = 7)
De aici am inceput sa mai caut:
- textul (copiat exact cum a fost scris [adica si cu semnul de bold, de ex.], are 717 caractere
- mesaj trimis la: 01/11/2009 = 1+1+1+2+9 = 14 / 2 = 7
Ori am luat-o razna ori Michael a vrut sa ma inveseleasca Mi-a trecut tot plansul

astrojunkie spune: mine de-abia m-a apucat, am gasit un mesaj pe mjjcommunity, si am sa-l postez aici, imi cer scuze fetelor care nu stiu engleza, dar e foarte lung.
This from KOP board, posted by MRfuture, I cant say if it is 100% true, but what the guy says make alot of sense. I always felt the shows were being rushed, they should have announced the shows at least one month earlier for preparations and stuff.... NOTHING was ready, and they were supposed to leave for London in 8 days. I cant even begin to understand the pressure that was on Michael....
Yeasterday I had the amazing chance to speak to someone who worked on This Is It. This person has worked with Michael in the past, I've seen him before on TV close to Michael, and I also saw him in the movie and his name appears at the end. He is here in Miami on vacation with family and a good friend of mine knows him. I begged him to let me meet him and he was the sweetest person, and he loved Michael.
He gave me the ok to share with you what he told me, however with the condition that I would name provide his name. He is under contract with AEG/Sony and is only allowed to officially talk good about the movie and the concert. As he told me "hey, I also gotta pay my bills, so I have to do what they say."
However, at the same time he told me to "share with fans what I said, because it is important that some things are known."
He has great respect and admiration for Michael and has known him for over 20 years.
Here's the most important things he told me:
- Michael has always been a very sweet, humble person, since the first time they met 20 years ago, however he noticed that during these reharsals, he looked even more humble than usual, to the point that he actually felt Michael was incredibly insecure this time around, he saw him very vulnerable and everyone automatically tried to make him feel ok, everyone wanted to bring the spark in him that old Michael Jackson had. According to this person a combination of the 2005 trial and the long absence from the spotlight made Michael feel very insecure.
-Michael did not get along at all with Randy Phillips. Everyone knew it, even Phillips knew it. Phillips had a very arrogant way of dealing with Michael, he was terrified that Michael would not get ready for the shows and AEG would lose a lot of money. According to this person, Phillips made it clear to several people that these concerts had to happen, no matter what, because he "had to personally convince everyone at AEG that this was a good deal" therefore his job was at risk if anything went wrong. On many occasions Phillips would go to Michael's house with Ortega and Travis Payne whenever Michael would not show up. At times they would come back with him, at times no. The official explanations to the crew was "Michael is not feeling well today," "Michael reharsed at home" or "Michael is reharsing with his vocal coach."
At first the crew believed it, but after a few weeks everyone started realizing something was up because even though Ortega and Payne would say everything was fine, it was obvious that they were very frustrated and nervous, and there were several heated discussions between Ortega, Phillips and Payne, but what exactly was being discussed was not clear since they always ade sure they would be far enough for anyone to hear. During these conversations one of them would always be on a cellphone, and then the would pass it aroud to themselves. This person believes they were talking to Michael.
-Michael, and this is shown in the movie, did not want to wear the ear monitors. As this person told me, "look at any footage from Michael in concerts in the past, and you will never find him wearing ear monitors, he did not like them, did not need them." According to him, Ortega got upset at one time at Michael, and in front of everyone told him "you have to undrstand that here you do not have an option, you have to wear them, this is going to be a closed arena, not an open stadium, and the sound is different." He said his tone was very nasty and everyone was shocked, especially since Michael looked very upset, but mostly hurt, by it.
Interestingly, yesterday Karen Faye wrote on her facebook that Michael always complained to her that he did not like ear monitors, and asked her to tell Ortega. According to her, she did and Ortega told her "well, he has to wear them!"
-This is very interesting. According to this person, there was absolutely no way the concert was going to be ready for opening night on July 13th, and everyone kenw it. He asked me the following "when you saw the movie, you do realize right that they had to show the best scenes, the best performances, right ?" I said "yes, of course" to which he replied "so do you realize that what you have seen, most of it came from June 24th, 23rd and 22nd ? Based on what you saw, did it feel as if everything was going to be ready in 2 weeks ?" He said that Michael did not have his clothes ready, and that there was "pathetic" @#$%$ing around from different stylists that were trying to come up with ideas. But nothing was ready, no clothes, not even for the dancers. Michael wanted Michael Bush, but Travis Payne brought in that Zaldy guy, and AEG was behind Zaldy, rather than Michael Bush.
The opening number for the concert was only done on the computer, just like we saw in the movie. It was never reharsed, and the robot that Michael would have come out from was not ever ready. Also the closing of the show was just a concept.
He also confirmed that they never had a full reharsal. In other words, they never practiced the whole concert, it would always be a few songs on several days, but it was never put all together, therefore they were laso very concerned that once everything was gonna put together, it would take much longer that the 2 hours orgnally planned. This was going to be a huge problem for AEG and the O2 arena, because of an agreement they had with time. Also, Michael did not want to have long shows, for obvious reasons.
Also, they never reharsed with implementing the videos for Smooth, Thriller and Earth as we saw in the movie, those were edited in the movie, but they never reharsed using them, and it was still unclear how they would be used with the songs, especially Smooth Criminal.
-For the most part, Michael looked well, however this person did unfortunately confirm to me that there were days that something was "wrong" and everybody knew it. He worked with Michael in the past and Michael never wore sunglasses while reharsing the dark like that, especially since Michael in the past would always want to see how the lights looked and for that reason did not like using shades. But he said "don't expect them to talk about it on tv of course, same with me, I won't and I can't." He said that at first everybody thought Michael was just eccentric and stuff, especially the dancers, they were just excited to see him, but he said for those who knew him for many years, including him, started realizing alarming signs.
However, he said, this just shows how vulnerable Michael was and he does not like how people associate this behavior with something negative. He said "he went through so much poor thing, I perfectly understand why this was happening." Oh and btw, he said that some of the crew members started checking TMZ with their IPHONES to find out whether or not Michael had seen Dr. Klein during the day. It would usually warn them on what to expect when he showed up.
-Michael had fun when performing, it appeared as if it was what he needed, however off stage Michael did no look happy, he rarely interacted with the crew, other than Karen Faye and at times with Michael Bush. According to this person, Michael stayed as far as he could from Ortega, Payne and Phillips off stage, because he always felt he was being chased by them to do more, perform more and give more. He said that the crew in general felt Ortega was being too demanding, especially when it was obvious nothing was ready on time. But they mostly felt Ortega was being pressured by Phillips, and that it was Phillips who was just going crazy because was in a position of losing everything with these shows.
-The day after the news came out that some fans claimed Michael told them he did not want to do 50 concerts, everyone was instructed not to talk to anybody from the media, not to let in anyone who was not authorized to attend reahrsals, especially fans. When Michael came in that day, the atmosphere was tense and he did not look happy at all. Before working that day, Phillips and Ortega met with Michael and, interestingly, with his bodyguards. They spoke for about 20 minutes, but once again this person could not hear what was being said. However everyone had the feeling Michael indeed did not want to do 50 shows and believed Michael did talk to those fans.
This is pretty much it. This guy said that it is a shame that Michael died while being extremely stressed out. He said that a lot of pressure was put on Michael, but the truth is that the concerts were not going to be ready not because of him, but because the there was simply not enough time to acocmplish all they had planned. He said he is sure Michael would have been 100% ready by July 13th, because "he did those songs hundreds of times before during his career, he knew exaclty what to do" but everything else around was not ready.
He also says he personally felt Michael sometimes did not show up because he knew things were moving slowly and sort of felt disappointed. He was a perfectionist, and when things were obviosuly not going in the right direction, he would get frustrated and sort of lose interest, instead of becoming upset at someone. Yet they made him believe it was him, that things were moving slowly because of him. But this person told me that Michael had nothing to do with all the technical stuff, like lightings, fireworks etc, therefore it was not his fault, but he was the easy target.
According to him, if the concerts were not goint to be ready, it would have been easier for AEG to blame it on Michael, than blame themsleves and their lack of timing skills.
Once again, do not ask me for his name, I will never tell, not even via PM. He was brutally honest with me and I will honor his request.
A lot of things make sense now, especially the concerts not being ready based on what we saw in the movie. No way in two weeks they were going to be ready. Also, he said, don't forget that a lot of days would have been lost during the move to London and setting up the stage there and get adjusted to the arena.
This is very sad, especially to think that Michael was somehow made feel responsible for this.

rall spune:
astro, ce anume te-a surprins la mesaj? Mie nu mi se pare ca ar aduce nimic nou... Adica, bine, poate nu s-au spus lucrurile astea exact, insa in mare se intelegeau din context.

rall spune:
Hai ca iar o iau rara
Penultimul meu mesaj a fost postat la 02:17:49
Astrojunkie a postat la 02:34:28
si apoi eu, la 02:49:28
Ma duc sa ma culc ca nu mai tine

astrojunkie spune:
Somn usor rall!
Problema mea e ca din mesaj reiese ca nimic nu era gata, si ca era o tensiune foarte mare intre Michael si cei de la AEG. M-a pus pe ganduri de cand am vazut filmul, de ce vedem imagini din maximum 5 repetitii, daca ei repetau de 3 luni, si de ce nu au imagini cu costumele? Cu doua saptamani inainte de concert...
Daca si jumatate din ce spune mesajul asta e adevarat, atunci ei sunt autorii morali a ceea ce a urmat. Da, Murray a dat drumul perfuziei, dar nu el este principalul vinovat. Si ma pot duce mult mai departe cu teoria conspiratiei, de partea lui Joe, care spune ca Murray e doar 'tapul ispasitor', si ca l-au omorat. Sau pur si simplu, asta a ales el, in conditiile date.

motanik spune:
Buna fetelor.
Aseara am vazut si eu filmul si am zis sa imi scriu parerea in caz ca va intereseaza. Am apucat sa citesc si ce a scris Crismir si am senzatia ca nu am fost la acelasi film. Michael pe care l-am vazut eu era slab, intr-adevar, nu atat de slab incat sa pice din picioare insa, habar nu am daca din cauza filmarii, INSA in nici un caz nu mi s-a parut greoi sau fara dinamica aia cu care suntem invatate. Dimpotriva, am ramas super surprinsa sa vad ca nu numai ca tinea pasul cu dansatorii care sunt cu 30 de ani mai tineri decat el ci chiar avea in unele momente mai multa energie decat ei.
Sa nu uitam totusi ca avea 50 de ani. Se misca incredibil!!
Acum pe puncte, bune si mai putin bune, din punctul meu de vedere.
Incep cu alea mai putin bune:
- s-o fi gandit Nelia la mine "lasa motanikule ca te vad eu daca mai esti asa viteaza cand o sa fii in sala de cinema"...caci eu m-am jelit tot filmul. Ori sunt prea proasta la capitolul sensibilitate ori intr-adevar nu ai cum sa te bucuri de film stiind ca el nu mai e. A fost si putina lume si aia care erau au stat batz pe scaune, numai eu m-am batzait cu lacrimile siroind pe la final am aplaudat cateva secunde de una singura pana au pornit si ceilalti. Aia ori venisera de curiozitate, ori fusesera impresionati de nu mai aveau reactii. Habar n-am dar am regretat ca nu am fost la lansare, sunt sigura ca au fost pline salile atunci.
- cum mai zicea cineva, intre melodii sunt cateva secunde de ecran negru, probabil pauze ca la concertul ce avea sa fie. Mi s-au parut secunde tensionate, in care nu stiam ce sa fac, sa aplaud sau sa astept cuminte urmatoarea punere in scena.
- sentimentele imi erau amestecate, pe de o parte ramasesem muta de admiratie pt geniul lui in dans si cantec, pe de alta ma gandeam la faptul ca el lua pastile si isi ascundea durerile, numai el stia prin ce trecea
Partile bune:
- omul se misca incredibil!!
- vocea era aceeasi, calda, curata, urca si cobora fara greutate. Nu am vazut multi care sa poata canta atat de bine, perfect chiar, in acelasi timp cu atata miscare scenica, atata dans, sa nu gafaie, sa nu isi piarda ritmul, incredibil.
- in contradictie cu ce spuneam mai sus si anume ca numai el stia prin ce dureri trecea...parerea mea e ca daca ai dureri groaznice de oase, de muschi, de la dans, nu mai dai la repetitii 100% din ce poti, dansezi moderat doar ca sa te mentii in forma in asteptarea marelui eveniment, lansarea. Nu pot sa imi imaginez pe cineva cu dureri teribile sa poata dansa in felul ala si mai ales sa poata ascunde atat de bine durerea. El arata fericit, nu arata nici o secunda ca i-ar fi greu, totul arata atat de natural...
- oarecum legat de punctul anterior, nu mi s-a parut a fi un om care facea totul impotriva vointei sale. Nu l-am vazut high, am vazut un om care se simtea bine cantand si dansand.
- repet si eu ce au scris deja multe dintre voi, am vazut un om extraordinar de cald, de bun, de respectuos, fara aere (hmmm, te-ai fi asteptat la unul de talia lui sa aiba ceva figuri ca deh, e mare vedeta, dar pt Michael niciodata nu o sa fie cazul), apropiat de oamenii cu care lucra. M-a impresionat speechul de final si faptul ca i-a numit pe toti familia lui.
- senzatia pe care am avut-o la final a fost sa ma reped la el si sa-l tin strans intr-o imbratisare. Asta pe langa wow-ul cu care am ramas in minte, ce show de senzatie urma sa puna in scena, ce dansuri, ce voce, ce pregatire...
- ah si da, mi-au placut mult unele costumatii de la repetitii, pantalonii de la Earth Song, costumul de la Smooth Criminal alb, costumele cu pantaloni negri si diferite sacouri, camasa rosie ( nu mi-au placut pantalonii portocalii cu sacoul ala, pantalonii aurii si un sacou auriu/argintiu)
Per ansamblu, nu vreau sa-l mai revad. Am iesit cu o durere groaznica de cap, nu m-as putea abtine din plans nici a doua oara pt ca asa cum bine zicea Nelia nu prea ai cum sa lasi deoparte faptul ca el nu mai e. Barbati-miu, pornit de acasa ametit de teoriile mele conspirationiste, mi-a zis ca lui i s-a parut ca sunt diferite persoane. Mie nu. Nu am putut fi atenta la fiecare detaliu dar n-am avut nici un dubiu ca talentul in cantec si dans la care eram martora putea veni de la oricine altcineva. Numai unul a fost si ramane Michael si nu poti insela extraordinarul lui talent.
O sa-mi cumpar dvd-ul sa-l am pt colectie dar pt mine subiectul This Is It ramane oarecum inchis. Vreau sa imi amintesc de Michael pe scena in fata a zeci de mii de oameni, nu in fata catorva zeci din echipa lui, inca visand la marea intoarcere care nu avea sa se intample niciodata...
Am plecat, ma iertati daca pe alocuri par incoerenta. Sunt inca foarte, foarte trista. Termin tot cu vorba Neliei, parca m-am intors pe 25 iunie...
Andra si bebe Theodora
Angels wanted to do the moonwalk so God sent one to bring Michael Jackson

rall spune:
motanik, sunt de acord cu tot ce ai spus (inclusiv legat de costumatiile care ti-au placut mai putin
). La cat am urlat ieri (eram data cu machiaj super-extra-rezistent la apa pe care in general dureaza cam 20 mins sa il dau jos, cu ulei, demachiant, apa termala, apa tonica
), cand s-a terminat filmul nu mai aveam urma de machiaj
Insa, desi doar o coincidenta, toata chestia aia cu 7-le de aseara m-a facut sa rad in hohote, chiar atunci cand erau disperarea si dorul maxime. Si starea o pastrez si acum. Pe bune, nu se poate sa nu mai existe Michael. Ca toata energia lui, bunatatea, sufletul acela imens in care cu adevarat incapea intreg universul, nu, nu se poate sa moara.
Ingerii exista iar Michael e un inger.
Iar daca asta nu e adevarat, atunci lumea e un mare... caca si nu vad rostul in a trai realitatea 'adevarata'.

danat spune:
Motanik, Rall hai mai mai plingeti... varog!
Si mie mi-a fost greu, offff... doar si la mine, ca si la multe din voi, dorul este imens, mai cad si eu in oala cu melancolie uneori si ma intreb de ce a fost sa dispara asa...
Eu nu pot pronunta cuvantul sa moara, pt ca nu cred in el.
Puteti sa ma credeti dusa, afectata emotionala astfel incat nu accept ideea de murit, credeti cum doriti. De asta nu am putut plinge la fel. Sigur, mi s-au pus noduri in gat din primul moment, cand canta din Speechless, dar am fost atit de vrajita de perfectiunea lui ca artist, incat nu am vrut din cauza plinsului sa pierd nici un moment din film. Si nu pot sa mai pling asa cum am facut-o la inceput, dupa aflarea vestii initiale, pt ca ratiunea mea (cum ofi ea acolo) imi sugereaza ca nu am de ce.
Apropos de starea lui MJ, si mie mi s-a parut cum spune Motanik, foarte foarte energic pt varsta lui, sunt momente cand dansa de nu e adevarat (in genunchi - chiar m-am gandit, cum o putea sa faca asta daca avea dureri?). Mie mi s-a parut fericit si concentrat. Asa ca un om caruia ii place la nebunie ceea ce face, chiar daca era greu.
******************************************" target="_blank">
"If you wanna make the world a better place,
Take a look at yourself and then make a Change"" target="_blank">Michael Jackson - King of M.U.S.I.C.
.... "Ok, everybody, that's a wrap!"

nelia spune:
Motanikule, pe mine nu m-a parasit starea de tristete profunda si nici macar nu am vazut filmul. Am incercat sa-mi spun ca poate exagerez, dar nu pot sa vad altfel lucrurile orice as face, simt, intuitiv cred ca lucrurile nu au stat atit de roz cu Michael... si nu numai ca nu au stat roz, dar a a avut un sfirsit tragic, ca o caprioara haituita, toata lumea a tras de el pina in ultima secunda, iar cei care il iubeau cu adevarat nu au putut spune nimic pentru ca... toti au facturi de platit. Si tocmai voiam sa vin sa va scriu ca s-a intimplat exact ceea ce prevazusem: s-au spalat pe miini cu filmul asta! Uitati-l, e sanatos, danseaza si cinta mai bine ca niciodata, putea sa iasa un spectacol extraordinar, care ar fi fost gata pina la data la care era prevazut sa fie... numai ca, din motive personale, MJ, desi noi am avut grija mereu de el, iar lui ii placea ceea ce facea (nu am spus niciodata ca nu), a murit si cu totii sintem tare tristi si vrem sa-l omagiem cit se poate mai bine. Si filmul ruleaza, cu un oarecare succes, nu asa cum s-ar fi asteptat, dar acceptabil... si stirile au inceput sa se reduca, lumea sa se linisteasca. In fiecare dimineata, intram si dadeam o tura prin stiri, urmarindu-le special pe cele cu MJ... nu terminam de citit intr-o ora. Acum, in nici 10 minute stiu tot ce a aparut nou in presa.
Sa fie doar o coicidenta? Nu, nu cred. Filmul a inchis gura lumii, in toate sensurile (unele bune, in avantajul lui MJ, dar cele mai multe in avantajul AEG-lui si Sony - care, ca o nota micuta, cu toti banii adusi de afacerea MJ, merge spre rau din punct de vedere financiar - asa scria intr-un articol).
Si ma doare, ma doare rau... ca inca o data, 'adevarul' care a iesit la suprafata si pe care lumea il va tine minte nu este cel al lui Michael Jackson, ci al celor care au facut bani de pe urma lui.
Cred ca nici nu voi mai scrie un timp, atit de trista sint, nu stiu daca ma intelegeti... chiar daca m-am amuzat cu Rall.
Singurul lucru care imi da satisfactie, desi speranta este fff slaba, este ca MJ, in sfirsit, sa le fi jucat o farsa adevarata, daca pot folosi aceasta expresie si vazind ca spectacolul nu poate fi gata pina pe 8 iulie, sa-si fi inscenat o plecare de rege, in asa fel incit si exploatatorii sa fi cistigat ceva (poate si de aceea a cerut inregistrarea repetiilor, ca un plan B), dar nici el sa nu faca nimic impotriva vointei lui. Eu sint convinsa ca Michael ar fi reusit sa faca un spectacol de exceptie, dar cred ca avea nevoie de mult mai mult timp sa-l pregateasca, tinind cont ca atunci cind s-a hotarit sa revina pentru un ultim tur, el inca se lupta cu problemele legate de consumul de droguri. Ar fi fost o motivatie extraordinara pentru el sa scape de aceasta dependenta, si din cite am citit, chiar incepuse sa faca asta, doar ca presiunea a fost prea mare, si de unde, la inceput, intoarcerea il stimula in lupta lui contra medicamentelor, spre sfirsit, tot aceasta l-a aruncat din nou in bratele lor.
Eu cred mult de tot in talentul lui, in artistul MJ, in dorinta lui de a oferi lumii inca un tur de neuitat... dar la fel de mult cred si in faptul ca, dupa tot ce i s-a intimplat in ultimii ani, dupa o pauza atit de lunga, avea nevoie de timp, de mult timp sa-si faca o intoacere asa cum si-o dorea el si cum o asteptam cu totii. El stia aceste lucruri, cei care pregateau turul la fel, numai ca banii trebuiau sa vina ACUM, nu cind era pregatit MJ sa apara, si mai rau, ei voiau sa apara acum din motive financiare, iar pentru perfectionistul MJ asta era o presiune si mai mare si o lovitura sub centura.

motanik spune:
Dar stii care e faza Nelia? Nu puteau sa monteze faptul ca el dansa de rupea gura tuturor. Nu puteau sa monteze chipul lui fericit ca facea ce facea.
La inceput scrie pe ecran ca repetitiile au fost filmate pt arhiva personala a lui Michael dar si pt pregatirea showului cel mare.
Ai dreptate, incep sa se linisteasca apele, dar eu cred ca nu e deloc rau. Lumea ar trebui sa-l lase in pace, e timpul...
p.s. Rall, same here. Nici nu stiu de ce m-am dat cu rimel acasa, doar stiam unde ma duceam :)
Andra si bebe Theodora
Angels wanted to do the moonwalk so God sent one to bring Michael Jackson