Mladite si mugurasi de mai-iunie 2008 (118)

Raspunsuri - Pagina 7

Inceputul discutiei

Link direct catre acest raspuns Lorich spune:

Multam MsBB..imi vajaie capu de la decofu' ala, mama ei de dependenta.
Merg la Voineasa, la olteni... hihi..poate prind vreun picior de Mufi

Lori, mami de Robert din 9.06.2008

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns fecian spune:

citat din mesajul lui MsBB

Bai , nu-mi vine sa cred ! Deja Bitzu e pus pe Flirt " hi5 Flirt" Cand l-a vazut pe fiu-tu nu i-a mai trebuit fetii nici macar mancare direct la actiune si au impartit si acelasi carutz . Precoce tare Bitzu
Ia zi tu? unde-i nisipu' ala fin si frumos? Te spui lu' Mazare ca ai venit cu nisipu tau dat prin sita de acasa

Fericirea are chipul tau... Andra , noastra!

Cum a intrat Andra in viata mea...
Mandra bea laptic si iata... a mai crescut un pic...

Acu'ma crezi cand iti zic ca e dat...deja a "vorbit"cu soacra, au discutat detalii, s-a pus bine...ce sa zic, baiatu'e luat

Si nisipu'ala asa fin e doar intr-o zona ca daca te duci mai spre apa e plin de scoici rupte...Tre sa fii incredibil de atent sa nu te ranesti.

La noi acolo, plaja e virgina, nici un suflet nu vine. Vara e bestial, 2, 3 oameni pe plaja, apa cat cuprinde. Si ce e mai fain e ca la noi in fiecare an se adauga pamant..De exemplu in 10 ani plaja a inaintat cu inca 20-30 metri. Iubesc zona aia, iubesc marea, pacat ca nu am cum sa revin acolo de fiecare data cand mi se face dor de ea.

Felicia, mami de scufundac atomic, Gabriel (23 Mai 2008)
Noi doi si maimutzica
Exploratoru' Bitzu'
M-am nascut de ziua mea!!!
Poveste siropoasa" target="_blank">
Sa revenim la normal" target="_blank">SEMNEAZA SI TU !

Impreuna vom reusi!!!

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns aldaesme spune:

Salutare a doua tura...

Da in Romania e cald si de aia e de doua ori pe zi...Acu' si la noi e cald dar noi stam practic in padure (traseul pe care alerg e defapt in jurul casei noastre) asa ca oricand se gaseste niste umbra, prin urmare nu exagerez insa mama cu Lorelei sunt afara de cand face ochisorii de dimineata si isi umple burtica si pana seara cu pauzele de somn, restul meselor le ia afara.

Simonixule cum dealtfel spuneai si tu...mult mai bine! Si apropo de asta, sambata daca e timp frumos mergem dupa-masa la plimbare in parcul provincial de la Leuven (Kessel-Lo), daca aveti chef haideti si voi! Cristi are meci de fotbal si eu cu mama vom fi la plimbare, cam de la 14.30-15.00. Inainte mergem dupa bunul obicei la bazin. Mama si-a adus costum de baie sa se poata bucura si ea de fata in apa. Macar asa poate fac niste ture in bazinul mare.

Felicia ne bucuram, ne bucuram, cateodata ne mai si burzulim ca nu putem altfel dar in general e foarte bine. Maine mergem la Harry Potter in sfarsit!!!

Mainile la cap nu au nimic cu abdomenul dar intaresc muschii gatului si bicepsii , nitzelus, nu mare lucru. ideea e ca oricum ai face nu ai voie sa te sprijini in maini. Un almt exercitiu misto e sa iti contracti abdomenul progresiv pe parcursul a 6 secunde, sa il tii contractat inca 6 secunde si apoi sa faci pauza de un inspirat expirat si sa o iei de la capat. Evident pe parcursul exercitiului trebuie respirat. Tipa de la fizio imi zicea ca asta trebuie repetat de cel putin 60 de ori pe zi, minim 20/repriza, ca sa aiba efect! Asta se poate face in picioare, pe scaun, intins. Daca se face exercitiul intins pe o parte se exerseaza lateralii...da' musai daca e facut pe o parte acelasi numar de exercitii trebuie facut si pe cealalta parte.

Deci io tot grasa sunt, zic asta ca poate slabesc asa prin influenta...da' macar am energie.

Doloress felicitari si tie pentru banda!

tot buna sa fie in continuare...ziua :)


Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns Danicris spune:

Salutare !

Desiree, nu ai ce face in momentele de criza decat sa le ignori, si eu ma confrunt cu ele, incerc sa ma comport normal, ca si cum nimic nu s-a intamplat, imi fac de lucru si nu ma uit inspre el pentru ca abia asteapta, mai rau face daca-l bag in seama. Sper sa treaca.

Cleo, cum faci dovleceii crocanti ? Dai si Marei ?

Laurita, imi pare rau ca nu-i place masinuta lui Mircica. Poate totusi o redescopera mai tarziu, Vladuc asa face, acu’ ii plac jucariile cumparate in urma cu 2-3 luni. Mama, ce botic simpatic vad aici in poze !

Doloress, ce a crescut Patrick, mi se pare mai matur asa !?! Ce haios este, mor dupa el. Masinuta este super.

MsBB, eu nu-ti mai citesc postarile, astazi mi-au dat lacrimile citind cum “blocul prinde viata” cum “Hitler ar crapa de invidie” si alte asemenea. Esti tare !

Esme, ce misto se distreaza buni cu Lorelei !

Fecian, bafta la slabit. Si Vladuc are limbarnita de ceva timp, mi-e un drag de el …

S-a trezit, fug la el, niciodata nu apuc sa termin mesajul, poate intru mai pe seara. Va pe toate. Papaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa …

Dani, mami de Rasfatzel 23.06.2008

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Link direct catre acest raspuns MsBB spune:

Mda , azi dimineata, in primul meu mesaj, ziceam ca sunt intr-o stare "non-verbala" si pana la urma am turuit de v-am ametit
Sunt pe picior de plecare, astept sa faca oki mandra si am taiat-o dar pana una-alta am verificat email-ul si am gasit un email de babycenter cu ceva care ma intereseaza - o perspectiva f faina a cum trebuie tradusa agresivitatea copiilor si cum ii putem determina sa fie mai "friendly".
Sper sa vi se para util si sa nu va plictisiti

Does your toddler sometimes hurt other children?
It's not surprising — many toddlers act out in this way. The good news is that he doesn't mean to inflict pain on his playmates. When he pulls another child's hair, he's either fascinated by the reaction it provokes or copying another child's behavior. Making a fellow child yell or cry seems like great fun at this age. The best response is to gently but firmly stop the hurtful behavior and redirect his attention. The more he gets a rise out of you, the more likely he is to repeat the behavior.

Coping with aggressive behavior

Toddlers can be quite aggressive, hitting or biting their playmates. It may help you deal with these displays if you understand that this kind of behavior is more likely the result of frustration than malice. Also remember that a 14-month-old isn't capable of understanding that other children have feelings. If a playmate screams when he pulls her hair, he will probably pause and watch her reaction but he probably won't show any empathy. For him this is pure cause and effect, and it's as fascinating as throwing food off his highchair and then looking to see where it went was a few months ago. And for this reason you will likely have to supervise playdates closely and be ready to intervene. The best way to stem aggressive behavior is to tell your child firmly, "No, hitting hurts," or something similar and remove your child from a situation in which he clearly can't control himself.

Experts agree that spanking or any other type of corporal punishment to discipline a child doesn't work. Though parenting a toddler can be frustrating, you and your child will be much better off if you figure out other ways to set limits. No single form of discipline will work in every instance, either. When your child does something you don't like to get your attention, for instance, try not to overreact. It's likely that all he wants is your attention anyway, so if you can praise him and pay attention to him when he's not bugging you, he may not feel the need to act up as often.

Why it happens
Yanking on hair, like kicking, biting, pinching, and hitting, is one of the ways toddlers express themselves and try to exert control over their immediate environment. Mark W. Roberts, professor of clinical psychology at Idaho State University, says there are three main reasons for this behavior. For young toddlers (12 to 18 months), the most likely explanation is the simplest one: They've discovered how to get a reaction, and they want to get it again. "It's like turning on a light switch, or hitting one of those toys where something pops up," Roberts says. "They pull, big brother squeals. This is fun." Another reason toddlers pull hair, Roberts says, is "to make bad things go away. Someone's crawling over them or taking their toys; they reach out and pull hair, and the bad thing stops." Finally, Roberts says, older toddlers (2 to 3) are developing the cognitive skills to reason things out, and may pull hair to try to control the direction of a situation. Roberts gives this example: Your toddler's older brother takes the last cookie, so she pulls his hair to make him squeal. "This has possibilities on two levels," Roberts says. "First, you might step in and make her big brother share the cookie. More important is the likelihood that big brother will think twice before taking the last cookie next time around."

What to do
Demonstrate futility. One of the keys to suppressing your toddler's inappropriate behavior is demonstrating convincingly that it doesn't work. If you ignore your toddler's hair pulling, it will "work" (in that whoever's hair is pulled will most likely do what your toddler wants), and it will get worse as your toddler learns over time that pulling hair gets her what she wants. If you try to read too much into the situation ("Hannah must have pulled Ellie's hair because Ellie was being mean. I'll distract Hannah by reading her a story ...") you may play right into her hands. Your child doesn't grasp the complexity of the social interaction; what she learns is that if she pulls hair, you take pity on her and she gets to sit in your lap. Instead, demonstrate the futility of pulling hair by "turning back the clock": If your toddler pulled her sister's hair to capture a toy, hand the toy back to her sister as you explain to your toddler, "We don't pull hair." For this to work, though, you've got to act fast: Toddlers are creatures of the moment.

Suppress the behavior. There's no good evidence that time-outs work for children younger than 2, so with a young toddler your best bet is probably a consistent admonishment: Gently grasp your toddler's hand and hold it while you say something like, "No, no; we don't pull hair, pulling hair hurts." If your child's 2 or more, let her know that pulling hair is not an acceptable response by immediately imposing what Roberts calls a "chair time-out." Stay with her but don't speak to her or engage her during her time-out, which should last about a minute. If your tot won't stay in her chair, try a regular time-out.

Talk it out. When the time-out's done, talk the situation through with your child. It's important to do this even if your toddler doesn't have many verbal skills yet because this shows her that talking (not hair pulling) is the way to solve problems. Ask your child, "What did you do that was wrong?" and follow that with "Why was it wrong?" Don't worry, Roberts says, if she comes back with "Because I had to go to time-out," or some variation thereof. "This is developmentally normal — and you can follow it up by saying, 'Yes, you'll go to time-out if you pull hair but there's something else we need to think about. It's important not to pull hair because you might hurt someone.'"

While it's important to go through this process, don't expect too much. Toddlers have to learn the hard way — by doing something over and over and learning that it always gets them into trouble. Your job is to be consistent and not get frustrated by having to repeat the same admonitions day in and day out.

As your toddler becomes more verbal, you can help model problem solving by talking through alternatives to hair pulling. Ask your child, "What could you do next time your brother bosses you around instead of pulling his hair?" Help your toddler practice saying no to her brother, or articulating something a bit more complex ("I want to play now") if she can.

Don't pull back. Don't decide to pull your toddler's hair to "teach her how it feels"; this old-fashioned strategy will backfire because it models the very behavior you're trying to stop. Your toddler pulls hair because she's trying to change something — to stop her brother from taking her toys, for example. If you do the same thing — pull her hair to stop her from pulling hair — you're teaching her that hair pulling is the way to change someone's behavior. The idea that experiencing pain will teach her not to cause pain is similarly misguided, basically because toddlers don't yet have the empathetic skills to make such a connection.

Gata, am plecat
V-am !

Fericirea are chipul tau... Andra , noastra!

Cum a intrat Andra in viata mea...
Mandra bea laptic si iata... a mai crescut un pic...

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns cleo78 spune:

marei nu ii plac. mie da. i-am facut la microunde - potoroasa mama are Mara. Si cu iaurtu ramas i-am bagat neshte usturoi..... s-a culcat barbatu meu pe canapea

mai Fecian, flacaul tau ce pupacios e...mai mai mai mai...

o soarele din viatsa noastra mamica natanga de pe 9.05.2008

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Link direct catre acest raspuns Reallaura spune:

Fecian am vazut pozele haioase cu Bitzul indragostit!! SI Mircea are o prietena in parc pe care o ia de gat si o pupa, nu mai putem sa-i dezlipim i-am spus ca sunt geloasa.
DAnicris sper, sper!! adevarul e ca acum ii place sa se joacce cu covorasul de activitati pe care nu i l-am mai pus de cand era de 7-8 luni asa...E sarbatoare cand pune mana pe el!
Cleo arata bine dovleceii crocanti... sau mi-e mie foaamee de orice ca nu am gatit si bag biscuiti in gol asa... sa-i spun lui Bogdan sa nu vina fara saorma!

Laurita, mami de Mircea Ioan, 15 mai 2008

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns Magdone spune:

Buna fetele,

va scriu si eu intr-o graba, doar sa va zic ca mai citesc si eu cand apuc, sunt alaturi de voi dar cu scrisul efectiv nu am cand.

am citit printre picaturi ce a patit Lara mica, mi se face rau, cred ca le dadeam cu capul de pereti pe educatoare, nu stiu ce faceam, bine ca sunteti bine si n-a fost mai grav.

MSBB, nu pot sa zic decat atat, esti mortala si ai talent la scris, nu stiu ce lucrezi dar ai putea sa te reprofilezi pe domeniul asta

Bun venit micutei Daria Ioana, sa creasca mare si sanatoasa! si mamei refacere usoara si multa putere sa creasca 3 puiuti!

Simonix, bafta mare si spor la treaba pt bebe2! dar trebuie lucrat intens, stii nu?

Ylari, imi pare tare rau de mama ta, dar diagnosticul nu inseamna gata ca s-a terminat cu viata, sanatate multa si incurajeaz-o cat poti!

am mai citit ca multe fete s-au apucat de sport, bravo voua! si tineti-va cat puteti de asta, eu din pacate nu mai ajung nici la bazin, nici la yoga...credeam ca acum cand sunt ai mei aici o sa am mai mult timp liber dar din contra...cand ajung seara acasa, sar amandoi copiii in bratele mele si nu se mai dau jos pana la culcare ai mei se mai odihnesc si ei saracii dupa oboseala de peste zi si uite asa a trecut seara si ziua...

nu am reusit sa vad nici o poza din ce ati pus, nu stiu cand o sa ajung sa gandesc doar la vacanta mica care o sa o avem peste o saptamana si sper sa ma mai relaxez un pic si cand ne intoarcem sa vin cu forte proaspete.

va pup pe toate si pe copii

Magda, cu Razvan (6 ani) si Olivia (1 an)
"Pentru a castiga ceea ce merita sa ai, s-ar putea sa fie nevoie sa renunti la tot ceea ce ai deja."

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns Simonix spune:

Staaati fetelor ca nu sunt super mega hotarata la bb2. Da' io sunt cuminte si fac analize si ma duc la dr Merci de urari

Esme - suna interesant ce propui matale acolo ;) vorbiiim.

Fecian - haios haios Bitzu pupacios Am si io unul hehe - sa vezi ce or sa alerge fetele

MsBB - multumi de infoooo !!! Al meu s-o prins ca fatza nu e de batut ci de mangaiat - face mai mai (=se sterge pe fatza noastra) apoi intinde obrazul sa isi primeasca pupicul si apoi pupa si el fatza tocmai mangaiata Apoi de bucurie mai da cateva palme si reia operatiunea de sters (=mangaiat ... nu e prea clar).

Magdone - greu greu cu 2 piticutzi - iti urez sa prinzi macat cateva momente de relaxare :)

Fuuug - azi mergem in vizita la un bebemic de 1 luna (e mic si negru haha )

Simona cu Robertzel baietzel frumos

Cum a venit Robertzel in viata noastra

Poze cu noi toti si Poze cu bebe

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns Victoria_mami spune:

Salutare mamici de pitici.

Va multumesc tuturor ptr. gandurile bune si experientele impartasite.
Simonix, sper si eu sa creasca Victoria fara sa simta lipsa bunicilor... vezi tu, eu am crescut cu 4 bunici minunati, nu-mi imaginez cum ar fi fost copilaria mea sau cum va fi copilaria Victoriei fara bunici...

Mami de Printesa Victoria Isabella

Victoria Isabella, Printesa Noastra Perfecta!

Mergi la inceput