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MICHAEL JACKSON - Cele mai noi stiri, ancheta, copii, hoax death, concert in memoriam - poftiti de continuati!

Medy6 spune:
MAY 10, 2010
It has recently come to our attention that Conrad Murray supporters will be demonstrating at the preliminary hearing, June 14th at the Superior Court of Los Angeles, much like Michael’s supporters have always done. This is their right just as it is ours.
We would like to urge fans that are planning to attend to please do so in peace, unity, and love for Michael. There should be NO violence, NO slander, NO yelling, and NO bad-mouthing or name-calling of Murray or his supporters. This reflects negatively on Michael. He would not support this type of behavior. The press called Michael names that were undeserved and hurtful. By acting out and creating chaos, our message can not be heard or is overshadowed by our behavior. By calling names, we are lowering ourselves to their level. That would only contribute to the filthy tabloid gossip. Michael deserved better than that. We must honor him, his wishes, and his message of peace and compassion, even in the face of opposition. Both sides can peacefully co-exist and let the justice be served inside the courtroom, just as it has been before.
Please ignore their signs, actions and words. DO NOT acknowledge their presence, IGNORE them completely, and certainly do not respond to anything they have to say. DO NOT let them bait you into an argument or lashing out to defend Michael. That is what they want. Our protest should be silent. We do not want to draw any attention to them at all. The world needs to see Michael’s light shining through all of you instead.
Our message is much bigger, better, and more dignified by not using slanderous or vulgar words. Your respect will make a much larger statement that will be revered instead of criticized. Their behavior toward a silent prayer vigil will only make them look bad. They cannot fight if there is no one to fight with. Do not give them the fuel for their fire.
Please do not even acknowledge their banners. Our banners will stay the same: “Justice for Michael”. We all have a common, unifying mission, which is JUSTICE FOR MICHAEL. We do not have to respond to them at all, because Conrad Murray supporters are not on the side of righteousness or justice, they are wrong, and right will prevail.
This is much deeper than just a demonstration. This will go down in history. Whatever your actions are that day, will be part of Michael’s legacy. When people look back on this day we want them to remember Michael, not Conrad Murray. Michael Jackson supporters are not to be looked down on as crazed fanatics, but as crusaders for peace and love. This is what Michael Jackson is, was, and always will be. It is what he believed in and stood for. We are HIS voice, representing HIM.
Martin Luther King Jr. said,
“A riot is the language of the unheard. All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity. Importance should be undertaken with painstaking excellence. We must love our enemies - or else? The chain reaction of evil - hate begetting hate”
MICHAEL IS LOVE AND PEACE, NOT HATE! This is the message we must unite to send to the world.
You have caught the attention of the entire world; you represent their conscience and inspiration. This is your chance to impact Michael’s legacy and reputation for generations to come. We must stand together to honor him. We can shut them out completely and let our message speak for itself. The most powerful impact you can have in carrying on his legacy, is spreading his peace and love. Our silent protest and prayer vigil will be seen and felt the world over. Make Michael proud!
Mr. Joseph Jackson, and Mr. Majestik Magnificent

nelia spune:
Cine e Mr. Majestik Magnificent?
CORNELIA, mami de" target="_blank">AGATA, TUDORA si LISANDRU

Medy6 spune:
Probabil ca e domnul din imagine

albinutza spune:

nelia spune:
Of, iar prieteni anonimi, iar casete... ajung la concluzia ca omul asta a fost vinat de toata lumea, pas cu pas... si ne mai miram ca era ciudat si paranoic... si mai stiu eu cum. Prieteni nu sint, iar daca sint atit de anonimi incit au ceva de spus, dar nu-si spun si numele, atunci sa ramina in anonimitatea lor si sa ne lase in pace. Pe mine una nu ma mai intereseaza nimic din ce a fost MJ, este un artist, unul bun, un dansator exceptional... si atit! Gusturile nu se discuta, cui ii place, ii place, cui nu, nu... viata lui personala nu mai priveste pe nimeni, ziarele astea de scandal ar fi bine sa gaseasca alta sursa de facut bani. Mi-am facut o colectie frumusica cu tot ce-mi place de la el, asa cum am si de la altii, dusi sau in viata, si gata! E timpul sa ia toti o pauza, ca prea s-au intrecut pe ei care sa arunce piatra mai mare si de mai aproape. Inca ii mai intereseaza cu cine se culca MJ dupa un an de la moartea lui, asta e un semn de... ceva la capul editorilor de stiri sau al celor care umbla dupa potcoave de cai morti.
Da, ma mai intereseaza daca sint bine copiii lui si banii si tot ceea ce le aduce bani lasati lor de tatal lor, cu pretul distrugetii vietii lui, nu se scurg prin nu stiu ce miini... anonime. Sint copii lui, sint banii lor si la ei si in educatia si viata lor trebuie sa ajunga, cit mai multi cu putinta. Abia astept sa ajunga Prince major, pe bune, sa fie macar unul care are drept de control asupra averii lor.
Shttt! Si ma mai intereseaza ceva... pe ce insula s-ar putea afla - daca presupunem, prin absurd, ca n-a murit... aseara am luat Google Earth cu sotul meu, pe care l-a prins ideea 'hoax'-ului
si pornind de la intrebarea daca as fi MJ, pe ce insula m-as fi retras, le-am studiat pe toate alea vizibile, cu poze, cu tot...
CORNELIA, mami de" target="_blank">AGATA, TUDORA si LISANDRU

Medy6 spune:

Medy6 spune:

Medy6 spune: