King of Pop (14) - discutii generale

bulinuta27 spune:
bulinuta mamica de bulinel dragutel
Poze noi" target="_blank">minune mica

oana_n spune: surprinde prezenta lui Katherine, sunt tare curioasa sa vad inregistrarea, ca live nu am sanse

danat spune:
Buna fetelor!
Sper ca o sa fie ceva mai vorbaretz capitolul acesta nou
Stie vreuna dintre voi explicatia (daca exista vreuna) pentru care Michael aparea in public de cele mai multe ori cu ochelari de soare?
Am si eu o problema
******************************************" target="_blank">
"If you wanna make the world a better place,
Take a look at yourself and then make a Change"" target="_blank">Michael Jackson - King of M.U.S.I.C.
.... "Ok, everybody, that's a wrap!"

Daca ne uitam la el in perioada de dinainte de 1993, nu il vedeam prea des cu ochelari de soare, dar dupa prima acuzatie de pedofilie si cand si-a data seama ca lumea in care traim este plina de sacali gata sa te atace si sa muste din tine cu pofta, mai ales daca te numesti Michael Jackson, poate a hotarat ca multi dintre noi nu merita sa-i vada sufletul (stim ca se spune ca ochii sunt oglinda sufletului). Asa se simtea poate mai in siguranta...Zic si eu
Adriana, mami de Yiannis Alexandros (28.12.2007)" target="_blank">poze cu noi" target="_blank">Povestea unui Licurici
Caritate - FanClub DC Michael Jackson, implica-te si tu
Iti trebuie o secunda pentru a te indragosti si ani buni pentru a intelege ce e iubirea...

Medy6 spune:
Probabil si pentru ca
"Behind The Mask"
"Some People Say Im Crazy
Only Because They Don#8217;t Understand Me
Behind This Mask
Is Where I Hide
Im SO Scared To Open Up
Thinking To My Self
I Just Might Fall Apart
Behind This Mask Hold
An Inconceivable amount of depth
I promise that you will be touched by my words
That come out behind the the mask
Some people say
People Fear What They Don#8217;t Under Stand
Hate What They Can#8217;t Conquer
I Guess That Is The Fury Of Man
Get To Know Me The Man Behind The Mask
Befor You Judge The Mask It Self."
sau pentru ca
"Don't you ever leave by it's colour be at my side and call me brother and believe when I belong walk with me 'till I get home. Some people say they cannot figure what is normal, what is bigger For what is it a bird? a sawling creature that can't be heard? Stay with me through black and blue you'll see my colours big and true But if you don't then you'll argue a splash of light in heavens due. Do you feel the crunch of all indeed do you know just what I need? A bit of life, a kiss of love show me heal where minds above Behind the mask there's only me a blessful true identity. a single face, a wondress place entire right through my identity. "

Medy6 spune:
Asta in afara aspectului referitor la bolile de piele ...
(Adrianka, am scris amandoua aproape in acelasi timp, la diferenta de 1 minut, iar explicatiile gasite sunt similare.)

anka77 spune:
Citat: |
citat din mesajul lui oana_n surprinde prezenta lui Katherine, sunt tare curioasa sa vad inregistrarea, ca live nu am sanse ![]() ![]() |
Oana uite aici ceva " target="_blank">-He's not coming back
Because he's sleeping with Me" target="_blank">"SHA`MONE!!!!"
poze si noi 2

hannen spune:
Ma mai bag si io in seama,chiar daca vorbesc singura,deja m-am obisnuit.Asaa,ziceam ca nu am reusit sa citesc nimic din ce a pus purple pe mail,nu pot deschide.Daca-si face cineva mila si de mine cu`n rezumat,sar`naaa in avans!
Hannen mamica de trei printzese Amira
I want to tell the world... a Story
Occupation 101: Voice of the Silenced Majority
The Future`s So Bright I Gotta Wear Shades
"In a world filled with hate,we must still dare to hope.In a world filled with anger,we must still dare to comfort.In a world filled with despair ,we must still dare to dream. And in a world filled with distrust,we must dare to believe."-Michael Jackson

oana_n spune:
hannen de ce nu le poti deschide? nu ai Office? sau de ce? ca de fapt acolo e un rezumat. nu zici ca nu te baga imeni in seama...da-mi pe PM mailul dau eu copy paste din document direct in mail.
astept PM de la tine.

danielac spune:
Trimite-mi si mie Oana rezumatul pe mail, daca poti, la