Melodia zilei Michael Jackson
Raspunsuri - Pagina 12

iliuta spune:
Citat: |
citat din mesajul lui cory_box dar stiti ce nick names-uri avea Michael ? uitati aici : Michael Jackson's music made me reach the sky |
Avea 1,78 cm? Parea mult mai inalt...Din cauza ca era super slab..Chiar si asa tot ne-am fi potrivit cu 1,70 ai mei

Alexia27 spune:
Pai Nelia, daca nu era niciuna inscrisa pentru azi, si pentru ca eu aprind lumina pe aici dimineata, propun eu:
Music and me
Si versurile:
We've been together for such a long time now
Music, music and me
Don't care whether all our songs rhyme
Now music, music and me
Only know wherever I go
We're as close as two friends can be
There have been others
But never two lovers
Like music, music and me
Grab a song and come along
You can sing your melody
In your mind you will find
A world of sweet harmony
Birds of a feather will fly together
Now music, music and me
Music and me
I am alive and I am here forever
Michael Jackson
I won't be a rock star. I will be a legend
Freddie Mercury

danat spune:
Alexia suuuperba melodia zilei
Daca nu era propusa, aveam de gand sa o propun si eu candva...
ce fericita sunt ca propuneti melodiile lui MJ copil
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"If you wanna make the world a better place,
Take a look at yourself and then make a Change"
Michael Jackson

iona2005 spune:
Citat: |
citat din mesajul lui danat Sunt fericita ca va plac melodiile cu MJ copil. Stiti doar de cate ori am trimbitat pe aici ca merita sa le ascultati, sa vedeti minunatie! ![]() |
da intr-adevar sunt minunate iar eu sunt si mai fericita ca fatuca mea reactioneaza ff bine cand il aude si nu doar la piesele MJ copil si la celelalte,chiar doanma de la gimnastica a fost uimita si mi-a zis sa-i duc un CD sa incerce si cu ceilalti copii


Heal The World
Make It A Better Place
For You And For Me
And The Entire Human Race

Alexia27 spune:
Nelia, Dana, Iona gandeam apropo de versurile "there have been others/but never 2 lovers/like music and me
daca mai tineti minte a fost un link catre un blog acum ceva timp, in care un tip compara modul de interpretare a lui Michael cu a face cazul lui, chiar ca muzica a fost iubita lui ca niciuna alta...a durat o viata si nu l-a dezamagit niciodata.
Mie mi-a placut melodia asta dintotdeauna si ma bucur ca si voua!
I am alive and I am here forever
Michael Jackson
I won't be a rock star. I will be a legend
Freddie Mercury

oana_n spune:
Am reusit cu succes sa updatez lista cu melodia zilei. M-am descurcat binisor.
Am avut timp s ale iau pe toate la mana, la ascultat si pot zice ca mi-a placut la nebunie duetul cu Freddy.
Cel cu Akon e la fel de placut, insa imi tot suna in cap "Ben" si "Music&me" deocamdata. E o voce atat de clara si de pura, care transmite atat de multe. Chiar daca pe parcursul anilor s-a maturizat si i s-a schimbat vocea, feelingul ala inocent rasuna si orice melodie. Cu cat ascult mai mult Ben, spre exemplu, cu atat mai bine "aud si simt" inocenta si in Dirty Diana, Who Is It, si in toate celelalte.
Cat despre ce a existat intre el si muzica, imi place comparatia. Cred ca a fost mai mult decat pasiunea vietii lui.Imi place tare tare mult si melodia.

danat spune:
Alexia, Oana sunt intru totul de acord, si eu m-am gandit la asta. Michael a fost mereu indragostit de muzica, o simtea cu toate celulele trupului sau de aceea cred, iesea totul atit de perfect.
Iona asa este, am mai spus-o si o sustin, copiii reactioneaza foarte frumos la muzica lui Michael, le place din prima si se lipeste de ei. Probabil simt ei ceva...
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"If you wanna make the world a better place,
Take a look at yourself and then make a Change"
Michael Jackson

danat spune:
Citat: |
citat din mesajul lui iliuta [ Avea 1,78 cm? Parea mult mai inalt...Din cauza ca era super slab..Chiar si asa tot ne-am fi potrivit cu 1,70 ai mei ![]() |
Iar eu l-as fi privit fix in ochi, ca am exact aceeasi inaltime

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"If you wanna make the world a better place,
Take a look at yourself and then make a Change"
Michael Jackson

oana_n spune:
Daca tot nu a propus nimeni nimic, atunci propun eu ca melodia zieli sa fie Lovely One. Sper sa va placa!
Si iaca si versurile
Lovely One
Why don't you believe me when I say that I love you?
'Cause I'm crazy 'bout you
Wear the face that tells me you think my loving ain't true
I'm all about you
You're my desirer higher, higher everytime I speak your name
That's all I do (that's all I do, that's all I do, that's all I
And the way that I can't sleep at night just proves what I go
I'm crazy 'bout you
Now the first time that I saw you walking down the street so
Gone with your bad self
Now you say that I don't love you When it's giving my love pains
It's the hurt and the tension
Girl, it's driving me insane
You are my, you are my
You are my lovely one
You are my, you are my
You are my lovely one
You are my, you are my
You are my lovely one
You are my, you are my
You are my lovely one!
Why don't you believe me, When I say that I am true?
I'm crazy 'bout you
I'm here to love and please you, I'll do what you want me to
I'm all about you
Living and hoping, but I'm coping
With these things you put me through
That's all I do
The way that I can't sleep at night
Just proves what I go through
I crazy 'bout you
Now the first time that I saw you walking down the street so
Gone with your bad self
Now you say that I don't love, When it's giving my love pains
It's the hurt and the tension
Girl, it's driving me insane

iona2005 spune:
oana nu o stiam
Heal The World
Make It A Better Place
For You And For Me
And The Entire Human Race