Melodia zilei Michael Jackson
Raspunsuri - Pagina 13

purple_blue spune:
Nu stiam melodia. E frumoasa, chiar daca nu imi place stilul in mod deosebit.
Imi place de el aici, ca e asa veselutz, cum era candva" target="_blank">You are the cry that turns to laughter,
the sweetness and the morning after

marami spune:
Bey, ce dor mi-a fost de voi si o sa va mai duc dorul o vreme
. Si daca tot sunt pentru ca la ora asta dormiti, imi permit sa propun melodia zilei

Before you judge me, try hard to love me.

Alexia27 spune:
Si versurile:
All alone wishing on stars
Waiting for you to find me
One sweet night I knew I would see
A stranger who'd be my friend
When someone in the dark reaches out to you
And touches off a spark that comes shining through
It tells you never be afraid
Then somewhere in your heart you can feel the glow
A light to keep you warm when the night winds blow
Like it was written in the stars I knew
My friend, my someone in the dark was you
Promise me we'll always be
Walking the world together
Hand in hand where dreams never end
My star secret friend and me
When someone in the dark reaches out to you
And touches off a spark that comes shining through
It tells you never be afraid
Then somewhere in your heart you can feel the glow
A light to keep you warm when the night winds blow
Look for the rainbow in the sky
I believe you and I
Could never really say goodbye
Wherever you may be
I'll look up and see
Someone in the dark for me
Wherever you may be
I'll look up and see
Someone in the dark for me
Though you're gone star far away
Each time I see a rainbow
I'll remember being with you
Smiles coming through my tears
When someone in the dark reaches out for you
And touches off a spark that comes shining through
It tells you never be afraid
Then somewhere in your heart you can feel the glow
A light to keep you warm when the night winds blow
Look for the rainbow in the sky
I believe you and I
Could never really say goodbye
Wherever you may be
I'll look up and see
Someone in the dark for me
Wherever you may be
I'll look up and see
Someone in the dark for me!
I am alive and I am here forever
Michael Jackson
I won't be a rock star. I will be a legend
Freddie Mercury

danat spune:
Yessss!!! Ma intrebam cand o sa o propuna cineva odata?!
Mie mi se pare superba melodia, e cevaaaa.....parca ma si simt urcand cu "bici-vehiculul" aia printre nori
******************************************" target="_blank">
"If you wanna make the world a better place,
Take a look at yourself and then make a Change"
Michael Jackson

iona2005 spune:
fara cuvinte..marami
Heal The World
Make It A Better Place
For You And For Me
And The Entire Human Race

purple_blue spune:

If I don't love you this way
If I don't love you this way
If I don't love you this way
Why do I say what I say, yeah
If I don't need you this much
Why do I ache for your touch, yeah
With you it seems I can reach the stars
With reckless hopes and dreams
But you it seems still don't believe
How valuable you are, I'm really loving you
Not pretending to
If I don't love you this strong
Why do I beg to belong, yeah
How can you doubt that I care
When I'm with you everywhere, yeah
With you I find I can close my eyes
To the world surrounding me
And you create the sweetest things
That I could ever be I'm really loving you
Not pretending to
If I don't love you this way
Why do I say what I say, yeah
If I don't need you this much
Why do I ache for your touch, yeah
You just have to smile
To make my life worth while
Doesn't that explain
That I'm playin' no games
If I don't love you this way
Why do I say what I say, yeah
If I don't need you this much
Why do I ache for your touch, yeah." target="_blank">You are the cry that turns to laughter,
the sweetness and the morning after, Mrs. Purple Jackson

astrojunkie spune:
Miss Purple Blue Jackson, imi place mult melodia zilei, n-o stiam... sunt fan Disney, ca Michael, inca inteleg si imi place sa calatoresc in taramuri de vis, unde dumbo isi cauta mamica, si unde copiii sunt mereu fericiti... unde capcaunul cel hidos se transforma intr-un print si dragostea mereu iese triumfatoare...
Stie maam ce stie de tipa la mine "o sa ai numai de pierdut cu idealismul astaa!"

nelia spune:
Ei, da, si a mea spune la fel sau spunea ca s-a linistit e citiva ani. Dar eu ii raspundeam: ei, ce-am avut si ce-am pierdut!

nelia spune:
Hai, ca mi-a dat baiatul una peste tastatura si s-a dus mesajul neterminat. Frumoase ultimele melodii, in afara de cea din Pocahontas cu J5 (deh, cunosc desenele mai bine decit copiii mei), nu le stiam pe restul.

purple_blue spune:
M-am gandit la melodia asta pt azi..fiind duminica, sa ne relaxam asa ." target="_blank">You are the cry that turns to laughter,
the sweetness and the morning after, Mrs. Purple Jackson