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Raspunsuri - Pagina 15

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Link direct catre acest raspuns beshter spune:

Lia, ce-i drept, nu prea dar o sa incerc. Pot sa ma bazez te tine cand intru in criza(e) de timp? Saru'maanaaaaaaa!

You cannot both dance and not pay the piper.

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Link direct catre acest raspuns liadorian spune:

Sigur ca poti conta pe mine. Cat timp ne lasi sa venim cu propuneri?

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Link direct catre acest raspuns beshter spune:

Cat timp am alocat voturilor prima oara?
O saptamana sau doua?
Nu mai stiu...

A, stati asa, ca acum e vorba de propuneri nu de voturi . Cateva zile ar fi prea putin? Pana miercuri?

You cannot both dance and not pay the piper.

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Link direct catre acest raspuns liadorian spune:

Pana miercuri e bine. Asadar:

Al doilea cerc de lectura: Proza scurta (fantastica sau alt gen)
Termenul pana la care putem face propuneri: miercuri, 2 iunie

Tema urmatorului cerc o sa vina de la sali.

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Link direct catre acest raspuns carminabulina spune:

Special pentru mine s-a facut aceasta propunere
Eu zic pass si la cercul asta pentru ca nu-mi place proza scurta si cu atat mai putin fantastica.

De fapt tocmai am spus o mare minciuna, imi place proza scurta insa trebuie sa fie ceva special, dar NU FANTASTICA. Nu-mi place nimic fantastic.

Mihnea 15 mai 2006; Irina 10 august 2008 si acum 12+ cu bb3" target="_blank">Poze cu noi

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Link direct catre acest raspuns beshter spune:

Cum, mai Carmina, nu-ti place Borges?? (de-un paregzamplu)

N-are nimic daca nu-ti place proza fantastica. Uite ce-am zis eu:


Asadar, tema este proza scurta fantastica, sau cu insertii de fantastic sau cu elemente de fantastic bine camuflate in real. In masura in care va doriti un cu totul alt gen de proza scurta, e absolut ok in ceea ce ma priveste. Scurta sa fie:)

Imi iau libertatea de a propune trei volume:

1. Julio Cortazar - Manuscris gasit intr-un buzunar
2. Raymond Carver - Despre ce vorbim cand vorbim despre iubire
3. Razvan Petrescu - Foxtrot XX

Votul meu merge la ultimul.

You cannot both dance and not pay the piper.

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Link direct catre acest raspuns liadorian spune:

Exact la asta ma gandeam si eu: nici Borges?! Mie si Cortazar imi pare irezistibil - am inceput acum multi ani cu" target="_blank">Cat de mult o iubim pe Glenda si de atunci am ramas "prinsa".
De fapt, de dimineata incerc sa ma decid pentru ce votez. In principiu, n-am nimic impotriva prozei scurte - imi pare ca-i o provocare pentru un scriitor sa dea totul pe dimensiuni mici. Iar fantasticul e un gen pe care nu l-am dus pana la capat - am citit romanii, pe cei clasici (pana la Eliade), ceva francezi - din care nu stiu ce as putea propune aici, ca nu-s tocmai nume curente... Asa incat spun deocamdata pas la propuneri personale. Si-mi rod unghiile intre Raymond Carver si Razvan Petrescu. N-am i-am citit pe nici unul pana acum, iar Razvan Petrescu are pe site-ul editurii niste referinte extraordinare. Deeeeci... Mai stau un pic in asteptare, poate mai vine cineva c-o idee faina care sa ma scoata din dilema.

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Link direct catre acest raspuns carminabulina spune:

Pai bine mai, tocmai de-aia mi-am dat seama ce miciuna gogonata am spus.
Eu deocamdata nu propun si daca as face-o ar fi doar proza scurta fara "fantastic".
Deocamdata inclin spre Raymond Carver. sa vedem ce propuneri mai apara.

Edit: ma speriase termenul "fantastic"

Mihnea 15 mai 2006; Irina 10 august 2008 si acum 12+ cu bb3" target="_blank">Poze cu noi

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Link direct catre acest raspuns beshter spune:

S-ar putea sa fie nevoie de niste precizari:

1. Puteti propune autori / volume de proza scurta de orice fel
2. Daca va bate gandul sa optati pentru proza fantastica, puteti alege orice volum de proza scurta in care sa se regaseasca una sau mai multe din urmatoarele caracteristici (sau in care banuiti ca se ascund astfel de trebi:)):

a. aparitia brusca sau gradata a unui element inexplicabil, care da peste cap ordinea fireasca a lucrurilor.
b. sfarsit deschis, in sensul existentei mai multor explicatii/solutii alternative, niciuna complet satisfacatoare.
c. linia subtireeeeee de demarcatie intre realitate si fictiune, personajele penduland intre cele doua
d. acumulare de tensiune

Exemple 'clasice' de autori de proza fantastica:
1. Edgar Allan Poe
2. E.T.A Hoffman
3. Mihail Bulgakov
4. Jorge Luis Borges
5. Julio Cortazar

Puteti observa ca dintre volumele propuse de mine, numai Cortazar se inscrie pe deplin in sfera literaturii fantastice. Carver scrie niste chestii foarte misto, cu naratiune liniara in care intervine brusc un element aparent nesemnificativ dar care aluneca usor in absurd/ireal. Petrescu (Razvan) e unul dintre cei mai buni scriitori romani in viata (parerea mea) - as fi ales cu draga inima volumul de nuvele fantastice 'Eclipsa' dar stiu ca nu se mai gaseste. 'Foxtrot XX' cuprinde scrieri scurte dintre cele mai variate - de la eseuri cinefile la memorii.

Vreau sa va pastuiesc o povestire de-a lui Cortazar (o am in englezeste) ca sa vedeti cu ce se mananca. Se numeste 'Continuitatea parcurilor' si se afla (cred) in volumul pe care l-am propus.

You cannot both dance and not pay the piper.

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Link direct catre acest raspuns beshter spune:

Continuity of Parks

He had begun to read the novel a few days before. He had put it down because of some urgent business conferences, opened it again on his way back to the estate by train; he permitted himself a slowly growing interest in the plot, in the characterisations. That afternoon, after writing a letter giving his power of attorney and discussing a matter of joint ownership with the manager of his estate, he returned to the book in the tranquillity of his study which looked out upon the park with its oaks. Sprawled in his favourite armchair, its back toward the door – even the possibility of an intrusion would have irritated him, had he thought of it – he let his left hand caress repeatedly the green velvet upholstery and set to reading the final chapters. He remembered effortlessly the names and his mental image of the characters; the novel spread its glamour over him almost at once. He tasted the almost perverse pleasure of disengaging himself line by line from the things around him, and at the same time feeling his head rest comfortably on the green velvet of the chair with its high back, sensing that the cigarettes rested within reach of his hand, that beyond the great windows the air of afternoon danced under the oak trees in the park. Word by word, licked up by the sordid dilemma of the hero and heroine, letting himself be absorbed to the point where the images settled down and took on colour and movement, he was witness to the final encounter in the mountain cabin. The woman arrived first, apprehensive; now the lover came in, his face cut by the backlash of a branch. Admirably, she stanched the blood with her kisses, but he rebuffed her caresses, he had not come to perform again the ceremonies of a secret passion, protected by a world of dry leaves and furtive paths trough the forest. The dagger warmed itself against his chest, and underneath liberty pounded, hidden close. A lustful, panting dialogue raced down the pages alike a rivulet of snakes, and one felt it had all been decided from eternity. Even to those caresses which writhed about the lover’s body, as though wishing to keep him there, to dissuade him from it; they sketched abominably the frame of that other body it was necessary to destroy. Nothing had been forgotten: alibis, unforeseen hazards, possible mistakes. From this hour on, each instant had its use minutely assigned. The cold-blooded, twice-gone-over re-examination of the details was barely broken off so that a hand could caress a cheek. It was beginning to get dark.
Not looking at one another now, rigidly fixed upon the task which awaited them, they separated at the cabin door. She was to follow the trail that led north. On the path leading in the opposite direction, he turned for a moment to watch her running, her hair loosened and flying. He ran in turn, crouching among the trees and hedges until, in the yellowish fog of dusk, he could distinguish the avenue of trees which led up to the house. The dogs were not supposed to bark, they did not bark. The estate manager would not be there at this hour, and he was not there. He went up the three porch steps and entered. The woman’s words reached him over the thudding of blood in his ears: first a blue chamber, then a hall, then a carpeted stairway. At the top, two doors. No one in the first room, no one in the second. The door of the salon and then, the knife in hand, the light from the great windows, the high back of an armchair covered in green velvet, the head of the man in the chair reading a novel.

Edit: sa mai spun ca povestirea 'Funigei', de la care pleaca celebrul cult film 'Blow-up' al lui Antonioni, e scrisa de Cortazar?
You cannot both dance and not pay the piper.

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