Sezatoarea canadiana (61)

Raspunsuri - Pagina 25

Inceputul discutiei

Link direct catre acest raspuns laurajr spune:

Eu recunosc ca mi-am adus o gramada de chestii , da motivul principal a fost egoism pur domle !
Cand sa plecam, am pus anunt in bloc ca vindem lucruri si nu a venit mai nimeni sa le vada erau luate cu 3-4 ani in urma...deci noute.
Iar cei care au venit sa le vada au oferit bani in bataie de joc. Asa ca m-am enervat si tot ce-a fost bun am carat cu noi Ca atunci cand le-am cumparat am facut economii, am renuntat la multe sa le iau...
Am lasat multe din ele pe la mama si la femeia care a fost bona fetitei mele .
Adseana, acus aterizezi!

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns Ira spune:

Simonna, dumnezeule, 65$ pe ora masajul ?
D-aia nu-mi face mie Sibin, vaz bine, cred ca era o aluzie delicata,
da' la mine cu delicate nu merge, QED :-).
Cred ca raman cu cocoasa mea, pana la urma.
Da banii astia ma contorsionez si imi fac io singura masaj.
La urma urmei c'est pas si pire cu o cocoasa, voi fi in vesnica forma de a culege dupa Sofia de pe jos.

Da', am asigurarea de la el de la firma, care e buna.

Dragele mele, am si eu o dilema. De cutii - adus-am, de sfori - legat-am, de impachetat - inceput-am, apartament - inchiriat-am, de camion - contractat-am, de calculat si masurat - rezolvat-am.

Am ramas insa c-o mare belea pe cap,
he vine sa credeti ?
cum doamne iarta-ma sa transport monstrii aia imputiti ?

sa-i criogenez si sa-i trezesc la veata cand oi avea io chef ?
sa-i tin in brate cu tot cu acvariu in autobuz+ metro ?
sa-i fac cutii de conserva si sa-i leg in spatele Toyotei ?
sa-i pun la insectar ?
Jeeeeesus, ce probleme imi fac monstrii aia de 2 cm ! Niciodata nu m-am gandit ca va trebui sa-i si mut! Incredibil, isn't it ? Mai nou cand ma vad vin la mine ca niste caini, pana la marginea acvariului, se dau cu capu' si sar sa le dau de mancare !

Sofia e bine, e ceamaifrumoasasidesteaptaprintesa din apartamentul nostru, in afara de mine, of courz. Astazi mi-a facut cadou o floare din hartie igienica de ziua mamei, m-a facut sa plang.

Ieri la scoala o fetita mi-a adus cadou o jumatate de pedala de floare cu tija de 1 cm, bai frate ce-am ras dupa ce-a plecat, copiii astia sunt absolut minunati ! Mi-a zis c-a adus-o din curtea ei si-a tinut-o in palma tot drumul, d-aia ajunsese asa.

Hai, dati-mi un virus sa ma duc d-acilea, ca nu mai tac !

Weekend fun-filled va doresc !

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns aska spune:

adseana, ma alatur si eu celor care ti-au raspuns referitor la bagaje:
Nu stiu daca esti la curent cu faptul ca ai dreptul ca timp de un an de zile dupa sosirea in Canada sa iti aduci "efecte personale" cum zic cei de la vama, fara a plati vreun fel de taxe vamale.
Asadar, daca nu esti sigura ca vrei sau poti sa aduci acum tot ceea ce ti-ai dori nu trebuie decat sa faci o lista in care sa treci tot ce crezi tu de cuviinta si pe care s-o arati la sosire celor de la vama, la aeroport. Daca nu ma insel, oricum trebuie sa ai aceasta lista si pentru ceea ce contin bagajele cu care vii.
Inainte de plecare eu am bantuit nopti intregi pe forumurile special dedicate emigrarii in Canada: si . Lasand la o parte subiectivismul unora care scriu acolo, cred ca ai putea sa mai afli cate ceva din ce te-ar putea interesa.
Eu fac parte din categoria celor care au dorit sa fie inconjurati de cat mai multe lucruri familiare asa ca am trimis patru cutii mari de bagaje. Unele lucruri le-am folosit, altele nu. De pilda plapuma am luat-o la insistenta soacrei (era cadou de la ea) si n-am folosit-o niciodata - pe plapuma, nu pe fapt nici pe soacra, dar asta-i alta poveste. Aparate electrocasnice si electronice nu am luat, doar hardul de la calculator.
Vesela am impachetat-o astfel: fiecare farfurie sau pahar in cate un prosop si apoi totul intr-o cutie din plastic (dur). Am avut grija sa nu ramana loc liber in cutie pentru ca la transport sa nu se miste in interiorul cutiei nimic. Iar cutia din plastic a intrat in mijlocul unei cutii mari din carton si aceea plina cu diverse alte lucruri. Inainte de a umple cutiile de carton le-am intarit toate muchiile cu scotch atat pe dinauntru cat si pe afara.
Noi am venit la sfarsitul lui septembrie iar primul Craciun fara familie si prieteni a trecut parca mai usor avand pe masa farfuriile de gala si paharele din cristal.
Lucrurile de vara ne-au fost trimise de familie in alt colet in anul urmator. Cand am ridicat coletul, la vama nu au facut decat sa bifeze ce aveam deja trecut pe lista despre care ti-am spus la inceputul mesajului. In ambele randuri nu a deschis nimeni cutiile sa verifice exact daca coincide ce avem inauntru cu lista.
Daca te hotarasi sa trimiti bagaje suplimentare sub forma de colet, ia in considerare ca va trebui sa aveti o masina in care sa incapa si cu care sa va deplasati la Dorval sa le ridicati.
Va doresc succes la impachetat

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns nelia spune:

Ira, pestisorii ii pui in pungute, impreuna sau separat, cu apa, asa cum ii aduci acasa cind ii cumperi. Din acvariu vesi apa si il impachetezi bine sa nu se sparga si cind ajungi acasa (ce frumos suna, nu?) primul lucru pe care il faci este sa-i aranjezi pe ei la loc, ca nu stiu cit timp rezista in punga... E singura idee care mi-a venit, poate fetele care au asa ceva in dotare, sa stie mai bine.

Fetelor, e nasol cu intilnirile noastre... Singura zi in care puteam sa vin in cazul ca se stabilea ceva si nu mi-e rau ca saptamina trecuta, era duminica, dupa ora 1. Ei, nu mai pot, pentru ca incepind de miine voi avea gradinita acasa. Eu am curs din program seara, martea si joia, nu am putut sa iau altfel, pentru ca asa e oferit. Exact in zilele de kendo ale lui Octav. Si cum el acum face cu incepatorii la dorinta profesorului lui de care are nevoie ca de aer pentru mai multe chestii (inclusiv o recomandare barosana pentru cea vrea sa faca in viiotor), nu poate sa lipseasca si martea si joia. Asa ca, martea duc fetele la o prietena, care are trei copii, iar duminica stau eu cu toti 5!!! Si sint intre 22 luni si 7 ani! Dar a fost singura solutie pentru aceste doua luni de sesiune!

CORNELIA, mami de AGATA si TUDORA" target="_blank">foto 1 -" target="_blank">foto 2 -" target="_blank">foto 3 -" target="_blank">filmulete

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns arinna spune:

Ira, eu am vazut ca in locurile de unde se cumparau pesti in Romania de exemplu ii puneau intr-o punga de plastic noua umpluta cu apa pe jumatate si legata la gura cu nod, probabil ca nu e nici o problema asa, pe perioada scurta.In vas dur se pot lovi cand se misca masina.Te poti interesa la un magazin de genul acesta in zona ta, daca au aceeasi metoda cand vand pesti.

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns arinna spune:

Vai Nelia am scris cam acelasi lucru in acelasi timp

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns columbiana spune:

buna fetelor,

eu tot cu scolile...stie cineva ceva despre scoala Dollard Des Ormeaux rue Anselme-Lavigne?
sunt zapacita si nu stiu ce vom face; singurul lucru sigur e ca vom ramine in Quebec; poate ar fi bine sa raminem in zona pina termina Tudor scoala primara, si probabil cu diagnosticul schimbat (eu sper din tot sufletul, la urmatoarea evaluare) va fi admis la o scoala secundara nu-l zapacim cu schimbarea, dar asta implica ca eu voi avea tot joburi de kko (in zona si ca sa ajung in timp util acasa sa-l recuperez de la serviciul de garda nu prea am variante de job decent); ramine vestul insulei (din cauza jobului husbantului)(in vest tot fac sapaturi si majoritatea scolilor bune sunt anglofone, iar pe linga ce ramin scoli publice franceze n-am gasit chirii convenabile).... ar mai fi Saint-Laurent, dar la preturile caselor de acolo nu am cum visa sa ne stabilim, si iarasi il plimb de la scoala la alta...; parca am fi aterizat ieri in Montreal, asa-s de zapacita

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns lorelaim spune:

albinele... care imi sunt atat de dragi... pe cale de disparitie?

Disappearing bees could devastate agricultural production

Tom Spears
CanWest News Service

Saturday, May 05, 2007

OTTAWA - The dead bees under a microscope at a Pennsylvania lab last fall had been sicker than sick. All bees catch viruses from time to time, but these carried every infection going: deformed wing virus, sacbrood virus, Kashmir bee virus, blackened queen cell virus, cloudy wing virus and chalkbrood, among others.

Dennis vanEnglesdorp found himself staring through a microscope at bees that shouldn't be so sick. Their little bodies were visibly swollen, scarred and discoloured.

"It's rare to find four, or five, or six (viruses) in the same bee. And that's what we're finding," says the state apiarist of Pennsylvania.

"Certainly they don't look normal. There are some really gross things that are quite puzzling."

Yet why the Pennsylvania bees picked up all these diseases, and how they died, remain mysteries.

Throughout the eastern and central U.S., whole colonies of bees just started dying last fall, for no apparent reason. Bees aren't the hardiest creatures to start with; it's normal to lose some hives, often in the winter. Cold can kill them, or disease, or parasites such as the tiny tracheal mite, which tunnels into the bee's throat. Even if the bee survives this attack it may be weakened and vulnerable to disease.

But veteran beekeepers were suddenly losing half their hives, sometimes more, and always without warning signs such as mite infestations or known diseases.

Gilles Patoine has been a beekeeper since 1983. He is adept at the business of looking after bees, wintering them in their hives at several protected sites in the Vaudreuil-Soulanges area in southeast Quebec, checking the hives in the first warm days of spring and moving them to more than two dozen locations where the bees can do what they do best - pollinate flowers and make honey.

In a good season, the populations of Patoine's 560 hives will grow from 10,000 to 60,000 honeybees each, producing about 40 tonnes of clover and goldenrod honey.

But not this year.

Unlike other winters, over which he might lose up to 15 per cent of his bees, Patoine has racked up losses of 32 per cent this spring.

And he's not alone.

"Some producers have lost all their bees," says Nicolas Tremblay, "others have lost up to 50 per cent."

An independent apiculture consultant, who works with the Quebec Agriculture Department and the federation of Quebec beekeepers, Tremblay says that up to 10 per cent of the big Quebec producers - those with more than 100 hives - have reported significant losses, anywhere from 60 to 100 per cent.

The United States has lost about a quarter of its 2.4 million commercial colonies since last fall, said Jerry Hayes of the Florida Department of Agriculture in Gainesville.

Scientists called it "fall dwindle disease" when it first appeared last fall. They have spent the past winter desperately trying to solve the puzzle that threatens not just honey supplies, but the pollination of billions of dollars' worth of crops from soybeans to blueberries.

They've come up with a new name - colony collapse disorder, or CCD - but have no clear idea of what's killing the insects. And they certainly don't have a cure.

Our society needs bees, badly.

"There's a widely stated phrase in agriculture that you can thank a pollinator for one out of three bites of food you eat," says Claire Kremen, an assistant professor in the Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management at the University of California, Berkeley.

Of the 115 crops she studied, 87 depend to some degree upon animal pollination, accounting for one-third of crop production globally. Of those crops, 13 are entirely reliant upon animal pollinators, 30 are greatly dependent and 27 are moderately dependent.

As a case study, her research pointed out that it takes about 1.4 million colonies of honey bees to pollinate 224,000 hectares of California's almond trees.

Don't care for almonds? Bees also pollinate apples, avocados, soybeans, broccoli, celery, asparagus, squash, cucumbers, peaches, kiwi, cherries, blueberries, cranberries, strawberries and cantaloupe. Pennsylvania says 90 per cent of its apple crop (worth $45 million a year) wouldn't exist without bees.

Farmers of many kinds - especially fruit, nut and oilseed (such as canola) growers - hire beekeepers to bring hives at pollination time.

Crops that do not rely upon animal pollination include wheat, corn and rice.

"We've replaced pollination services formerly provided by diverse groups of wild bees with domesticated honeybees," said Kremen. But if something happens to the honeybees, "we don't have a backup plan."

While the crisis hasn't affected Canada in a significant way for now, U.S. Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns recently warned in a statement: "This crisis threatens to wipe out production of crops dependent on bees for pollination."

Beekeepers move from farm to farm through the year, up to 20 moves a year in the southern U.S., though far fewer in Canada.

In Ontario, bees are in greatest demand in Niagara and along the north shore of Lake Erie for the various fruit crops. New Brunswick needs bees for blueberries. Florida needs them for citrus fruits.

"No bees, no citrus crop," says Brent Halsall of Greely, Ont., president of the Ontario Beekeepers' Association. He's hoping the American disorder doesn't come here.

Bees have been in some trouble since the 1980s, when the arrival of parasitic tracheal and varroa mites began to weaken them, driving up annual mortality numbers.

But late last year, a whole new set of symptoms appeared.

Many colonies died one or two weeks after a physical check rated them as strong and healthy. That's unusual. Usually a beekeeper sees illness coming.

Another unusual angle: These bees are leaving the hive en masse, abandoning their brood of young, developing bees and their queen. Some beekeepers nickname the disorder "vanishing disease."

"Bees don't leave their brood. It's like leaving your young," says Pennsylvania's vanEnglesdorp. "So we know that the colony collapsed very quickly.

"If we find any bees left, it's just very young bees and the queen. That's unusual."

More mystery: Neighbouring bees and other pests aren't coming to the hive to steal honey once its original occupants have disappeared. This hints that it may be giving off unhealthy signals apparent only to insects.

All the moving raises yet a question: Are the bees simply too stressed? Is the stress of being jolted along a highway in a truck and constantly changing food sources compounding disease from a virus or bacterium?

"It may be something like a heart attack," that combines many risk factors over time, says vanEnglesdorp. "You drink too much, you smoke too much, you don't do exercise and you come down with it. Or is it one cause? We're still at that stage."

Other theories about the cause include genetically modified crops, or a class of pesticides called neonicotinoids. Bees exposed to these can forget how to find their way home.

Several labs are exploring the many sides of the medical mystery, with vanEnglesdorp and his team at Pennsylvania State University at the centre of it. (Pennsylvania bees were among the first to show the disease last fall.)

He's written off two possible causes. It's not cellphones. (A briefly famous cellphone experiment in Germany found that a cellphone inside a hive prevents bees from learning as much. But it doesn't kill them.)

He also doesn't think it's caused by the crops genetically engineered to produce a natural insecticide called Bt as a defence against insect pests.

Bt works by destroying the stomach lining (in pests). The stomachs in these bees are intact.

Other labs are looking for chemicals, especially pesticides, in the honeycomb from stricken hives.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture is also looking for well-known problems such as parasitic mites.

Then there's investigation at the genetic level.

"The honeybee genome was 'sequenced' (deciphered) last year, so we're looking for genes that might be turned on (i.e., that might become active) in the presence of certain stresses. We're looking at that to find out how stressed the bees were."

Canada may have dodged the problem, for now. Our country has 600,000 beehives, 76,000 of those in Ontario.

"I've talked to all the scientists and the other provincial apiarists, and none of us feel that we have this colony collapse disorder," said Doug McRory, Ontario's provincial apiarist.

The Ontario losses have been nasty this year. But, he says, "we can explain them as normal winter losses related to weather conditions."

The last survey of Ontario bees showed losses of about 30 per cent, on average, across the province. McRory thinks the true figure may be a bit higher.

The good news is that by splitting hives, and using small hives as starter kits, they can build up numbers again. This may take a year or two, McRory cautions. But bee people are co-operating, sharing small "nucleus" colonies and queens to start the bee business buzzing again.

Ottawa Citizen, with files Montreal Gazette

Albert Einstein speculated that "If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe, then man would only have four years of life left."


"Daca dragoste nu e... nimic nu e..."

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns nelia spune:

Ana, eu chiar stiu cite ceva despre scoala respectiva, una din educatoarele Agatei avea fetita si baietel acolo si era multumita. Si mai stiu citiva parinti multumuti de scoala. Noi am vrut sa ne mutam acolo, dar pina la urma am renuntat, ca ne place mai mult aici unde stam, nu am gasit ceva mai convenabil din mai multe puncte de vedere. Voi vreti sa va luati casa sau sa va mutati cu chirie? Pentru ca o alta scoala buna, cam in aceeasi zona, mult mai buna spun parintii este école Jeanne-Mance. Eu chiar am fost la scoala si am vorbit cu directoarea, au un program special de limbi (franceza, engleza, spaniola), o gramada de activitati de toate genurile si chiar se face carte... Mai sint scoli publice bune frantuzesti, daca te intereseaza as putea sa-ti dau citeva nume, dintre cele studiate de noi la fata locului (vizitat scoala, stat de vorba cu directori sau profesori, cu parintii prin parcuri). Nu sint multe, dar sint citeva. Una care imi vine in cap acum si mi-a placut si zona este Saint-Barthélemy (Saint-Michel).

CORNELIA, mami de AGATA si TUDORA" target="_blank">foto 1 -" target="_blank">foto 2 -" target="_blank">foto 3 -" target="_blank">filmulete

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns columbiana spune:

Nelia, ma intereseaza foarte mult daca mai ai detalii; cred ca miine am sa fac o plimbare prin vest cu copilul, sa vedem ce si cum; deocamdata ne mutam in chirie (pentru ca am vindut casa, care desi in sine a fost superba, ne-a dat bataie de cap mare in multe privinte din cauza locatiei: naveta, job, scoala, etc); nu avem posibilitatea momentan sa visam la o casa intr-o zona cu scoala buna si pe insula, ce am vazut sunt peste 230k, si trebuie sa alegem asa ca sa ne convina si unde locuim (mai ales copilului care are probleme cu spatiile mici), si scoala si un centru de autism care nu-si imparte clientii dupa entitati culturale cum in Laval si la care sa avem acces macar la o mica parte din servicii...etc
in DDO am gasit ceva townhouse misto, abea astept sa se intoarca sotul meu sa le vedem luni, daca scoala e ok;



Mergi la inceput