Bebelusi de iulie-august 2005 (125) -La multi ani!

Raspunsuri - Pagina 10

Inceputul discutiei

Link direct catre acest raspuns emaaimee spune:

Delia,mersi,m-ai facut sa rosesc,sunt o persoana normala cu muuuulte defecte de care incerc sa ma vindec.incerc sa am rabdare cu fata pt k am tendinta sa fiu f v-am admirat pe voi ca aveti 2 copii extraordinariAdi pare tare cumintel.mi-a parut rau ca nu ai luat-o pe Medeluta sa se joace fetele.poate ne-om mai vedea si alta data in formatie completa.felicitari Medeei pt mers
suntem toate mamici f bune pt copilasii nostrii.sunt sigura ca toate avem angoasele noastre ref la educatia copilul,intrebari de genul:sunt o mama buna?voi fi eu in stare sa educ acest pui de om?etc.
vroiam sa mai propun si eu cativa atomici:pe dra Duracell am vrut sa o pun din oficiu ca pe Oani,dar nu am indraznit,vroiam intai sa vad dk gustati gluma.u know what I mean.Magda,f bine ai descris ce face Veve,seamana f mult cu programul nostru:killarit mami si lumea inconjuratoare

de fetitza cu funditza,zisa piticotul urias umblaretz

m-am facut maricica


Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns svety spune:

Multumim fetelor de urari. Nu pot sa cred ca puiu mic face un an...sau a trecut un an de cand...Vai dor mi-e de primele zile, primele saptamani. Asa de cuminte era, nu ca acum cand bea apa din WC.

Uram si noi La Multi Ani celor ce fac 11 lunitze mai multe!!

mamica fericita de Dany-boy" target="_blank">

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns emaaimee spune:

urez si eu sarbatoritii zilei

de fetitza cu funditza,zisa piticotul urias umblaretz

m-am facut maricica


Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns palmyrah2002 spune:

Sa cresteti mari,sa fiti sanatosi si sa aveti un car de noroc!
Cristina,Rares si Mihnea

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns caterina71 spune:

Noua ne-o crapat laptopul, abia ieri a cumparat sotul un alt hard si acu am instalat programele pe el... Am lipsit ceva, dar in primul rand:

Uram La Multi Ani copilutilor ce-au aniversat anul pe 24, 25 si azi! Sanatate maxima si mult noroc in viata! Sa fiti fericiti alaturi de familiile voastre!

La Multe Luni inainte si celor care au sarbatorit 11 luni si se pregatesc de petrecerea de 1 an! Sa fiti sanatosi!

Cati si Alexia(24.07.2005)" target="_blank"> filmuletze si poze... inclusiv de la motz
sunt mare...

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns caterina71 spune:

Imi doarme fata, asa ca citesc si eu din urma, si apoi sa va povestesc de petrecerea noastra.

Cati si Alexia(24.07.2005)" target="_blank"> filmuletze si poze... inclusiv de la motz
sunt mare...

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns emaaimee spune:

vrioam sa va dau un link,dar nu merge linkul,asa ca va pun eu.din ce primesc eu de la Pampers,asta e de la un an.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BABY! And many happy returns from everyone at the Pampers Institute. Your little one is starting his second year of life, and the world is his oyster. This month enjoy listening to his babbles and discovering his first words. These are not always obvious, so look out for those special sound combinations he produces consistently to refer for specific objects or people - for instance, he may utter "diddy" excitedly each time he sees a dog, or "iss" to refer to his sister. This is also the time for learning to walk, though many babies won't start to toddle for several months, preferring to stick to crawling, which is easier and quicker when you're equipped with two short, wobbly legs that won't do what they're told! Though you may be dying to go and get him fitted for his first pair of cute little shoes, resist the temptation to rush things. All babies are different, and turning one doesn't mean your baby is suddenly ready for talking and walking. Let him stay a baby as long as he needs to, and enjoy his reliance on you while you still can - you'll miss the baby phase once it is gone. Before you know it, your little one will seem all grown-up!

Health and development problems to look out for

The art of feeding toddlers

Keeping baby happy when you're out and about

End of year review - you' ve come a long way, Baby! Does your medicine cabinet contain the right things? Time to Immunize

Gearing up to walk Well done, Mum! Is all this stuff still necessary?

End of year review - you' ve come a long way, Baby!

A YEAR IN THE LIFE OF Your baby has grown and developed faster in the past twelve months than he will at any other time in his life. From tiny helpless newborn, to confident, mobile little individual, you've been treated to many exciting changes both in his appearance and his behaviour. So take time now to reflect on his most noteworthy achievements to date. Firstly, all that nutritious food you've provided has almost trebled his body weight. His features have matured and he now produces a whole range of facial expressions in response to both emotional and physical sensations. He has gained good control over his body movements and uses them to achieve his goals and communicate his intentions. He can now make his way quickly and efficiently around his environment, and is thinking about giving up life on all-fours to take off on his own two feet. He has become more daring and adventurous, and is proud of himself whenever he conquers new challenges. This year has also seen him take great steps in language acquisition. From the moment he first heard language - during his last weeks in the womb - he has always been fascinated by the sound of voices, and by the rhythms and patterns of language. Once born, it didn't take him long to notice the important role of language in daily life. So, within just a few months of birth he started babbling, testing out his own vocal apparatus to produce the entire range of human speech sounds. But during the past few months, he's been concentrating more exclusively on the sounds of his own mother tongue, culminating in the production of his first words.

WHAT'S TO COME? Now you can look forward to another twelve months of amazing developments as your baby learns to walk, run and jump, acquires an ever-increasing vocabulary and then starts to combine words. He will become more assertive and involved in the social world, and will take every opportunity to fine-tune his problem-solving skills in order to communicate and accomplish his intentions. As you've already realised by now, it's not always plain-sailing with young children. So be ready for some ups and downs. But when the going gets a little tough, take a step back, remind yourself that you're dealing with a one-year old who sees the world very differently from you, and try to concentrate on all the wonderful, positive experiences your little one is giving you. Why not keep a diary charting your baby's vocabulary progress. The early years generate the most wonderful, funny and memorable examples of language production, and you'll be thankful you jotted down some of the magical mistakes and linguistic inventions he produces over the next two or three years.

Click here to learn more about what you're baby will be up to in the coming weeks

Does your medicine cabinet contain the right things?

STOCKING THE MEDICINE CABINET A well-stocked medicine cabinet is essential - especially when you have a baby at home. Here are a few items that Dr. Dixon and Dr. Richardson recommend you keep on hand as your baby gets older:

Emergency phone numbers
Antibiotic ointment containing the lowest concentration of antibiotic available
Childproof bottles of: paracetamol, ibuprofen, children's cough syrup (simple), children's cold medicine (a simple decongestant), calamine lotion (plain), children's vitamins (if you want your child to have them), electrolyte solution for use with diarrhoea, and sunscreen
Rubbing alcohol to clean thermometers

Make sure you keep these things out of your baby's medicine cabinet:

For the complete lists of what to leave in and what you'll have to do without, click here.

Health and development problems to look out for

SPEAK UP You should never be afraid to bring up any of your concerns when you have an appointment with your baby's GP, no matter how trivial you think they might be. At your child's one-year visit to the doctor, these are some of the issues that may be of concern to you and your GP:

Your toddler can't bear weight on his legs.

He has one or both eyes still crossed, even some of the time.

He doesn't use both hands equally.

He doesn't use any real words or doesn't know his name.

He isn't crawling or moving forwards in some way.

He has no fear of strangers or anxiety at separations. Fear and anxiety are normal reactions to these situations at this age.

He doesn't point at things.

He seems to have problems with his vision or hearing.

He loses a skill he had before.

Time to Immunise

It's time to catch up on immunisations. Have you made an appointment with your baby's doctor yet? Click here for an outline of what should happen during this check up.

Gearing up to walk

FIRST STEPS At some point near the beginning of their second year, most babies take their first steps and become toddlers. This mobility opens up a whole new world to a child. The new-found independence is exhilarating. But for parents, the period of time that precedes their baby's first steps is not so much fun. Just before he walks, the toddler-to-be often starts waking up at night every four hours or so. He screams whenever a parent walks away from him - perhaps because he wants to be the one to walk away. All this turbulence is stirred up by the child's new goal - to achieve independence.

Find out more about your child's sleep patterns from Prof Dieter Wolke.

The art of feeding toddlers

TOO BUSY TO EAT Toddlers are notoriously fussy eaters. Eating is simply not on the fun agenda of the average one-year-old. You may be surprised that your up-to-now good eater suddenly loses interest in food, will not sit still long enough to take in more than two mouthfuls, and seems to be consuming only a fraction of his previous daily intake. Don't worry. This is normal toddler behaviour. The drive to master the arts of walking and talking is all-consuming right now, and your little one simply doesn't want to give up any of his precious time for the boring task of eating. His growth rate is slowing down, and with it his appetite, and although he uses up a great deal of energy by being so active, his body can make use of the extra fat stored over the past year to top up its fuel tank! Try to get him to sit down for his regular meals, even if it's only for a few mouthfuls, to help him learn that mealtimes are for eating. But in between, let him snack often with small amounts of healthy foods. Make each mouthful count by ensuring that you stick to nutritious choices.

For lots more tips on feeding your child,click

Well done, Mum!

HAPPY BIRTH DAY TO YOU TOO You've reached the end of your first year of motherhood. So give yourself a pat on the back by organizing a special outing. Whether it be a day out shopping, an appointment at the beautician, or a night away with your favourite pals, make sure it's a fun and memorable occasion. Perhaps your partner could treat you to an overnight stay at a health spa. Whatever you choose to do, the important thing is to enjoy yourself and forget your motherly duties for a while!

Keeping baby happy when you're out and about

TRAVELLING WITH TODDLERS Even if you and your toddler are just having a quick trip to the supermarket, it helps to bring a few toys. You can tie some on his car seat to amuse him. Or elect another adult or older child to sit in the back seat as entertainment director. That way he won't wriggle, struggle to get up and distract you as you drive. Everyone will be happier - and safer.

Is all this stuff still necessary?

TIME FOR A CLEAR-OUT Set aside a day to go through all your baby clothes and equipment and decide what to keep and what to put away. By now you've probably accumulated enough baby stuff to fill a whole garage, and much of it won't be needed during your child's second year. Sort through your little one's wardrobe, organise his toys so that he doesn't have to sift through mountains of old rattles to find his coveted favourites, and put away the equipment you're no longer using. If you're not planning to have any more children, why not do a car boot sale, or pass your unwanted items on to pregnant friends or charity shops. But remember to save one or two special items as keepsakes - such as the babygrow your newborn came home in, or his favourite first rattle - things which will always remind you of those precious early months that may now already seem a lifetime away!

de fetitza cu funditza,zisa piticotul urias umblaretz

m-am facut maricica


Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns palmyrah2002 spune:

Originally posted by corbioana

Cristina da, am observat si schimbarea culorii si consistenta, e muult mai moale pt o perioada. Eu tot puneam pe seama dintilor, etc. Dar cred ca era de la lapte. Cand am facut trecerea. A fost asa vreo cateva sapt. Dar nu sunt medic sa spun sigur ca de la asta era, pt ca am intrebat pediatra si nu a gasit o cauza certa, insa era si asta o posibilitate.

Ioana si bebe Andrei 27 iunie 2005 - 1 anisor!!!

Multumesc mult!
M-am linistit si eu,imi faceam fel si fel de ginduri si ma gindeam cam ce analize sa-i fac!Eu am trecut de la ceaiul de fructe de padure la ceai de menta si e mai bine acum,adica si-a revenit la ieri!

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns Yasmari spune:

Anca, hai ca esti tare, "kilarit mami si lumea inconjuratoare"
Valeu, Mamini, chiar ca va fenteaza Veve, va stoarce de energii. Ref de borcanse versus hrana vie, gusturile cica nu s-ar discuta.
Atomica-i si a mea dar parca tot ma mai iarta.Iesim in parc seara pe care-l curata de toate pietrele, capacele, betele de acadea, ambalaje, chiar am prins-o si cu bucati de sticla,ne intoarcem precum cosarii, o spal pe maini si-i dau papa, 125 gr maxim desigur, o bag in baie (unde mai nou miorlaie) iara apoi cade frinta pe la 9.30, nici s-o imbrac nu mai are rabdare.

"May you live every day of your life!"- J. Swift

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns palmyrah2002 spune:

Originally posted by Monica-Elena

Ioan si Cristina nu mai dati lapte praf la micuti ati trecut pe uht? Eu l-am trecut pe Humana 3 si o sa ii dau pana la 3 ani lapte praf si de pe la 2 ani o sa ii bag si laptele de vaca(improriu zis de vaca ca UHT va fi). Pana atunci facem doar branzica din el.

Monica mamica unui globulet de aur - Mihnea-Gabriel
Esentele tari se tin in sticlute mici.

Am inceput cu Milli UHT,dar tot ii trag un clocot,deh..sint eu mai chisata.Am luat lapte pentru fiert DELISIO si era sarat,asa incit alta varianta nu am gasit;deocamdata am cumparat de 1,8% grasime dar am sa trec pe varianta 3,2%.Il combin cu cereale Bebelac orez cu caise sau griu cu fructe,2-3 masuri la 200 mol lapte.
Brinza ii cumpar din piata(am o tanti de la care cumpar mereu)si ii dau in amestec cu banana sau cu smintina.

Mergi la inceput