Fetele din America (67)
Raspunsuri - Pagina 13

nematics spune:
daca tot faci tu homeworkurile astea cifrate, vezi te rog si incearca sa studiezi ce zice de serotonina si noradrenalina si cum functioneaza astea sa te zapaceasca de cap sau sa te fericeasca!!! Daca reusesti sa ma faci sa pricep care e rolul lor, iti ramin datoare vesnica!!
" Cita luciditate, atita drama - Camil Petrescu"

sinzi_ana spune:
Astea sunt antidepresive
Nu ai voie sa conduci sub influenta lor!!!! Si efectul e simtit dublu daca sunt combinate cu alcool sau droguri.
Ideea este ca ei insista ca e un fel de lantul slabiciunilor...te prind in lantz si nu iti mai dau drumul...(iar drogurile, alcoolul si antidepresivele sunt in aceiasi desaga)
Oricum rasfoiesc...si am trecut deja de capitolul ala...daca ma mai intalnesc cu el...dau copy paste...
Iau in fiecare zi viata de la capat
Sinzi, Radusi David

nematics spune:
merci mult, asta stiam si eu - credeam ca zice mai multe!!
" Cita luciditate, atita drama - Camil Petrescu"

sinzi_ana spune:
Capitolul prin care am trecut la inceput era cel mai detaliat de pana acum....dar am mai "spicuit" cate ceva: nu stiu in ce masura sunt noutati fata de ceea ce stiai deja:
Alcohol and other psychoactive drugs alter mood and affect the mind by interfering with the central nervous system's signal system. Communication is the brain's major function. Your brain makes decisions. Your brain judges what is going to happen, based on what is happening now. Your brain being aware of the circumstances, in which you are current living. Whole systems are involved in regulating different aspects of personality and bodily functions. The limbic (a more compete description is available earlier in the course) system, for example, has a lot to do with regulating emotion. Depressants such as Valium and Librium manage to slow down communication in this system decreasing the ability to make a judgement, be aware of your surroundings and make a coordinated response to any judgement you make
For example, some neurotransmitters inhibit rather than convey impulses. Certain amino acids that appear to function in a manner that slow or halt the rate at which the brains electrical impulses travel. It cannot be considered a good situation when you have taken alcohol or other drugs that slow down or stop the electrical impulses in your brain. Your brain is the control center for your entire body, impairing the judgement, awareness and decision-making functions necessary to drive safely is dangerous. As the amount of alcohol and other drugs increases, the body functions decrease. You do not see as well, hear as well, you are uncoordinated and if use continues, you can pass out or even die. Imagine, being in a 3,000-pound bullet (your motor vehicle) speeding toward a concrete retaining wall when you cannot see, hear, respond or you have passed out. In the good/bad scheme of life, this is very bad
Barbiturates are depressants and are widely prescribed where it is necessary to decrease central nervous system activity. In low doses short or intermediate acting drugs, such as Nembutal, are used in the treatment of anxiety. In higher doses, they are employed as sleeping pills to induce sleep. Other medical uses include inducing unconsciousness for surgical operations. These widely used drugs, known as "downers," "barbs," etc. have the potential for severe impairment and dependence addiction.
Major tranquilizers or antipsychotics; are used to treat mental illnesses. A related family consists of antidepressants with some unpleasant side effects of major tranquilizers such as severe nausea; their recreational use is extremely rare. Anti-anxiety drugs have minimal effects on driving which is less than the Barbiturate class; they are widely used and abused. Diazepam (Valium) is the most frequently prescribed anti-anxiety agent in the world. In the United States, 66.5 million tranquilizer prescriptions are written annually. In combination with alcohol, these drugs have the potential for possible acute impairment.
Effects, Barbiturates to Benzodiazepines. Barbiturates produce general, progressive depression of the central nervous system, characterized by sedation and sleep, sometimes preceded by a period of apparent excitement and reduction of inhibition. In overdose, they cause coma and death by respiratory failure. Physical and psychological dependence may develop from prolonged or repeated use. The withdrawal syndrome is characteristically different from and more serious than that produced by narcotic analgesics. There is cross-tolerance and cross-dependence among all drugs in this class--they are also mutually addictive. Higher dosages result in impairment similar to alcohol impairment and are often accompanied by impaired thinking, lack of emotional control, aggressive behavior; erratic driving followed by drowsiness.
Other impairments to driving include:
* Decreased motor control and simple reaction time;
* Decreased visual-motor coordination; and
* Loss of balance.
Methaqualone has its own special side effects. High dosage levels result in fatigue, dizziness and, in extreme cases, almost total loss of muscle control. Barbiturates enhance the effects of alcohol; this is an extremely dangerous combination. A dose of alcohol a person might normally take, combined with a normal dose of barbiturates, that would be a sedative if taken by itself, can lead to coma. Further, it has been established that the passing of barbiturates from the blood is slowed by alcohol. This would tend to prolong the behavioral effects of the combined use of these drugs.
Phenothiazines do promote drowsiness and lethargy. The combination of major tranquilizers and alcohol greatly enhances the drowsiness effect of both. Minor tranquilizers at low dosage levels do affect driving performance, causing low levels of impairment. Studies have shown that Diazepam (Valium) impairment is associated with greater dose levels affecting tracking, information processing, and visual search tasks. Diazepam is frequently abused and taken in massive dosage levels, this drug is a serious traffic safety problem.
The use of alcohol and minor tranquilizers is widespread. Most minor tranquilizers increase the depressant effects of alcohol. Increased drowsiness is the major problem once the initial high diminishes.
Iau in fiecare zi viata de la capat
Sinzi, Radusi David

nematics spune:
m-am lamurit! Thks.!
da' rau te mai chinuie astia din Florida!! Eu n-am trebuit sa citesc asa ceva!
" Cita luciditate, atita drama - Camil Petrescu"

sinzi_ana spune:
De abia acum am terminat...nu a fost usor deloc...dar l-am luat...
Ce aiureala...
Iau in fiecare zi viata de la capat
Sinzi, Radusi David

Llaura spune:
Da' ce s-a intamplat, ce e cu educatia aia socialista, vodka nu, aia nu, aia nu?

Ira spune:
Originally posted by Llaura
Da' ce s-a intamplat, ce e cu educatia aia socialista, vodka nu, aia nu, aia nu?
Is curioasa ce-o fi insemnand aia nr 2

Hello America, salutari de la taranii eschimosi de la Nord

Relax and do it :)

ocebine spune:
Originally posted by Iraquote:
Originally posted by Llaura
Da' ce s-a intamplat, ce e cu educatia aia socialista, vodka nu, aia nu, aia nu?
Is curioasa ce-o fi insemnand aia nr 2
Hello America, salutari de la taranii eschimosi de la Nord!
Relax and do it :)
Aia...e secreta...nu stiu daca divulgam la canadieni asa ceva

Anamaria mama la Nick (8)& Alex (5)
People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one.