Sa redam speranta si copilaria lui Denis!
Raspunsuri - Pagina 12
adrianangi spune:
Incercati sa luati legfatura si cu "St. Jude Children's Research Hospital". Daca as stii engleza, as face-o eu, acum...
The hospital's address is:
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
332 N. Lauderdale
Memphis, TN 38105-2479
(901) 495-3300
Pe Internet am gasit urmatorul articol:
90% Cure Rate For Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Within Reach
Article Date: 13 Jan 2006 - 9:00am (PDT)
The cure rate for the once almost universally fatal childhood cancer acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) could reach 90 percent in the near future, thanks to improvements in diagnosis and treatment over the past four decades, according to investigators at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. Almost 4,000 cases of ALL are diagnosed in the United States each year, about two-thirds of which are in children and adolescents, making this disease the most common cancer in this age group.
A report on the progress in the treatment of ALL authored by two St. Jude investigators appears in the January 12 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine.
The progressive improvement in the cure rate since 1962, when only 4 percent of children with ALL survived, reflects in large part the more effective use of existing drugs and the incorporation of sophisticated genetic technologies to personalize treatments, the authors said. Research findings at St. Jude have enabled clinicians to identify patients for whom standard treatment is most likely to fail, and who should therefore be treated more aggressively; these findings have also allowed clinicians to choose the optimal drugs and drug dosages for individual patients.
The improvements in ALL treatment are also helping to reduce the long-term toxic side effects of therapy by enabling clinicians to reduce or avoid the use of certain drugs or radiation that can damage major organs or cause secondary cancers.
"Our success reflects many years of dedication and research by an experienced team that have paid off substantially," said Ching-Hon Pui, M.D., director of the Leukemia/Lymphoma Division at St. Jude and American Cancer Society F.M. Kirby Clinical Research Professor. "A 90 percent cure rate for ALL is quite possible in the near future if we continue to incorporate the breakthroughs of past decades and successfully overcome the remaining challenges."
The dramatic increase in cure rates for children is especially significant in the case of African-American children, Pui noted. They still have poor outcomes in national studies, but studies at St. Jude have shown African-American children have the same high cure rates as white children when given access to the same effective treatments.
"This reflects the ability of St. Jude to provide free treatment to all children regardless of their ethnic or racial backgrounds or their ability to pay; and to tailor the treatment according to their specific needs," Pui said. "The significant leadership role St. Jude played is due entirely to the enormous contributions made by our extraordinary team of doctors, pharmacists, nurses, and other clinicians and scientists over the years," said William E. Evans, Pharm.D., director and chief executive officer of St. Jude and the paper's co-author. "Their efforts are directly responsible for helping to push up the cure rate for ALL.
"Thanks to their work and the work of other institutions, we can now identify factors putting patients at high risk; and that has enabled us to determine whether treatment failure is due to resistance of leukemic cells to drugs, or merely due to the use of inadequate doses of those agents," Evans said. "By having the tools to precisely assess the risk of relapse in a specific patient, we can design the most effective treatments possible at the start of therapy. That's a key element of our success in raising the cure rate for ALL while limiting toxic effects of therapy."
That success is based to a large extent on the work done at St. Jude and elsewhere in identifying specific mutations in leukemic cells that strongly suggest the likelihood that treatment will fail the child, the authors reported. For example, a chromosomal abnormality called the TEL-AML1 fusion gene, which is an abnormal combination of two separate genes, confers a relatively favorable outlook for patients with this form of ALL. But patients whose leukemic cells have another genetic abnormality called the Philadelphia chromosome or a very low number of chromosomes--hypodiploidy--are at increased risk of treatment failure.
Adding to the complexity of the patient's response to treatment are differences in how quickly the body activates, breaks down or eliminates specific cancer drugs.
"Many genetic factors likely interact to influence the response of the patient to treatment," Evans said. "That's why the breakthroughs in pharmacogenomics made at St. Jude and elsewhere are so important. They let clinicians identify the patterns of gene activity and inactivity in both the patient's body and in leukemic cells that influence drug efficacy and toxicity. Without such information we would still be treating ALL using a lot of guesswork instead of good science."
Pharmacogenomics is the study of the effects of different genes on the response to drugs. Such studies often include the analysis of the roles of hundreds or even thousands of genes.
Another significant contribution made by St. Jude researchers is the measurement of minimal residual disease (MRD)--the small populations of leukemic cells that survive initial treatment (induction therapy). These cells can replenish the population of leukemic cells and cause the patient to relapse.
Using highly sensitive techniques, St. Jude researchers developed a technique for identifying abnormal combinations of proteins that appear only on the surface of leukemic cells. This allows scientists to quickly and accurately determine the percentage of such cells in samples taken from the patient. Doctors measure MRD to determine if induction therapy has eliminated enough leukemic cells to ensure a high probability of success. Until now, researchers had to rely on the less-accurate technique of microscopic examination to determine which cells in a child's blood sample were leukemic.
"MRD measurements help us to predict the ultimate response of each patient to treatment," Pui said. "That information helps us to determine how intensive the rest of the therapy should be. Our goal is the complete eradication of leukemic cells with the least toxicity to the children."
The continued improvement in diagnosis and treatment made possible by MRD, pharmacogenomics and new drug therapies has shifted the focus in ALL therapy toward reduction of both the immediate and long-term side effects of treatment. For example, a St. Jude team lead by Evans demonstrated that patients who lack the enzyme TPMT are more sensitive to thiopurine chemotherapy drugs and are more likely to suffer damage to the body's blood-producing cells. Evans subsequently discovered the genetic cause and developed a gene-based test that permits clinicians to identify children who should be treated with lower doses of this class of drugs while still receiving full therapeutic benefit. The overall improvements have led to more skilled use of cancer drugs, stem cell transplantation and treatment of ALL that invades the central nervous system, according to Pui.
"We are now testing the feasibility of omitting irradiation for all patients and reserving this treatment for only those children who suffer a relapse," he noted. "Irradiation of the brain can cause second cancers, hormonal disturbances and disruption of intellectual development as the child grows. So our omission of the use of irradiation should further reduce acute and long-term toxic side effects and improve outcome."
Coupled with the successes of the recent past, future treatment improvements promise to continually improve the survival rate of ALL, Evans said. For example, new drugs directed against the proteins made by genes linked to ALL will add to the options for treating this disease.
"Multiple breakthroughs at St. Jude and elsewhere have transformed ALL from a virtual death sentence into a disease that children can increasingly be expected to survive with minimal side effects," Evans said. "Surpassing 90 percent is an important step toward our ultimate quest of curing all children with this disease."
This work was supported in part by the National Institutes of Health, a Cancer Center Support Grant and ALSAC.
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital is internationally recognized for its pioneering work in finding cures and saving children with cancer and other catastrophic diseases. Founded by late entertainer Danny Thomas and based in Memphis, Tenn., St. Jude freely shares its discoveries with scientific and medical communities around the world. No family ever pays for treatments not covered by insurance, and families without insurance are never asked to pay. St. Jude is financially supported by ALSAC, its fund-raising organization. For more information, please visit
Bonnie Kourvelas
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
Dumnezeu sa-i ajute lui Denis! Ma rog Lui, in fiecare seara, sa faca un miracol si pentru Denis.
sfarsitoarea spune:
Adrianangi, a fost luata deja legatura cu spitalul de la ST. Jude, dar au primit raspuns negativ. Nu pot sa-l primeasca deoarece ei se ocupa numai de cazuri acum descoperite, care nu au fost tratate in alta parte. Acesta a fost raspunsul lor. Acum incearca sa gaseasca alte clinici oriunde care sa-i ofere o sansa.
adrianangi spune:
Originally posted by sfarsitoarea
Adrianangi, a fost luata deja legatura cu spitalul de la ST. Jude, dar au primit raspuns negativ. Nu pot sa-l primeasca deoarece ei se ocupa numai de cazuri acum descoperite, care nu au fost tratate in alta parte. Acesta a fost raspunsul lor. Acum incearca sa gaseasca alte clinici oriunde care sa-i ofere o sansa.
Si nu pot face o exceptie pentru un copil din Romania?
Insistati, implorati-i, spuneti-le ca povestea acestui copil a aparut in mass-media din Romania si ca vindecarea lui si implicit numele celor care au facut asta posibil vor fi mediatizate.
Maine voi trimite si eu un mail, in numele ziarului, pe adresa lor. Spuneti-mi numai cu cine de acolo ati vorbit, ca sa insist in aceeasi directie.
Doamne ajuta lui Denis!
denis spune:
Spuneti-ne depre Denis... Aveti vreo veste buna rog mult...astept o veste mai buna de la voi....!!!
S-a gasit o solutie? s-a intamplat o minune...??? Spuneti-ne ca da..??!
Denisa, mami lui Cosmin
denis spune:
Fetelor, un semn despre Denis?
Eu ma rog pentru el...cred ca si voi. Oare ne-a auzit Dumnezeu? E mai bine puiutul...???
E prea liniste aici si linistea asta nu-i a buna...
Va astept cu vesti.
Denisa, mami lui Cosmin
ionella3003 spune:
Va rog frumos, spuneti-ne ce mai face Denis!
Sfarsitoarea, tu ai fost sursa noastra de informatii pana acum, te rugam sa ne ajuti sa aflam noutati! Ma rog sa fie bine!...
D-zeu sa te ocroteasca, ingeras mic!
Ionela si Alex (DN 21.09.2004)" target="_blank">Cu drag, MAMA
soni spune:
Chair dac am trimis ce am putut,n-am incetat sa citesc .Am si eu doi aici (in torino) cu aceeasi boala .Urmaresc tot ce spun medicii si nu inteleg de ce acum cu atitea citostatice (care ar trebui sa opeasca cit de cit boala are 80% recadere)???? Si aici este unul care nu mai stiu nici medicii daca rezista sau nu (toxicitate f. inalta) dar merg inainte ) Denis,pui de om fi tare poate si pt tine se v-a gasi o solutie!!! Goamne ajuta-i ca tere mai sufera!!!
sfarsitoarea spune:
Denis a fost mutat la o clinica din Hamburg unde i s-a mai oferit o sansa. Din pacate costurile acolo sunt enorme, 250.000 euro si ce s-a strans pana acum s-au cheltuit aproape tot pe chimioterapii. Trebuie sa o luam de la capat cu strangerea de fonduri.
Eu sunt acum in Romania si nu prea pot sa tin legatura cu ei. Sotul meu vorbeste des cu ei. Asa incerc sa va tin si pe voi la curent cu situatia lui Denis.
Ne bucuram ca macar mai este o sansa. S-a ales varianta Hamburg din Germania pentru ca se poate pastra donatorul, care se gaseste cu destul de mare greutate.
Multa sanatatate micului plin de viata.
ionella3003 spune:
Originally posted by sfarsitoarea
Denis a fost mutat la o clinica din Hamburg unde i s-a mai oferit o sansa. Din pacate costurile acolo sunt enorme, 250.000 euro si ce s-a strans pana acum s-au cheltuit aproape tot pe chimioterapii. Trebuie sa o luam de la capat cu strangerea de fonduri.
Eu sunt acum in Romania si nu prea pot sa tin legatura cu ei. Sotul meu vorbeste des cu ei. Asa incerc sa va tin si pe voi la curent cu situatia lui Denis.
Ne bucuram ca macar mai este o sansa. S-a ales varianta Hamburg din Germania pentru ca se poate pastra donatorul, care se gaseste cu destul de mare greutate.
Multa sanatatate micului plin de viata.
multumim din suflet! in sfarsit o veste buna, ca mai e o sansa! o sa mai virez si eu maine niste banuti pt micul ingeras! Multa putere Monicai si sotului ei!
Ionela si Alex (DN 21.09.2004)" target="_blank">Cu drag, MAMA
ioana_tzuchi spune:
Sfarsitoarea, multumim de veste. Sa dea Dumnezeu ca totul sa fie bine!
Multa putere, puiut drag!