Fetele din America (53)
Raspunsuri - Pagina 10

ruxij spune:
Originally posted by Siminaf
Lia, iti tin pumnii pt. vize! Stai linistita, ca e chiar usor. Cred ca-s pensionare, nu? Atunci chiar e usor!
Simina & Andrei (Deiutzu) & bb2 din burtica
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Multumesc Simina pentru urari. Eu am emotii pentru ca soacra-mea a mai fost aici si i-am facut prelungire la viza. A stat in Romania de atunci vreun an jumate, dar tot mi-e teama ca din cauza ca a facut prelungire data trecuta sa nu aiba probleme de data asta. De pensionara e pensionara si are 70 ani. Mama nu e pensionara, dar nu stiu de ce mi se pare ca mai multe sanse ar avea mama decat soacra-mea. Om vedea, la noroc.

miau-miau spune:
Originally posted by ocebine
Sanca...din nefericire banii pentru tuition la private school nu sint tax deductible. Se considera ca poti da copiii la scoli publice si deci scoala particulara este un lux/moft. Poti deduce doar chestii gen "after school program".
deci practic ceea ce se poate deduce sint banii de day-care atita vreme cit ambii parinti lucreaza. Scoala publica e pe gratis oricum nu ai ce sa deduci. Daca copilul merge dupa scoala 2 ore la o clasa de caligrafie chineza, nu poti sa o deduci de la taxe. Daca am inteles eu bine, ideea este ca nu banii cheltutiti pe educatie sint tax-free, ci banii cheltuiti ca cineva sa supravegheze copilul atita vreme cit mama si tata lucreaza. Daca gresesc, sa ma corecteze careva. Poate mai salvez bani anul viitor la taxe.

nematics spune:
Originally posted by ocebine
Sanca...din nefericire banii pentru tuition la private school nu sint tax deductible. Se considera ca poti da copiii la scoli publice si deci scoala particulara este un lux/moft. Poti deduce doar chestii gen "after school program".
Ocebine, e valabil si daca e vorba de college sau universitate privata?

amuleta spune:
Asa stiam si eu, daca ambii parinti lucreaza, preschool se deduce, la fel si day-care dupa scoala dar daca numai unul lucreaza, nu. Banii de college se deduc, din cite stiu.

conchita spune:
Originally posted by amuleta
Asa stiam si eu, daca ambii parinti lucreaza, preschool se deduce, la fel si day-care dupa scoala dar daca numai unul lucreaza, nu.
asta suna ciudat. deci daca unul dintre parinti sta acasa, se deduc. dar cate cupluri exista in care femeia e casnica si care isi duc copilul la day care?! nu prea cred ca exista. logic ar fi sa fie invers. de fapt sa se deduca la toata lumea, inclusiv la cei care isi trimit copiii la scoli private, ca si ei tot platitori de taxe sunt, nu?

ruxij spune:
Din pacate, se pare ca daca sotia este casnica, familia nu poate deduce childcare expenses pentru ca se presupune ca e un moft sa dea copilul la daycare probabil, nu o necesitate.
sursa: http://www.irs.gov/publications/p503/ar02.html
To be able to claim the credit for child and dependent care expenses, you must file Form 1040 or Form 1040A, not Form 1040EZ, and meet all the following tests.
You (and your spouse if you are married) must have earned income during the year. (However, see Rule for student-spouse or spouse not able to care for self under Earned Income Test, later.)
You must pay child and dependent care expenses so you (and your spouse if you are married) can work or look for work. (See Work-Related Expense Test, later.)
You must make payments for child and dependent care to someone you (or your spouse) cannot claim as a dependent. If you make payments to your child, he or she cannot be your dependent and must be age 19 or older by the end of the year. (See Payments to Relatives under Work-Related Expense Test, later.)

ruxij spune:
Tot din aceeasi sursa
Work-Related Expense Test
Child and dependent care expenses must be work related to qualify for the credit. Expenses are considered work related only if both of the following are true.
They allow you (and your spouse if you are married) to work or look for work.
They are for a qualifying person's care.
Working or Looking for Work
To be work related, your expenses must allow you to work or look for work. If you are married, generally both you and your spouse must work or look for work. Your spouse is treated as working during any month he or she is a full-time student or is physically or mentally not able to care for himself or herself.
Your work can be for others or in your own business or partnership. It can be either full time or part time.
Work also includes actively looking for work. However, if you do not find a job and have no earned income for the year, you cannot take this credit. See Earned Income Test, earlier.
Whether your expenses allow you to work or look for work depends on the facts. For example, the cost of a baby sitter while you and your spouse go out to eat is not normally a work-related expense.
An expense is not considered work related merely because you had it while you were working. The purpose of the expense must be to enable you to work.
Volunteer work. For this purpose, you are not considered to be working if you do unpaid volunteer work or volunteer work for a nominal salary.
Work for part of year. If you work or actively look for work during only part of the period covered by the expenses, then you must figure your expenses for each day. For example, if you work all year and pay care expenses of $250 a month ($3,000 for the year), all the expenses are work related. However, if you work or look for work for only 2 months and 15 days during the year and pay expenses of $250 a month, your work-related expenses are limited to $625 (21/ months × $250).

philip spune:
ma bag si eu in discutie. deci daca ti-ai dus copilul la daycare indifernet pt cat timp si cat a costat primesti 400 $ inapoi? daca am inteles gresit, please, lamuriti-ma, incerc sa va citesc cu fecior-meu maraind de dimineata, ceea ce devine aproape groaznic dupa 12 ore...
copilasi dragalasi