Salvati-l pe Mihaita ! (3)

Raspunsuri - Pagina 9

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Dragele mele,

Sfatuindu-ma cu Aschiutza si cu Carmen, ma gandeam ca poate n-ar fi rau sa incercam si la clinicile din estul Europei,daca ne intereseaza sa dam peste ceva mai ieftin. Eu postez din nou aici likul catre centrele de trasplant di europa si chiar lista cu ele si fac apel catre toti romanii de prin aceste tari: nu trebuie sa dati telefoane la toate clinicile din tara respectiva, dar macar la una care sa va spuna macar o suma si daca se accepta donator strain de familie.



Univ.Kl.f.Chirurgie Graz
Transplantationschirurgie E/C
Auenbruggerplatz 29
A-8036 Graz
Tel. +43 316 385 81220
Fax +43 316 385 4446
I. Universitätsklinik für Chirurgie
Anichstraße 35
A-6020 Innsbruck
Tel. +43-512-504 2603
Fax +43-512-504 2605

Onze Liebe Vrouw Ziekenhuis
Moorselbaan 164
B-9300 Aalst
Tel. +32/53/72.41.11
Tel. +32/53/72.43.13
Tel. +32/53/72.43.13
Fax +32/53/72.45.85
Email :

Universitair Ziekenhuis Antwerpen
Wilrijkstraat 10
B-2650 Edegem
tel: +32/3/821.30.00
Transplant coordination:
tel: +32/3/821.34.80
fax: +32/3/830.20.99

Academisch Ziekenhuis VUB
Laarbeeklaan 101
1090 Brussel-Jette
tel: +32/2/477.41.11
Transplant coordination:
tel: +32/2/477.60.99
fax: +32/2/477.60.53
Hôpital Erasme
808, Route de Lennik
B-1070 Bruxelles
tel: +32/2/555.31.11
Transplant coordination:
tel: +32/2/555.38.11
fax: +32/555.64.64

Cliniques Universitaires St. Luc
10, Avenue Hippocrate
B-1200 Bruxelles
Transplant coordination:
tel: +32/2/764.22.06
fax: +32/2/770.78.58

Universitair Ziekenhuis Gent
De Pintelaan 185
B-9000 Gent
tel: +32/9/240.21.11
Transplant coordination:
tel: +32/9/240.49.05
fax: +32/9/240.30.54

Universitaire Ziekenhuizen Leuven
Herestraat 49
B-3000 Leuven
tel: +32/16/33.22.11
Transplant coordination:
tel: +32/16/34.45.90
Fax: +32/16/34.87.43

Centre Hospitalier Universitaire
Domaine Universitaire du Sart Tilman
B-4000 Liège
Tel: +32/43/66.71.11
Transplant coordination:
Tel: +32/43/66.72.06
Fax: +32/43/66.75.17

University Pediatric Hospital
Clinic of Gastroenterology
Urvitch Street 13
1000 Sofia
Tel. +359-2-581 021
Fax +359-2-952 1650
University Pediatric Hospital
Clinic Pediatric Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Urcich str. 13
1612 Sofia
Tel. +359 2 958 2925
Fax +359 2 952 1650

Donor Action
38 Pitcarnie Crescent
London, Ontario N6G 4N4
Tel. +1 519 474 4521

Donor Network of Croatia
General hospital
Negrijeva 6
HR-52100 Pula
Tel. +385-52-376 322
Fax +385-52-376 412


Faculty Hospital
Transplant Center - Dept. Urology
500 05 Hradec Kralové
Tel. +420-49-583 3616
mobil +420-0602 116 496
Fax +420-49-583 3431
University Hospital Ostrava
Dept. Anaestes. & Critical Care Med.
17.listopadu 1790
708 52 Ostrava-Poruba
Tel. +420-69-698 2703
Fax +420-69-698 2704

University Hospital Pilsen
Alej Svobody 80
304 60 Pilsen
Tel. +420 377 259 718
Fax +420 377 259 718 (+ start)
Transplant Center IKEM
Institute Clinical and Experimental Medicine
Videnska 800
140 00 Prague 4
Tel. +420-2-6136 4118
+420-2-6136 4114-5
+420-2-425 823
Fax +420-2-6136 3117
+420-2-472 2255

University Hospital Motol
Transplant Center
V úvalu 84
150 18 Prague 5
Tel. +420-2-5722 1056
+420-2-2443 3000
Fax +420-2-5722 1056

Aarhus University Hospital
Skejby Sygehus - Dept. Cardiology
DK-8200 Aarhus N
Tel. +45-8949 6195
Fax +45-8949 6028
University Hospital Aarhus
Skejby Sygehus AFD. C
DK-8200 Aarhus N
Tel. +45-8949 6179
Fax +45-8949 6010

University Hospital Aarhus
Skejby Sygehus
DK-8200 Aarhus N
Tel. +45-8949 6189
Fax +45-8949 6010
University Hospital Aarhus
Skejby Sygehus - SFU
Brendstrupgardsvej 100
DK-8200 Aarhus N
Tel. +45-8949 5054

Rigshospitalet University Hospital
Transplantation Unit Dept. CTx 2124
Blegdamsvej 9
DK-2100 Copenhagen
Tel. +45-3545 3120
Fax +45-3545 6511

Tallinn Mustamäe Hospital
Transplantation Depart.
Jsütiste 19
13419 Tallinn
Tel. +372-697 1691
Fax +372-697 1200

Helsinki University Central Hospital
Dept. of Surgery - Div. of Transplantation
Kasarmikatu 11-13 / P.O. Box 264
SF-00029 HYKS Helsinki
Tel. +358-9-174 942
Fax +358-9-174 975
Helsinki University Central Hospital
IV Department of Surgery
Kasarmikatu 11
SF-00130 Helsinki
Tel. +358-9-174 942
Fax +358-9-174 975

Helsinki University Central Hospital
Transplantation Office
P.O. Box 263
SF-00029 HUS Helsinki
Tel. +358-9-4718 8238
Fax +358-9-174 975


Centre Hospitalier R. Dubos
Coordination de Prelevements
6 Avenue Ile de France
Tel. +33-0130 754 367

CHU Besançon
Coordination Hospitaliere
Hal. J. Minjoz / Bd Flemming
F-25030 Besançon
Tel. +33-0381 668 515

CHU Côte de Nacre
Anesthesiology Dpt
13 Avenue de la Côte de Nacre
F-14033 Caen Cedex
Tel. +33 23 1064 742
Fax +33 23 1064 739
HCC Colmar
39, Avenue de la Liberté
F-68024 Colmar
Tel. +33-0389 124 180

Etablissement français des Greffes - EfG
162 Ave Lacassagne
F-69424 Lyon Cedex 03
Tel. +33-4-7211 5204
+33-4-7211 5206
+33-4-7211 5207
+33-4-7211 0277
+33-4-7211 5276
Fax +33-4-7211 5222
Etablissement français des Greffes - EfG
Inter-Region 2 - Faculté de Medecine
9 Foret de Haye
F-54505 Nancy

Etablissement français des Greffes - EfG
Regulation Nationale
28 rue de Charenton
F-75012 Paris
Tel. +33-1-4467 5552
+33-1-4467 5551
Fax +33-1-4467 9070
Hopital Hautepierre
F-67098 Strasbourg
Tel. +33-0388 128 327

CH Vichy
BP 2757
F-03201 Vichy Cedex
Tel. +33 4 7097 3333
Fax +33 4 7097 3384

Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg
Rue Barblé 4
L-1210 Luxembourg
Tel. +352-4411 2132
Fax +352-4411 6273

City Hospital #1
General Surgery Department
9 Tsinandali street
Tbilisi 380066
Tel. +995-32-77 1119
Mobile phone: +995-99-553 311, +995-32-771 819 (also fax)
Fax +995-32-771 819 (also tel) +995-32-776 204

Pauwelstraße 30
D-52074 Aachen
Tel. +49-241-8080 800
Fax +49-241-8082 800
Herzzentr.Nordrhein-Westfalen Ruhruniv.Bochum
Klinik für Thorax- und Cardiovascularchirurgie
Georgstrasse 11
D-32545 Bad Oeyenhausen
Tel. +49-5731-971 180
Fax +49-5731-972 181

Charité Campus Virchow
Chir. Clin. Medical Logistic Unit
Augustenburger Platz 1
D-13353 Berlin
Tel. +49-30-4505 5 2016
+49-30-4505 5 2348
Secretary: +49-30-4505 5 2222
Fax +49-30-4505 5 2902
Charité Campus Virchow
Chirurgie - Humbold Univ.Berlin
Augustenburger Platz 1
D-13353 Berlin
Tel. +49-30-4505 2222
Fax +49-30-4505 2902

Deutsche Stiftung Organtransplantation - DSO
Organisationszentrale Berlin-Brandenburg
Saatwinkler Damm 11-12
D-13627 Berlin
Tel. +49-30-3467 04-0
Fax +49-30-3467 0439
Deutsche Stiftung Organtransplantation - DSO
Region NRW, Büro Bonn
Sigmund - Freud - Str. 25
D-53105 Bonn
Tel. +49-228-284 822
Fax +49-228-285 480

Krankenhaus Köln - Merheim
Medizinische Klinik
Ostmerheimerstraße 212
D-51109 Cologne
Tel. +49-221-899 1123
Fax +49-221-899 1163
University Hospital
Department of Surgery
Hugstetter Straße 55
D-79106 Freiburg
Tel. +49-761-270 2732
Fax +49-761-278 970

University Hospital / Chir.Klinik
Hugstetter Straße 55
D-79106 Freiburg
Tel. +49-761-270 2732
Fax +49-761-278 970
Universitätskrankenhaus Eppendorf
Martinistraße 52
D-20246 Hamburg
Tel. +49-40-42803 4777
Fax +49-40-42803 6755

Deutsche Stiftung Organtransplantation - DSO
Region North
Stadtfelddamm 65
D-30625 Hannover
Tel. +49 511 - 55 5530
Fax +49 511 - 55 6747
Deutsche Stiftung Organtransplantation - DSO
Organisationsbüro Heidelberg
im Neuenheimer Feld 114
D-69120 Heidelberg
Tel. +49-6221-470 890
Fax +49-6221-411 666

Deutsche Stiftung Organtransplantation - DSO
Organisationsbüro - Univ.klinik Homburg c/o Med Klinik IV
Kirrberger Str.
D-66421 Homburg / Saar
Tel. +49-6841 163 520
Fax +49-6841 163 516
Deutsche Stiftung Organtransplantation, Region Mitte
c/o Universitätskliniken des Saarlandes, Innere Medizin Iv
Kirrberger Str.
D-66424 Homburg / Saar
Tel. **49 6841 1623 520
Fax **49 6841 1623 516

CBK - Universitätsauganklinik Kiel
Hegewischstr. 2
D-24105 Kiel
Tel. **49-431-597 2398
Fax **49-431-597 2423
Lindenallee 41
D-50968 Koln
Tel. **49-221-340 3348 - Mobil **49-179-527 9660
Fax **49-221-340 3349

Deutsche Stiftung Organtransplantation - DSO
Region Mitte
Adam Karrillon Strasse 23
D-55118 Mainz
Tel. +49-6131-627 360
Fax +49-6131-627 36-79
Deutsche Stiftung Organtransplantation
Marchioninistrasse 17
D-81377 München
Tel. **49 89 700 9610
Fax **49 89 700 4160

Deutsche Stiftung Organtransplantation - DSO
Marchioninistraße 15
D-81377 Munich
Tel. +49-89-7009 6120
Fax +49-89-700 96130
Deutsche Stiftung Organtransplantation - DSO
Organizationszentrale Region Bayern
Marchioninistraße 15
D-81377 Munich
Tel. +49-89-7009 6115
Fax +49-89-7009 6130

Deutsche Stiftung Organtransplantation
Region NRW, Organisationsschwerpunkt Münster
Fliednerstrasse 44
D-48149 Münster
Tel. +49-175-726 5985
+49-251-484 3873
Fax +49-251-484 3877
Deutsche Stiftung Organtransplantation - DSO
Emil von Behring-Passage
D-63235 Neu-Isenburg
Tel. +49-6102-300 8120
Fax +49-6102-300 8134

Deutsche Stiftung Organtransplantation - DSO
Organizationszentrale Region Mitte
Emil von Behring-Passage
D-63263 Neu-Isenburg
Tel. +49-6102-2916-0
Fax +49-6102-2916-19
Deutsche Stiftung Organtransplantation - DSO
Region Bayern C/O Klinikum Nuernberg
Breslauer Str. 201
D-90471 Nuernberg
Tel. +49-911-803 091
Fax +49-911-890 647

Deutsche Stiftung Organtransplantation - DSO
Franz-Josef-Strauss-Allee 11
D-93053 Regensburg
Tel. +49-941-944 6900
Fax +49-941-944 6902
Deutsche Stiftung Organtransplantation - DSO
Region Baden-Württemberg
Friedrichstraße 10
D-70174 Stuttgart
Tel. **49 711 222 9686 - Mobile **49 175 185 3970
Fax **49 711 222 96 888

Deutsche Stiftung Organtransplantation - DSO
Organisationsbüro Transplantation Ulm
Stein Hövelstr. 9
D-89070 Ulm
Tel. +49-731-28 580
Fax +49-731-23 167
Deutsche Stiftung Organtransplantation - DSO
Organisationsbüro Würzburg
Josef-Schneider Str. 2
D-97080 Würzburg
Tel. +49-931-240 48
Fax +49-931-286 750


251 Hellenic Airforce VA General Hospital
Renal Unit
3 Kanellopoulou str
11525 Athens
Tel. +30-1-746 4421
Fax +30-1-746 4418
2nd Regional Health and Welfare Authority of Attica
Zaharof 3
11521 Athens
Tel. +30 210 645 1815, +30 210 645 4835
Fax +30 210 645 3763

Hellas Transplant Service
General Hospital of Athens
Messogion Ave. 154
11527 Athens
Tel. +30-1-777 4777
Fax +30-1-777 7740
Hospital "Evagelismos" of Athens
Organ Transplant Unit
Ipsilantou 45-47 Kolonaki
11510 Athens
Tel. +30-1-72 33 422
+30-1-72 01 741
Fax +30-1-72 33 421

Laikon General Hospital
Transplantation Center
17 AG Thoma Str
11527 Athens
Tel. +30-1-778 9274
Fax +30-1-770 2634
National Transplant Organization
3 Alutarhou St
10675 Athens
Tel. +30-1-724 8589
Fax +30-1-724 8527

National Transplant Organization
Ploutarchou 3
10675 Athens
Tel. +30-210 724 9371
+30-210 725 5065
Fax +30-210 724 8527
Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center
Cardiothoracic Transplantation
Sygrou Avenue 356
17674 Athens
Tel. +30-1-949 3348
+30-1-949 3000
Fax +30-1-949 3389

University Hospital of Patras
Transplant Coordinator Office
Rio Patras
26500 Rio Patras
Tel. +30-610 999 724
Fax +30-610 994 649
AHEPA University Hospital
Transplant Coordinators
St. Kyriakidi
54636 Thessaloniki
Tel. +30-31-993 341
Fax +30-31-993 342
+30-31-866 464

General Regional Hospital "G.Papanikalaou"
Transplant Coordinators
Exohi Thessaloniki
57010 Thessaloniki
Tel. +30-0310 350 662
Fax +30-0310 350 667
Hippocration Hospital
Transplantation Department
Konstantinoupoleos 49
54642 Thessaloniki
Tel. +30-31-855 566 or +30-31-892 068
Fax +30-31-855 566


National Coordination Center
Gárdonyi Géza utca 20/b
H-1026 Budapest
Tel. +36-1-391 4575
Fax +36-1-398-1177
National Coordination Centre
Gárdonyi Géza utca 20/b
H-1026 Budapest
Tel. +36-1-391-4574
Cellular: +36-30-371 8966
Fax +36-1-398-1177

National Cordination Centre
Gárdonyi Géza u. 20/b
H-1026 Budapest
Tel. +36-06-30 466 7636
Fax +36-1-398-1177
Hungarotransplant, Public Service Corporation
National Coordination Center
Gardonyi u. 20/b
H-1026 Budapest
Tel. +36-1-391 4577
Tel. +36-1-391 4570 (secretary) Mobile +36-30-436 4851
Fax: +36-1-398 1177
Fax: +36-30-807 6987

Semmelweis University
Transplantation and Surgery
23. Baross
H-1082 Budapest
Tel. **36 1 2676 000
Fax **36 1 317 0964
Surgical Dept.
Nagyerdei krt. 98.
H-4012 Debrecen
Tel. +36-30-466 7637
Fax +36-52-316-098

Ifjúság u. 13.
H-7624 Pécs
Tel. +36-30-298-8807
Fax +36-72-536-441
Hungarotransplant Kht.
SZTE ÁOK Transplatation
Pécsi u. 4
H-6720 Szeged
Tel. **36 30 466 7635
Tel. **36 30 9788 794
Fax **36 62 545 702

Haemek Medical Center
Nurse Management
Tel. +972 4 649 4141
+972 4 649 4254
Fax +972 4 652 2642
Rambam Medical Center
Nursing Administration
P.O.B. 9602
Bat Galim, Haifa 31096
Tel. +972-4-854 2330
Fax +972-4-854 2202

Soroka Medical Center
Nursing Office
P.O.B. 151
Beer Sheva
Tel. +972-7-6400 608
Fax +972-7-6400 171
Asaf - Harofe Hospital
Nursing Office
p.o. Zerifin
Beer Yaacov 70300
Tel. +972-8-977 9550
Fax +972-8-977 9551

Joseftal Hospital
Tel. +972-08-635 8041
Fax +972-08-637 2549
Bnai Zion Hospital
Head Nurse Office
49 Golomb Str.
Tel. +972-4-835 9696
Fax +972-4-835 9811

Carmel Hospital
Tel. **972 04 8250 130

Naharria Hospital
Western Galilee Hospital
Naharria 22100
Tel. +972-04-910 7107
Fax +972-04-910 7611

Rabine Medical Center
Petach-Tikva 49100
Tel. +972-3-937 6476
Fax +972-3-937 6473
Naplan Hospital
Tel. **972 08 9441 550
Fax **972 08 9441 854

Shiba Medical Center
Tel Hasomer
Rmat Gan
Tel. +972-058-547 290
Fax +972-3-530 2144
Ichilov Hospital
6 Weizman st.
Tel. +972-3-697 4406
Fax +972-3-697 3897

Israel Transplant Centre ADI
Noah-Mozes Str. 15
Tel-Aviv 67442
Tel. +972-3-606 1705
+972-1-800 609 610
Fax +972-3-695 7344
Israel Transplant Organization
Noah-Mozes Str. 15
Tel-Aviv 67442
Tel. +972-3-606 1706
+972-5-624 2961 (Mobile)
Fax +972-3-695 7344

Tel-Aviv Medical Center
Transplant Unit
6 Weizman st.
Tel-Aviv 64239
Tel. +972-3-697 4408
Fax +972-3-697 3897
Tel-Aviv Sourasky Medical Center
Transplant Unit
6 Weizman st.
Tel-Aviv 64239
Tel. +972-3-697 4408
+972-3-697 4426
Fax +972-3-697 3897

Ziv Government Hospital
POB 1008
Tel. +972-4-682 8868

Ospedale Regionale UmbertoI°-Torrette
Ist. Emerg. Medico Chir.-Anest. e Rianim.Clin.
via Conca
I-60100 Ancona
Tel. +39 071 596 4602
Ospedale Regionale UmbertoI°-Torrette
Ist. Emerg. Medico Chir.-Anest. e Rianim.Clin.
via Conca
I-60100 Ancona
Tel. +39 071 596 4602

Ospedale San Donato
Direzione Sanitaria
Via Pietro Nenni 20
I-52100 Arezzo
Tel. +39 0575 255 669
Fax +39 0575 255 669
A.O. "S.G. Moscati" Avellino
Via Otranto
I-83100 Avellino
Tel. +39-0825 203 225

Hospital Santa Maria Annunziata
Direzione Sanitaria
Antella 54
I-50011 Bagno a Ripoli (Florence)
Tel. +39-552 496 452
Tel. +39-556 263 395
Fax +39-552 496 572
Fax. +39-556 263 382
Ospedale Inferni
Anestesia / Rianim.
Via Caraccio 5
I-13900 Biella
Tel. +39 015 350 3297-8
Fax +39 015 350 3924

Policlinico Sant Orsola - Malpighi
Centro Riferimento Trapianti
Via Massarenti 9
I-40138 Bologna
Tel. +39-051-636 3664
Fax +39-051-636 4700
Azienda Ospedaliera G.Brotzu
Direzione Sanitaria - Dipartimento Trapianti
Via Peretti N.2
I-09134 Cagliari
Tel. **39 070 539 436
Fax **39 070 530 814

Ospedale "A. Cardarelli"
Direzione Sanitaria
C. Datappino
I-86100 Campobasso
Tel. +39 0874 409 430
Fax +39 0874 409 430
Centro Riferimento Regionale Trapianti
Azienda Ospedaliera Careggi
Viale Morgagni 85
I-50137 Firenze
Tel. +39-55-427 7424
Fax +39-55-427 7698

ASC 3 Umbria Foligno
Via S. Giovanni Battista
I-06034 Foligno
Tel. +39-0742 3392 41-43

Azienda Ospedale San Martino
Centro Reg. Coordin. Trapianti Reg. Liguria
Largo Rosanna Benzi 10
I-Genova 16132
Tel. +39-010-555 3862
+39-010-352 908
Fax +39-010-555 6772

Azienda Ospedale San Martino
Centro Regionale di Coordinamento Trapianti
Largo Rosanna Benzi 10
I-Genova 16132
Tel. +39-010-555 3862
Tel. +39-010-352 908
Fax +39-010-555 6772
Azienda Ospedale San Martino
U.O.S. Medicina Legale - Coordinamento Trapianti
Largo Rosanna Benzi 10
I-Genova 16132
Tel. +39-010-555 3862
Tel. +39-010-353 7638
Tel. +39-010-352 908
Fax +39-010-555 6772
Fax. +39-010-353 7643

Centro Riferimento Trapianti
A.S.L. L'Aquila
P. le Collemaggio
I-67100 L'Aquila
Tel. +39-862-412 536
+39-862-368 838
Fax +39-862-412 536
Istituto - C.N.R.- Per I Trap.d'Org. e l'Innunocitologia
Piazzale Collemaggio
I-67100 L'Aquila
Tel. +39-0862-27 129
+39-0862-414 275
Fax +39-0862-410 758

Ospedale Lecco "A. Manzoni"
Neuro ICU
Via Dell'Eremo
I-23800 Lecco
Tel. +39 0341 489 977 - 979
Fax +39 0341 489 978
Fatebenefratelli Hospital
Intensive Care Unit
Corso di Porta Nuova 23
I-20121 Milano
Tel. +39-2 6363 2414
Fax +39-2 6363 2493

Ospedale Maggiore
Centro Trasfusionale e di Immunologia
Via Francesco Sforza 35
I-20122 Milano
Tel. +39-2-548 3338
+39-2-5518 0000
+39-2-546 0597 (?)
Fax +39-2-5501 2573
Policlinico di Modena
Via del Pozzo 71
I-41100 Modena
Tel. +39-059-422 481
Fax +39-059-424 533

Centro Regionale Trapianti
Via Giustiniani 3
I-35128 Padova
Tel. +39-049-821 8124 / 25
Fax +39-049-821 8126
Centro Regionale Trapianti Del Veneto
Via Giustiniani 2
I-35128 Padova
Tel. **39 049 8218 124
Fax **39 049 8218 126

Direzione Sanitaria
Coordinamento Trapianti
Via Giustiniani 1
I-35128 Padova
Tel. +39-049-821 8124 / 25
Fax +39-049-821 8126
Università degli Studi di Padova
Dept.Medicina Ambientale e Sanità Pubblica - Sede di Medicina Legale e delle Assicurazioni
v. G. Falloppio 50
I-35121 Padova
Tel. **39 049 827 2200
Tel. **39 049 827 221
Tel. **39 049 821 3147
Fax. **39 049 827 2214
Fax. **39 049 821 3146

Centro Regionale Trapianti Regione Veneto
c/o Azienda Osp. di Padova
Via Giustiniani 1
I-35100 Padova-Veneto
Tel. +39-049-821 8124 / 25
Fax +39-049-821 8126
ARNAS Civilo
Neurosurgical ICU
Via Carrabia 1
I-90100 Palermo
Tel. +39-091-666 3216
Fax +39-091-666 3054

Istituto Mediterraneo Trapianti e Terapie
Via Carmelo Lazzaro 2A
I-90100 Palermo
Tel. +39-091-666 8111
+39-091-666 8172
Fax +39-091-666 8148
Via Carmelo Lazzaro 2A
I-90100 Palermo
Tel. +39-091-666 8111
Fax +39-091-666 8148

IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo
Coordinamento Prelievo Organi e Tessuti
P.le Golgi, 19
I-27100 Pavia
Tel. +39-382-502.019 / .016
Fax +39-382-502 016
ASL 3 Pistoia
Vile Matteotti
I-51100 Pistoia
Tel. +39-0573 353 115
Fax +39-0573 353 115

Italian National Transplant Center
Italian National Institute for Health
Viale Regina Elena 299
I-00161 Roma
Tel. +39 335 564 0988 (mobile)
Tel. +39 064 990 3440
Tel. +39 051 636 3664 (no longer in use?)
Tel. +39 336 613 233 (mobile no longer in use?)
Fax. +39 064 990 3611
Fax. +39 051 636 4700 (no longer in use?)
Transplant Coordination
Via Meda 35
I-00157 Roma
Tel. +39-6-414 33 256
Fax +39-6-418 0341

Ospedale Pediatrico Bambin Gesù
Medical Direction
Piazza S. Onofrio, 4
I-00165 Rome
Tel. +39 06 6859 2319
Fax +39 06 6859 2100
Ospedale Pediatrico "Bambino Gesu"
Dept Med Chir di Cardio Pediatrica
Piazza S Onofrio 4
I-00165 Rome
Tel. +39-06-6859 2258
Tel. +39-06-6859 2611
Fax +39-06-6859 2200

University of Rome Tor Vergata
Chirurgia / Clinica Chirurgica
P le Dell Umanesimo 10
I-00144 Rome
Tel. +39-6-5100 2808
Fax +39-6-5422 1774
University "Tor Vergata"
Clinica Chirurgica
Pz le dell' Umanesimo 10
I-00144 Rome
Tel. +39-6-5100 2808
Fax +39-6-5422 1776

Azienda ULSS 18 Rovigo
Anaesthesia & Intensive Care Unit
Viale tre Martiri
I-45100 Rovigo
Tel. +39 0425 410 381
Fax +39 0425 394 410
Azienda ULSS 18 Rovigo
Transplant Coordination
Viale tre Martiri
I-45100 Rovigo
Tel. +39 0425 410 381
Fax +39 0425 394 410

Nord Italia Transplant Ospedale Morelli
Dept Of Anesthesia and Intensive Care Unit
Via Zubiani 33
I-Sondalo (SO) 23039
Tel. +39 0342 808 330
Fax +39 0342 808 420
Osp. Molinette
Rianimazione Centrale
Bramante 88
I-10126 Torino
Tel. +39-011 633 6735

Azienda ULSS 9 di Treviso
Centro Coordin.Prelievi e Trapianti Organi e Tessuti
P.le Ospedale 1
I-31100 Treviso
Tel. +39-0422-322 425 or +39-0422-322 280
Fax +39-0422-322 572
Azienda Ospedaliera "Santa Maria della Misericordia"
Anesthesia and Intensive Care
Piazzale Santa Maria della Miresicordia
I-33100 Udine
Tel. +39-432-552 422
Fax +39-432-552 399

Aziendale ASL SA/3
P/ZA S.Caterina
I-84078 Vallo Della Lucania (SA)
Tel. +39-0974 711 154
Fax +39-0974 2416
Azienda Ospedaliera
Transplant Coordination Office
Pz. Stefani 1
I-37124 Verona
Tel. **39 045 8073 198
Fax **39 045 8073 198

University and City Hospital
Pz. Stefani 1
I-Verona 37124
Tel. **39 045 807 2670
Fax **39 045 807 2015
USL 6. Vincenza Osp. S. Botolo
Anestesia e Rianimaz
V. Rodolfi 37
I-36100 Vincenza
Tel. +39 444 993 862
Fax +39 444 993 977

AML P. Stradin Hospital
13, Pilsonu str.
LV-1002 Riga
Tel. +371-7-614 317
+371-7-619 091
Mobile +371-9-128 687
Fax +371-7-212 515
Republic Hospital
Transplant Unit
Pilsonu Street 13
LV-1002 Riga
Tel. +371-7-619 091
+371-7-069 402
+371-9-251 284
Fax +371-7-212 515

RSU P. Stradin Hospital
Dept.Transpl.(Latvian Subdiv.BaltTransplant)
13 Pilsonu street
LV-1002 Riga
Tel. +371-7-614 317, +371-7-212 515
Handy +371-9-546 971
Fax +371-7-212 515


Rizk Hospital
May Zahhar
Beirut - 11-3288
Tel. +961-1-338 931
Fax +961-1-332 044

Health Ministry Lithuania
National Bureau Organ Transplantation
Santariskiu st. 2
Vilnius 2600
Tel. +370 2 796 096
Fax +370 2 796 096
Lithuanian National Organ Transplantation Bureau
Santariskiu 2
LT-2040 Vilnius


Ministry of Health
Dept. of Health
Merchants Street
Tel. +356-21-226 956
Fax +356-21-226 956


Republican Clinical Hospital
Kidney Transplantology
N. Testemitanu 29
Chisinau 2025
Tel. +3732-728 425, +3732-728 511, +3732-728 592
Fax +3732-728 329, +3732-728 511

Sykehuset Ostfold Moss
Acute Division
Peer Gynts vei 4
N-1500 Moss

Kirurgish Avdeling
Sognvannsveien 20
N-0027 Oslo
Tel. **47 2307 0000
Fax **47 2307 4706

Kirurgish Avdeling
N-0027 Oslo
Tel. **47-2307 1552
Fax **47-2307 4706
Surgical Department
Sognvannsveien 20
N-0027 Oslo
Tel. **47 2307 4704
Fax **47 2307 4706

N-0027 Oslo
Tel. +47-2307 0000
Fax +47-2307 4706
Thoraxkirurgisk Avdeling Operasjon
N-0027 Oslo
Tel. +47-2307 0000
Fax +47-2307 4706

Medical Academy of Gdansk
General Surgery and Transplantation
Debinki 7
PL-80-211 Gdansk
Tel. +48 58 349 2411
Fax +48 58 349 2410
Regionalne Centrum Koordynacji Transplantacji w Gdansku
Debinki 7
PL-80-952 Gdansk
Tel. **48 58 349 2419
Fax **48 58 349 2419

Spzoz Szpital Wojewodzki Oait
Oginskiego 6
PL-58506 Jelena Gora
Tel. +48-75-753 7601
Fax +48-77-4520 855
Samodzielny Publiczny Szpital Kliniczny Mieleckiego
Klinika Chirurgii Ogolnej i Transplantacyjnej
Francuska 20-24
PL-40-027 Katowice
Tel. +48 502 328 303
Fax +48 322 591 555

Jagiellonian University
I Dept. of General and GI Surgery
Kopernika 40
PL-31501 Krakow
Tel. +48 12 421 3583
Tel. +48 602 217 854
Fax +48 12 421 3583
Fax. +48 12 421 2536
Pirogow Hospital
Dept. Urology and Transplantology
Wolczanska 195
PL-90-531 Lodz
Tel. **48 42 636 8081
Fax **48 42 637 2577

Lubin-Mcz S.A.
Sklodowskiey 64
PL-59300 Lubin
Fax +48-76-846 0110
Miedziowe Centrum Zdrowia SA
Sklodowskiey 64
PL-59300 Lubin
Tel. +48-76-846 0473

Powiatowy Szpital
Grzybowa 1
Tel. +48-71-384 6779
Fax +48-71-384 0589
City Hospital
PL-48300 Nysa
Tel. +48-77-433 2451

ICU - Anesthesiology
PL-48300 Nysa
Tel. +48-77-433 1580
Boh.W-WY 23
PL-48300 Nysa
Tel. +48-77-433 2451

Witosa 26
PL-45418 Opole
Tel. **48 77 4520 855
Mobile: **48 60 3127 510
Fax **48 77 4520 855
Wojewodzki Centrum Medyczne
ICU & Anesthesiology Dept.
Al. W. Witosa 26
PL-45418 Opole
Tel. +48-77-452 0303
Fax +48-77-452 0303

District Hospital
Renal Transplant Unit
ul. Juraszow 7/19
PL-60479 Poznan
Tel. +48-61-212 327
Tel. +48-61-212 552
+48-694-479 483 (cell phone)
Fax +48-61-212 327
Sielsian Medical Academy
Dept.Anaestesiology & Intensive Care Medicine
Pl. Medykow 1
PL-41-200 Sosnowice
Tel. +48 601 54 54 60
Fax +48 32 368 2026

District Hospital
Dept. of Surgery
Arkonska 4
PL-71-455 Szczecin
Tel. +48-91-4536 246
Fax +48-91-4536 246
Public Academy Hospital Nr 2
Dept. General Surgery & Transplantation
Al. Powstancow Wlkp. 72
PL-71-111 Szczecin
Tel. **48 91 466 1141

Central Clinic Hospital
Department of General & Liver Surgery
ul. Banacha 1a
PL-02-097 Warszawa
Tel. +48-22-822 9253
Fax +48-22-658 3662
Central Clinical Hospital
Anesthesiology Dpt
Banacha 1a
PL-02-097 Warsaw
Tel. +48-22-823 5979
Fax +48-22-823 5979 or +48-10-3322

Children Memorial Health Institute
Gen. Surgery and Organ Transplantation
Al. Dzieci Polskich 20
PL-04736 Warsaw
Tel. +48-22-815 2812
Fax +48-22-815 2812
Children Memorial Health Institute
Al. Dzieci Polskich 20
PL-04736 Warsaw
Tel. +48-22-815 7086
Fax +48-22-815 2812

Central Bureau
Lindley'a 4
PL-02-005 Warsaw
Tel. +48-22-622 8878
Fax +48-22-627 0749
4-th Clinical Military Hospital
Weigla 5
PL-50-115 Wroclaw
Tel. **48 717 660 326
Fax **48 717 660 420

4th Military Hospital
Weigl Str. 5
Tel. +48-713 660 326
Fax +48-713 660 420
Wisniowa 36
PL-53137 Wroclaw
Tel. +48-71-369 2009

Medical Academy
Department of Vascular Surgery
ul. Poniatowskiego 2
PL-50326 Wroclaw
Tel. +48-71-322 3212
Mswia Szpital
Anestezjologia Intens. Terapia
Olbinska 32
PL-50233 Wroclaw
Tel. +48-71-340 4621

Okregowy Szpital Kolejowy
Wisniowa 36
PL-50337 Wroclaw
Tel. +48-71-369 2009
Specyalist Szpital
ICU - Neurosurgery
Traugutta 116
PL-50412 Wroclaw
Tel. +48-71-342 7021

Szpital Wojewodski, OIT
O7T. 1T.U
Pl. 1 Maya 8
PL-50048 Wroclaw
Tel. +48-71-344 3941

University of Wroclaw
Department of Vascular Surgery
ul. Poniatowskiego 2
PL-50326 Wroclaw
Tel. +48-71-322 8600
Fax +48-71-322 8600

Wojewodzki Specjalistyczny Szpital
Anesthesiology Dpt
Gromkowskiego, ul.Koszarowa 5
PL-51149 Wroclaw
Wojewodzki Szpital
Anesthesiology Dpt
Pl. 1 Maja 8
PL-50043 Wroclaw
Tel. +48-71-341 0000

WSS Wroclaw Hospital
Kamienskiego 73
PL-50124 Wroclaw
Tel. +48-71-327 0274
Fax +48-71-325 4101
Silesian Center for Heart Disease
Dept. Cardiac Surgery and Transplantation
Szpitalna 2
Tel. +48 322 715 261
Mobile +48 502 074 777
Fax +48 322 732 682

Silesian Centre of Cardiology
Dept. of Cardio Surgery
Szpitalna 2 str.
PL-41800 Zabrze
Tel. +48-32-271 5266 ( also fax)
+48-32-271 5261 centrala 304
Fax +48-32-271 5266

Hospital Garcia de Orta
Emergency Department
Av. Prof. Torrado Silva
P-2801-591 Almada
Tel. **351 91 970 4607
Fax **351 21 272 6782
Hospital Garcia de Orta
Unidade de Transplantes, Piso 4
Av. Prop. Torrado Silva
P-2800 Almada
Tel. +351-21-272 7116
Tel. +351-21-294 0294
Fax +351-21-295 7004

Hospital da Universidade de Coimbra
Gabinete Coord. Organos e Transpl.
Praceta Prof. Mota Pinto
P-Coimbra 3000-075
Tel. +351-239-400 475
Tel. +351-239-702 194
Fax +351-239-400 475
Centro Histocompatibil. do Sul
Campo de Santana 130
P-1169-056 Lisbon
Tel. +351-1-882 3530
Tel. +351-1-885 0485
Fax +351-1-885 0118

Hospital Curry Cabral
Bloco Operatorio
Rua da Beneficiência nº8
P-1069-166 Lisboa
Tel. +351-217 924 376
Fax +351-218 841 040
Hospital De São José
Gabinete Coordenação Colheita Orgãos e Transplantação
Rua Jose Antonio Serrano
Tel. +351-218 841 449
Fax +351-218 841 040

Hospital Santa Maria
Gabinete Coord. Colheita e Transpl. de Orgãos
Av. Prof. Egas Moniz
P-1600 - Lisboa
Tel. +351-217 805 000 (ext 4270)
Fax +351-217 957 471
Centro de Histocompatibilidade do Norte
Pavilhao M. Fernanda
R. Dr. Roberto Frias
P-4200 Porto
Tel. +351-22-550 2395
+351-22-551 1147
Fax +351-22-550 1101

Hospital de Sao João
Gabinete de Coordenaçao de Transplantes
Alameda Prof. Hernani Monteiro
P-4200-319 Porto
Tel. **351 22 550 7086
Mobile **351 9384 609
Mobile **351 9175 589 06
Fax **351 22 550 7086
Hospital de Sao Joao
Servico de Anestesiologia
Alameda Prof. Hernani Monteiro
P-4200 Porto
Tel. +351-22-551 2200

Hospital Santo Antonio
Dep. Transplante Orgãos
Largo Abel Salazar
P-4099-001 Porto
Tel. +351-22-332 5541
Tel. +351-22-207 7555
Fax +351-22-332 5541

Fundeni Hospital
Fundeni Ave 258
R-72437 Bucharest
Tel. +40-1-240 9654
Fax +40-1-240 9654
Ambulance Station
Eminescu 224-226
R-72151 Bucuresti
Tel. +40-21-210 5205
mobile 092 384 683
Fax +40-21-210 2676

Doc Ortobanc
Doc Import Export Srl
Fax +40-6419 8838
Inst.Clinical Urology & Renal Transpl. Cluj
str. Clinicilor, nr. 4-6
R-3400 Cluj-Napoca
Tel. +40-264-192 845
Fax +40-264-192 845

Derer University Hospital
Clinic of Surgery / Transplant Centre
Limbova 5
83305 Bratislava
Tel. +42-12-5954 2940
Fax +42-12-5954 2988
Fac. Hosp. Kosice
Dept.Anaestesiology & Intensive Care
Tr. SNP 1
04066 Kosice
Tel. **421 55 6402 818
Fax **421 55 6444 664

University Hospital
Transplant Center
Tr. SNP 1
04066 Kosice
Tel. +421-55-642 5880, +421-90-362 7011
Fax +421-55-643 2661


Zaloska 7
1000 Ljubljana
Tel. +386-1-300 6864
GSM +386-41 760 917
Fax +386-1-300 6866
University Clinical Center, Ljubljana
Dept. Cardiovascular Surgery
Zaloska 7
1525 Ljubljana
Fax +386-1-522 2500

University Medical Center
Dept.Anaestesiology & Intensive Care
Zaloska 7
1525 Ljubljana
Tel. +386 1 432 2341
Fax +386 1 432 2341
General Hospital Maribor
Anaesthesiology and ICU
Ljubljanska 5
2000 Maribor
Tel. +386-2-321 1572
Fax +386-2-332 4827

Hospital General de Alicante
Transplant Coordination
Pintor Baeza S/N
E-Alicante 03010
Tel. +34-965 938 315
Fax +34-965 938 570
Hospital Cruces
Coordinacion de Trasplantes
Plaza de Cruces s/n
E-Barakaldo (Bizkaia)
Tel. +34-94-6006 000
Fax +34-94-6006 074

Bellvitge Hospital / L'Hospitalet de Llobregat
Feixa Llarga S/N
E-08907 Barcelona
Tel. +34-93-260 7698
Fax +34-93-260 7985
Bellvitge Hospital / L'Hospitalet de Llobregat
Intensive Care - Transplant Coordinator
Feixa Llarga S/N
E-08907 Barcelona
Tel. +34-93-335 8051
Fax +34-93-266 7985

Hospital Clínic de Barcelona
Transplant Coordination Unit
Villarroel 170
E-08036 Barcelona
Tel. +34-93-227 5500
Fax +34-93-227 5409
Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau
Organ & Tissue Procur. for Transpl.
Avda San Antonio Ma Claret 167
E-08025 Barcelona
Tel. **34 93 291 9335
Tel. **34 626 950 062
Fax **34 93 291 9410

Hospital del Mar
Passeig Maritim 25-29
E-08003 Barcelona
Tel. +34-93-221 1010 ext 1080
Fax +34-93-221 0541
ICS Hospital Vall d'Hebron
Passeig Vall d'Hebron 119-129
E-08035 Barcelona
Tel. +34-93-274 6082
Fax +34-93-489 4199

Organit. Catalana de Trasplantaments (OCATT)
Servei Catala de la Salut
C/ Mejia Lequerica 1
E-08028 Barcelona
Tel. +34-93-490 6250
Fax +34-93-491 3711
Comunidad Autonoma Vasca
Gran Via N° 62 - 4° Planta
E-48011 Bilbao
Tel. +34-94-400 7333 (Secr. Ms Josune Landa)
Fax +34-94-400 7371

Hospital de Basurto
Intensive Care Unit
Avenida Montevideo 18
E-48013 Bilbao
Tel. +34-94-400 600 ext 5221
Fax +34-94-400 6202
Hospital Cruces
Coordinacion Trasplantes
Plaza Cruces S/N
E-48903 Cruces-Barakaldo (Bizkaia)
Tel. +34-448 000 000
Fax +34-446 006 074

Hospital de Galdakao
Barrio de Labeaga s/n
Tel. +34-944 007 000
Fax +34-944 007 172
Hospital Juan Canalejo
Oficina de Coordinación de Trasplantes
Jubias de Arriba sn
E-15006 La Coruña
Tel. +34-981-178 170
Fax +34-981-178 016

Clinica Puerto del Hierro
C/ San Martin de Porres N° 4
E-28035 Madrid
Tel. +34 1 316 2340
Fax +34 1 373 9014
Hospital Clinico San Carlos
Transplant Coordination
Martin Lagos S/N
E-28040 Madrid
Tel. **34 91 3303 216
Fax **34 91 3303 217

Hospital Clinico San Carlos
Unidad Cuidados Intensivos
C/ Martin Lagos s/n
E-28040 Madrid
Tel. +34-91-330 3221
Fax +34-91-330 3257
Organizacion Nacional de Trasplantes ONT
Sinesio Delgado 8
E-28029 Madrid
Tel. +34-91-314 2406

"San Carlos" University Hospital
Coordinacion de Trasplantes
Pza Martin Lagos s/n
E-28040 Madrid
Tel. +34-9-1330 3216
Fax +34-9-1330 3217
Servicio Valenciano Salud
Ctra. Orihuela-Almoradi km 2
E-03314 Orihueal (Alicante)
Tel. +34-96-677 6166 -> 324
Fax +34-96-677 6060

Gobierno de Navarra
Departamento de Salud
C/ Amaya 2A, 3ª planta
E-31002 Pamplona
Tel. +34-948-42-3532
Fax +34-948-42-1444
Hospital 'Virgen de Aranzazu'
Alto Zorroaga S/N
E-20014 San Sebastian
Tel. +34-943-007 016
+34-943-007 000
Fax +34-943-460 758

Hospital 'Virgen de Aranzazu'
Unidad de Ouidados Intensivos
Alto Zorroaga S/N
E-20014 San Sebastian
Tel. +34-943-007 003
+34-943-007 000
Fax +34-943-472 719
Oficina de Coordinación de Trasplantes de Galicia
Servicio Galego de Saúde
Edif. Admvo. San Lázaro
E-15771-Santiago de Compostela
Tel. +34 8154 2863
Fax +34 8154 2825

OCT Office Coordinacion Trasplantes Galicia
Consejeria de Sanidad
Edif.Administrativo de San Lazaro, s/n
E-15781 Santiago de Compostela - La Coruña
Tel. **34-981-541 814
Tel. **34-981-542 886
Fax **34-981-542 897
Hospital Virgen del Rocio
Intensive Care Unit UCI-HRT
Avda. Manuel Suirot S/N
E-41013 Sevilla
Tel. **34 95 501 2582
Fax **34 95 501 2582

Hospital Mutua de Terrassa
Pza Dr Robert 5
E-08221 Terrassa
Tel. +34-93-736 5050 ext 1244
Fax +34-93-736 5006
Hospital Txagorritxu
Unidad Cuidados Intensivos
Jose Atxotegi S/N
E-01009 Vitoria
Tel. +34-945-007 280
Fax +34-945-249 451

Intensive Care Unit
Olaguibel 29
E-01004 Vitoria
Tel. +34-945 007 652
Fax +34-945 007 901
Coordinacion de Traspantes
c/ Alava 45
E-01001 Vitoria-Gasteiz
Tel. +34-945-006 291
Fax +34-945-006 195

Servicio Aragones de Salud
Pasaje Las Torres
Avda Cesareo Alierta 9-11, 1° Planta
E-50008 Zaragoza
Tel. +34-976 714 311
Fax +34-976 446 856


University Hospital / Sahlgrenska Sjukhuset
Dept. of Cardiothoracic Surgery
SE-41345 Göteborg
Tel. +46-31-342 2071
Fax +46-31-417 991
University Hospital / Sahlgrenska Sjukhuset
Division of Heart/Lung Transplantation
SE-41345 Göteborg
Tel. +46-31-604 104
Fax +46-31-417 991

University Hospital / Sahlgrenska Sjukhuset
Transplant & Liver Surgery
SE-41345 Göteborg
Tel. +46-31-342 3045
Fax +46-31-415 562
University Hospital / Sahlgrenska Sjukhuset
Transplant Unit, Ward 20
SE-41345 Göteborg
Tel. +46-31-602 041
+46-31-603 045
+46-31-601 000 UX
Fax +46-31-820 557

University Hospital / Sahlgrenska Universitet
Dept. of Transplantation and Liver Surgery
SE-41345 Göteborg
Tel. +46-31-342 4604
Fax +46-31-415 562
Malmö University Hospital
Dept. of Nephrology and Transplantation
SE-20502 Malmö
Tel. +46-40-336 810
+46-40-333 840
Fax +46-40-336 211

Löwenströms Hospital
Organization for Organdonation OFO Central Sweden
SE-19489 Upplands Väsby
Tel. +46-8-590 341 18
+46-8-590 341 17
Fax +46-8-590 341 34


Innere Medizin
CH-4031 Basel
Tel. +41-61 265 4409
Fax +41-61 265 7211
Donor Action Foundation
Route de la Louche 7
CH-1092 Belmont sur Lausanne
Tel. **41-21-729 3507
Fax **41-21-729 3523

Inselspital Bern
Klinik Viszerale und Transplantationschirurgie
CH-3010 Bern
Tel. +41-31-632 8395
+41-31-632 2111 (6189)
Fax +41-31-632 4789
Boulevard de la Tour 4
CH-1205 Genève
Tel. +41 22 372 9503
Tel. +41-22-372 9500
Fax +41 22 372 9505

Boulevard de la Tour 4
CH-1205 Genève
Tel. **41 22 372 8605
Tel. **41 22 372 9500
Mobile **41 79 203 3909
Fax **41 22 372 9505
University Hospital of Lausanne (CHUV)
Coordination de Transplantation
Case Postale No. 2
CH-1011 Lausanne
Tel. +41-21-314 1835
Fax +41-21-314 1778

Rorschacherstr. 95
CH-9007 St Gallen
Tel. **41 71 494 2534 (direct)
**41 71 494 1111 (central line)
Fax **41 71 494 2877
Dept. Chirurgie, E Hoer 4
Rämistrasse 100
CH-8091 Zürich
Tel. +41-1-255 2698
Fax +41-1-255 4527

Academic Medical Centre
G4-233 Chirurgie
Meibergdreef 9
NL-1105 AZ Amsterdam
Tel. +31-20-566 4444
Fax +31-20-691 4858
Academic Hospital Groningen
Hanzeplein 1
NL-9700 RB Groningen
Tel. +31 503 613 012
Fax +31 503 619 050

Academic Hospital Groningen / University Hospital
Surgery / Transplantation surgery
PO Box 30.001
NL-9711 RB Groningen
Tel. **31 503 613 264
Fax **31 503 619 050
BIS Foundation
Bio Implant Services
P.O.Box 2304
NL-2301 CH Leiden
Tel. +31-715-795 712
Fax +31-715-790 903

Dutch Transplantation Foundation
P.O. Box 2304
NL-2301 CH Leiden
Tel. +31 715 795 701
Fax +31-71-579 0057
Eurotransplant International Foundation
P.O. Box 2304
NL-2301 CH Leiden
Tel. +31-715-795 795
Fax +31-715-790 057

AzM - Academisch Ziekenhuis Maastricht
Bureau donatie- & transplantatiecoördinatie - Surgery
Postbus 5800
NL-6202 AZ Maastricht
Tel. **31 43 387 5923
**31 43 387 6543
Mobile **31 65 251 1680
Fax **31 43 387 5478
St. Radboud University Medical Center
Dept. of Nephrology 545
P.O. Box 9101
NL-6500 HB Nijmegen
Tel. +31-24-3614 761
Fax +31-24-3540 022

Erasmus MC
Internal Medicine Transplantation Section
P.O. Box 2040
NL-3000 CA Rotterdam
Tel. **31 10 463 3451
Fax **31 10 436 6372
Erasmus Medical Center
Surgical / Transplantcoordination
Dr. Molewaterplein 40 P.O. Box 2040
NL-3000 CA Rotterdam
Tel. +31 104 633 919
Fax +31 104 635 307

CNPTO - CHU Habib Bourguiba
Médecine Egale
Tel. +216-7424 1511

Bab Saadoun 1006
Tel. +216-7157 5867
Fax +216-7157 5887

Hospital Charles Nicolle
9 Avril
Tunis 1006BS
Tel. +216-7-1561 380
Fax +216-7-1561 380


Baskent University, Faculty of Medicine
Transplantation Department
Bahcelievler 1. Cad. 10. Sok.
06490 Ankara
Tel. +90 312 212 6868
Fax +90 312 223 7333
Gazi Universitesi
Organ Nakli Merkezi
Tip Fakultesi
Tel. +90 312 223 7432

Hacettepe Universitesi
Eriskin Hastanesi
Genel Cerrahi
Tel. +90 0312 305 1676
Saglik Bakanligi
Tedavi Hizmetleri
Organ Nakli Subesi

SSK Ihtisas (Hastanesi)
Halil Sezai Erkut Caddesi
06010 Ankara
Tel. +90-312-323 0079
Fax +90-312-323 4270
Akdeniz Universitesi
Tip Fakultesi
Organ Nakil Merkezi
Tel. +90 242 227 59 81
Fax + 90 242 227 44 44

Ataturk Egitim Ve Arastirma Hastanesi
Bolge Koordinasyon Merkezi
Tel. +90 232 370 5637
Fax +90 232 245 0438
Bozyaka Ssk Hastanesi
Genel Cerrahi Bolumu
Tel. + 90 232 369 1052

Dokuz Eylul Universitesi
Aile Hekimli i Ad. Derslikler
Tel. +90 232 285 42 86
Ege Universitesi
Genel Cerrahi Organ Nakli
Tel. +90 232 388 14 70/138
Fax +90 232 339 8838

Ssk Tepecik Egitim Hastanesi
Organ Nakli Birimi
Tel. +90 232 347 8894
Fax +90 232 433 8696

UK Transplant
Fox Den Road - Stoke Gifford
Bristol BS34 8RR
Tel. +44-117-975 7483
Fax +44-117-975 7577
Walsgrave NHS Trust Hospital
Transplant Co-ordinator Office
Clifford Bridge Road
Coventry CV2 2DX
Tel. +44-2476-538 825
Fax +44-2476-538 881

King's Healthcare (Dulwich)
East Dulwich Grove
London SE22 8PT
Tel. +44-181-299 4648
Fax +44-181-693 3643
UK Human Tissue Bank - UKHTB
De Montfort University - The Innovation Centre
Oxford Street
Leicester LE1 5XY
Tel. **44-121-608 9990
Home office: **44-116-250 6014
Mobile 07803 622252
Fax **44-116-250 6015

Kings College NHS Trust
Institute Liver Studies
Denmark Hill London
SE5 9RS London
Tel. +44-020 7346 3309
Fax +44-020 7346 3631
Kings Healthcare
Liver / Renal
Denmark Hill
SE5 9RS London
Tel. **44 207 346 1700
Fax **44 207 346 3631

Royal Free Hospital
Liver Transplantation 10th floor
Pond Street
London NW3 2QG
Tel. +44-171-794 0500 Blp 478
Fax +44-171-794 4688
Transplant Coordinators' Office
40 Eastbourne Terrace
London W2 3QR
Tel. +44-207-725 2774
Fax +44-207-725 5600

Manchester Royal Infirmary
Renal Transplant Unit
Oxford Road
Tel. +44-161-276 8918
Fax +44-161-276 8020
Manchester Royal Infirmary
TC Office - Renal Transplant Unit
Oxford Road
Manchester M13 9WL
Tel. +44-161-276 4437
Fax +44-161-276 8020

Norfolk & Norwich Univ. Hosp. Nhs Trust
Block 12 (east) Level 1 Rm 034
NR7 4UY Norwich
Tel. +44-(0)16903 269 909

Nottingham City Hospital
Renal Unit
Hucknall Road
Nottingham, NG5 1PB
Tel. +44-115-962 8076
Fax +44-115-962 7678

Oxford Area Transplant Coordinating Service
The Transplant Centre
Churchill Hospital Headington
Oxford OX3 7LJ
Tel. +44 1865 226 196
Fax +44 1865 225 616


University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
Thomas E. Starzl Transplantation Institute
3601 Fifth Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Tel. +1-412 648 3200
Toll Free Phone: 1-877 640 6746
Fax +1-412 648 3085
LifeGift Organ Donation Center
1701 River Run, Suite 300
Fort Worth TX 76107
Tel. +1-817-870 0060
Fax +1-817-870 2312

Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center
5 West Wing
Medical Center Blvd
Winston-Salem, NC 27157
Tel. +1 336 716 2393
Fax +1 336 716 5266


Dr. Sutomo Hospital
Nephrology - Transplantation
Dharmahusada 6-8
Tel. +62-31-501 2029
Fax +62-31-501 4353

Mishima Hospital
2276 Aza-Fujikubo, Yata
Mishima, Shizuoka 411-0841
Tel. +81-559-753 031
Fax +81-559-733 647
Japan Organ Transplant Network
Tokai Hokuriku Block Center
Sobajima Noritake Bldg-308
1-10-6 Noritake Nakamura - Nagoya, Aichi 453-0014
Tel. +81-52-453 1409
Fax +81-52-453 1408



Queenslanders Donate
Level 4, Princess Alexandra Hospital
Ipswich Road
Woolloongabba Brisbane QLD 4102
Tel. **61 7 3240 5220
Fax **61 7 3240 2999
Queenslanders Donate
Princess Alexandra Hospital
Ipswich Road
Woolloongabba Brisbane QLD 4102
Tel. **61 7 3240 5517
Fax **61 7 3240 2999


Servicio Provincial de Procuracion
Av. 51 N° 1120 (1900)
1900 La Plata
el. +54-2214-5399 1314
Fax +54-2214-575 559

Santa Casa de Porto Alegre
Rua Annes Dias 285
90020-160 Porto Alegre
Tel. +55-51-221 7656
Fax +55-51-228 0496

Hospital Dr. Rafael Angel Calderón Guardia
P. O. Box 429 - 1007, Centro Colón
San José
Tel. +506-384 2229
Fax +506-255 1939



Clinic Holdings
Transplant Consultants
2 Bunting Rd - PO Box 150
Auckland Park JHB, SA, 2006
Tel. +27-11-489 1272
Fax +27-11-489 1309

Cu mult drag

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns Alina spune:

Am inteles ca tu si Aschiuta ati sunat la citeva clinici din Germania?
Pot sa sun eu la cele din München sau la care mai ziceti voi.
Aveti cumva o versiune a povestii lui Mihaita in germana?As putea sa o trimit alaturi de un mail pe la diverse clinici de-aici.

Sanatate multa lui Mhaita,Dumnezeu sa-l ocroteasca!


Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns aschiutza spune:

Originally posted by Alina

Am inteles ca tu si Aschiuta ati sunat la citeva clinici din Germania?
Pot sa sun eu la cele din München sau la care mai ziceti voi.
Aveti cumva o versiune a povestii lui Mihaita in germana?As putea sa o trimit alaturi de un mail pe la diverse clinici de-aici.

Draga Alina,

noi am sunat la Berlin (Charite), la Hannover si la Hamburg. La toate stiam ca se fac operatii la copii de virsta lui Mihaita. Problema cea mai mare, pe linga pret, e ca la primele doua nu accepta din start donator strain de familie (se accepta numai parinti-bunici). La Hamburg din cite am inteles de la Ancutzelu ni-i s-a dat legatura numai cu administrtia, care a stiut sa zica pretul dar nu si mai departe si doresc sa vada mai intii documentatia. Ei nu au stiut sa ne zica nimica despre acceptarea donatorului.

Daca vrei sa suni, suna mai intii si intreaba: daca accepta copii asa de mici, donator strain de familie si cit costa. Daca raspunsurile sunt pozitive, de abia atunci sa trimitem documentatia.

In afara de cele trei clinici, noi am mai gasit pt copii doar o clinica in Essen.
Universitätsklinikum Essen
Kinderklinik, Päd. Gastroenterologie und Hepatologie
Hufelandstr. 55, 45122 Essen, Tel. 0201 - 723 0 (Zentrale)

Poti sa incerci si la München, si ei au cliniica mare, s-ar putea totusi sa faca si ei transplant la copii. Pe pagina 5 aici e postat de catre mine mai multe informatii pe care le-am primit la telefon.

La adresa asta sunt informatii pt transplant la copii:

Impotriva prostiei, zeii insisi lupta in zadar

Ajutati un OM sa traiasca!

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns maria2mami spune:

Pentru fiecare dintre voi, pentru tot efortul vostru si pentru toata daruirea de care ati dat dovada.
Eu va multumesc, va respect enorm si va doresc sa aveti parte de tot binele din lume pentru ca, intradevar, il meritati!

Motivul pentru care nu am mai postat nimik aici de mult timp este simplul fapt ca m-am simtit inutila la tot ce sa petrecut aici! Chiar nu am avut cum sa dau o mana de ajutor pentru ca toata povestea asta sa miscat infiorator de repede iar eu am ramas fara nici un fel de putere....rezultatul este miraculos...Doamne ajuta in continuare!

Asta nu inseamna ca nu am citit TOT ce sa scris la subiect, in fiecare noapte este primul subiect la care intru si la care astept vestea aceea!!! avem banii si putem pleca pentru ca minunea de Mihaita sa traiasca din plin bucuriile vietii asa cum o facem noi, zi de zi, clipa de clipa!

Corina, ultima data cand am vb cu Gabriela a fost acum 2 zile....mi-a spus ca una din fetele de pe forum urmeaza sa se duca sa ridice pachetul cu medicamente si banii. Acum nu stiu ce sa intamplat, eu m-am oferit sa merg, chiar inainte de a ajunge pachetul in romania, dar Gabriela a considerat ca fapt nici nu stiu ce o fi fost in capul ei, cu atata agitatie si atata alergatura, mi-a spus doar ca se duce alcineva pentru ca stia ca nu am cu cine sa o las pe Maria acasa.
Daca problema nu sa rezolvat va pot ajuta cu placere, numai sa-mi trimiti detaliile pe pm. Chiar nu este frumos din partea noastra sa o tinem pe doamna respectiva inchisa in casa , atintita pe telefon...poate-poate o suna cineva...asta nu se face, mai ales ca, am inteles ca este si in varsta si nu este frumos, in primul rand, fata de tine, care poate ai facut efoturi sa cumperi medicamentele si ai facut un mai mare efort sa gasesti pe cineva sa le aduca in ro!

Haide sa facem intr-un fel sa rezolvam povestea eu le trimit la Iasi la pachet cat mai repede!

Sanatate multa va doresc si sa auzim numai de bine!

Maria bb & mami Mihaela
poze cu ingerasi

Aaaa, daca cineva are nevoie de poze cu Mihaita si familionul va rog sa-mi spuneti,le voi selecta si le voi trimite imediat!!!

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns Corina G spune:

Mihaela, cum poti sa spui ca esti inutila!!?? Fara tine NIMIC nu ar fi posibil. TU ii dai viata acestui copilas. TU esti cea care ai dat cel mai mult, noi toti palim pe langa tine, fara pic de exagerare.

Ti-am trimis pe PM datele doamnei care a adus maltodextrin-ul. Te rog frumos sa iei legatura cu dansa cat poti de repede ca sa nu o mai incurcam. Da-i de stire si Gabrielei ca sa stie si ea si sa o anunte pe cealalta fata care se oferise initial.

Multumesc mult si numai bine!

P.S. Lidia, au venit cei 1400 de la tine (sub forma de check, nu direct transfer, dar nu e nici cea mai mica problema, ii duc la banca imediat; vroiam doar sa stii).

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns laureta spune:

Pun aici anuntul de la bazar dar vad ca acolo e miscarea slaba

Am mai pus un anunt cu un carucior da cred ca sa pierdut cand au fost probleme tehnice.
Deci am un carucior pe care il pun la bazar pentru Mihaitza nu stiu la ce pret 200 000 - 300 000 il puteti lua si pentru alt bebelus care are nevoie si asa putem ajuta 2 bebelasi daca dati mai mult cu atat mai bine pentru Mihaitza.

Poze de la carut

Multa sanatate

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns maria2mami spune:

Corina, maine o voi suna pe doamna Drossu sa stabilim detaliile intalnirii si apoi pe Gabriela sa mai aflu vesti despre ei.
Oricum maine este ziua in care mergem in parcul herastrau...deci este in drumul nostru.

Cum aflu ceva noutati...aici postez

Sanatate multa si numai bine

Maria bb & Mihaela

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns maria2mami spune:

Corina, am incercat si aseara tarziu, si acun de n ori si nu raspunde nu renunt!!!

Am vb cu Gabriela acum 10 min., era la biserica cu Mihaita, si mi-a spus ca si fata cu care a vb, tot membra dc, a incercat in zadar sa ia legatura cu doamna.
Singura cara a reusit a fost gabriela.

Oricum eu mai incerc, astazi toata ziua, si vedem ce vom reusii

Corina...da poate poti sa ne faci rost de un alt nr de tel. de mobil sau un alt fix...!!!

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns lidiaNR spune:

Buna ziua, tuturor!

Inca nu am auzit nimic nou de la Spitalul din Israel. Pentru mine este un semn ca 'se lucreaza' la obtinerea unui raspuns.

De asemeni, am lasat un mesaj prietenei mele in legatura cu Oprah Foundation. Se va intoarce de la Chicago maine. Sa speram ca macar va incerca sa ajute....Doamne Ajuta!

Am trimis si eu un email direct Iulianei Marciuc de la TVR International in legatura cu cazul lui Mihaita. Sa speram ca imi va raspunde pozitiv.

Imi cer scuze pentru intarzierea la traducerile documentelor medicale. Dupa cum stiti doctorii in general sunt f. busy. Sa speram ca vor fi traduse in curand.

Corina G,
Merci pentru confirmare. Sunt foarte surprinsa ca ai primit suma sub forma de check. Este un check al Bancii? Caci eu nu am trimis check-ul, ci am facut transfer direct din contul meu in contul tau. Oricum nu conteaza, sunt doar surprinsa...

Doamne Ajuta la sosirea unor vesti mult mai concrete!

Cu drag,
Lidia NR
Atlanta, Ga

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns lidiaNR spune:

Also, Ladybug, as dori sa fiu si eu trecuta pe lista voluntarilor. Pot sa-ti trimit tie datele personale? Sau cum sa procedez?

Mergi la inceput