Copii smulsi cu forta din bratele mamei
Raspunsuri - Pagina 11

ellej spune:
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citat din mesajul lui monicabo Rufus, sunt curioasa, ai vreun link cu toata povestea astora? Care o fi toata povestea lor, cand s-au despartit, cand a plecat mama in AUS, daca tata a fost de acord, daca ei erau/ sunt deja divortati, in ce relatii erau fetele cu mama, cu tatal... ma rog, nu ca sa stii tu toate astea, dar ar fi interesant de stiut aceste lucruri. Asa, este prezentata doar o frantura din toata povestea asta... Monica, mami de 2 ![]()" target="_blank">Ele doua Povestea sarcinii si a nasterii Andreei Povestea nasterii super rapide a Anei Maria |

ellej spune:
E pacat ca aceste fete au fost traumatizate, dar mama e principala (daca nu unica) responsabila in acest caz.
In primul rand pentru ca a refuzat in repetate randuri sa se supuna legii, in al doilea rand pentru ca nu i-a pasat deloc de drepturile tatalui si in al treilea rand pentru ca circul de la aeroport a fost orchestrat chiar de ea, in ideea ca media ii va impiedica pe politisti sa puna o sentinta in aplicare (am citit asta pe undeva).
Evident ca fetele isi iubesc mama si nu pot, mai ales la varsta lor, sa o vada ca pe o persoana egoista si manipulatoare (desi ea asta este, chiar si cu cele mai bune intentii).
Bird, daca in Australia s-ar "indoi" legea de fiecare data cand un parinte si-ar priva copii de celalalt parinte cand vrea muschiul lui doar pentru ca respectivii copii se obisnuiesc si fara parintele absent, ar fi vai si amar de tara aia.
Daca mama ar fi avut un motiv serios sa-i desparta pe copii de tata (risc de abuz, maltratare, rapire etc) legea poate ar fi fost de partea ei. Dar ea avea custodie comuna in Italia; e evident ca singura ei scuza a fost ca ea are chef sa stea in Australia si cu asta basta. Ea e vinovata de traumele copiilor; nu tatal si nu politia.

cristoiu spune:
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citat din mesajul lui ellej |
Doar ca e nevoie de abonament, nu il poate citi decit cine e abonat.

ellej spune:
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citat din mesajul lui cristoiu J
Doar ca e nevoie de abonament, nu il poate citi decit cine e abonat. |
Eu am reusit fara sa am abonament. Incearca sa intri cu google si titlul articolului

ellej spune:
Why the mother is no saint in this bitter custody battle by: Miranda Devine From: Sunday Herald Sun May 27, 2012
PHOTOGRAPHS of an Italian man hugging his four daughters and sharing a birthday cake during a custody visit last week are powerful proof that the girls are not afraid of their father, as claimed.
The four sisters at the centre of a custody battle share hugs and cake with their Dad.
In the international custody battle raging between the Australian-born mother and her Italian ex-husband, the mother's side of the story has dominated, in carefully staged media appearances and Facebook campaigns.
She abducted the children from their home near Florence two years ago, and has defied court orders in Italy and Australia since.
On Friday she succeeded in her bid to have the High Court intervene.
She has claimed the father is violent and their daughters are afraid of him.
But he denies her allegations and photos he has posted on Facebook support his version of events.
They show the four pretty girls, aged 14, 12, 9 and 8, smiling and looking at ease with him during a supervised custody visit on Thursday in Brisbane. In one photo, the youngest two are sitting on dad's lap in between the older two, all with arms around each other.
Other photos show each girl individually hugging dad. The body language appears natural and unforced.
The meeting "was fairly emotional as you'd expect when someone hasn't seen their kids for two years", says the father's Brisbane-based lawyer Giovanni Porta.
"They had a birthday cake and celebrated all the birthdays that they had missed."
The father saw his children three times last week and released a statement on Thursday hitting out at the "negative description of me (which) has been presented unilaterally, untruthfully and knowingly distorted by the media".
"As a result I now feel the urgent need to state ... I am a father completely different from that which has been published and repeated about me.
"The Italian Courts and any other justice system are aware that I am a model father.
"No evidence has been presented to any courts, which supports the unfounded and incorrect allegations made against me."
THE mother has said she will stop at nothing to keep the girls in Australia, and when the Family Court ordered their return to Italy two weeks ago, a relative took them into hiding.
Disturbingly, the court has also heard that the girls' maternal grandmother has threatened to "murder the children" and to "encourage her daughter (the girls' mother) to kill herself, too."
It is a tragic situation, made infinitely worse by such tactics.
In family disputes there is usually fault on both sides, but the only solution is to obey the law. It's the least the father deserves.
In 2008, an Italian court granted a "consensual separation agreement" to the couple under which they agreed to share custody of their four daughters.
The girls were to live with their mother, while the father had visitation rights one afternoon a week after school until after dinner and every Friday afternoon until Monday morning.
Then in 2010 the mother said she wanted to take the girls to Australia for a four-week holiday, and never brought them home.
After they were gone a week, the father told the court, he found his daughter's phones had been turned off, "the mother's mobile phone was out of reach and ... when he did call to speak to the children he was told they were not available to speak to him because they were either sleeping or out playing".
He has spent two long years trying to get his daughters back though our legal system.
After the Family Court ordered they be returned to Italy, where they were born and raised and have a loving extended family, he took two weeks' leave from his job as a purchasing manager in Florence to travel to Australia to bring them home.
THEN the girls went missing, and he extended his leave until next Monday.
But now he and his daughters have to live in limbo until August, when the High Court will hear their case, which is a long shot, trying for a legal precedent in a matter of constitutional law.
"I want to say to my children that they have the right to know that their father is an honest, hardworking and decent person," he says.
"I am a simple person who has chosen to pursue to its end, a long and difficult path with my only aim to be reunited with them and hug them after they have been unlawfully taken from me.
"They have the right as a result of this, to be proud of their father as I am of them."
And while the mother has defied court orders, she faces no sanction.
A spokesman says the Family Court does not take it upon itself to bring "contravention proceedings" against people who fail to comply with orders, but requires the other party to do so.
In other words, any sanctions against the mother must be initiated by the father, and, wisely, he has chosen not to do so.
"His only aim has been to be reunited with his children," says his solicitor Porta.
As a society we demand "deadbeat dads" be hunted down and rightly penalised for failing to honour their responsibilities to their offspring.
Yet when a father desperately wants to be involved in the upbringing of his children, his rights ought to be treated equally seriously.
You only have to look at the loving photos of the girls with their father to see what is in their best interests.

Rufus spune:
Poate se trezeste si cu un proces pentru abuz ca si-a traumatizat voluntar copiii
Rufus, Tora si iadele

Victoria_mami spune:
Rufus, zice in articol ca si ptr. nerespectarea hotararii judecatoresti, singurul care o poate da in judecata e tatal fetelor (ce tampenie, dar in fine, e legea lor :) ). Si el zice clar ca singurul lui scop a fost sa-si recupereze fetele. Bravo lui! Ma bucur ca a castigat fetele.