Titanic reloaded ...
Raspunsuri - Pagina 4
eumada spune:
Totusi Titanicul era in mijlocul oceanului,iar asta era langa malul unei insule.Titanicul avea cel putin 1500 m de apa dedesubt ir asta era prins cu fundul de mal...sunt totusi niste diferente.
Madalina si Eva-Maria
![Mergi la inceput Mergi la inceput](icon_go_up.gif)
Letitia1 spune:
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Totusi Titanicul era in mijlocul oceanului,iar asta era langa malul unei insule.Titanicul avea cel putin 1500 m de apa dedesubt ir asta era prins cu fundul de mal...sunt totusi niste diferente. |
Capitanul Titanicului era englez si nu a parasit vasul pina cind s-a scufundat, iar capitanul astuilalt e italian si a fugit si s-a salvat primul. Nu cred ca sufera comparatie una cu alta. Ce s-a intimplat acum ar fi o gluma daca nu ar fi murit oameni nevinovati.
![Mergi la inceput Mergi la inceput](icon_go_up.gif)
Paff spune:
Postat de o romanca care era in momentul acela pe vas.Este scris de Guest Service manager.
Pe romanca o cunosc,deci tind sa cred ca nu ar fi postat minciuni.Imi cer scuze dar nu am timp acum sa il traduc.
Here is an account of the events that followed the Costa Concordia striking a reef and sinking off the coast of Italy on Friday evening...written by the Guest Service Manager Manager of the Concordia, who joined the ship on the 13th of January, presumably in Civitavecchia...thank you, Marsha, for sharing this with me...
"Unfortunately I don't have my nametag to photograph, because I lost at sea, along with my camera! My name is Katia Keyvanian, I am The GSM (Guest Service Manager) embarked on the 13th of January to substitute my colleague on the Concordia. I can write only a few lines, as I have a train to catch to go home! I would love to be invited by Giletti, Mentana, Vinci and all the other journalists, who without knowledge of the facts and who without verifying their sources, only write nonsense! I wish I could respond to the flood of nonsense and lies that have been said! But for now, until I can say more I can only say this; 'We evacuated 4000 people in the dark, with the ship inclined on it's side, in less than two hours! Those who are "incompetent" are not able to do this.
It is not true that the captain was first to leave the ship. I was on the last boat and he remained attached to the railing of deck 3, while the ship was sinking. Shame on you incompetent journalists who wrote that he was the first to leave! I was on the lifeboat, that was sailing away and about to be crushed by the hoist of the sinking ship, which was about to break through our roof. We pulled a lot of guests into the lifeboat who had ended up in the sea, and as we undressed a girl in wet clothes to cover her with a blanket, a guest filmed us with his phone! Shame on you!
We executed a rescue operation at sea, and as we pulled another gentleman out of the water, me with a rope tied around my wrist for more strength to pull him up, another man was taking pictures! Shame on you! we had to manage a flock of sheep in jeopardy and then are told that we were incompetent?! Shame on you! While I was inclined to release people who were pushing and screaming, one by one into the boat, a large man who was obviously a passenger smoked a cigarette. When I asked "What the fuck are you doing smoking a cigarette in this state, in the dark, with fuel that could come out of the boat?!" and his response was "I need it for stress.
I have one thing more to add, before I miss my train ......... We worked for the guests, to save them, to take them to safety, if they are saved, it is only thanks to us alone, all the crew, who did everything. We do not want to be thanked, NO, we have only done our duty, but we do not want to hear all the nonsense, lies, and more lies, just to give you the "scoop" of these so called broadcasts.
4000 PEOPLE IN TWO HOURS, IN THE DARK ... with the ship tilted, we took them WE, THE STAFF CONCORDIA TO SHORE. They did not go themselves in buckets and shovels themselves to the shore! We brought them!!
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the residents of Isola del Giglio, the mayor, who came on board, to verify the situation, (not knowing who he was because he did not have a life jacket!) Thank you with all my heart all, al...l the islanders who worked for all of us, with maximum availability, giving us their colorful blankets, some even knitted of crochet, looking for cell phone chargers, and so much more. Thanks to all of them. Now I'm off to catch a train and go home. See you soon. Oh, I forgot .... one more thing I would like to say "Shame on you!!""
![Mergi la inceput Mergi la inceput](icon_go_up.gif)
capcaunul spune:
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citat din mesajul lui Paff Pe romanca o cunosc,deci tind sa cred ca nu ar fi postat minciuni. |
Si eu inclin sa cred asa. Profilul mediu al amatorului de croaziere se muleaza perfect pe comportamentul blamat de autoarea postarii.
![Mergi la inceput Mergi la inceput](icon_go_up.gif)
andacos spune:
Pe post(uri) s-a dat un fragment de conversatzie dintre capitan si paza de coasta si era intrebat pe ton autoritar de ce a parasit nava!
deci capitanul a parasit nava!
Raspunsul lui a fost ca asa poate coordona mai bine evacuarea insa paza insista ca nu e legal,el trebuie sa fie pe vas si nu s aparaseasca vasul!
ma indoiesc ca era vreo facatura inregistrarea respectiva,cred(n-am auzit asta e doar o presupunere de-a mea)ca inregistrarea provine de la cutia neagra a navei1
www.dropshots.com/andacos#" target="_blank">handarbeit
![Mergi la inceput Mergi la inceput](icon_go_up.gif)
cristoiu spune:
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citat din mesajul lui andacos Pe post(uri) s-a dat un fragment de conversatzie dintre capitan si paza de coasta si era intrebat pe ton autoritar de ce a parasit nava! deci capitanul a parasit nava! Raspunsul lui a fost ca asa poate coordona mai bine evacuarea insa paza insista ca nu e legal,el trebuie sa fie pe vas si nu s aparaseasca vasul! ma indoiesc ca era vreo facatura inregistrarea respectiva,cred(n-am auzit asta e doar o presupunere de-a mea)ca inregistrarea provine de la cutia neagra a navei1 Dana www.dropshots.com/andacos#" target="_blank">handarbeit |
E un exemplu cum fiecare intelege ce e dispus sa inteleaga. Inregistrarea nu este de la cutia neagra ci de la paza de coasta. Am ascultat-o in original. Nu reiese de nicaieri ca ar fi fost pe tarm in momentul respectiv, ci doar ca se afla in salupa linga vas. Capitanul de la paza de coasta ii cerea sa urce pe vas sa ii dea date precise. Capitanul Concordiei nu a zis Nu, ci spune ca nu poate, ca ii este blocat accesul de o alta barca. Cam atit se intelege din conversatie.
![Mergi la inceput Mergi la inceput](icon_go_up.gif)
Letitia1 spune:
Capitanul a parasit vasul, nu stiu ce e asa greu de inteles. Faptul ca era intr-o barca si nu pe tarm nu are nici o importanta. Ca daca era perfect legal si just ceea ce a facut, nu-l chestiona politia acuma. Mai nou a zis ca a alunecat si a cazut in barca respectiva, adica probabil ca el nu a vrut sa paraseasca vasul. Mai mare risul. Sper sa-l pedepseasca cum se cuvine.
![Mergi la inceput Mergi la inceput](icon_go_up.gif)
Lali spune:
Eu una nu cred ca daca acel capitan a parasit vasul tot echipajul este de blamat.
Chiar daca esuarea vasului este o eroare umana, pana la urma cineva a organizat evacuarea acelor pasageri. Tragedia este mare dar putea fi si mai mare. Desigur ca asta nu absolva de vina pe nimeni.
![Mergi la inceput Mergi la inceput](icon_go_up.gif)
andacos spune:
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citat din mesajul lui cristoiu
![]() E un exemplu cum fiecare intelege ce e dispus sa inteleaga. Inregistrarea nu este de la cutia neagra ci de la paza de coasta. Am ascultat-o in original. Nu reiese de nicaieri ca ar fi fost pe tarm in momentul respectiv, ci doar ca se afla in salupa linga vas. Capitanul de la paza de coasta ii cerea sa urce pe vas sa ii dea date precise. Capitanul Concordiei nu a zis Nu, ci spune ca nu poate, ca ii este blocat accesul de o alta barca. Cam atit se intelege din conversatie. |
Exact asta am spus si eu!Sau am incercat!Daca nu s-a intzeles,imi pare rau!
Si raspunsul meu venea la postarea lui Paff!
Lali,restul echipajului sau ma rog ,o parte a echipajului(eu nu detzin date exacte,spun ce relateaza stirile)a ramas pe vas si a coordonat evacuarea!
Chiar am vazut imagini cu un ofitzer ramas pina ieri pe vas,intr-o stare precara de sanatate datorita epuizarii!
www.dropshots.com/andacos#" target="_blank">handarbeit
![Mergi la inceput Mergi la inceput](icon_go_up.gif)
Paff spune:
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citat din mesajul lui andacos
Exact asta am spus si eu!Sau am incercat!Daca nu s-a intzeles,imi pare rau! Si raspunsul meu venea la postarea lui Paff! Lali,restul echipajului sau ma rog ,o parte a echipajului(eu nu detzin date exacte,spun ce relateaza stirile)a ramas pe vas si a coordonat evacuarea! Chiar am vazut imagini cu un ofitzer ramas pina ieri pe vas,intr-o stare precara de sanatate datorita epuizarii! Dana www.dropshots.com/andacos#" target="_blank">handarbeit |
Am citit si eu despre mesajul celor de la paza e coasta catre capitan..no,numai ei stiu ce o fi fost pe acolo.
![Mergi la inceput Mergi la inceput](icon_go_up.gif)