Goldie Pants - 46

Raspunsuri - Pagina 6

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Link direct catre acest raspuns mj_girl spune:

yupiiiiiiiiiiiii sixterile la nevoe se conoaste mey bad sixtero io cre ca si cappuchina asta se sixtereste cu noi
multumex de complimentile lu coxtumu eeeeeeeee coxtumu ca coxtumu da sicretu MdM e ca daca bag fingerile in prizaaaaaaaaa mi se aprinde toate beculetileeeeeeeeee" target="_blank">Michael Jackson is a special part of me !

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Link direct catre acest raspuns lisa-marie spune:

da, daaaaa, cappuchina e una din furnizoarile mele

sicretu MdM e ca daca bag fingerile in prizaaaaaaaaa mi se aprinde toate beculetileeeeeeeeee

pfffff, cum mey da penili cum ti se face?currrly?????pardon curls??? ca MdM m-ar interesa o metoda de incarliontare rapida, acu ca sistera parpal mi-a dat si pontu pentru pastrarea lu freza pt mai mult timp" target="_blank">"I become the stars and the moon. I become the lover and the beloved.
I become the victor and the vanquished. I become the master and the slave.
I become the singer and the song. I become the knower and the known.
I keep on dancing and then, it is the eternal dance of creation.
The creator and creation merge into one wholeness of joy."" target="_blank"> Long live" target="_blank"> THE KING" target="_blank">- MICHAEL" target="_blank"> JACKSON!!!

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Link direct catre acest raspuns lisa-marie spune:

citat din mesajul lui mj_girl

yupiiiiiiiiiiiii sixterile la nevoe se conoaste mey bad sixtero io cre ca si cappuchina asta se sixtereste cu noi

si MdM se sixtareste cu noi k prea ne stie gusturili" target="_blank">"I become the stars and the moon. I become the lover and the beloved.
I become the victor and the vanquished. I become the master and the slave.
I become the singer and the song. I become the knower and the known.
I keep on dancing and then, it is the eternal dance of creation.
The creator and creation merge into one wholeness of joy."" target="_blank"> Long live" target="_blank"> THE KING" target="_blank">- MICHAEL" target="_blank"> JACKSON!!!

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Link direct catre acest raspuns mj_girl spune:

ca MdM m-ar interesa o metoda de incarliontare rapida,

nu stiu, nu stiu, nu stiu io d'astea
io una ma duc sa ma axcund ca kiar fiecare zi e un cadou

pfffffffffffffff bad sixterooooooo vreai sa fim la egalitate?? cre ca abia maine se intampleaza" target="_blank">Michael Jackson is a special part of me !

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Link direct catre acest raspuns mj_girl spune:

buna dimineataaaaaaaaaa sixterileeeee" target="_blank"> o zi MdM" target="_blank">Michael Jackson is a special part of me !

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Link direct catre acest raspuns iona2005 spune: pare ca ati party si curly n-a raspuns lu invitatia

ca sa treceti mai usor peste ziua care este va las aci de toate pt. toate" target="_blank">Heal The World
Make It A Better Place
For You And For Me
And The Entire Human Race

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Link direct catre acest raspuns purple_blue spune:

O sa incep sa uit, daca nu am uitat deja cum arata curly. Daca nu il defilezi iona , va fi pmsacm

Pfuuu cred ca am facut supradoza din ce ne-ai lasat..prea multe deodata

Lisa, sa stii ca am dat comanda la arborele geanealogic, sa inceapa sa mi-l faca un specialist. Anunta-ma te rog daca trec pe anumite persoane viitoare, prezente si trecute

Mj, vad ca nu iasti corioasa ce info detin la persoana ta cum iti castighezi suplimentar ezistenta, nu-i nimic...o sa le public direct la cp in otv bn


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Link direct catre acest raspuns mj_girl spune:

mrs parpal io nemik nu am fakut sau poate am fakut
nu stiu, nu stiu
na, lasa sa ma vaza si tilexpectatorii otevisti nu ca cate beculetze de multe am, sa vaza ca e toate aprinseeeee

se pare ca ati party si curly n-a raspuns lu invitatia

iona am party MdM si curly nu a raxpuns la envitatie io nemik nu spui si cre ca nici bad sixtera nemik nu spune si nici dovezi nu se ezista deci, da ai dreptate multumim de tratatiune pffffffffff daca cumva e contra cost io am platit deja" target="_blank">Michael Jackson is a special part of me !

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Link direct catre acest raspuns mj_girl spune:

nu dijeaba sunt vd1n ca iaca l-am fakut pe SME am vedeo la signature

Michael Jackson is a special part of me !

pfffffffffff de fapt aveam da io vreau si vedeo si poza

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Link direct catre acest raspuns lisa-marie spune:

buna fetili sisterileeeeeeeeee
cum mey sistero mj l-ai facut pe SME? unde e video de la semnatura atunci? ha??? pffff, daca li vrai pe amandoua si nu ti dexcurci singura apeleaza mey la sixstari sa ti ajute sau vrai sa ni faci sa credem ca videm dublu???
iona multumex pentru di toatili alea cred ca stii in ce m-am infipt prima data
parpal ce sa te mai anunt? k daca te referi la inrudeala ramane cum am planificat

pffff, si io la semnatura as vrea ceva miscaretz da tre ceva mai micut iaca asta o merje?" target="_blank">"I become the stars and the moon. I become the lover and the beloved.
I become the victor and the vanquished. I become the master and the slave.
I become the singer and the song. I become the knower and the known.
I keep on dancing and then, it is the eternal dance of creation.
The creator and creation merge into one wholeness of joy."" target="_blank"> Long live" target="_blank"> THE KING" target="_blank">- MICHAEL" target="_blank"> JACKSON!!!

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