Goldie Pants - 46

Raspunsuri - Pagina 7

Inceputul discutiei

Link direct catre acest raspuns lisa-marie spune:

iiiiiii, nu vra sa merge mai o incercare" target="_blank">"I become the stars and the moon. I become the lover and the beloved.
I become the victor and the vanquished. I become the master and the slave.
I become the singer and the song. I become the knower and the known.
I keep on dancing and then, it is the eternal dance of creation.
The creator and creation merge into one wholeness of joy."" target="_blank"> Long live" target="_blank"> THE KING" target="_blank">- MICHAEL" target="_blank"> JACKSON!!!

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Link direct catre acest raspuns mj_girl spune:

meeeeeey da di ce sa apelez la sixtere daca nici la ele nu vra ca sa merge?? pfffff miscaretzzzzz iaca la asta nu ma gandisem

iaca asta io vreau
pfffffffffff nu stiu, nu stiu cum e cu dimensiunili
da SME iasteeeeeeeeeeeeee fakutttttttttt ca vedeou merje" target="_blank">Michael Jackson is a special part of me !

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Link direct catre acest raspuns iona2005 spune:

Daca nu il defilezi iona

sis parpal in mixcare n-am inregistrata defilarea static vezi mai jos ce fromoso defilare facem

si nici dovezi nu se ezista deci, da ai dreptate

da,sis mj, am dreptate si dovezi se ezista, da nu cu voi

cred ca stii in ce m-am infipt prima data

sis lisa nu stiu, nu stiu...o mica banuiala am

mixcatoarele nu bai ca le stie okui neuronicus iar cu dimensiunile stiu stiu si mai stie si parpala" target="_blank">Heal The World
Make It A Better Place
For You And For Me
And The Entire Human Race

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Link direct catre acest raspuns iona2005 spune:

din prima am nimerit dimensiunea" target="_blank">Heal The World
Make It A Better Place
For You And For Me
And The Entire Human Race

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Link direct catre acest raspuns mj_girl spune:

buna dimineata sixterile
o zi MdM va dorex
io consumez neste" target="_blank"> pana nu ma taie SME di la portie sunteti envitatile mele" target="_blank">Michael Jackson is a special part of me !

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Link direct catre acest raspuns purple_blue spune:

Pe asta nu l-a beut din cauza lu' uomul de la inceput, a zis SME ca nu e interesant

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Link direct catre acest raspuns iona2005 spune:

sis mj spune drept cate coffee ai consumat pana la orile astea?

sis parpal ce ai de impartit cu baietu meu?...iaca am si io de impartit ceva cu baetu tau...dak se intampla maine te iertam

sis lisa nemik nu zic ce stiu" target="_blank">Heal The World
Make It A Better Place
For You And For Me
And The Entire Human Race

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Link direct catre acest raspuns mj_girl spune:

da ce te-ntereseaza mey cate cafele am consumat ioooooo??
iete fara numar, na epmsacm
iaca ddboyu meu ce fromos e

pffffff si e fix pe demensiuni" target="_blank">Michael Jackson is a special part of me !

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Link direct catre acest raspuns iona2005 spune:

a dixparut propritaru

pffff nu mai poa sa intrebe uomu nemik? ma gandesc la corasonu tau mey" target="_blank">Heal The World
Make It A Better Place
For You And For Me
And The Entire Human Race

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Link direct catre acest raspuns lisa-marie spune:

buna fetileeeeee
pffffffffff, ce vizita am avut azi si ce ocupata am foooost da nemik nu spui siiiiiiiiiii niminea nu e mai MdM ca baetu meu atata poci k sa zic" target="_blank">"I become the stars and the moon. I become the lover and the beloved.
I become the victor and the vanquished. I become the master and the slave.
I become the singer and the song. I become the knower and the known.
I keep on dancing and then, it is the eternal dance of creation.
The creator and creation merge into one wholeness of joy."" target="_blank"> Long live" target="_blank"> THE KING" target="_blank">- MICHAEL" target="_blank"> JACKSON!!!

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