Felicitari Tzuky!Aspirante optimiste (512)
Raspunsuri - Pagina 2

PaulaFrida spune:
Neatza fetelor
haideti sa serviti o cafelutza buna
mara promitatoare valori,tin pumnii sa se dubleze pe miercuri
va -acesc pe toate si va doresc o zii frumoasa si usoara
Abia asteptam sa vina minunea
in viata noastra
Marriage Ticker
TTC Ticker


vas spune:
Buna dimi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cafea nu mai beau ca mi-e rau asa ca va invit la un ceai.O astept pe Paula cu micul dejun.
In sfarsit am citit din urma....deci se pare ca avem inca o burtica......hai ca va fi bine ai sa vezi!!!!!!!
Roxy, eu luna asta am prestat aproape ca la carte...am zis ca daca nici acum nu iese de luna viitoare las la intamplare....vorba ta pana la urma nimerim ziua magica.
azi e ziua copilului asa ca va urez tuturor celor care au inca un suflet de copil acolo undeva in interior.....LA MULTI ANI!!!si sa va dea Domnul bucuria de a avea un puiut caruia sa-i spuneti chiar voi LA MULTI ANI!!!!!
daca vreti pozici cu noi avem aicihttp://www.facebook.com/photos.php?id=100000629889101#!/album.php?aid=12524&id=100000629889101.
va pup si azi sunt prn zona.
Andreea , mamica Elizei


madutza_bra spune:
'Neata fetele!
Paula, multumim de cafelutza. Hai ca e mai putin de 1 luna pana dati start-ul la bebe
vas, In ce zi esti? Vezi ca nu e bun lunk-ul....
io sunt in z17 si inca nu stiu exact daca am ovulat sau nu...de 3 zile stau la 36.4 . Pe grafic imi spune ca se pare ca am ovulat in z14, dar pana nu am temperaturi crescute sa ma consider inca fertila...
...mai astept...
pup-ici la toate fetele !
Povestea nasterii
Mada, mami fericita de Cristian - 29.12.2008
Ceea ce nu te doboara , te intareste!


cos_minutza spune:
Neatza fetelor!!!
Paula multumim de cafelutza
Vas de ce ti-e rau de la cafea?Ne ascunzi ceva?Nu pot sa-ti vad pozele
Madutza,Yoni,Bebelu tuturor!!!
O zi minunata!!!!
Cosmi,aspiranta optimista viitoare
Doamne,pustii sunt casele fara copii si triste sunt inimile sotilor care n-au urmasi. Chiar daca nu avem credinta dreptilor care pentru rugaciunile lor s-au invrednicit sa aiba copii, pentru mila Ta nemasurata, nu ne lasa, Atotputernice Doamne, ci vezi suspinul inimii noastre. Umple-ne casa de bucuria pe care o aduc copiii, iar pe noi ne intareste ca sa-I crestem cu dragoste si intelepciune, spre slava numelui tau.Amin


doula spune:
Buna dimineata
La Multi Ani puisorilor inclusiv celor din burtica
Vas nici eu nu pot sa vad fotografiile.
Madutza cum adica pana nu vezi temperaturi ridicate nu te consideri fertila??? Temperaturile ridicate arata ca nu mai esti fertila.... Vrei sa pui graficul sa ma uit putin pe el????
Eu nu mai pot de burta. Si ceea ce am considerat dureri menstruale sunt de fapt ....gaze.... Cel putin asa mi se pare
Andreea - in asteptarea lui Mayan
MAGIC: The smell of your newborn baby, the feeling of being a mother, the realization that you- yes you- have the power and awesome opportunity to shape a life of a human being full of potential and unlimited possibility - WOW consider the possibilities! ~ Tracy Wilson
"I wanted you before you were born. I loved you when you were born, I saw your face and I knew that I was in love. Before you were an hour old, I knew I would die for you. To this day, I will. This is the miracle of life."
www.feminitate.org/" target="_blank">Feminitate - trup si suflet de femeie


madutza_bra spune:
doula, eu am spus ca pana nu am temperaturi crescute sa ma consider inca fertila...
uite aici si graficul http://www.fertilityfriend.com/ttc/index.php, sper sa fie bun link-ul
Povestea nasterii
Mada, mami fericita de Cristian - 29.12.2008
Ceea ce nu te doboara , te intareste!


doula spune:
Madutza nu pot accesa graficul tau Vezi ca in partea stanga, in meniu ai "Sharing"
Andreea - in asteptarea lui Mayan
MAGIC: The smell of your newborn baby, the feeling of being a mother, the realization that you- yes you- have the power and awesome opportunity to shape a life of a human being full of potential and unlimited possibility - WOW consider the possibilities! ~ Tracy Wilson
"I wanted you before you were born. I loved you when you were born, I saw your face and I knew that I was in love. Before you were an hour old, I knew I would die for you. To this day, I will. This is the miracle of life."
www.feminitate.org/" target="_blank">Feminitate - trup si suflet de femeie


madutza_bra spune:
Citat: |
citat din mesajul lui doula Madutza nu pot accesa graficul tau ![]() ![]() ![]() MAGIC: The smell of your newborn baby, the feeling of being a mother, the realization that you- yes you- have the power and awesome opportunity to shape a life of a human being full of potential and unlimited possibility - WOW consider the possibilities! ~ Tracy Wilson "I wanted you before you were born. I loved you when you were born, I saw your face and I knew that I was in love. Before you were an hour old, I knew I would die for you. To this day, I will. This is the miracle of life." www.feminitate.org/" target="_blank">Feminitate - trup si suflet de femeie |
acum e merge? http://www.fertilityfriend.com/home/190dd3
Povestea nasterii
Mada, mami fericita de

Ceea ce nu te doboara , te intareste!


doula spune:
Continuarea Madutza - Sharing - HomePageSetup - si aici ai "Your Charting Home Page Web Address" si dedesupt adresa care poate fi accesata de mine Andreea - in asteptarea lui Mayan
MAGIC: The smell of your newborn baby, the feeling of being a mother, the realization that you- yes you- have the power and awesome opportunity to shape a life of a human being full of potential and unlimited possibility - WOW consider the possibilities! ~ Tracy Wilson
"I wanted you before you were born. I loved you when you were born, I saw your face and I knew that I was in love. Before you were an hour old, I knew I would die for you. To this day, I will. This is the miracle of life."
www.feminitate.org/" target="_blank">Feminitate - trup si suflet de femeie


doula spune:
Mi-ai luat-o inainte Da acum se vede ..... si inca nu ai ovulat inca..... Vad ca testul de saliva arata ca esti fertila, si colul uterin la fel. Deci considera-te fertila
Andreea - in asteptarea lui Mayan
MAGIC: The smell of your newborn baby, the feeling of being a mother, the realization that you- yes you- have the power and awesome opportunity to shape a life of a human being full of potential and unlimited possibility - WOW consider the possibilities! ~ Tracy Wilson
"I wanted you before you were born. I loved you when you were born, I saw your face and I knew that I was in love. Before you were an hour old, I knew I would die for you. To this day, I will. This is the miracle of life."
www.feminitate.org/" target="_blank">Feminitate - trup si suflet de femeie
