Aspirante optimiste > 20 ani (511)
Raspunsuri - Pagina 11
vas spune:
Fetelor eu nu mai am timp de nimic de cand am venit din concediu.Casa e vraiste, dulapurile daca scoti ceva din ele cad toate hainele pe tine....., la bucatarie toate oalele sunt puse una peste alta reusesc sa ma adun. Dar PRESTEZ serios!!!!!! Asta nu imi scapa.....sper sa fie ceva luna asta......
Va pup pe toate si haideti cu ceva teste......II.
Andreea , mamica Elizei
ancadragoman spune:
Andreea asa avea si sora mea si are endometrioza,nu vreau sa te panichezi dar ...
anca de Maria Alexandra (4 noiembrie 2007)
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povestea nasterii" target="_blank">eu sunt Maria" target="_blank">Montaje Mariuca
camcris spune:
Andreea nu te supara pe mine, dat tu ti-ai facut o laparoscopie, ai toate analizele la zi si sotul este in regula?
la mine ma bate gandul sa fac testul postcoital ca in rest este OK
PaulaFrida spune:
Doula sa nu te superi pe mine ca am intrebat,dar nu stiam ,oricum e un nume f.frumos
Abia asteptam sa vina minunea in viata noastra
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doula spune:
Anca multumesc Adevarul e ca m-am gandit si eu la asta inainte cu cativa ani. In urma cu cateva luni (prin august anul trecut) am facut o laparoscopie datorita unor dureri abdominale puternice. Uterul este curat. Luna trecuta am fost la ecograf si la fel totul este in regula. De aceea m-am gandit la o lipsa de magneziu+calciu, mai ales ca au inceput si carceii la picioare. In plus, endometrioza este specifica prin menstruatii abundente cu cheaguri iar la mine menstruatia este destul de slaba
Andreea - in asteptarea lui Mayan
MAGIC: The smell of your newborn baby, the feeling of being a mother, the realization that you- yes you- have the power and awesome opportunity to shape a life of a human being full of potential and unlimited possibility - WOW consider the possibilities! ~ Tracy Wilson
"I wanted you before you were born. I loved you when you were born, I saw your face and I knew that I was in love. Before you were an hour old, I knew I would die for you. To this day, I will. This is the miracle of life."" target="_blank">Feminitate - trup si suflet de femeie
doula spune:
Camcris am scris in acelasi timp
Paula cum sa ma supar.....asi vorbi de Mayan nonstop....
Andreea - in asteptarea lui Mayan
MAGIC: The smell of your newborn baby, the feeling of being a mother, the realization that you- yes you- have the power and awesome opportunity to shape a life of a human being full of potential and unlimited possibility - WOW consider the possibilities! ~ Tracy Wilson
"I wanted you before you were born. I loved you when you were born, I saw your face and I knew that I was in love. Before you were an hour old, I knew I would die for you. To this day, I will. This is the miracle of life."" target="_blank">Feminitate - trup si suflet de femeie
camcris spune:
doula eu am mici cheaguri dar nu menstruatie abundenta si am facut laparo anu trecut in august si nu aveam nimic, m-ai pus pe ganduri de la ce pot sa fie cheagurile de sange ?
de fapt este asa ca o pojghita de piele mai gorasa
ancadragoman spune:
Andreea nu neaparat abundenta,sora mea o are redusa cantitativ si o tine doar 3 zile insa dureri sunt ingrozitoare
anca de Maria Alexandra (4 noiembrie 2007)
poze si filmulete
povestea nasterii" target="_blank">eu sunt Maria" target="_blank">Montaje Mariuca
doula spune:
Anca eu nu prea am dureri menstruale, adica ma deranjeaza pe acolo putin, dar ...... in "tinerete" adica pana acum vreo 3 ani aveam dureri groaznice, dar acum bat in lemn. Oricum asa cum am spus si laparo si ecografic totul e in regula... si inca o laparo nu mai fac ...
Andreea - in asteptarea lui Mayan
MAGIC: The smell of your newborn baby, the feeling of being a mother, the realization that you- yes you- have the power and awesome opportunity to shape a life of a human being full of potential and unlimited possibility - WOW consider the possibilities! ~ Tracy Wilson
"I wanted you before you were born. I loved you when you were born, I saw your face and I knew that I was in love. Before you were an hour old, I knew I would die for you. To this day, I will. This is the miracle of life."" target="_blank">Feminitate - trup si suflet de femeie
doula spune:
Camcris sunt multe cauze.....dar in mare cheagurile arata ca uterul nu se curata cum trebuie. Dar bucatele de pielita asa cum spui tu sunt normale - sunt particule ale endometrului care se elimina.
Andreea - in asteptarea lui Mayan
MAGIC: The smell of your newborn baby, the feeling of being a mother, the realization that you- yes you- have the power and awesome opportunity to shape a life of a human being full of potential and unlimited possibility - WOW consider the possibilities! ~ Tracy Wilson
"I wanted you before you were born. I loved you when you were born, I saw your face and I knew that I was in love. Before you were an hour old, I knew I would die for you. To this day, I will. This is the miracle of life."" target="_blank">Feminitate - trup si suflet de femeie