Aspirante optimiste > 20 ani (511)
Raspunsuri - Pagina 10
PaulaFrida spune:
Cum sa te uitam UkumeNe bucuram cand mai intri pe la noi.sper sa te urmam cat de curand,sa fim si noi cu bebe la purtator
Abia asteptam sa vina minunea in viata noastra
Marriage Ticker
TTC Ticker
cos_minutza spune:
Ukume cum sa te uitam dragutzo?Ma bucur ca mai intri din cand in cand pe la noi.Ma bucur ca ai e totul ok cu sarcina si bebe creste
Doula multi sa treaca supararea!
Talida tinem pumni
Cosmi,aspiranta optimista viitoare
Doamne,pustii sunt casele fara copii si triste sunt inimile sotilor care n-au urmasi. Chiar daca nu avem credinta dreptilor care pentru rugaciunile lor s-au invrednicit sa aiba copii, pentru mila Ta nemasurata, nu ne lasa, Atotputernice Doamne, ci vezi suspinul inimii noastre. Umple-ne casa de bucuria pe care o aduc copiii, iar pe noi ne intareste ca sa-I crestem cu dragoste si intelepciune, spre slava numelui tau.Amin
roxy_s spune:
nike mai merge si la specializare??? asa in starea ei?? eu nu stiu cum reuseste.
ukume si eu sper sa te urmam cat mai repede, sa avem burtici cu
Viitoare mamica
doula spune:
Multumesc fetelor - imi trece mie. Nu ma tine pe mine prea mult tristetea, prea imi place sa zambesc
Andreea - in asteptarea lui Mayan
MAGIC: The smell of your newborn baby, the feeling of being a mother, the realization that you- yes you- have the power and awesome opportunity to shape a life of a human being full of potential and unlimited possibility - WOW consider the possibilities! ~ Tracy Wilson
"I wanted you before you were born. I loved you when you were born, I saw your face and I knew that I was in love. Before you were an hour old, I knew I would die for you. To this day, I will. This is the miracle of life."" target="_blank">Feminitate - trup si suflet de femeie
doula spune:
Fac schimbari la semnatura. Va place?
Andreea - in asteptarea lui Mayan
MAGIC: The smell of your newborn baby, the feeling of being a mother, the realization that you- yes you- have the power and awesome opportunity to shape a life of a human being full of potential and unlimited possibility - WOW consider the possibilities! ~ Tracy Wilson
"I wanted you before you were born. I loved you when you were born, I saw your face and I knew that I was in love. Before you were an hour old, I knew I would die for you. To this day, I will. This is the miracle of life."" target="_blank">Feminitate - trup si suflet de femeie
cos_minutza spune:
Doula, place place Doamne da sa vina Mayan cat mai repede
Cosmi,aspiranta optimista viitoare
Doamne,pustii sunt casele fara copii si triste sunt inimile sotilor care n-au urmasi. Chiar daca nu avem credinta dreptilor care pentru rugaciunile lor s-au invrednicit sa aiba copii, pentru mila Ta nemasurata, nu ne lasa, Atotputernice Doamne, ci vezi suspinul inimii noastre. Umple-ne casa de bucuria pe care o aduc copiii, iar pe noi ne intareste ca sa-I crestem cu dragoste si intelepciune, spre slava numelui tau.Amin
PaulaFrida spune:
Da Doula place
Mayan,e nume de baietel?
Abia asteptam sa vina minunea in viata noastra
Marriage Ticker
TTC Ticker
doula spune:
Mayan este un nume "unisex" - se potriveste si la fetite si la baietei . In ebraica inseamna izvor
Andreea - in asteptarea lui Mayan
MAGIC: The smell of your newborn baby, the feeling of being a mother, the realization that you- yes you- have the power and awesome opportunity to shape a life of a human being full of potential and unlimited possibility - WOW consider the possibilities! ~ Tracy Wilson
"I wanted you before you were born. I loved you when you were born, I saw your face and I knew that I was in love. Before you were an hour old, I knew I would die for you. To this day, I will. This is the miracle of life."" target="_blank">Feminitate - trup si suflet de femeie
doula spune:
Azi a inceput spottingul - in curand anunt z1 Problema ca am de cateva zile niste dureri de burta ingrozitoare, imi este greu sa stau in fund. Si am si carcei la picioare - durerile sunt asemanatoarea cu cele de burta. Am inceput sa iau calciu+magneziu - simt ca este o lipsa si din cauza asta am durerile
Andreea - in asteptarea lui Mayan
MAGIC: The smell of your newborn baby, the feeling of being a mother, the realization that you- yes you- have the power and awesome opportunity to shape a life of a human being full of potential and unlimited possibility - WOW consider the possibilities! ~ Tracy Wilson
"I wanted you before you were born. I loved you when you were born, I saw your face and I knew that I was in love. Before you were an hour old, I knew I would die for you. To this day, I will. This is the miracle of life."" target="_blank">Feminitate - trup si suflet de femeie