Abdomen extra-plat: Beachbody (13)
Raspunsuri - Pagina 13

z333 spune:
4000 de dolari? wowwww, in traducere libera, scump ca dracu..
se vede ca nu traiesti pe salariu din romanica:-)) ca nu te-ar fi lasat sufletelul sa dai atatia bani pentru Tony
"Where I am today is where my mind put me, where i'll be tomorrow is where my mind put me.
So look at yourself.Your mind put you where you are today, you can change it anytime you want to.
Stay focus, don't give up" Billy Blanks
"When life offers you a dream so far beyond any of your expectations, is it not reasonable to grieve when it comes to an end." Meyer S.
so,you think you can dance?
my song

Allure spune:
am exagerat eu...poate ca n-ar ajunge la 4000 desi cu cheltuielile neprevazute nu stii niciodata; probabil ca 3000 s-ar duce sigur, si in functie de cit de scump e avionul si ce altceva mai cheltui pe acolo se mai adauga...
e mult ca idee...desi eu banii astia ii fac intr-o luna teoretic (luna buna, aglomerata) insa nu in fiecare luna, de ce sa ma fac pe mine...
Dar si cheltuielile mele sint pe masura, no problem...nu cistig ca la romanika dar nici nu cheltui ca la romanika!
mai dau nitel in bobi si ma hotarasc mi s-arata ca ma duc. am si o prietena in Spania care ma asteapta in vizita si cred ca fac o escapada europeana mica
acolo cel putin nu mai cheltui bani pe hotel...
Deus, de masaje si de bibileala sint satula..asta fac toata ziua acasa :)
Mi s-a pus pata pe traveling...stau cu geamantanele in living room, in ultimele 10 luni am calatorit de 3 ori: Bahamas 2 saptamini, Anglia 2 saptamini si Arizona 3 zile doar...I am on a roll!
True health is a journey not a destination, a process not an event, a habit not a diet.
"Man, you can do anything for 30 seconds!" Tony Horton, P90X

ema spune:
lumi...de unde le scoti...in traducere libera scump ca dracu...
Deus...asa e...o vacanta super...masaje cu caviar,bai in ciocolata...valeleu...io mai trag cate un we de asta spa...ca doua saptamani dau in galbinare fara plozi...si spa cu plozi nu se pupa diloc.
mey...pin la urma omu trieste o data...daca Allure isi doreste cu ardoare...de ce nu?n-are catel purcel si obligatii...sotu pare super intelegator(a meu ma zbura din cuib in secunda doi)asa ca....ne trimiti vederi din italia!

Allure spune:
Ati auzit de Reddrox? Este un praf facut din redbush tree (rooiboos tea mi se pare ca se face tot din el) care se toarna in apa si se bea dupa workout...in loc de "recovery drink" ala din P90X
Tony bea asa ceva si il recomanda. Am citit si eu despre el si mi-a placut. Am si gustat de fapt, mi-a dat cineva un sample. E ca ceaiul de rooibos, decit ca este instant. Informatie aici:
Naturally caffeine-free ReddRox is the perfect beverage for everyday consumption, and can be enjoyed in unlimited quantities. It is also low in tannin, a substance that affects the body's metabolism by interfering with its ability to absorb iron and protein.
ReddRox provides antioxidant protection because it's rich in flavonoids and polyphenols. It hydrates the body on a cellular level, which will slowly rid the body of toxins and allow your cells to be replenished by clean and clear fluids.
Its high mineral and polyphenol content helps to maintain healthy skin, teeth, bones and metabolic processes. ReddRox is the ideal choice for people of all ages and from every walk of life. And it has zero calories, so it can aid in weight loss!
With its many positive attributes, ReddRox is a great choice of drink for health-conscious people.
ReddRox contains no colors, additives or preservatives, making it a natural beverage. It contains no caffeine. According to studies conducted in South Africa and Japan, Red bush (ReddRox) has been shown to aid in health problems such as insomnia, irritability, headaches, nervous tension and hypertension.
Studies also show that this tea contains anti-spasmodic agents, which can relieve stomach cramping and colic in infants.
In South Africa, Red Bush (ReddRox) has been used to treat allergies such as hay fever, asthma and eczema very effectively.
It is also used to treat irritated skin. Red Bush (ReddRox) is brewed and placed directly on infected areas. ReddRox contains antioxidants, which can help slow the aging process and boost the immune system.
ReddRox is a great thirst quencher and is an excellent beverage for active people, including children.
This tea contains no oxalic acid, making it a good beverage for people prone to kidney stones. ReddRox contains the minerals, copper, iron and potassium, calcium, fluoride, zinc and manganese. Alpha-hydroxy (for healthy skin) and magnesium (for the nervous system) are also components of this drink. In South Africa, pregnant women and nursing mothers drink Red Bush (ReddRox) because it contains no caffeine.
Lumi 6l de apa pe zi este enorm...parerea mea. Cum ai trecut de la "nu pot sa beau" la 6 litri ?
True health is a journey not a destination, a process not an event, a habit not a diet.
"Man, you can do anything for 30 seconds!" Tony Horton, P90X

Deus spune:
Allure daca iti place si iti doresti merita normal sa mergi sa vezi toata lumea!
Nu ma refeream la masaje facute acasa:-) putuleala gen spa toata ziua in care tu sa fii centrul universului....
Va pup si va doresc o seara buna - sanatoasa, plina de bucurii!
devii ceea ce practici
putere...pentru cine crede ca nu mai poate!
Tot ce poti cumpara cu bani e ieftin! Erich Maria Remarque.

z333 spune:
6 litri da, darrrrrr apa+ceai...pai de ce crezi ca nu se mai lipeste grasimea de mine?? pentru ca alunecaaaaaa
eu am zis ca-s prietena foarte buna cu "nu vreau", dar cand vreau cu adevarat ii dau cate-un sut in bombeu de greseste cararea..sa vad ce fac la vara,probabil o sa ajung la 10 litri daca o tin asa:-))
apropositos..ziceai ca al meu e intelegator ca ii fac capul mare cu Shaun..eheeeeee, daca as da eu 3000-4000 de dolari ca sa il vad pe Shaun sau Tony sau oricine, pe usa de la intrare m-ar astepta cu litere de-o schioapa "PE AICI NU SE TRECE!"
asa ca, al tau chiar e intelegator si daca ai verde go for it si mai ales ca nu ai nici purcel, nici papagal, nici catel..
vorba lu' Ema, o viata avem de trait
asta cu rooibos-ul imi place, ca eu beau 3 l de ceai rooibos pe zi..oare de aia sunt mai titirez ca de obicei?
"Where I am today is where my mind put me, where i'll be tomorrow is where my mind put me.
So look at yourself.Your mind put you where you are today, you can change it anytime you want to.
Stay focus, don't give up" Billy Blanks
"When life offers you a dream so far beyond any of your expectations, is it not reasonable to grieve when it comes to an end." Meyer S.
so,you think you can dance?
my song

XIO spune:
Lumi , nu exagera cu apa ca nu este bine.
Recomandat este sa bei 2 l pe zi , hai 3 , in nici un caz 6 !
***Fur is for petting**
http://www.xfactor.ro/#tp (produse eco)

anda spune:
pentru Ema!!!
...restul comentariilor asteapta pina maine...ca-s rupta. pusike.
O U T S T A N D I N G S & P I D U K
If I had a prayer, it would be this: "God spare me from the desire for love, approval, and appreciation. Amen."

Deus spune:
Lumi te transformi in sirena? :-)
apa / ceai fara zahar este bine sa bei 1,5-3 l dar mai mult daca bei iti speli din organism inclusiv minerale si vitaminele!!!! asa ca numara frumos paharele de apa sa fie 6-8 intr-o zi si cele de ceai maxim 4! plus, vezi ca nici ceaiurile nu-s bune toate! Ce ceai bei? Rooibos din comert la pliculet? Un ceai bun, adevarta gasesti in magazinele specializate, este natural nu in pliculet de hartie si cu ata:-)
Va pup ma duc sa ma culc
devii ceea ce practici
putere...pentru cine crede ca nu mai poate!
Tot ce poti cumpara cu bani e ieftin! Erich Maria Remarque.

z333 spune:
deci si cu apa o dadui in bara?? e cam mult nu?
dar nu beau zilnic asa multa, numa' cand fac insanity beau ca sparta, in rest cred ca pe la 4 l ma opresc..na bun, pai o sa incerc sa ma rezum la 3 l pe zi
desi ma gandesc ca as simti si eu ceva daca nu e ok nu?? ca inca nu am nimic, energia e ca la ea acasa,uneori cam prea multa(cred ca de la ceaiurile alea), nu ma doare nimic, nu-s ametita, nu am niciun fel de problema..
bine, eu in general nu am niciun fel de problema,nici macar capul nu m-a mai durut de o caruta de timp, dar nah o sa ascult si eu de oamenii mai mari ca mine
astazi am baut vreo 3l de ceai ce-i drept si vreo 2 de apa..
drept urmare o sa tai din ceai si o sa las apa la fel ca pana acum 2-3 litri pe zi..ceai maxim 2 cani
un lucru bun din asta tot am reusit..celulita mea se vede numa' daca strang pielea..de fapt asta era si ideea cu lichidele, celulita, numa' ca eu cand ma pornesc greu ma opresc si uite asa de la 2-3 litri eu ajung la 6 litri..batman,batman
no, ma bag si eu la somn..sper..asta in cazul in care nu incepe programul de sex turbat la vecini
v-am pupat
"Where I am today is where my mind put me, where i'll be tomorrow is where my mind put me.
So look at yourself.Your mind put you where you are today, you can change it anytime you want to.
Stay focus, don't give up" Billy Blanks
"When life offers you a dream so far beyond any of your expectations, is it not reasonable to grieve when it comes to an end." Meyer S.
so,you think you can dance?
my song