Fiv in Ungaria 83
Raspunsuri - Pagina 5

ALRAK spune:
Va invit la un dans (este tare haios).
O duminica placuta , in continuare
Doamna Ajuta!

claudia79 spune:
balanta, am facut pana saptamana trecuta(12 sapt) Arixtra de 2.5 mg. si o pastiluta de aspirina de 81 mg pe zi.In timpul stimularii nu mi-a dat Arixtra dar cand am vazut ca un ovar nu raspunde in z3 de stimulare mi-am facut jumate de injectie experimental si mi-a crescut si endometrul si nr de foliculi. Nu va zic sa faceti ca mine, eu am riscat pt ca nu stiam ce urmari va avea dar am avut salingectomie de partea cu ovarul lenes si mi s-a sugerat ca irigatia e slaba de la operatie si asa m-am gandit eu sa mi-o imbunataesc...

dia_na spune:
adipapazi ai facut si amh si inhibina B? ce valori ai avut la ele?
cu cariotipul se face si la femeie si la barbat? ai avut rezultate mai putin bune la cariotip care sa poata sa explice punctia alba? raspunsul la stimulare din cite am inteles e cumva corelat cu FSH, raport FSH/LH, si amh. banuiesc cariotipul ar avea importanta in procesul mai incolo la fertilizare si respectiv dezvoltarea embrionului, poate ma insel
legat de punctia alba, si eu sunt de aceeasi parere ca si fetele, sa nu te mai chinuiesti, cred ca e greu de aflat cauza; e important ca medicul sa aiba cit mai multe info sa iti propuna o alta schema de tratament, una mai potrivita si de succes de data asta; incearca sa te concentrezi pe speranta ca vei reusi acum, nu te ajuta foarte mult sa te tot gindesti la ce a fost; stiu ca e greu de facut asta, dar cel putin mie mi se par prea complicate toate astea, incerc si eu sa inteleg, dar imi dau seama ca nu putem cuprinde toate aspectele, sper doar ca medicii sa fie mai intelepti si sa stie ce fac
cu incredere si speranta vom reusi
Citat: |
citat din mesajul lui adipapazi dia_na: am uitat de cariotip: nu mai stiu clar cat a costat. eram trotilata de vesti proaste, dar imi amintesc ca am platit pt cariotip si prima parte din fiv (la Kaali, un fiv se compune din 3 plati: punctia, fertilizarea in sine din laborator si ET, la care adaugi medicamentele) maxim 500 euro.cred ca e peste 100, dar sub 150-200. |

dent spune:
Laura Gardner, e super baietelul tau,sa va creasca mare si sanatos!
Alrak,m-ai facut curioasa si m-am distrat.Oare cind unul din cei 5 catei ai mei,vor presta asa un dans...?
Zapp,ma bucur ca sunteti bine si maricei!

dia_na spune:
pt adipapazi si cine mai e interesat de cariotip (articolul e mai vechi dar e scris de Dr. K)
se pare ca nu merge direct, il pastez aici
Peter Kovacs, MD
Clinical Instructor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, New York, and Fellow in Reproductive Endocrinology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, New York
With recent advances in genetic screening and better understanding of the genetic background of certain diseases, genetic evaluation is playing an important role in the work-up of various medical problems, including reproductive failure. Reproductive failure refers to both the inability to conceive (infertility) and the inability to carry a pregnancy successfully to term (spontaneous abortion, recurrent abortion). Embryos that do not carry a full chromosomal component are likely to be lost soon after implantation or do not implant at all. Genetic abnormalities (numerical or structural aberrations) play a role in at least 50% of early pregnancy losses. Karyotyping of the parents is now a routine procedure during the work-up of recurrent abortions. Infertility is another form of reproductive failure, and genetic screening plays an increasingly important role in its evaluation. In vitro fertilization (IVF) provides us with a unique situation in which not only the parents but also the embryo can be screened.
There are well-described associations between genetic and reproductive abnormalities, and genetic testing is now being explored. For example, several research groups have reported an increased frequency of genetic abnormalities among men with decreased sperm count. The rate of abnormality may be as high as 15% among men with azoospermia. In addition, preimplantation genetic testing has detected a high rate (up to 80%) of genetic abnormalities in embryos of women older than 40 years of age, although the rate approached 30% even among younger women.
Is there a role for genetic testing for couples with implantation failure after IVF treatment? The answer is yes for women with a history of recurrent abortions, for women with a history of previous pregnancy with genetic abnormality, or when the male partner has abnormal semen parameters. The question is unanswered, however, with regard to patients without such risk factors who have experienced numerous failed attempts.
Several groups have evaluated the incidence of genetic problems among couples with multiple IVF failures. Raziel and colleagues[1] evaluated 65 couples with multiple IVF failures (6 or more IVF failures with a total of at least 15 embryos transferred). They detected chromosomal abnormalities (translocations, mosaicism, inversion) in 10/65 of these couples. Stern and coworkers[2] reported a 2.5% incidence of chromosomal abnormalities in a similar group of patients. This was a significant increase compared with the incidence among healthy controls, although was somewhat lower when compared with women with recurrent abortions (4.7%). Voullaire and colleagues[3] evaluated the embryos of women with prior implantation failure and reported a rate of 60% (76/126) abnormality on the basis of testing of single blastomeres. Finally, Schreurs and colleagues[4] studied the female partner of couples undergoing intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) treatment for male factor infertility. The investigators reported a higher rate of genetic abnormality (1.14%) among them when compared with women in the general population (0.16%). They recommended the routine screening of both partners prior to IVF/ICSI treatment.
Because the rate of spontaneous abortions and the rate of genetic abnormalities is not increased with IVF when compared with the general population, routine genetic screening prior to all IVF/ICSI cycles does not seem cost-effective. This is obviously not the case for couples for whom a genetic problem is suspected on the basis of history, laboratory tests, or physical findings.
Pregnancy rates are between 35% and 50% following IVF treatment among women younger than 40 years. If pregnancy is not achieved during the first 2 or 3 cycles, genetic testing, when available, should be offered to the couples. This could be useful in those selected cases in which preimplantation genetic diagnosis could identify the healthy embryos and possibly improve outcome. In other cases, early genetic testing of the couple could identify those for whom the use of donor gametes would be indicated. At this point, however, I do not think that routine karyotyping should become part of the initial infertility work.

dia_na spune:
si inca unul despre cariotip
asta merge direct de pe link

dia_na spune:
si daca tot am gasit articole aveti aici si unul despre amh
la final specifica ca in fc de valoare se folosesc stimulari diferite, deci nu trebuie sa disperam
o seara frumoasa tuturor

luck spune:
pogonici 1977
oare si tie ti-a spus drK ca ai hidrosalpinx pe care trebuie sa-l rezolvi inainte de urmatorul fiv sau stiai ca ai dinainte?Celioscopia de care zici este tot un fel de laparo?
multumesc frumos de informatie , asta era urmatoarea mea intrebare , daca stiti un dr specialist in scoaterea trompelor.Oare tu la el ai facut laparo?Dupa cat timp de la scoaterea trompelor poti incepe fiv?
dia_na , felicia
multumesc mult de sustinere fete dragi !!!
Laura Garner
multumesc pt o vorba buna draga mea ,sa-ti traiasca baietelul , este un frumos ,sa creasca mare si sanatos.
ma bucur din suflet ca este totul ok , ce zici de mine cat sunt de deosebita , ma duc pt una si vin cu alta naspa !!!
Multumesc pentru schema trimisa , mi se pare ca ai o stimulare destul de usoara , nu stiu de ce aveam impresia ca raspunzi mai greu la stimulare si ca ai un tratam cu doze mai mari , clar m-am inselat.
Felicitari , sarcina usoara si la termen.
Doamne Ajuta sa fie bine , te asteptam cu sufletul la gura cu vesti buneeeeeeeeeee !!!!!!!!

bytzi spune:
luck,imi pare tare rau pt vestile care le-ai primit
dar poate asta va fi salvarea ta si va fi ultimul fiv si norocos
celioscopia este tot laparoscopie
eu citisem pe undeva ca dupa scoaterea trompelor se asteapta cam 3 luni pina la fiv
mai ai facuta vre-o laparo?
hai ca va fi bine ,ai sa vezi
endometrioza, FSH 20
6 IA, nereusite
FIV intrerupt din lipsa de foliculi
vind o fiola de 300ui puregon(400ron)
(exp 02.2011,pastrata la frigider +inca 6 ace)

pamy spune:
Buna fetelor.Pentru cele ce ati fost la Szeged si apoi la Budapesta:oare dosarul ce l-am avut la Szeged nu il trimit la Budapesta?Ma gandeam ca fiind aceeasi clinica nu ar fi o problema.
Cred ca am sa ii scriu un e-mail la K sa il intreb.Ce ziceti?
va pup