Goldie Pants - 21
Raspunsuri - Pagina 12

lisa-marie spune:
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citat din mesajul lui iona2005 si vreau sa demonstrez ca-mi merit numele n-am sa raspund la provocari asta vreti puneti stampila cu casanova....incepand de maine o luna de zile in afara de neazta si noapte buna de la mine nu mai scoateti un cuvant....o sa stau cu casanova sa aruncam pietricele in apa mai o vorba cu vecinii ![]() ![]() ![]() |

mey acuma daca o sa te tina ocupata bine casanova...

anka, purple.." target="_blank">"Let Sadness see what Happy does" target="_blank">Let Happy be where Sadness was till now..."" target="_blank"> Long live" target="_blank"> THE KING" target="_blank">- MICHAEL" target="_blank"> JACKSON!!!

anka77 spune:
Ai dreptate Purple....dar cateodata parca nu as vrea sa impovarez si pe altii cu " pasarelele mele".... " target="_blank">-He's not coming back
Because he's sleeping with Me" target="_blank">"SHA`MONE!!!!"
poze si noi 2

purple_blue spune:
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citat din mesajul lui anka77 Ai dreptate Purple....dar cateodata parca nu as vrea sa impovarez si pe altii cu ' pasarelele mele" ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Sigur, cum sa faci asa ceva? Lasa-ne sa credem ca numai noi suntem" target="_blank">You are the cry that turns to laughter,
the sweetness and the morning after, Mrs. Purple Jackson" target="_blank">I know enough to believe...

lisa-marie spune:
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citat din mesajul lui purple_blue Stiu ca multe lume crede ca suntem lovite in creieri, dar ce sa facem? Daca nu radeam aici in astea 4 luni, unde ajungeam? |
da..chiar..unde ajungeam?...

prefer mai degraba "lovita in creieri"....

" target="_blank">"Let Sadness see what Happy does" target="_blank">Let Happy be where Sadness was till now..."" target="_blank"> Long live" target="_blank"> THE KING" target="_blank">- MICHAEL" target="_blank"> JACKSON!!!

purple_blue spune:
Uite ankutza, ca sa vezi starea mea de fapt actuala (si daca vreau la goldie, ok?)
[verse 1]
It's bigger than the universe
Be thankful for the miracles
It seems so unconceivable
That life gives birth
We came in the exact same way
That's why we're standing here today
This one is dedicated for the ones that said
You are alive
I see the innocence in your eyes
Whenever you cry or smile
You're such a wonderful child
It's like you're heaven sent
You stole the night replaced it with sunlight
And that's why we're thankful that you came into our life
Because you're beautiful, so beautiful
How special you are
A creation of nature you are
Because you're beautiful, so beautiful
How precious you are
You're like an angel that fell from a star
A creation of nature you are
[verse 2]
You're feeling so responsible
Cause anything is possible
I never needed anything
Cause you were there
A smile that changes everything
The first step that makes you think
This one is dedicated to the ones who said
A miracle is when a child is born
A living thing so fragile and so small
Dependent on its parents will
To do good and be strong
I wanna dedicate this very simple song." target="_blank">You are the cry that turns to laughter,
the sweetness and the morning after, Mrs. Purple Jackson" target="_blank">I know enough to believe...

purple_blue spune:
Dar de aia, cum sa nu rad cand vad ca ne batem pe camasi, si facem party-uri in cele mai inimaginabile locuri, cu niste personaje care mai de care . Iaca, am ajuns si procese sa avem. Cine stie ce mai urmeaza.
Asa ca...." target="_blank">You are the cry that turns to laughter,
the sweetness and the morning after, Mrs. Purple Jackson" target="_blank">I know enough to believe...

iona2005 spune:
va pe toate noi ne retragem eu sunt trista si
..dar maine e o noua zi si cine stie poate nu o sa mai vreau sa execut pedeapsa" target="_blank">Heal The World
Make It A Better Place
For You And For Me
And The Entire Human Race

lisa-marie spune:
iona, sweeet dreams......alaturi de casanova cei 3 muschetari ai tai..." target="_blank">"Let Sadness see what Happy does" target="_blank">Let Happy be where Sadness was till now..."" target="_blank"> Long live" target="_blank"> THE KING" target="_blank">- MICHAEL" target="_blank"> JACKSON!!!

oana_n spune:
adevaru e ca in timpul filmului am auzit neste fete ce scandau m-am gandit eu ca e posibil sa fie momentul lui iona.
am citit in graba, o sa recuperez maine dimineata tot, pe indelete. acum nu pot decat sa va zic ca...vreau sa adorm gandindu-ma la "love lives forever"
anka ma bucur ca am vazut ca ai scris
lisa, mj, purple, of course iona love u all

mj_girl spune:
mey nashica pai si despre film, nimica nu ne zici
?? o vorba -doua, macar" target="_blank">Michael Jackson is a special part of me !