Melodii MJ interpretate de alte persoane
E adevarat ca... 100% dintre ele suna mai bine cantate de Michael, dar exista si alte variante simpatice.
Mmm, pe astea nu le stiam.
Sunt puse mai multe la capitolul "Mostenirea lui MJ".." target="_blank">You are the cry that turns to laughter,
the sweetness and the morning after, Mrs. Purple Jackson
Rock N Roll Hall of Fame - Night 1 - Stevie Wonder and John Legend - The Way You Make Me Feel
Am plans si eu la Stevie, multumesc lisa dar vai cat am RAS la asta, e foaaarte haioasa
A unique combination of the Michael Jackson hit from the early 90's and Slovenian composer Iacobus Gallus Carniolus' renaissance masterpiece.
Marc Anthony She's Out Of My Life