King of Pop (13) - discutii generale
Raspunsuri - Pagina 7

rhoneea spune:
Citat: |
citat din mesajul lui marami pe mine m-ati pierdut! Cand o sa recuperez tot ce ati scris aici cat am lipsit? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() pozne-npoze Before you judge me, try hard to love me. |
Ne luam de mana

Am recuperat pe ici pe colo cat de cat...dar imi fug ochii in toate partile nici nu stiu ce subiect sa citesc...merge fantastic.

Irina mamica sefului mic Pierre-Sebastien

*Miracolul nostru*

"If you wanna make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make a change!"
Michael Jackson

mihutza11 spune:
super faza din concertul din Brunei..
Mica dansatoare" target="_blank">Primul anisor

lisa-marie spune:
Medy....iar m-am enervat...stiam ca Bashir a declarat asta, dar nu vazusem inregistrarea video.......nenorocitul!!!" target="_blank">"Let Sadness see what Happy does br / " target="_blank">Let Happy be where Sadness was till now..."" target="_blank"> Long live" target="_blank"> THE KING" target="_blank">- MICHAEL" target="_blank"> JACKSON!!!

anka77 spune:
Il stiam....bine macar ca a avut bunul simt sa recunoasca adevarul despre perioada in care a filmat documentarul.Cam tarziu.....putea sa faca toate astea atunci cand a izbucnit scandalul....documentarul lui a fost unul din motivele acelui scandal.....Mi-e sila " target="_blank">-He's not coming back
Because he's sleeping with Me" target="_blank">"SHA`MONE!!!!"
poze si noi 2

danat spune:
ce bun simt ma...iar a vrut sa iasa in fatza ca om "simtitor" ce este el, nu ati vazut mimica? ce ridica din sprincene "impresionat" de cele intamplate
...Bashir e un mare kk
******************************************" target="_blank">
"If you wanna make the world a better place,
Take a look at yourself and then make a Change"
Michael Jackson

astrojunkie spune:
Am gasit pe forumul "mare", cateva mesaje despre care ei cred ca ar fi fost ale lui Michael. Oricum, scrie foarte frumos, oricine ar fi, si daca era el - sigur a folosit un spell check:)
Post #1:
from shadow_dancer:
‘Hello to all the fans out there. I am so happy be in this forum to communicate with you all. I just wanted to add my humble opinions about this subject. I truly believe that Michael will continue his journey to create more music because it’s really important to him to always be able to create. He was brought to Earth to help people learn to love and accept one another. To stop making music for Michael I believe would take something much greater than this. I also believe well wishers such as the people here on this forum and others throughout the world help him heal as well. Great strength comes from within, but you still need to love and support to serve as the foundation for such pillars in the community. He is an artist, and what many people find hard to understand is that artists use their medium to express their thoughts and feelings, and often do it better than they would using conventional methods. To take song and dance away from Michael would be like not letting him live at all.’

Medy6 spune:
Am gasit ceva care m-a aruncat in "bratele" sperantei . Sunt mai multe parti, dar aceasta mi s-a parut cea mai impresionanta datorita asocierii cu videoclipul The Ghosts.

astrojunkie spune:
Post #2
from shadow_dancer:
'Was Michael Jackson ever here? Hmmm why not? That's why it's so wonderful to have this forum! What a great vehicle to share opinions and ideas with so many supportive and loving people. I cannot imagine Michael not wanting to check up on his fans. This is my opinion of course, but I bet he is just as curious about all his fans, as they are to him. Kinda ironic isn't it? It's like being on the inside lookin out. Another thing too, if any of you are like me, it's really hard to talk to people about anything without being judged or ridiculed sometimes, then in addition you have a hard time socializing anyway
Ok now to change the subject (sorry to jump about, but I had to reply to this post) I saw the most beautiful sunset the other day, it was like no other! The whole sky was shimmery streaks of burnt orange, reds, yellows and deep purple hues, just dancing about as dusk embraced the horizon. Absolutely beautiful! The weather has been so gloomy lately and boy how nice it was to see such a change! I don't really like the sun very much, it does however capture the most pure and simple beauty that our mother Earth has to offer. When you look around it's so amazing how everything is so perfectly balanced here to produce life. I would like to encourage everyone to sit out and watch a sunset sometime, it really helps you to meditate and find inner peace with yourself and the world around you! It's helped me on many hard days!
My love to all,
shadow dancer'

astrojunkie spune:
Post #3
from shadow_dancer:
‘I can’t help but feel such sadness when I read your words. There are so many things that I share with you in reading this… I understand the pain of being ridiculed, ignored, and feeling soo much loneliness that you wonder how much more you can take. I understand all of this, but I do believe that we all have experienced this. If life were always a ride on a carousel, then we wouldn’t appreciate all the good things we’ve got.
The amazing thing I would say about you its your ability to think for yourself. You are indeed an individual and do not listen to what others say unless you feel it is right for you.
If Mike ever reads your posts, I believe this is what he would say to you. Believe in your heart you have always have something more to give, believe in truth because you have so much more to say. You have such compassion for your beliefs, and you should always embrace that trait.
Whatever you do though, don’t hate yourself! The world needs more people like you, and in reality we all need each other.
Love yourself and let yourself be loved, that is what life is truly about!
Always remember who you are inside, and let that be the force that drives you on.
My deepest heartfelt wishes to you,
shadow dancer’