Femeile din viata lui Michael

...in afara de fetele de la Goldie pants, desigur, care o sa-mi puna cianura in cafea
Am gasit pe mjjcommunity cateva care nu sunt cunoscute publicului, dar propun sa incepem cu cele doua despre care stim sigur, si anume Miss Diana Ross:
si Lisa Marie Presley
M-a emotionat foarte tare melodia Lisei Marie, si revin cu versurile altor melodii, compuse tot de ea...

astrojunkie spune:
Lisa despre Michael...
This is a drag that it's too late now.
And I wanted to tell you that I was wrong.
I didn't realize I still hold on to you but I still do.
Was it that I turned everyone against you.
Was it that I didn't defend you.
Was it that I never had your back.
Was it that I was always trying to save you and you never wanted me to.
Or was it that I loved you.
Was it that everyone would just kiss my ass.
I couldn't see through it and you could.
And now look what's come of us here ten years later.
I jump from one to the other, you're still worrying your mother.
And I almost went under baby.
Out on the road between nowhere and hell
I caught a glimpse of my reflection in you
But they can't believe I still want you around
Hung on the line between addiction and this
I can't believe you said I hurt you again
But I can't afford to let you get away
And I cannot take the darkness when you stay
You're all I see
And it's definitely my fault
You're all I see
But don't come near me at all
How many roads between your world and mine
How many broken doors and how many fights
I changed my furniture to make you go away
I'm still overwhelmed at how much space you take
Hung on the line between addiction and this
I can't believe you said I hurt you again
Well, what do we have here Daddy.
The lights are quickly changing.
Will I leave your heart along with the phone lines you're erasing.
A spineless ending.
Well, who would have guessed dear daddy.
Turned out to be a coward.
When I turned my back you cut my throat it bled for hours.
Was that your power.
You, you're the lovely victim again.
You, well your heart is breaking.
You are the only one let down.
Are you really now.
Well, soon here we'll have dear Daddy with the next one on her knees.
And she's gonna call him daddy like the rest of them, like me.
How easy it will be Replacing me. (debbie?)
And what's that I hear now Daddy you're blaming it all on me.
Another she did you wrong and of course you had to leave.
And the yes men will agree.
You gave it everything.
You with the advisors in your ear.
You did everything right it's clear.
I know I begged you to stay around.
But I'm gone now.
Well, here's to you my darling leave.
You're stubborn and you're free and of course, right.
I don't respect the way you leave.
You can be no friend to me.
I'll say goodbye.

anka77 spune:
Un articol interesant despre 3 dintre femeile din viata lui
www.youtube.com/watch?v=xG05mG7fhZ4 " target="_blank">-He's not coming back
Because he's sleeping with Me
www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ABdp1m3a0E" target="_blank">"SHA`MONE!!!!"
poze si noi 2

danat spune:
Anka77 interesant ce spune despre Lisa-marie, ca ar fi vrut sa aiba copii impreuna si ca acela ar fi fost "proiectul lor", fiind apoi f dezamagit ca nu s-a conturat nimic....
www.youtube.com/watch?v=IeVt9UEUh-8" target="_blank">
"If you wanna make the world a better place,
Take a look at yourself and then make a Change"
Michael Jackson

anka77 spune:
Da, Danat.
Mi-ar fi placut tare mult sa aibe copii impreuna.Copii frumosi din 2 parinti frumosi, cu gene " muzicale" si dintr-o parte si din alta....cred ca era ceva......
Asta e.....pacat.Mie mi s-a parut f interesant ce spune de Diana.Stiam ca a iubit-o , dar mai mult ca pe o prietena, confidenta,o persoana careia i se intamplau aceleasi lucruri din cauza ziaristilor.Nu am crezut ca s-a uitat la ea ca la o iubita, amanta sau mai stiu eu ce....Nu ca nu ar fi fost frumoasa, dar.....oricum foarte interesant
www.youtube.com/watch?v=xG05mG7fhZ4 " target="_blank">-He's not coming back
Because he's sleeping with Me
www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ABdp1m3a0E" target="_blank">"SHA`MONE!!!!"
poze si noi 2

danat spune:
Pai de ce? Ca el ca si King of Pop cu ea, Princess of the hearts ar fi mers Glumesc....macar au avut parte unul de prietenia altuia, ceea ce, deja e enorm!
www.youtube.com/watch?v=IeVt9UEUh-8" target="_blank">
"If you wanna make the world a better place,
Take a look at yourself and then make a Change"
Michael Jackson

anka77 spune:
Mh, nu stiu...nu ii vad iubiti.
oricum,asa cum spui si tu au avut parte unul de prietenia celuilalt, cred ca isi povesteau la telefon cate in luna si stele.
Imi aduc aminte ca zicea Michael intr-un interviu legat de convorbirile lor ca era diferenta de fus orar si Diana il suna tot timpul cand la el era noapte , iti dai seama saracul.oricum ii faceau placere convorbirile cu ea, isi descarcau sufletul
www.youtube.com/watch?v=xG05mG7fhZ4 " target="_blank">-He's not coming back
Because he's sleeping with Me
www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ABdp1m3a0E" target="_blank">"SHA`MONE!!!!"
poze si noi 2

oana_n spune:
cory si eu am patit la un alt topic, insa desi imi scria ca nu pot sterge postarea, in realitate mi-a sters-o. poate se mai lucreaza la forum ca mie una imi merge greu si imi da erori

cory_box spune:
Citat: |
citat din mesajul lui oana_n cory si eu am patit la un alt topic, insa desi imi scria ca nu pot sterge postarea, in realitate mi-a sters-o. poate se mai lucreaza la forum ca mie una imi merge greu si imi da erori ![]() Smile, what's the use of crying/You'll find that life is still worthwhile/If you just smile (Smile - Michael Jackson) Cauta si pastreaza mereu o bucata de cer deasupra vietii tale |
Oana_n : mersi mult, ca eram in deruta

"Just because you read it in a magazine or see it on the TV screen, don't make it factual”- MICHAEL JACKSON