Melodia zilei Michael Jackson
Raspunsuri - Pagina 6

cory_box spune:
Citat: |
citat din mesajul lui motanik Ok, ok, dar Smelly, ce naiba? ![]() -------------------- Andra si bebe Theodora Povestea noastra Angels wanted to do the moonwalk so God sent one to bring Michael Jackson |
si eu am cautat daca exista cuvintul, ca aia stii si tu ca vine de la am pus link-ul doar asa, ca o curiozitate (sint acolo si alte informatii care poate va intereseaza), numai ca eu una nu am auzit de nici o porecla.numai de Mike, eventual.
Michael Jackson's music made me reach the sky
Michael is not dead

motanik spune:
Inseamna mirositor, de asta ma intreb, de ce naiba i se spunea asa, cine ii spunea asa?
Eu stiu de Applehead.
Andra si bebe Theodora Povestea noastra
Angels wanted to do the moonwalk so God sent one to bring Michael Jackson

iona2005 spune:
melodia pe maine sigur o stiti
Uh huh alright
This time gonna do my best to make it right
Can't go on without you by my side
Hold on
Shelter come and rescue me out of this storm
And out of this cold I need someone
Oh why oh why why why
If you see her
tell her this from me
All I need is
One more chance at love
One more chance at love
(One more)
One more chance at love
One more chance at love
(One more)
One more chance at love
One more chance at love
(One more)
One more chance at love
One more chance at love
Searching for that one who is going to make me whole
Help me make these mysteries unfold
Hold on
Lightning about to strike in rain only on me
Hurt so bad sometimes it's hard to breathe
Oh why why
If you see her
Tell her this from me
All I need is
One more chance at love
One more chance at love
(One more)
One more chance at love
One more chance at love
(One more chance for love)
One more chance at love
One more chance at love
(One more)
One more chance at love
One more chance at love
And I would walk around this world to find her
And I don't care what it takes no
I'd sail the seven seas to be near her
And if you happen to see her
See tell her this from me
One more chance at love
(Yeah, Yeah)
One more chance at love
(Tell her this from me)
One more chance at love
(Yeah, Yeah)
One more chance at love
One more chance at love
One more chance at love
(Lovin' you)
One more chance at love
(I can't find)
One more chance at love
(Lovin' you)
One more chance at love
(Yeah one more)
One more chance at love
One more chance at love
(For love)
One more chance at love
One more chance at love
(Yeah I can't stop)
One more chance at love
One more chance at love
(Lovin' you)
One more chance at love
One more chance at love
(I can't stop)
One more chance at love
(Lovin' you)
One more chance at love
(I can't stop)
One more chance at love
Ill never let you part
For you're always in my heart.

purple_blue spune:
"One More Chance" is a song written by R. Kelly for Michael Jackson on his Number Ones compilation album. It was released as a single on November 20, 2003, reaching #83 in the U.S. and #5 in the UK.
Asta am aflat despre ea.
Mie imi place, desi nu e una dintre preferatele mele." target="_blank">You are the cry that turns to laughter,
the sweetness and the morning after

danat spune:
Mie una imi place mult melodia de azi...mi se pare optimista asa si inceputul e deosebit cu viorile alea, si vocea lui Michael...
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"If you wanna make the world a better place,
Take a look at yourself and then make a Change"

nelia spune:
Imi plac melodiile astea cu fundal de orchestra... Si eu cred ca Little Susie e o metafora, nu am gasit nicaieri relatarea reala a acestei intimplari tragice. Cred mai degraba ca Little Susie este sufletul lui... Cind e vorba despre artisti, scriitori, poeti, nu trebuie neaparat sa existe experiente, de fapt, parerea mea este ca tocmai in asta consta geniul... Stiu scriitori care au descris locuri frumoase in cartile lor, descriere care iti taie respiratia... dar ei nu au calcat niciodata pe acolo. Asta inseamna creatie, asta inseamna lumea minunata a artei... care, bineinteles, are tot timpul corespondent in viata reala sau daca nu il are, il poti gasi la orice pas, si ideile pot porni initial de la ceva real... dar atunci cind incepe punerea pe note, in versuri, in proza, pe pinza sau in alte forme de exprimare artistica... nu mai conteaza decit rezultatul.
Sa-mi spuneti cind nu mai e melodie propusa, ca vreau si eu sa pun una din simplu motiv ca merita.

lisa-marie spune:
Melodia zilei...o melodie frumoasa, sensibila....imi place
A fost compusa in 2003 de R.Kelly. In 18.11.2003 au inceput si filmarile pentru un videoclip, insa au fost suspendate datorita raidului politiei la Ranch-ul Neverland.
MTV a inlocuit clipul cu un montaj video, ce contine secvente din cariera lui Michael de-a lungul timpului.

Alexia27 spune:
Fetele, maine propun eu, da? Acum ma duc la somn ca am de dimineata un test si vreau sa ma pot trezi la timp
I won't be a rock star. I'll be a legend
Freddie Mercury
I am alive and I am here forever
Michael Jackson

danat spune: ce semnatura ti-ai tras mai nou super, mai ales ca maine, pe 5 sept ar fi fost si ziua lui Freddie...
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"If you wanna make the world a better place,
Take a look at yourself and then make a Change"

Alexia27 spune:
Tocmai de asta am si facut-o
Si atunci propun pentru azi un duet superb, doi mari regi impreuna. Pacat ca doar pentru un demo. Sunetul e prost, melodia foarte buna
I won't be a rock star. I'll be a legend
Freddie Mercury
I am alive and I am here forever
Michael Jackson