King of Pop Michael Jackson (10)

La ideea lui Tzuni, sa avem aici coltul fanilor unde sa ne amintim de Michael si extraordinara lui viata.
Melodia zilei
9 iulie 2009 -" target="_blank">Dirty Diana
10 iulie 2009 -" target="_blank">Heal the World
11 iulie 2009 -" target="_blank">Childhood
12 iulie 2009 -" target="_blank">Leave Me Alone
13 iulie 2009 -" target="_blank">Black or White
14 iulie 2009 -" target="_blank">Will You Be There
15 iulie 2009 -" target="_blank">I Just Can't Stop Loving You
16 iulie 2009 -" target="_blank">Give In To Me
17 iulie 2009 -" target="_blank">Ghosts
18 iulie 2009 -" target="_blank">Smooth Criminal
19 iulie 2009 -" target="_blank">You Rock My World
20 iulie 2009 -" target="_blank">Wanna Be Startin' Something
21 iulie 2009 -" target="_blank">The Way You Make Me Feel
22 iulie 2009 -" target="_blank">Blood on the Dancefloor
23 iulie 2009 -" target="_blank">Man in the Mirror
24 iulie 2009 -" target="_blank">In the Closet
25 iulie 2009 -" target="_blank">For All Time
26 iulie 2009 -" target="_blank">One Day in Your Life
27 iulie 2009 -" target="_blank">Remember the Time
28 iulie 2009 -" target="_blank">Dangerous
29 iulie 2009 -" target="_blank">Beat It
30 iulie 2009 -" target="_blank">Stranger in Moscow
31 iulie 2009 -" target="_blank">Jam
1 august 2009 -" target="_blank">Fall Again
2 august 2009 -" target="_blank">Human Nature
3 august 2009 -" target="_blank">Another Part of Me
4 august 2009 -" target="_blank">They Don't Really Care About Us
5 august 2009 -" target="_blank">Liberian Girl
6 august 2009 -" target="_blank">Bad
7 august 2009 -" target="_blank">Who Is It
8 august 2009 -" target="_blank">Thriller
9 august 2009 -" target="_blank">You Are Not Alone
10 august 2009 -" target="_blank">Whatever Happens
11 august 2009 -" target="_blank">Come Together
12+13 august 2009 -" target="_blank">Earth Song
14 august 2009 -" target="_blank">We Are the World
15 august 2009 -" target="_blank">Speechless
16 august 2009 -" target="_blank">On The Line
17 august 2009 -" target="_blank">Heaven Can Wait
18 august 2009 -" target="_blank">Gone Too Soon
19 august 2009 -" target="_blank">She's Out of My Life
20 august 2009 -" target="_blank">Billie Jean
21 august 2009 -" target="_blank">Butterflies
22 august 2009 -" target="_blank">The Lost Children
23 august 2009 -" target="_blank">Tabloid Junkie
24 august 2009 -" target="_blank">Say Say Say
25 august 2009 -" target="_blank">Just Good Friends
26 august 2009 -" target="_blank">To Satisfy You
27 august 2009 -" target="_blank">I'll Be There
28 august 2009 -" target="_blank">Keep the Faith

30 august 2009 -" target="_blank">Working Day and Night
31 august 2009 -" target="_blank">Don't Walk Away
Linkuri utile
King of Pop 1
King of Pop 2
King of Pop 3
King of Pop 4
King of Pop 5
King of Pop 6
King of Pop 7
King of Pop 8
King of Pop 9
Blog FanClubMJ - Moonwalk" target="_blank">Evenimente 29 august 2009 Bucuresti
A murit Michael Jackson
Ultimul mesaj pt Michael Jackson


danat spune:
Imi imaginez cam ce s-ar intampla daca ne-am intalni face to face Cred ca nu am avea loc de vorbit una de alta, cate am vrea sa spunem fiecare despre MJ
Motanik saru-mina de capitol nou!
Sunt de acord cu propunerea sa nu mai punem tot citatul cand dam quote la raspunsul cuiva, ci numai pasajul care ne intereseaza, scotand eventuale filmulete, semnatura etc care nu ar avea relevanta in raspuns.
******************************************" target="_blank">
"If you wanna make the world a better place,
Take a look at yourself and then make a Change"

mj_girl spune:
motanik, am vazut ca ai updatat melodia zilei pt.maine, ce apropusa de mine, saru'mana
. am crezut ca nu s-a bagat de seama, viteza cu care se scrie....
sau din cauza clipului care nu e tocmai hot
dar mai sunt si altele
si versurile
"Michael Jackson - Don't walk away"
Don’t walk away
See I just can’t find the right thing to say
I tried but all my pain gets in the way
Tell me what I have to do so you’ll stay
Should I get down on my knees and pray
And how can I stop losing you
How can I begin to say
When there’s nothing left
to do but walk away
I close my eyes
Just to try and see you smile one more time
But it’s been so long now all I do is cry
Can’t we find some love to take this away
‘Cause the pain gets stronger every day
How can I begin again
How am I to understand
When there’s nothing left
to du but walk away
See now why
All my dreams been broken
I don’t know where we’re going
Everything we said and all we done now
Don’t let go, I don’t wanna walk away
Now why
All my dreams are broken
Don’t know where we’re going
Everything begins to set us free
Can’t you see, I don’t wanna walk away
If you go, I won’t forget you girl
Can’t you see that you will always be
Even though I had to let you go
Don't you need me, Don't you need me
There’ nothïng left to do
Don’t walk away
He is a special part of me !

lisa-marie spune:
Melodia zilei de maine e f sensibila, ca si MJ dealtfel.....
Oare la cine se referea in melodie? la Lisa-Marie?

oana_n spune:
Acu s-a facut iar liniste, si dupa 23.30 iar faceti sectiune de "barfa" cu cola langa voi.
Cine lipseste motivat seara asta? A cui e randul?

iarina spune:
Fetelor, vad ca sunteti super vrea sa va intreb daca stiti cumva de unde as putea sa fac rost de interviul integral cu Oprah....stiu ca pe youtube sunt filmulete puse, dar vreau sa-l vad cap coada si la o calitate buns. Se gaseste comercializat oare?

nelia spune:
Am vazut pozele si filmuletele din Romania! Impresionant!
Eu tot incerc sa-mi explic in fel si chip fenomenul MJ... pai in Mexic se putea pune usor de o revolutie.

Si in NY:

anka77 spune:
Mey , mie mi-a ramas pe creier ce am afirmat ca nu au fost normali in Romana la flashmob.Am spus-o in sens admirativ, nici prin cap nu mi-ar fi trecut sa faca flashul cand se pune rosu la semafor....Plus de asta emoticoanele aratau niste zambete,deci clar mi-au placut. Sper ca am lamurit problema,
if you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same, then everything that happens in between can be deal with. – Michael Jackson
-He's not coming back
Because he's sleeping with Me

motanik spune:
Da, e impresionant, ce fel se unesc oamenii, indiferent de sex, varsta, culoare, religie, uite la aia in metroul newyorkez ce bine se simt acolo, cred ca M trebuie sa fie mandru ca a reusit ce nu reusesc cei mai mari lideri ai lumii, sa uneasca tari, continente.
MJ Girl, nu am trecut cu vederea, ai vazut, sunt sigura ca toate lumea citeste tot dar e mai greu si cu raspunsul nominal.
Iarina, nu stiu sa fi aparut pe dvd. Eu am un forum de unde iau linkuri de rapidshare cu diverse si nici acolo nu am dat de el.
Andra si bebe Theodora Povestea noastra
Angels wanted to do the moonwalk so God sent one to bring Michael Jackson

anka77 spune:
Oana, mie mi-a venit berbantul acasa...s-ar putea sa nu va pot insoti la o noua sectiune " de barfe" de la miezul noptii , oricum sunt prin zona...
if you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same, then everything that happens in between can be deal with. – Michael Jackson
-He's not coming back
Because he's sleeping with Me

lisa-marie spune:
Nelia, nu cred ca se pune vb de vreo revolutie , ca fanii MJ sunt "pasnici", ma bucur sa vad cat de multi suntem in lume, iar in mexic...uauuuu.....sper sa fie si la noi asa anul viitor!!!!!!
Iarina, interviul tot pe youtube l-am vz si eu si nu am auzit de vreo comercializare........