Sezatoare canadiana (99)

Raspunsuri - Pagina 15

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Link direct catre acest raspuns maru spune:

Pucku, multumim de intrebare, Victor e in al noulea cer, ii place tare mult ce face, e ceea ce stie sa faca de o viata, acum e in trainuire dar totusi, vine relaxat acasa, nu se vaita de dureri de muschi, ce sa mai, din p asta de v am liniste in casa...
si Andrei face calarie, acu e a doua vara si anu asta am nimerit o scoala tare buna, sunt f incantata de antrenoare, mai mult o sa iau si eu odata pe luna lectii pentru ca cei de la stable m-au incurajat sa fac asta, dupa ce m-au observat manevrand caii pe acolo ( a mai plouat si am adus caii de pe camp, au mai fost cai nervosi, Andrie a schimbat deja 3 cai si unu chiar a fost cumplit de incapatanat, numai de mine asculta)

Lorelaim, te admir, comparand cu tine eu sunt o alintata, chiar daca eu sunt the breadwinnerul in casa inca, dar din septembrie mi-am propus sa trag franele total



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Link direct catre acest raspuns try spune:

Corina, nici pe mine nu m-ai plictisi daca ai povesti. Tu esti asa de scumpa la vorba, dar mereu am simtit ca ai ceva de spus (in sensul ca merita omul sa te asculte). Eu mereu am avut curiozitatea sa inteleg de ce pleaca vin oamenii dintr-un loc in altul.
Dar, oricum, daca zici ca nu excluzi o intoarcere, eu zic sa dai mai des pe la noi pe-aici, macar sa te mentii la curent cu una-alta (daca dragi nu o sa-ti mai fim – stii tu, ochii care n use vad se uita )
Da, roxana, vreau si eu intalnire. Cum miscam trupa asta de ontarience lenese si/sau ocupate?

Ce vi se parea asa urat la appliance-urile albe? Mi-e nu-mi displac. Eu din contra, nu inteleg de ce atata bataie pe SS (da’ io mi-s mai ciudata la gusturi uneori). Si eu am luat albe tot ca asa erau restul. Frigiderul a fost primul si pe atunci nu stiam ca o sa ajung sa le schimb pe toate in asa scurt timp, dar sincer nu ravnesc dupa SS.

In sfarsit am dat si eu de un material care sa-mi confirme parerea vis-à-vis de protectia exagerata pe care tindem s-o manifestam fatza de copiii nostri (unele din noi mai mult, alte mai putin). Merci Lorelaim pt art (and bwt subscriu la complimentul lui ktrinel). Vi-l pun aici pt cine vrea sa-l citeasca ca mie mi se pare important sa ii lasam pe copii sa experimenteze. Si nu ma uit mai departe decat la mine si fratii mei: fratele meu mai mic e cel care a facut cele mai mari nazbatii, a incercat cate-n luna si-n stele, in ciuda interdictiilor, cat a fost copil, a fost considerat cel mai neascultator si problematic copil. El era capul rautatilor (conform catalogarii adultilor si stilului de educatie de atunci). Si totusi el e cel mai realizat in viatza (din toate punctele de vedere), desi e singurul dintre noi care n-a urmat o facultate (asta tot a propos de mentalitatea de acum 20 de ani vi-s-a-vis de educatia copiilor). A stiut intotdeauna ce vrea si constat ca toate riscurile pe care si le-a asumat s-au dovedit in final a fi decizii bune pt el si familia lui. Sora-mea, prin comparatie, a fost copilul “perfect” (din nou, conform mentalitatii si educatiei de atunci), unde o puneai acolo statea. Ea nu strica, nu deranja, nu raspundea. Se plia intotdeauna pe cerintele celor din jur. Si totusi, in materie de realizare s-a chinuit cel mai tare dintre noi 4, cele mai multe decizii pe care le-a luat nu s-au dovedit a fi de succes. Intotdeauna a existat sentimentul acela de “hm… poate ca n-a fost cea mai buna decizie”. Si toate astea fara a-i lipsi inteligenta (din contra, are o inteligenta si putere de intelegere a lucrurilor cu mult peste medie). Insa constat ca pregatirea pt viatza nu este direct proportionala cu inteligenta unui om.
Instinctiv am crezut intotdeauna ca acei copii care sunt mai nazbatiosi, neobositi in a testa limitele impuse de parinti si societate se dovedesc a lua bune decizii in viatza. Stiu ce vor, cat, cum si cand sa marsheze pe o chestie – mult mai bine decat acei copii care au fost exemple de cumintenie la casa omului.

Asta-i art.:
Risky play prepares kids for life
Adventurous play teaches children how to assess risk. Photograph: Play England
When the government published its safeguarding strategy for children last summer the part that caught the eye – and the headlines – was not about child protection but about the dangers of over-protecting them. Conjuring up a more carefree time of conkers and snowball fights, the new children's secretary Ed Balls said, "We mustn't wrap our children up in cotton wool, but allow them to play outside so as to better understand the opportunities and challenges in the world around them, and how to be safe."
He meant it too. In April he launched Fair Play, a new national play strategy as a flagship policy of the government's 10-year Children's Plan. This was underpinned by an initial three-year, £235m spending programme on outdoor play, to begin immediately. One of the principles of Fair Play is that "children need to take risks to learn how to manage risks … an essential part of growing up". It proposes "to ensure families get the support and information they need to judge what is right for their child … increasing parents' knowledge and understanding of the risks and benefits of play".
Research for this year's Playday, on August 6, reveals the extent of the challenge the government has taken on, suggesting that, as a society we believe children are more at risk now than they were a generation ago, when actually the reverse is true. Thus the ICM survey found that more than three-quarters of all children aged 7-16 wanted more adventurous play opportunities then they currently have. Half of 7-12 year olds told us that they are not allowed to climb a tree without adult supervision or have been stopped from climbing trees because it's considered too dangerous. Many children say they have also been stopped from playing ordinary childhood games such as conkers, chase and even hide-and-seek, because of the supposed dangers. Forty-two per cent said that they are not even allowed to play in their local park without an adult present.
Children's play has long been understood to have a key role, both in their wellbeing and satisfaction as children, and in the development of their future life skills. Research indicates how vital to each of these functions is the uncertainty – the sense of danger, even – that children are impelled to seek out when they play. It is not the "theme" that attracts them to theme parks, but the scary rides. Such entertainments, though, contrive the sense of danger without allowing children any discretion in their response, or requiring from them any development of skill. Just get strapped in, hold on tight and enjoy the ride.
At real play, children are in charge, instinctively making hundreds of decisions as they assess and determine the levels of risk they want to take, physically, emotionally and socially: mastering, day by day, an increasing repertoire of skills, adding to their bank of experience.
Throughout the animal kingdom, the play of the young is commonly observed to be a rehearsal of life skills, fundamental for species' survival. Human children are no different, needing the make-believe world of play to experience and master the fullest range of challenges – and their emotional responses to them – as a series of lessons for the world they will eventually have to negotiate for real.
So, through play, children acquire confidence, but also an awareness of limits and boundaries. They learn, in short, how to be safe. As the popular American educator and broadcaster, Fred Rogers said, "Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children play is serious learning. Play is really the work of childhood".
Modern worries and anxieties – and, it should be said, an outdoor world which really is less child-friendly then ever before – has led to a risk-averse culture that finds expression in overbearing health and safety policies which fail to weigh the benefits of a given activity against the risks involved. Providers of children's playgrounds, in common with many public services, are in fear of litigation in the event of even minor scrapes. So they increasingly err on the side of caution, investing heavily in impact-absorbing surfaces and equipment that rigorously meets safety standards but often lacks real play value.
It is to the government's credit that it has not simply pointed the finger at "paranoid parents" but will publish guidance on public play areas, produced by Play England, that seeks to break with this "safety first and last" culture, and to instil a greater willingness to offer children spaces that can really inspire them. Also, the national play strategy, published in April, addresses parents' genuine concerns and pledges to change planning frameworks, make the streets safer and improve supervision in parks and open spaces.
The play strategy has also committed funding to the type of staffed facility that offers children – who are otherwise short of good open space – the ideal play area. This is the traditional adventure playground, where trained staff co-create with children themselves the environments where their imaginations can really soar. Here they will jump, swing, run and climb, typically through a labyrinth of wood, tyres and ropes that they have helped to construct. They will build their own dens, sit around fires, throw water over each other, grow things, cook and eat them, dress up and make things (all from scrap materials: adventure playgrounds were recycling before the word was even in common usage), or just kick a ball around. These playgrounds – free of charge and open to all – are communities and spaces that serve only children's need to play and have adventures.
With only 30 new ones scheduled to be built over the next 3 years, most children will still never get to visit a real adventure playground. But an adventure playground only tries to give to children what most used to be able to take for granted from growing up with a degree of freedom to explore. They are telling us that this is no longer the case. If we want them and future generations to have the confidence and skills to survive and thrive in an increasingly challenging world, we need to listen to them.

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Link direct catre acest raspuns cge spune:

Victor incepe scoala scoala pe 29 august, vai ce repede trece vacanta.

Bine ei incep scoala ca sa ia liber, pe 1 sept. sunt liberi ca noi toti de altfel (eu lucrez ca sunt mai motata insa).

mama lui Victor 07.01.2000 si a Ancai 16.09.2005

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Link direct catre acest raspuns columbiana spune:

se pare ca s-a lamurit problema mea de sanatate pentru ca sunt insarcinata; abia astept sa ajung la spital, ginecologul incearca sa ma plaseze cit mai urgent la Lackshore, ma intreb insa dupa o luna de hemoragie daca sarcina rezista; daca rezista si e ok... Ca y est, doar sa fie sanatos! sa-mi tineti pumnii, am nevoie...e ultima sansa la 41 de ani! uof

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Link direct catre acest raspuns mikiion spune:

Ana iti tin pumnii. Poate un spital in Montreal nu ar fi mai bun? Royal victoria?
Si nu o privi ca ultima sansa. Uite Nadia a nascut la 44 de ani. Ci priveste-o ca si «uite ca se poate»

[" target="_blank">montaj 2 Ani

[" target="_blank">montaj 1 An" target="_blank">filme si poze 2006-2008" target="_blank">filme si poze mai 2008-

Virsta Marc

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Link direct catre acest raspuns Ktrinel spune:

Ana, ce veste buna ..Sa iti dea DD multa sanatate!!! sa ne tii la curent!

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Link direct catre acest raspuns carmen77 spune:

Felicitari, Ana! .

P.S: cand ai timp, da un PM ca am vb cu nasa lui matei si zicea daca poti sa o suni intr-o zi sa ii explici exact de ce ai nevoie, ca eu stiam doar de ortofonist, dar nu si pentru ce iti trebuie, ea zicea ca stie pe cineva ... e o tipa super de treaba si daca poate, sigur te ajuta.

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Link direct catre acest raspuns Ica 1975 spune:

Ana, sa dea Dumnezeu sa fie bine, Doamne Ajuta !

Lorelaim, soricelul este bine, merci Gabita ce face? Ktrinel are dreptate


Ce spui sa si infaptuiesti !

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Link direct catre acest raspuns cge spune:

Ana, felicitari.
Ai incredere, o sa fie bine. Sunt sigura ca veti iesi invingatori.

Vroiam sa va zic ca la Ashley au mobila super ptr. camera copiilor.
Si frumoasa si de calitate, cred ca si scumpa.

mama lui Victor 07.01.2000 si a Ancai 16.09.2005

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Link direct catre acest raspuns khristin spune:

Ana, felicitari pt. asa veste minunata ...vine din urma generatia de bebei se pare, pastreaza-ti optimismul si totul va fi bine

Donia, pai cam 2 saptamani jumate au ramas pana pe 2 septembrie. Anul asta incep mai devreme daca scoala s-a terminat cu vreo cateva zile mai devreme in iunie...abia astept sa vad cum face fata domnisoara mea in limba lui Moliere .

Lorelai, multumim de urarile pt. noii scolari, parintii intotdeauna au emotii mai mari decat copiii. Si parerea mea e sa traiesti clipa si sa te bucuri de calatoriile prezente, cand va incepe si micuta ta scoala vei vedea la momentul respectiv ca vei pune alte lucruri in balanta. Enjoy your trips

Corina, ma simt bine, sintem pe ultima suta de metri....numai ca bebelusul asta incapatanat nu vrea sa se puna cu capul in jos sub nici o forma....pare cam incapatanat.....speram ca se mai razgandeste pana pe la vreo 37 saptamani. Tu sa te apuci sa scrii un jurnal in care sa-ti pastrezi toate amintirile


le bébé 32w +

noi," target="_blank">poze mai noi si AOB

“Arguing with a student is like mud wrestling with a pig – you both get dirty and the pig likes it".

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