Atentie la capuse,la Borelioza,la Lyme ! (2)
Raspunsuri - Pagina 18

Mariaa spune:
stiu ca este off topic dar avem nevoie si de ajutorul vostru!
semnati si voi" target="_blank">asta ca sa sprijiniti o alta lupta la fel de inegala cu sistemul!
am trimis link-ul tuturor adreselor din mailbox si daca nu va cer mult, va rog sa faceti la fel si voi. multumesc
in plus am o veste buna pentru voi
am trimis articolul Claudiei unui redactor de la Radio Timisoara dar si link-ul despre petitia de mai sus si saptamana viitoare vom avea o discutie de pregatire a doua reportaje pe cele doua subiecte fierbinti!
nu e BBC insa e o portavoce mult mai puternica decat noi si care poate fi auzita de oameni importanti!
Claudia, ai pregatit un articol excelent pentru Emma
ai grija si tu ca Alesia sa ajunga acasa
blog DC,Impreuna Timisoara
"mai bine mori in picioare decat sa traiesti in genunchi" Che Guevara

ionescu.cris spune:
Buna ziua
Am considerat din respect pentru munca Claudiei Cristescu , ca articolul ei , in forma prezentata in ziar , trebuie sa ramana pe pagina ,chiar daca link-ul Mariei din pag 1 face trimitere la el .
Este excelent conceput ,bine documentat !!
Felicitari Claudia !

Mariaa spune:
minosota, foarte bun!! sa ne anunti cand apare!
cris, poti sterge si articolul despre Vaccin. l-am pus pe prima pagina ca si articolul Claudiei cu link.
acum vad completarea ta! da, numai ca peste 2 pagini incepem capitol nou si daca ramanea numai aici se pierdea. cred ai muncit tare mult la corectarea caracterelor...
Mira, poti sa-mi confirmi daca ne poti ajuta tu cu traducerea?
in toata povestea asta am mentionat-o destul de rar pe doamna Geta careia foarte multi dintre noi ii datoram enorm! pentru Emma
ai grija si tu ca Alesia sa ajunga acasa
blog DC,Impreuna Timisoara
"mai bine mori in picioare decat sa traiesti in genunchi" Che Guevara

ionescu.cris spune:
Maria buna ziua !
Am editat continutul la vaccinuri ;
Da :):) munca a fost enorma , a trebuit sa verific fiecare rand in parte .Insa merita efortul !
Minossota este imposibil la ora actuala de stabilit cu aproximatie numarul bolnavilor de lyme .
Cred ca numai cu o mediatizare prealabila ar fi posibil !!
In plus cata lume nu este diagnosticata cu o alta boala ???
De ce nu incercati la Formula AS ??
Ar fi o modalitate rapida fiindca este un ziar citit de marea masa a populatiei .
E numai o sugestie !

Mariaa spune:
In urma cu vreo 3-4 luni am pregatit impreuna cu doamna Geta un mail pentru F-As, fara raspuns. Dansa a reluat la un interval de vreo luna mail-ul, din nou fara raspuns! pentru Emma
ai grija si tu ca Alesia sa ajunga acasa
blog DC,Impreuna Timisoara
"mai bine mori in picioare decat sa traiesti in genunchi" Che Guevara

Mariaa spune:
am schitat un zambet amar citind articolul Claudiei pentru ca doamna conferentiar Curescu de la Infectioase Timisoara, este unul dintre medicii care cu diagnoticul de Lyme in fata a refuzat internarea mamei pe motiv ca e prea atunci mergea pe picioare inca!!
asa as vrea sa vad azi cum m-ar privesti in ochi cand spune ca din 68 nu a fost internat nici un caz cu Lyme in spital...pentru Emma
ai grija si tu ca Alesia sa ajunga acasa
blog DC,Impreuna Timisoara
"mai bine mori in picioare decat sa traiesti in genunchi" Che Guevara

ionescu.cris spune:
Pentru traducerea de la Conferinta din Germania ma ajuta o alta doamna .Cand o sa primesc restul textului in franceza , o sa va anunt ;

mi64 spune:
Buna Maria! Imi cer scuze dar in mesajul meu anterior pe care l-ai postat pe prima pagina am sarit o litera!.In loc de testul Elisa Antiborrelia am scris atiborrelia .Daca ai putea corecta pe prima pagina te rog !!
Am copiat mai jos de pe site-ul sfaturile pentru bolnavii de Lyme in engleza(meniul principal e doar in maghiara si e mai dificil de navigat asa).Poate pentru unii va fi mai simplu sa il ia de aici (exista acolo si niste grafice care insa nu le pot copia aici-documentul e .pdf)
Am vrut sa atasez si chestionarul (in limba romana) care se completeaza pt. dr. Bozsik ,dar nu pot- e tabelar si apare aiurea.Daca cineva are nevoie de el i-l voi trimite in atasament pe mail
sper sa fie cuiva de folos!!
Dear Patient,
Once it became evident that Lyme borreliosis affects the entire body and the
causative agent was also discovered, the etiology of several diseases were elucidated.
This is how the syndrome behind your complaints was also discovered. Please
note that your symptoms are caused by a germ, which is sensitive to a number of
antibiotics. To be able to select the most effective one, we asked you and your family
practitioner about former treatments with antibiotics. At the same time, our
Therapeutic Workgroup keeps searching for the most effective way of treatment.
However, the characteristics of this pathogen (officially called Borrelia
burgdorferi sensu lato) are quite different from other bacteria: the generation cycle of
this bacterium is 100 times longer and it is capable of intact survival in any cell of the
human host. Poorly vascularized tissues, which are less penetrated by both the
product of the immune system and drugs, are the preferred sites of latent infection.
As a consequence, therapy, too, has to be different: the treatment of Lyme
borreliosis requires careful planning and management; control tests are also needed to
make sure that treatment is both free from adverse reactions and effective.
Please take the time to read our brochure before and during treatment so that
therapy may be optimized and the side effects minimized. Therapy damages the
pathogenic bacteria, which, in turn, may evoke various reactions from your body.
This may even result in temporary worsening of your condition. Do not change the
prescribed drug regimen unless your physician tells you so. Do not
discontinue your medications. In some cases, unexpected reactions may call for a
change regarding the antibiotic used.
Please keep in mind that – due to the unique characteristics of this pathogen and
the reactions to it, and depending on the extent of damage caused by these germs –
two to three months may be required for full recovery. After the cure, we strongly
recommend that you devote at least a week or two to convalescence.
Tissue involvement may cause your symptoms to reappear should other illnesses
ensue. This is not a sign of relapse but rather of increased susceptibility of certain
Therapeutic Workgroup of the Lyme Borreliosis Foundation
Lyme borreliosis is a curable disease. Establishing the correct diagnosis and
applying treatment based on the latest advances are prerequisites for curing Lyme
Complaints and symptoms of Lyme borreliosis patients are often indistinct and
may also relate to other diseases. Lyme borreliosis does not heal spontaneously,
which means that other illnesses may be superimposed. The resulting mixture of
complaints and symptoms makes the clinical diagnosis quite difficult, while laboratory
methods for the detection of similar diseases often fail to identify Lyme borreliosis.
As a result, Lyme borreliosis often remains undiagnosed, and novel diagnostic
methods had to be developed.
In the Center for Medical Genetics of Istenhegyi Klinika, we introduced new
diagnostic methods capable of direct detection of the pathogen as well as
identification of substrains. In addition to verifying the diagnosis, the identification of
substrains provides further clues to devising effective treatment regimens.
Consequently, treatment regimens prescribed in our clinic are based on more
Having realized the changeability and adaptability of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu
lato, we introduced a unique approach to therapy using combinations of
antibiotics. One of the members of these combinations causes direct damage to the
pathogenic bacteria while the other prevents spirochetes from adapting to their
environment and the antibiotics used. Treatment effects are monitored through
extensive follow-up. We, the physicians of Istenhegyi Lyme Klinika, are committed
to treating the patient as a whole; treatment schedules are based on expert opinion
from patient referrals.
The following information is needed to help us design your treatment schedule:
- the duration of intermittent symptoms
- details of former treatment with antibiotics (name and dose of antibiotics,
time and duration of treatment), if any
- the effects of these antibiotics on the symptoms related to Lyme borreliosis
- any allergies to drugs
In chronic cases, repeated cures may be needed to attain complete recovery.
Do not discontinue your medications!
During the follow-up period, patients should ask the physician responsible for
treating their Lyme borreliosis before starting antibiotic treatment for other illnesses.
We suggest that you take your medications during meals and at regular
intervals. This is particularly important if you have gastric complaints.
Regular intake of large amounts of fluid helps to remove bacterial debris. Chinese
acupuncture could help your body to get free of this material. It could be help your body
to set free from this material with Chinese acupuncture.
Thermal therapy (hot baths, saunas) can create an unfavorable environment for
bacteria but should not be used in excess as exhaustion and fluid imbalances are to be
avoided. The integrity of your body should always be the first priority.
Avoid both emotional and physical overexertion. Try to create an optimal
environment to support the body in its fight against this hideous enemy so that healing
can occur as soon as possible.
Caution! Certain medications, including very effective ones like doxycycline and
ciprofloxacin, cause photosensitivity; neither direct nor indirect sunlight may reach your
skin during treatment with these agents. High-factor sunblocks will protect your skin
from the harmful effects of indirect sunshine (glass windows, however, will not).
Nevertheless, patients are advised to wear long-sleeved clothes, a hat or even gloves.
Sunshine should especially be avoided when it is strongest (from 11 AM to 5 PM).
The bile may become more concentrated during the cure especially during
ceftriaxon treatment, and cholagogues can be used for prevention.
Before beginning therapy, physicians are required to check the function of internal
organs and the hemopoietic system and whether there are any fungal infections. Treatment
for the latter (augmented by a moderately low-sugar diet) should begin before the cure and may
extend beyond the time of antibiotic treatment. If this is not observed, fungal infection may
cause serious symptoms and become hard to cure.
Physical examinations and laboratory tests during therapy are intended to follow up
on your illness and prevent side effects. Antibiotic treatment may cause a temporary
worsening of symptoms, which usually occurs either during the first few days of
treatment or one or two weeks after the end of therapy – but may also be absent. It is
caused by bacterial debris, which originates from Spirochetes killed by antibiotics. So,
temporary worsening of the patient’s condition is a favorable sign, which proves
that therapy is effective.
Rashes may also accompany this temporary worsening. Patients must be referred to
specialists so that such rashes may be distinguished from cutaneous signs of allergies.
Antibiotics should not be discontinued unless drug allergy is proven. If therapy is
aborted for this reason, another regimen should be started with different antibiotics after
a few days. In view of the generation cycle of this pathogen, therapy is considered continuous if restarted
within 10 days. Let us remind you once again:
It is very important that you do not discontinue your medications.
During the cure, patients should keep themselves away from social
gatherings, public transportation and cafeterias – places where infections with
bacteria resistant to the antibiotics being used may occur. Antibiotic therapy
predisposes to infection with other bacteria and – more importantly – fungi.
Communities may harbor latent infections, which may present a danger to those who
are taking antibiotics. Lyme borreliosis, however, is not contagious.
Eating proper food is also important: cooked or stewed meals are recommended
in order to prevent superinfections. Add disinfectants when washing the dishes. Oral
hygiene is another important concern; antiseptics (e.g. dilute solutions of hydrogen
peroxide) may be used and superficial fungal infections of the oral cavity should be
treated with proper disinfectants (e.g. borax in glycerol). Increased personal and
sexual hygiene is also advised.
Certain antibiotics (e.g. doxycycline) may interfere with the absorption and
availability of minerals; therefore, these antibiotics and mineral supplements need to
be taken two hours apart. Increased intake of vitamins and minerals (two hours
before/after taking antibiotics with some meals) is also especially recommended.
The treatment of Lyme borreliosis must also include psychological counseling.
Compassionate support is especially important if unfavorable changes take place in a
person’s private life while he/she is ill, for emotional stress suppresses the immune
system, which, in turn, may lead to the exacerbation of Lyme borreliosis.
Positive thinking enhances the effectiveness of therapy. The resolution of
psychological problems also helps and is certainly worth while. Reading the Bible may
even be helpful to non-Christians. You may want to visit the following web pages for
spiritual support:, (case sensitive).
Continuously deteriorating health caused by this lengthy disease as well as
extended therapy with large doses of antibiotics increase vitamin requirements,
especially for vitamins B and C. Continuous intake of twice the recommended daily
allowance is therefore warranted. The requirements for minerals are also increased.
Effective replenishment can be achieved by using Béres’s drops or Humet-R; the
latter is also recommended for detoxification.
Convalescence can also be augmented by continued intake of larger amounts of
vitamins and minerals.
During the cure, light meals, reduced amounts of animal proteins and sweets,
properly cleaned vegetables and juices (preferably home-made) are recommended to
aid the removal of bacterial debris. Coffee and alcohol should not be consumed until
recovery is complete. (Even small amounts of coffee and alcoholic beverages have caused
problems; after full recovery, however, such reactions are absent.)
Patients are advised to start consuming either large quantities of yoghurts with viable
Lactobacilli or preparations containing Lactobacilli. L. bulgaricus is preferred, which is
considered the healthiest of the Lactobacilli responsible for the curding of milk. The L.
casei of Actimel also enhances certain functions of the body and it is not too sensitive to
gastric acid. The outer layer of capsule provides further protection to the Lactobacilli from
gastric acid, which damages all lactobacilli except L. casei. As a result, capsules containing
different Lactobacilli are more effective at recolonization, while pasteurized yoghurt is
completely ineffective.
All kinds of yoghurt may be used for the alleviation of intestinal complaints during
therapy. Do not take them together with antibiotics, though, for they may adsorb its active
ingredient and the antibiotics can also kill the Lactobacilli in the yoghurt. Yoghurt should
not be consumed until two hours after taking the antibiotics.
The most important role of yoghurts is to aid the recolonization of the
normal intestinal flora after therapy. To achieve this goal, at least one liter of
yoghurt or triple doses of capsules of Lactobacilli are required daily for a few days.
After the cure, one or two capsules t.i.d. of unsaturated essential fatty acids 20
minutes before meals are beneficial, especially if arthritic or neurological symptoms
were present. In the case of neurological symptoms, ample amounts of different
vitamin B’s should be provided. Fat-soluble preparations of vitamin B’s are not
recommended until 3 weeks after therapy is over; after this period, however, they are
very effective. Homeopathic medicines should not be prescribed until after the
antibiotic treatment. The effects of dietary supplements in general bear little
relationship to their cost do not even approximate their price range. Vitamin Q10 is
just as good for bacteria as it is for human cells, so it should not be given a try before
the end of the cure.
The amount of physical activity is to be increased gradually. Massage, gradually
increased physical exercise and thermal therapy (sauna, hot baths) may help to
achieve this goal. The return to work should also be gradual.
Two to four months may pass before all effects of therapy are manifested.

Mariaa spune:
ok, mi64, am sa schimb.
tabelul l-am pus si eu la un moment dat aici, insa nu in forma de tabel ci ca text.
cum te mai simti?
nu mai stie nimeni nume de medici pe la care ati fost si pe care-i putem trece in lista?pentru Emma
sustine si tu lupta asta! semneaza si tu" target="_blank">petitia!
blog DC,Impreuna Timisoara
"mai bine mori in picioare decat sa traiesti in genunchi" Che Guevara

mi64 spune:
Buna Maria, petitia am semnat-o deja.
Fiul meu e foarte bine (el a fost bolnav nu eu),dupa 3 luni de la tratament(in noiembrie) la DualDur nu mai exista nici o spirocheta in sange, dr. Bozsik ne-a felicitat si mi-a spus ca avand in vedere ca e prima infectare si am inceput rapid tratamentul sunt sanse foarte mici ca bacteria sa fi luat forma chistica.Ii mai dau tot anul asta VITANAX PX4 pt. sistemul imunitar (mai ales ca e si in crestere acum-are 14 ani).L-am intrebat acum daca mai e cazul sa ii repet Elisa sau alte teste si mi-a spus ca atata timp cat se simte bine nu trebuie "sa imi fac griji pentru LB "
Despre medicii de aici o sa ma mai interesez de ceva nume,bolnavii pe care eu ii cunosc au urmat sau urmeaza tratamentul dr. Bozsik.(pe cont propriu sau cu sprijinul medicului de familie- exista medici de familie extraordinari!!).Asta nu inseamna ca nu exista bolnavi care s-au tratatcu succes aici, dar nu ii cunosc eu!!