ce nu va place in tara in care locuiti?

Raspunsuri - Pagina 20

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Link direct catre acest raspuns Chuny spune:

Si eu vreau dovezi despre copiii chinezi cu pantalonii rupti in fund, ca altfel mi-e cam greu sa cred asa ceva. Si asta o fi valabil prin nu stiu ce sat, dar nu in general in China.

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Link direct catre acest raspuns Lauraa spune:

www.chinastory.de/pic/2005/day10/img_0786_small.jpg" target="_blank">aici
si www.chinastory.de/pic/2005/day10/img_0786_small.jpg" target="_blank">aici
Laura cu
LARA (10.05.04)& LOUISA(20.04.07)

Nur tote Fische schwimmen mit dem Strom

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Link direct catre acest raspuns Ramona J spune:

Stiam si eu chestia asta. Citisem la un moment dat ca s-au gasit mamici in US care sa practice chestia asta. Nu se irita copilul etc. Au gasit ele avantaje.

The best thing you can do for your children is to love your wife.

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Link direct catre acest raspuns khristin spune:

Maraki, acelasi lucru ti se poate replica si tie....tu de ce nu te duci mumos la topicul di la Jermanica? Putina consideratie si discernamant inainte de a scrie n-ar strica unor membri. Ce-i cu discriminarea asta p'acilea? Vi s-a casunat pe Canadica?

Ce voiam eu sa spun de agentiile de recrutare...unii angajati in HR n-au nici cea mai vaga idee de specialitatea in care intervieweaza, avand doar certificate in HR (daca le au si pe alea, am intalnit destui si fara ) asta mi se pare mie tragic, dar intr-un fel inteleg ca ajuta firmele sa mai pre-selecteze din candidati. Asa ca intr-un fel Caro, de asta se cere la emigranti experienta canadiana la inceput. E un fel politicos de a refuza persoana, si un mod elegant de a te spala de orice responsabilitati. Dar cand le arde angajatorilor buza, te angajeaza si fara experienta respectiva....asta-i exceptia care confirma regula

noi, www.flickr.com/photos/khristin107/sets/" target="_blank">poze mai noi si Paris & AOB

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Link direct catre acest raspuns columbiana spune:

Originally posted by maraki

Am intrat sa citesc despre alte tari dar vad ca e Canada pe toate paginile De ce nu mergeti voi frumusel la topicul vostru?

Mi s.a parut interesant si totodata ciudat ce am citit despre chinezi Daca nu vad si poze nu pot sa cred

mamica de bebe Angelo ( 29 Dec. 2005 )
Foto Angelo

e meci Germania-Canada, sa stiu sa-mi dau crampoanele jos din pod ^


Loue à bon prix cet espace de signature, merci de me contacter en MP.

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Link direct catre acest raspuns danutza76 spune:

Probabil ca nici un om rational nu a emigrat crezand ca tara respectiva ii va oferi to ce e mai bun chiar lui, din prima zi in tara respectiva. Ce afirmatie simpla, ce constatrea de doi bani ca nimeni nu te asteapta cu bratele deschise, mare filoseofie. Normal ca nu. Normal ca trebuie sa te lupti. Eu am spus ce nu imi place, eu nu sunt dezamagita, sunt contrariat de anumite lucruri in ceea ce priveste emigrarea si nu mai reiau ce am spus. NU INTELEG DE CE INTOTDEAUNA SE AJUNGE LA POLEMICI, de ce sunt destepti care cred ca ei detin adevarul absolut si vin cu "vorbe mari". Parerea mea mai este ca unii se mint, ca altii nu recunosc,ca unii sunt intradevar fericiti si ca deasupra de toate nimeni nu posteaza aici sa-i fie judecate parerile, sa ii se spuna, "aaa, pai de aia sunt atatia dezamagiti, aaa pai unii ateapta nu stiu ce....etc" cand nu despre asta era vorba. Eu sunt convinsa ca ff multi au inceput de jos sau de foarte de jos viata lor in alta tara si stiu ca nu e pe roz si recunosc ca e greu si ca au trudit, ca si in prezent au multumirile si nemultumirile lor vis a vis de tara in care locuiesc, dar viata lor merge inainte. Eu m-am angajat dupa o luna, office job si sunt multumita, dar m-am lovit de realitati care uneori mi-au lasat un gust amar si asta nu inseamna ca trea sa vina cutare ne spuna aaaaaaa, poi voi ce ati crezut.... . Iertare, dar e jenant sa intri impunator cu chestii rasuflate sau care le auzi la orice colt de strada.
Good night.

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns columbiana spune:

Danutza, tu cu cine te certi maica^ cine te-a contrazis^


Loue à bon prix cet espace de signature, merci de me contacter en MP.

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Link direct catre acest raspuns khristin spune:

Datorita numarului mare de elevi emigranti din Canada, profesorii trebuie sa stie cum sa puna problema din punct de vedere psihologic cu acestia, care uneori constituie partea majoritara dintr-o clasa. Va redau mai jos un fragment dintr-un curs pe care l-am luat cu putin timp in urma si care mi se pare extrem de nimerit acestei discutii, si care ni se potriveste multora dintre noi. Asadar daca vreti sa aflati mai multe despre cele 4 faze H, si sa vedeti unde va situati....enjoy reading it


Anyone who moves to a different area, whether it is within their immediate neighbourhood, town, state or province, or country, experiences to some degree the same four stages as they become adjusted to their new surroundings. There are many names for these stages, but the easiest to remember are the four “Hs”: honeymoon, hostility, humour and home.

This stage takes place when people first arrive. It is characterized by extreme happiness, sometimes even by euphoria. This is especially prevalent with refugees who have finally arrived safely in North America. For them, their new home is truly the land of milk and honey.

After about four to six months, reality sets in. These people know a bit about getting around and have begun learning the ropes, but this new place is not like their home: they can’t get the food they are accustomed to; things don’t look the same; they miss the life of their home country, the familiar places and faces and ways of doing things. Gradually they begin to feel that they hate North America and want to go back to their home country, no matter how bad things were there. This stage is often characterized by complaining; wanting to be only with others who speak their language; rejecting anything associated with the new culture, such as the food, the people, even the new language; feeling depressed and irritable or even angry; having headaches or feeling tired all the time.

Gradually, the newcomers work toward resolution of their feelings, and their sense of being torn between the new and the old. They begin to accept their new home. They begin to find friends, discover that there are good things about where they are living, and adjust to their lives by coming to terms with both the old and the new ways of living. This is a long process, fraught with feelings of great anxiety in some, because to many, accepting the new means rejecting the old.

Finally, the newcomers become “native” in the sense that where they live is their home and they accept that they are here to stay. This last stage may be years in coming, and for some will never take place. Thus, what is happening in students’ minds and hearts as a result of the drastic changes in their lives has a direct influence on their ability to cope with life and succeed in school.


noi, www.flickr.com/photos/khristin107/sets/" target="_blank">poze mai noi si Paris & AOB

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Link direct catre acest raspuns adriuta spune:

brrr ... fetelor la poza cu copilashul acela chinez mi s-a ridicat parul ...la propiu. Saracutzii de ei, vai vai:(:(:(
Eu stiu ca mamele nostre ne certau sa nu stam pe cimentul rece, erau atente sa nu lase copilasii uzi...povesti ca "racesti la ovare"...va mai amintiti??
Pe ei oare nu-i afecteaza frigul? Saracutzii...


26+ cu ADRIAN

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Link direct catre acest raspuns Ramona J spune:

Am vrut sa adaug... dar scrie deja cu rosu!

Nu te supara Danutza, eu am cunoscut destule personaje care sint blocate cam la faza a doua de mai sus. Stau acolo de ani de zile!

The best thing you can do for your children is to love your wife.

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