Cu incredere, spre Canada! (8)
Raspunsuri - Pagina 4
Siminaf spune:
Dragele mele, medicamentele de care v-am scris sint toate din import, nimic romanesc si sint f. bune, si nici scumpe nu sint...
Home, wherever you are...
Simina & Andrei (Deiutzu)
mimitete spune:
Originally posted by Daiana30
HELLOOOOOO .... fetelor ... aici Canada.
Eu nu va inteleg .... Medicamentele sunt mai de calitate aici. In plus, pentru orice medicament pentru copii nu platiti nimic ( daca aveti prescriptie de la medic). Si nu se obtin tare greu retetele ... stiu din proprie experienta. Antibiotice sa va aduceti pentru voi si ceva usor pentru copii (eventual). Oricum medicul o sa va dee reteta pt. ceva gen Tempra, destul de usor ( va e greu sa ii spuneti ca a facut copilul febra nu stiu cat si nu ati avut un antibiotic in casa?).
Oricum aduceti ce doriti.
Recomandarea mea : antibiotice, tetraciclina unguent, si ceaiuri traditionale romanesti ( gen galbenele, fenicul si ce o mai fi ).
Numai bine!
Daiana si bebeul Aris
Hai sa fac eu citeva corectari.
Tempra = acetaminophen deci se paote cumpara linistit fara nici un fel de reteta.
Nu este adevarat ca pt toti copiii nu platesti medicamentele date pe reteta. Doar copiii care nu sint acoperiti de o asigurare privata (prin intermediul parintilor) pot beneficia de asta. Se depune o cerere pt aceasta "asigurare publica" ca nu stiu cum se numeste exact si cred ca exista o suma de platit pe an.
Mie asigurarea imi plateste cam 80% din costul retetei.
O zi buna,
Daiana30 spune:
Mihaela ...
Eu nu am nici o asigurare privata ... dar nici nu am platit pt. medicamentele lui Aris. Poti sa imi spui si mie care e sistemul ?
Numai bine!
mimitete spune:
Originally posted by Daiana30
Eu nu am nici o asigurare privata ... dar nici nu am platit pt. medicamentele lui Aris. Poti sa imi spui si mie care e sistemul ?
Uite aici un link despre "prescription drug insurance" cu mai multe lamuriri:
Everyone who has access to a private plan must join the plan. All others must register for the public plan. It’s up to you to make sure you’re covered by the right plan.
Prescription Drugs Covered
What is the Public Plan?
The Public Prescription Drug Insurance Plan is a government insurance plan offering basic prescription drug coverage. It was set up in 1997 to cover all Quebecers who have no access to private group insurance.
The Public Prescription Drug Insurance Plan is administered by the Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec.
Ever since the public plan was created, all Quebecers, regardless of their financial situation, have had reasonable and equitable access to the prescription drugs they need.
For Whom? – Eligible Persons
The Public Prescription Drug Insurance Plan is intended for:
persons age 65 and over;
employment assistance (welfare) recipients and other holders of a claim slip (carnet de réclamation);
persons who do not have access to a private plan;
children of persons covered by the public plan.
The Costs – Premium
Generally speaking, persons covered by the public plan must pay a premium, whether or not they purchase prescription drugs. The premium is collected every year by the ministère du Revenu du Québec when income tax returns are filed. For example, the premium for 2003 will be collected in the spring of 2004, when income tax returns for the 2003 taxation year are filed. Persons who pay a premium to the public plan must complete Attachment K of their Québec income tax return.
The amount of the premium varies from $0 to $460 per adult, depending on net family income, and applies from July 1, 2003, to June 30, 2004.
Certain persons insured under the public plan don’t pay a premium. These include:
children of insured persons;
employment assistance (welfare) recipients and other holders of a claim slip (carnet de réclamation);
persons age 65 and over receiving the maximum Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS).
There is a maximum annual contribution that insured persons may be required to pay for their drug purchases. This maximum contribution, which currently stands at $839 for everyone insured under the public plan, includes the deductible and the co-insurance. Please note that the maximum contribution is lower for certain clienteles of the public plan.
Insured persons pay only a portion of the cost of the drugs they purchase. This portion is called their contribution. The other portion is paid by the Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec.
At the time of purchase, insured persons pay only their contribution, but must inform the pharmacist that they are covered by the public plan and present their valid Health Insurance Card.
Sper sa fie mai clar acum,
Ira spune:
Da, interesante informatii, cateodata ma gandesc ca Quebecul stimuleaza cam mult concediul permanent pe ajutorul social, ca sa spun asa, prin acordarea atator facilitati nemaintalnite niciunde in lumea asta.
Ira spune:
Dragele mele, sunt disperata !
Va rog sa-mi spuneti si mie daca in Canada se face vaccinul de meningita, si la ce varsta .
De cand am citit subiectul acela cu meningita la "parintii intreaba",
nu mai pot dormi noaptea. In Ro sunt 2 vaccinuri optionale pt. meningita, ma intrebam daca sa le cumpar de aici si sa i le fac in Canada, in Ro se fac la 1 an si jumatate, dar e optional nu e obligatoriu !
Ajutati-ma, va rog !
M-a mai pus si necuratul s-o tund pe Sofia cu masina de tuns la nr 2, astfel incat e aproape cheala si nu are deloc protectie pe cap. Drept urmare a si racit, azi dimineata cand s-a trezit cu febra imi venea sa ma arunc pe geam.
Sfatuiti-ma, va rog !
DanaMario spune:
DA Ira exista vaccinul de meningita dar si aici este tot optional.Eu i-am facut in 3 reprize pina la un an insa problema este ca nu-i acoperit de Health Card ci numai daca ai insurance de la firma care-l acopera daca nu trebuie platit si care parca costa 350.
Va pupici
Dana si Joshua
Laura B spune:
Ira, sper ca Sofia e deja mai bine! Sanatate multa!
In legatura cu vaccinul, e posibil sa depinda de provincie. Dianei i-au facut Hib-ul fara sa fie nevoie sa mai platim nimic. Aici intra in asigurarea generala.
Citat de pe site-ul BChealthguide:
"Immunization in B.C.
British Columbia has one of the best immunization programs in the whole world. In the last ten years, 93 per cent of all B.C. children have had all their "shots" by the time they start school.
British Columbia infants are routinely vaccinated against diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough), tetanus, polio, and Haemophilus influenzae type B (DaPT/IPV/Hib). These vaccines are given free to all children, starting at age 2 months, and are given again at 4, 6 and 18 months and just before starting school.
At age 12 and 18 months, infants are also given the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine. Hepatitis B vaccine is offered to all students in Grade six as a series of three shots.
Babies in B.C. can get their vaccinations at their local public health office or from their family doctor.
Children born in other countries, including internationally adopted children, may not have been immunized at all, or may not be up to date with their shots. These children should be evaluated by a nurse at your local public health office or by your family doctor as soon as possible after entering Canada, so they can be given any vaccines they may need for their age group."
Am verificat acum, si la 1 an i s-a facut (tot gratuit) si NeisVac-C, care e contra meningitei de tip C.
Numai ca am si eu o nedumerire in legatura cu vaccinarea. Am sa merg pe "Mamici de Canada" sa pun o intrebare, pentru ca vad ca acolo se discuta deja pe tema asta.
Emilly spune:
Originally posted by Daiana30
Eu mi-am adus cand am venit din Ro, nu exagerez, dar un sfert de geamantan de ceaiuri ... vedeti insa de care aduceti pentru ca se gasesc si aici, si sunt mult mai de buna calitate. ( ex. un plic de ceai de tei din Ro nu se compara cu cel de aici - ma refer la gustul ceaiului). Ceaiurile erau in ambalajul original. Femeia care mi-a controlat bagajele m-a intrebat doar ce sunt.
Numai bine!
Daiana si bebeul Aris
Daiana30 te rog imi spui cum se numeste ceaiul de tei aici si unde il gasesti, multumesc mult.