Abdomen Xtraplat (57)
Raspunsuri - Pagina 18

Allure spune:
a_alinta, pina nu termin cartea nu pot sa comentez
sm, nu citesc decit in engleza ca franceza mi-e la pamint. exista traducere la ea?
“ True health is a journey not a destination, a process not an event, a habit not a diet. "
"You aren't going to get the butt you WANT by sitting on the one you HAVE"


Allure spune:
Citat din cartea lui Moritz despre colesterol. Mi s-a parut logic. Nu-mi dau seama daca sint erori. Daca cineva le vede, sa discutam, please.
"Cholesterol is essential for normal functioning of the immune system, particularly for the body’s response to the millions of cancer cells that every person makes in his body each day. For all the health problems associated with cholesterol, this important substance is not something we should try to eliminate from our bodies.
Cholesterol does far more good than harm. The harm is generally symptomatic of other problems. I wish to emphasize, once again, that ‘bad’cholesterol only attaches itself to the walls of arteries to avert immediate heart trouble, not to create it.This is confirmed by the fact that cholesterol never attaches itself to the walls of veins. When a doctor tests your cholesterol levels, he takes the blood sample from a vein, not from an artery. Although blood flow is much slower in veins than in arteries, cholesterol should obstruct veins much more readily than arteries, but it never does.There simply is no need for that. Why? Because there are no abrasions and tears in the lining of the vein that require patching up.
Cholesterol only affixes itself to arteries in order to coat and cover up the abrasions and protect the underlying tissue like a waterproof bandage. Veins do not absorb proteins in their basements membranes like capillaries and arteries do and, therefore, are not prone to this type of injury.‘Bad’ cholesterol saves lives; it does not take lives. LDL allows the blood to flow through injured blood vessels without causing a life-endangering situation. The theory of high LDL being a principal cause of coronary heart disease is not only unproved and unscientific.It has misled the population to believe that cholesterol is an enemythat has to be fought and destroyed at all costs. Human studies have not shown a cause-and-effect relationship between cholesterol andheart disease.
The hundreds of studies so far conducted on such a relationship have only shown that there is a statistical correlation between the two. And there should be, because if there were no ‘bad’cholesterol molecules attaching themselves to injured arteries we would have millions of more deaths from heart attack than we already have. On the other hand, dozens of conclusive studies have shown that risk of heart disease increases significantly in people whose HDL levels decrease. Elevated LDL cholesterol is not a cause of heart disease; rather, it is a consequence of an unbalanced liver and congested, dehydrated circulatory system
“ True health is a journey not a destination, a process not an event, a habit not a diet. "
"You aren't going to get the butt you WANT by sitting on the one you HAVE"


Allure spune:
aici cartea toata pentru cei interesati de liver/gallbladder flush:
aruncati un ochi pe ea, n-o sa va para rau.
“ True health is a journey not a destination, a process not an event, a habit not a diet. "
"You aren't going to get the butt you WANT by sitting on the one you HAVE"


sm spune:
Allure am cautat pe amazon si nu am gasit cartea in engleza, nu siu daca o sa o gasesti si in engleza. Autoarea a trait o mare parte a vietti sale in Japonia de unde s-a inspirat. http://the-nife.blogspot.fr/2011/10/art-of-simplicity.html
Her book is about the theme “Less is more”.
uite si o explicatie a cartii e un citat in engleza:
She talks about posessions and how they “posess us”. She talks of our relationship to food, our body and the immediate surrounding environment. She gives some simple beauty tips like get rid of all the creams and clutter in the bath room and just use one oil like avocado oil (or another oil that suits you) to moisturize the skin, the hair, the nails and as a makeup remover. She writes of emptying the house of all the useless things that we never use (or hardly), things we’ve not touched for over a year for example. Less things also means less things to dust, to take care of, to worry about.
That is how “less means more” or “live better (more meaningful) with less.” The book is a real eye opener in the western world of abundance, and over-abundance, that we live in.
poate cunosti deja situl http://qualitycounts.com/ o explicatie in engleza despre toate vitaminele ( vitamina D ) la punctul 7.
Belladonna uite un site, daca o sa ai timp sa-l citesti e destul de interesant http://www.stevepavlina.com/blog/2012/11/this-is-heaven/


BellaDonna spune:
l-am citit de mult pe stevepavlina, dar il prefer pe eckhart tolle
mie personal pavlina mi se pare lipsit de esenta pus pe facut bani prin hai ca pot sa scriu frumos ...si ma abtin sa mai comentez
si cum am spus durerea fizica poate sa nu aive nimic de aface cu mentalul, ca atunci cand suferi de o raceala ai luat un virus si corpul lupta sa se vindece iar tu faci ce poti sa ai trecerea mai usoara
si ma deranjeaza cand vin unii si filozofeaza dind vina pe bolnav ca e bolnav, dupa ce ca sufera hai sai mai dam si un par in cap sa fim siguri ca a cazut, fara cuvinte ...


Allure spune:
durerile/bolile pot avea cauze atit fizice cit si psihice
daca ai un job de birou si petreci 8-9 ore nemiscat pe scaun, cu siguranta durerile de spate vor fi o prezentza inevitabila; sintem facuti sa ne miscam nu sa vegetam...orice abatere de la regulile naturale se plateste
in schimb, raceala si virusul, in conceptia mea nu se prind decit de persoana cu imunitate compromisa; agentii patogeni in sine nu cauzeaza bolile, ei sint atrasi in mod natural de tesuturile slabite, cu Ph acid si cu "energie" scazuta; microbii isi fac treaba incercind sa distruga un tesut care nu mai e perfect viabil
credinta generala ca virusii cauzeaza bolile a fost data de teoria lui L. Pasteur ("the germ theory of disease)...decit ca pe patul de moarte Pasteur a recunoscut ca teoria lui a fost GRESITA.
din pacate la ora destainuirii teoria era deja bine adoptata si cimentata in mintea tuturor, pina si noua astazi ne e greu sa intelegem eroarea.
Bechamp a fost cel care a sustinut contrarul. In experimentele lui a demonstrat ca microorganisme primitive inofensive care traiesc in singele alkalin, au capacitatea de a se transmuta in bacterii, fungus sau virusi in functie de schimbarile Ph-ului.
Ph-ul se schimba in functie de mai multi factori care in mare parte depind de noi: dieta, stresul, nivelul de activitate/sedentarism, poluarea fizica si psihica, etc
Cu alte cuvinte, sintem inconjurati permanent de microbi dar le picam prada numai in momentele de "slabiciune imunitara"
Deci, BellaDonna, gripele nu au cauze externe. Agentii patogeni nu ataca tesuturi sanatoase..noi ne imbolnavim singuri de cele mai multe ori
Am gasit o harta comparativa a celor 2 teorii: http://www.whale.to/v/germ.htm
(cum am ajuns de la sport la teorii celulare? ma intreb daca mai citeste cineva p-aici...
“ True health is a journey not a destination, a process not an event, a habit not a diet. "
"You aren't going to get the butt you WANT by sitting on the one you HAVE"



ioachim spune:
Hello, fetele!
Scuze ca nu am mai scris, viata mea este in continuare "upside down." Va citesc pe cat pot din umbra in schimb.
Caro - multumesc ca mi-ai impartasit din experienta ta. Si eu sper sa incep in ianuarie, daca imi place raman, daca nu incerc sa ma transfer in domeniul financiar. Credeam ca pasiunea mea consultanta dar programul va fi la fel de dur/mai dur ca in finante, si compensatia cu mult mai mica. Asa ca nu stiu daca merita.
Intre timp, ma stresez
Dorm ceva mai mult, si in sfarsit am inceput sa mananc ceva mai ponderat, ca nici nu va inchipuiti cat mancam
Acum, tot mai mult decat de obicei, dar in limite mai umane - v-am spus ca eu ca somnul rezolva totul
Sper ca intr-un final sa ajung la obisnuitele mele 49-50kg, acum ma invart pe la 51-51.5, poate in vreo 2-3 luni ma stabilizez la idealul meu
Dar macar am avut succes cu date-ul la capitolul somn ca i-am pus problema mai serios - la modul "te admir pe tine ca reusesti sa dormi asa de putin si sa faci asa de multe, dar eu nu mai rezist. daca continuu, ma ingras 50 kg, ma dau afara de la munca, si ma deporteaza inapoi in Romania . Deci, ce spui?
" Si l-am rugat ca el sa isi continue stilul de viata, adica sa nu devin o povara pt. el, daca el vrea sa iasa in oras sau sa mai stea dupa ce ma culc eu, dar nu mai pot. In weekend, stau cu el pana pe la 1, dar in timpul saptamanii, intre 23-23:30 sunt in pat in general. Happy
Ma rog, intre timp, a cam facut el o dandana, care cred ca se datoreaza faptului ca s-a cam plictisit de mine. E, ata este, cu asta nu pot lupta, asa ca sa ii fie de bine, nu il batem la cap ci il lasam in pace. Daca isi revine, bine, daca nu, continuam viata...si dormim mai mult
Asa, ca sunt numai cu digresiuni:
Menu-ul de azi, nu super sanatos, dar macar fara mancat in prostie:
MD: Granola bar + banana
3 cafele cu lapte intre timp
Pranz: ardei umplut cu orez cu bob lung si diverse vegetale.
Desert: 1 mango + 1 banana + o inghetata mica
Cina: cred ca vegatale cu somon si paine de secara
Fara sport, dar merg pe jos cam 40 de minute pe jos in ritm rapid.


Allure spune:
Caro, good to hear from you Keep moving! :)
Ioachim, somnul pe primul plan Restul se rezolva...
Azi am vazut la Doctor Oz Show un alt invitat despre a carui carte/ teorie v-am vorbit
Doctor William Davis, autorul cartii "Wheat Belly"
In sfirsit s-a dezvaluit pe un post pubic minciuna perpetuata atita ani cum ca "whole wheat flour/grains" ar fi bune pentru consum. Explica si de ce (chestiile pe care le-am spus deja aici...) Un interviu excelent. Urmariti ca poate va convinge sa renuntati la griu, gluten, etc Pacat ca nu e tot segmentul..
Fiti si voi mai active aici daca vreti sa nu moara subiectul.
“ True health is a journey not a destination, a process not an event, a habit not a diet. "
"You aren't going to get the butt you WANT by sitting on the one you HAVE"


BellaDonna spune:
sportul meu se pune ? am inceput terapie fizica pt lombar 5 si sciatica, azi terapistul mia pus o patura calda la spate sa-mi relaxez muschii a fost supeer,
si mi-am cumparat o table inversion asa arata
e super stau cu capul in jos e pt spate cica te ajuta acum cat o fi de buna ramane de vazut , de fapt am ceva rezultate merg mult mai bine terapistul era deja impresionat dar.....mai am multa terapie de facut
visul meu e sa ajung sa pot face sport din nou si tot cemi doresc sa fac e pilates si yoga, nu cer mult
