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BZN - Dance, dance, dance
Acest mesaj a fost trimis de andruskandu pe data de 22/03/2010 la 13:32 .:. 2821  vizionari .. Exista 4 raspunsuri la acest anunt
Get out of my life
I beg you to go now
For I can no longer stand your face
You're cold as ice and so frustrated
Now I get on my feet again
There's nothing more to say

You're out of your mind
You're losing control now
I've never mistreated you before
You slammed the door, while I was waiting
Remember how it was before
"Les nuits, l'amour, Paris"

Dance, dance, dance dance
'Till the night has gone
Dance, dance, dance dance
'Till the night has gone

Dance, dance, dance dance
'Till the night has gone
Dance, dance, dance dance
'Till the night has gone

You blow hot and cold
I'll put it aside now
Consider the better part of me
Before you go, I will be waiting
Remember how it was before
"Les nuits, l'amour, Paris"

Dance, dance, dance dance
'Till the night has gone
Dance, dance, dance dance
'Till the night has gone

Dance, dance, dance dance
'Till the night has gone
Dance, dance, dance dance
'Till the night has gone

Inima nu e judecata dupa cat iubesti, ci dupa cat te iubesc altii
(Vrajitorul din Oz)

www.onetruemedia.com/otm_site/view_shared?p=88028d9eaeae0f93a00846" target="_blank"> Povestea unui licurici

Poznele lui Andrei Nasterea lu' Andrei

www.dropshots.com/andruskandu" target="_blank">PozeAndrei Muzica mea

Andreea mamica fericita de Andreiut Puiut 11.06.2006

Trimite reactia ta

membru matur

Posted 22/03/10 @ 13:48 Reply with Quote

Inima nu e judecata dupa cat iubesti, ci dupa cat te iubesc altii
(Vrajitorul din Oz)

www.onetruemedia.com/otm_site/view_shared?p=88028d9eaeae0f93a00846" target="_blank"> Povestea unui licurici

Poznele lui Andrei Nasterea lu' Andrei

www.dropshots.com/andruskandu" target="_blank">PozeAndrei Muzica mea

Andreea mamica fericita de Andreiut Puiut 11.06.2006
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Ministru' de Razboi !

Posted 22/03/10 @ 14:23 Reply with Quote

"Get out of my life" e ptr soacra?


"Stelele care cad nu pier,
Stelele care cad se duc pe un alt cer"
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Ramona J
membru de baza

Posted 22/03/10 @ 15:07 Reply with Quote
Wow, BZN!
Si asta:

Lume multa, oameni putini
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eu sunt miezul:)

Posted 01/11/10 @ 02:11 Reply with Quote
era una din melodiile noastre preferate, insa exista o limita, o limita pe care eu nu am avut-o niciodata, mi se intampla si acum sa ascult obesiv o singura melodie, ceea ce pe altii ii poate duce la disperare, ei bine, sor` mea era cea care impunea limite, ok ascultam melodia asta odata, de doua ori, de trei ori,dar nu la nesfarsit

I miss u, sis!

Before you judge me, try hard to love me. MJ

o stea logostea...
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