Copiii nascuti prin cezariana pot avea probleme?
Dragele mele,
Am lansat acum ceva timp un subiect despre cezariana si am primit mesaje in care eram incurajata sa optez pentru nasterea vaginala. Unele dintre mamici sustin ca exista diferente intre copiii nascuti prin cezariana si cei nascuti la termen, prin nastere normala. Avand in vedere faptul ca intentionez sa nasc prin cezariana la 38 de saptamani, nu la cererea mea, ci la recomandarea medicului ginecolog,va rog sa-mi spuneti cu ce probleme s-ar putea confrunta bebelusul meu in plus?
mariana_1976 spune:
In general o cezariana prezinta mai multe probleme pt. mama decit pt. bebe.
Ginecologul meu suedez mi-a spus ceva foarte intelept: "daca nu iti doresti mai mult de 1-2 copii nu risti prea mult cind optezi pentru cezariana".
Uite aici in engleza:
Research Basics
For their research, investigators examined medical data on all births between 1994 and 2002.
In all of the mothers, investigators looked for the following complications:
Uterine rupture
Postpartum hemorrhaging
Complicated postpartum hemorrhaging
Postpartum infection
Admission to intensive care
Manual delivery of the placenta
Women who had given birth via c-section in their first pregnancy were more likely to have complications in a subsequent pregnancy.
Researchers also examined whether there were any complications with the infants. The main outcomes investigators took note of included:
Neonatal death
Infant death
Admission to neonatal intensive care
Small for gestational age
Respiratory distress syndrome
Bacterial sepsis
Preterm delivery
Most notably, researchers found that half of all uterine ruptures, one in five hysterectomies and a third of all postpartum infections experienced by the women were attributable to having had a cesarean section in a previous pregnancy. Moreover, 5% of babies admitted to neonatal intensive care and 4% of babies born prematurely were attributed to a previous c-section.
What Does This Mean?
While it is easy to get alarmed at this significant increase in complications during pregnancy, researchers were quick to point out that, although a previous cesarean section did put a woman at more risk, these complications were still fairly rare.
Nevertheless, compared to women who deliver vaginally, having a c-section in your first pregnancy does appear to amplify your likelihood of developing certain complications in your second pregnancy.
For this reason, women who are considering having an elective c-section need to be sure that they are aware of the risks to themselves and their children, not just in their current pregnancy, but also in future pregnancies.
Mariana 28+
mama de Monica, Matei si Markus
Qamar spune:
de ce ti-a recomandat sa nasti la 38 de sapt?
eu am nascut prin cezariana si Bia NU are NICIO problema (si are deja 9 luni), eu m-am nascut prin cezariana si NU am nicio problema...
Avem la mamici de martie/aprilie o fetita nascuta prin cezariana la 38de sapt in Japonia si nu are nici ea nicio problema.
Eu as alege cezariana, cu sau fara motive medicale.
Numai bine!
Noe si Anne-Bianca (14.03.2006)
Ce mai citim noi
Pe unde ne mai plimbam
mariana_1976 spune:
Si aici tot in engleza:
A baby’s lungs and brain mature late in pregnancy. Compared to a full-term baby, an infant born by cesarean section between 35 and 37 weeks gestation is more likely to have problems with:
-Maintaining his or her temperature
It can be hard to pinpoint the date your baby was conceived. Being off by just a week or two can result in a premature birth. This may make a difference in your baby’s health. Keep this in mind when scheduling a c-section.
Other Risks for the Baby
Anesthesia: Some babies are affected by the drugs given to the mother for anesthesia during surgery. These medications make the woman numb so she can’t feel pain. But they may cause the baby to be inactive or sluggish.
Breathing problems: Even if they are full-term, babies born by c-section are more likely to have breathing problems than are babies who are delivered vaginally.
Women who have c-sections are less likely to breastfeed than women who have vaginal deliveries. This may be because they are uncomfortable from the surgery or have less time with the baby in the hospital. If you are planning to have a cesarean section and want to breastfeed, talk to your provider about what can be done to help you and your baby start breastfeeding as soon as you can.
Risks for the Mother
A few women have one or more of these complications after a c-section:
Increased bleeding, which may require a blood transfusion
Infection in the incision, in the uterus, or in other nearby organs
Reactions to medications, including the drugs used for anesthesia
Injuries to the bladder or bowel
Blood clots in the legs, pelvic organs or lungs
A very small number of women who have c-sections die. Death is rare, but it is more likely with cesarean than with vaginal delivery.
If a woman who has had a cesarean section becomes pregnant again, she is at increased risk of:
Placenta previa: The placenta implants very low in the uterus. It covers all or part of the internal opening of the cervix (the birth canal).
Placenta accreta: The placenta implants too deeply and too firmly into the uterine wall.
Both of these conditions can lead to severe bleeding during labor and delivery, endangering mother and baby. The risk increases with the number of pregnancies.
Mariana 28+
mama de Monica, Matei si Markus
mariana_1976 spune:
Daca tu nu iti doresti multi copii ai putea foarte bine opta pentru o cezariana.
In aceasta tara unde sunt eu femeile au in general 3-4 copii si de aceea riscurile unei cezariene sunt explicate cu atentie si detalii tuturor pacientelor care opteaza pt.operatie.
In acelasi timp si studiile stiintifice sunt mai ample decit cele facute(sau nefacute) in Romania pe aceasta tema.
Mi-e teama ca in Romania unii doctori incearca sa convinga pacientele pt. o cezariana mai mult din motive financiare.
Iti doresc o nastere usoara si recuperare rapida oricum vei alege sa nasti.
Mariana 28+
mama de Monica, Matei si Markus
spic de grau spune:
Am nascut prin cezariana la 35 de saptamani ptr ca bebe nu reusea sa iasa.
Au trecut aproape 3 ani de atunci si in afara faptului ca e cel mai frumos si inteligent baietel, alt defect nu are.
Tu spui ca iubesti florile, dar le tai si le pui in vaza.
Zici ca iubesti cainii, dar le pui zgarda si ii tii legati in lant.
Te lauzi ca-ti plac pasarile si le inchizi in custi mititele...
Cand spui ca ma iubesti mi se face frica. (Jean Cocteau)
crinuta spune:
Eu am fost nascuta prin cezariana, no problem.
Pe baiatul meu asa l-am nascut, a avut scor apgar 10, la fel ca toti ceilalti nascuti prin cezariana din maternitate.
Dupa mine e mult mai bine pentru ei asa.
Crinuta si Rayan
Fara Dumnezeu nimic nu e.
szivarvany spune:
Si eu am nascut cu cezariana, la 38 saptamani + 3/4 zile, nasterea s a declansat foarte natural, dar din n`shpe motive mi s a facut cezariana.
Si, ofcorz, fi`mea nu are alte defecte decat ca este mancacioasa, energica, isteata, frumoasa
Daca medicul ti a recomandat cezariana si ai incredere in el, nu vad care e problema de fapt.
Daria & Giulia (2004 08 16)" target="_blank">poze
maricar spune:
Revin cu completari.
Mi s-a recomandat cezariana la 38 de saptamani din cauza miopiei, a staturii si a unei infectii cu steptococ pe care oricat de mult am incercat, nu am reusit sa o tratez in timpul sarcinii.Doctorita mea s-a gandit sa o faca mai devreme, in asa fel incat sa nu se declanseze travaliul, pt ca zice ea ca ar fi riscant.
Roxie spune:
Maricar, eu zic sa mergi linistita pe mana doctoritei tale, pentru ca daca ai alege sa nasti natural, ar fi mult mai mare riscul sa faci complicatii. Nu te mai gandi la toate statisticile cu "posibile probleme" ale lui bebe, pentru ca nu e bine pentru tine sa intri cu astfel de ganduri in operatie. Se nasc sute de mii de copii prin cezariana, si sunt toti foarte bine sanatosi si frumosi.
Roxie 34+ cu si bubulutza Denisa (23 decembrie 2005)
mexxa spune:
Hai ca pe ziua de azi am mai auzit una....ce treaba are asta fratilor..conteaza chiar atat de mult pe unde iese...
Dimineata mi-a mai zis careva ca daca faci cezariana nu poti spune ca ai aia nu se mai cheama nastere...mama cata teorie...
Na ca si eu m-am chinuit 12 ore sa nasc normal si pan la urma am ajuns la cezariana .. si pe bune ca am ramas traumatizata de ce dureri am cand dupa cezariana m-am dat jos din pat si am mers la bb..iar a doua zi m-am dus la poarta si mi-am luat covrigi ca imi era pofta...
AA si legat de bb...e un dulce si nu are nimic nici in plus nici in munus fata de copii nascuti la termen cu nastere normala..
Medicul cred ca stie cel mai bine ce sa sugereze...
Sebastian-Mihai 10.09.2006" target="_blank">Pagina noastra...
Noi avem ...