
Ciocolata | Autor: FlorentinaE

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Cine ma poate ajuta cu aforisme despre ciocolata?
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Link direct catre acest raspuns clauditzadennis spune:

Are cineva pe aici o semnatura faina cu ciocolata...Save the Earth, is the only planet with CHOCOLATE!
Aforisme cu ciocolata nu prea stiu, ai incercat search pe gogu?

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Link direct catre acest raspuns carina spune:

life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get
“Strength is the capacity to break a chocolate bar into four pieces with your bare hands -- and then eat just one of the pieces.”
"Look, there's no metaphysics on earth like chocolates."
"Forget love... I'd rather fall in chocolate!"
Giving chocolate to others is an intimate form of communication, a sharing of deep, dark secrets
All I really need is love, but a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt!
Exercise is a dirty word... Every time I hear it, I wash my mouth out with chocolate.

Chocolate is good for three things. Two of 'em cannot be mentioned on public television.
Chemically speaking, chocolate really is the world's perfect food.
I could give up chocolate but I'm not a quitter.

Put the chocolate in the bag and nobody gets hurt.

A day without chocolate is a day without sunshine.

Life without chocolate is like a beach without water.

Life is like a box of chocolates, the best ones are half eaten!!
Chocolate doesn't make the world go around ... but it certainly makes the ride worthwhile!

Man cannot live on chocolate alone; but woman sure can.
Simply put... everyone has a price, mine is chocolate!

Anda si Carina (deja domnisoara)

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Link direct catre acest raspuns hermelina spune:

"Daruieste dragoste si vei fi binecuvantat cu dragoste"

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Link direct catre acest raspuns mariussimiuc spune:

Originally posted by hermelina
"Daruieste dragoste si vei fi binecuvantat cu dragoste"

Daruieste dragoste si vei fi binecuvantat cu...ciocolata.

Miha si Robert

Azi poti fi caine...Maine poti fi copac...

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Link direct catre acest raspuns Siminaf spune:

Anda, de unde le-ai gasit, ca-s bes-ti-a-le! Toate.

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Link direct catre acest raspuns ardeiash spune:

Originally posted by mariussimiuc

Originally posted by hermelina
"Daruieste dragoste si vei fi binecuvantat cu dragoste"

Daruieste dragoste si vei fi binecuvantat cu...ciocolata.

Miha si Robert

Azi poti fi caine...Maine poti fi copac...

daruieste ciocolata.. si vei fii binecuvantat cuciocolata!

off topic: si sorry: la ce-ti trebuie aforisme despre ciocolata? si io... ca romanul... curios!

s-auzim numai de bine! si

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Link direct catre acest raspuns mariussimiuc spune:

Ardeiash,eu chiar m-am gandit la dragoste si ciocolata.

Miha si Robert

Azi poti fi caine...Maine poti fi copac...

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Link direct catre acest raspuns ardeiash spune:

sorry...acum am citit. .. era de fapt
daruieste ciocolata si vei fii binecuvantat cu dragoste... si n-am vorbit in dodiiii.... chiar la asta m-am gandit!

s-auzim numai de bine! si

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Link direct catre acest raspuns carina spune:

Originally posted by Siminaf

Anda, de unde le-ai gasit, ca-s bes-ti-a-le! Toate.

Cauta pe google chocolate aphorisms si o sa gasesti mult mai multe decat atat sau chocolate quotes.

Anda si Carina (deja domnisoara)

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Link direct catre acest raspuns ariel_7000 spune:

uita-te la semnatura mea :))) si-ti recomand si filmul "chocolatte"....e superb! ce sa mai zic de johnny deep:)

Save the Earth- it's the only planet with Chocolate!

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