Aspirante optimiste>20 ani (26)
Raspunsuri - Pagina 28
bibyrox spune:
Originally posted by ancadragoman
Bibileana deci vb maine la cafea...........
poze nunta
asteptam gemenii....
In asteptarea...fetitzei mele
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asi spune:
La multi ani aspirante optimiste!
Va doresc un an plin de optimism ,sa treceti cu zambetul pe buze peste toate obstacolele si sa se implineasca visele fiecareia dintre noi.
Thea_m si LaviniaN sunt proaspete gravidute!
Razvan(07 martie 2004) si mami
Cand Dumnezeu inchide o usa , intotdeauna deschide o fereastra.
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ancadragoman spune:
Thea_m si LaviniaN felicitari si sa fiti sanatoase....apar bebei.........
poze nunta
asteptam gemenii....
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danielle02 spune:
ovulation problems:
Failure to ovulate is the cause in about 3 in 10 cases.This may either be permanent,or intermittent when some months it happens and some months in doesn`t.There are various causes of ovulations problems which include:
-early menopause
-polycystic ovary syndrome-which can also cause excess hair growth,overweight,acne and menstrual problems.Another leaflet explains this condition in more detail.
-hormone problems.for example,too much prolactin,or too little thyroxine can affect ovulation.
-being very underweight or overweight can affect particular,women with anorexia nervosa do not ovulate.
-side effects from some medicines are a rare cause.medicines that sometimes cause this are anti-inflammatiry painkillers,some chemotherapy medicines and cannabis.
-insecticides,herbicides and fungicides may be a factor in some cases.
-various other problems with the ovary such as ovarian cysts and certain genetic problems.
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printesa_roz spune:
Inseamna ca eu oi avea problema pt ca sint prea slaba. Am 170 si 57 de kilograme.
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danielle02 spune:
These are the cause in about 2 in 10 cases,and include the following:
-endometriosis causes about 1 in 20 cases of infertility.another leaflet explains this condition in more detail.
very briefly,tissue that lines the uterus(endometrium)is found outside of the is "trapped" in the pelvic area and can affect the ovaries,uterus and nearby often causes lower abdominal pain and/or painful periods.
-previous infections of the uterus and fallopian tube (pelvic inflammatory disease)is another common cause.this can cause scarring and damage which can affect fertility.for example,scar tissue may block the egg (ovum) from travelling down the fallopian tubes.
-previous surgery to the fallopian tubes or uterus can cause adhesions that may cause infertility.
-large fibroids or cycts may cause problems.
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danielle02 spune:
These are responsible for about 2 in 10 cases.some men are born with testes that do not make any or very few sperm.some men make less sperm that normal(a low sperm count)for a variety of reasons which can reduce fertility.these include:
-varicocele:this is common and is like a "varicose vein" in the is treatable whit a small operation.
-certain hormone problems.
-infection of the testes.
-tumourus of the testes.
-side effects of some medicines and drugs may affect the sperm.these include:sulphasalazine,nitrofurantoin,tetracyclines,cimetidine,colchicine,allopurinol,some chemotherapy drugs,cannabis,cocaine and anabolic steroids.
-heat(regular saunas,hot baths etc) may affect sperm production in the testes.
-environmental factors may be a factor in some men.for example:a lot of exposure to chemicals,x-rays or heavy metals.
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