Aspirante optimiste>20 ani (26)
Raspunsuri - Pagina 29
danielle02 spune:
no cause can be found in about 3 in 10 cases of infertility.
-go over your general health,discuss any past illnesses,and examine both partners.
-talk about sex and be sure there are no sexual problems.sometimes people ask theirdoctor about difficulties with fertility when the real problem in difficulty with sex.
the GP may suggest a few tests.for example:
-a semen analysis(sperm test)in themale partner.
-a blood test to check that ovulation occurs in the female partner.this measures the hormone progesterone wich is high just after ovulation.the blood sample should be taken 7 days before an expected period.
Referral to a specialist for further advice and tests may be advised.As a rule,this is done if you have been trying to conceive for about 18 months without success.That is,provided no problem is found by the examination and initial tests done by a GP. a referral sooner than this may be done if a problem that needs treatment is found,or the female partner is aged over 35.
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danielle02 spune:
it is best not to try and time when you have sex to coincide with expected ovulation.this may cause anxiety,which can sometimes lead to sexual or relationship problems.
sperm survive at least 48 hours,and possibly up to 7 days after having sex.therefore,even though an ovum only survive 12-24 hours,having sex 2 or 3 times a week is sufficient if you are trying to may want to have sez more often,which is fine,but it probably will not increase your chance of is thought that the more relaxed and spontaneous your sex life is,the more likely you will conceive.
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danielle02 spune:
after about a year,the chance of conceiving gradually goes down over time.however,you still have a good chance of conceiving without treatment if no cause is found for the problem.about half of couples who do not conceive within one year conceive withinthe next year.even if you have no success after 3 years,you still have about a 1 in 4 chance of conceive over the next year.
-take folic acid each day to reduce the chance of a spinal cord problem in a baby.
-have a blood test to check that you are immune to rubella(german measles).you will be offered immunisation to rubella if you are not immune.
-eat a healthy diet.
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printesa_roz spune:
Colegele mele de suferinta, voi ce spuneti, de ce oare sintem atit de multe fete la care bebeii intirzie sa apara? Oare s-a facut vre-un studiu? Cred ca in ultimul timp un procent mare de cupluri au probleme. Ca pe vremuri oamenii faceau de 4 ori in viata, faceau 4 copii si gata, nu isi mai faceau probleme. Pai nu?
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