Sezatoarea canadiana (56)
Raspunsuri - Pagina 18

gabid spune:
Va recomand
Aventure Jungle (Laval)Centre d’amusement pour les enfants de 1 à 13 ans. Labyrinthe, salle de fête privée avec hôte(esse) etc. 450 681-2144
Este super... dar sambata si duminica este foarte aglomerat!Moni a mea se simte super aici!Noi stam 3-4 ies de acolo cu capul patrat si pe Moni abia o scot!
Au loc de joaca si pentru copii pana in 3 ani!
Gabi si domnisoara Moni 5 ani si un pic

gabid spune:
Cum pot face pasaport pentru fata aici in Canada?
Cand am plecat din RO am trecut-o pe pasapoartele noastre si tare rau am facut!Daca vreau sa o trimit in RO in vara in vacanta trebuie sa o duc eu sau matusa,nu unchi sau bunici...
Gabi si domnisoara Moni 5 ani si un pic

khristin spune:
Gabi, noi am aplicat pt. pasaportul Yasminei la consulatul din Toronto, dar ea s-a nascut aici, avea doar certificat de nastere romanesc. Daca vrei sa o trimiti in tara singura, se poate prin serviciul stewardezelor din avion sau cu altcineva cunoscut cu permisiunea voastra scrisa.
Myrrha, ma bucur sa aud ca mai vrei copilasi, asta e un lucru pozitiv. Cum e in concediu de maternitate, ti-e dor de facultate? Si noi asteptam sa mergem in tara prin iulie si apoi putin prin Europa. Pasapoartele romanesti dureaza atat pt. ca aparent le trimit in tara prin curier care pleaca o data la 3 luni...birocratia
Denisa, sa-ti traiasca Emma...ce draguta era ea cand mergea prin casa . Cand afli ce e bb# 2? Sau vrei sa fie surpriza? Ai reinceput serviciul? Sarcina usoara iti doresc si sa te bucuri de copilasi.
noi si poze mai noi

Ira spune:
Din categoria Nihil sine Ateo in familion, sau Sofia scoate fraze adanci :
Sibin urla la intersectie :
- Hai, dobitocule, nu vezi ca e verde ?
Sofia frustrata :
- Tati, nu e asa ! Dobitocii erau pe autostrada si tampitii pe drum, te-ai incurcat !
ps. In plus, a-l asculta pe Sibin injurand in lb. romana e acelasi lucru cu a citi Proust in chineza cu voce tare, f profund, ce sa-ti spun
Si una mai veche, in acelasi spirit, de cand avea Sofie vreo 3 ani :
Sibin face 13-14 la volan, suntem in intarziere :
Sofia binevoitoare - din spate, ofera o fraza de ajutor atentionandu-l pe bosorogul ce traversa innebunitor de lent trecerea de pietoni :
- Hai, Nea Pulica, mai repede !
Va jur ca ierea sa fac infarct, sa bag divort de Sibin, si sa ma mut in Aruba Hakuna Matata in minutul suivant tipatului Sofiei, insa am reusit sa vad the brigth side - un pic palita, ce-i drept - si in situatia respectiva....Substantivul nu ie traductibil, declinabil si inteligibil in franceza, asa ca poate fi pronuntat fara frica la o nevoie - adicatelea, ca doar d-aia am emigrat in Canada, ce mama masii ? Offfffff
De atunci ne amelioram pe zi ce trece vocabularul la volan. Am inlocuit substantivele dureroase cu altele ...mai dulci, vi le enumar in episodul 2, daca mai apuc, cu ajutorul lui Harper si a preafericitei reginei Elisa-Beta ce cu crucea ei ne pazeste, amin.
Crosetez cu pasiune sezatorencele mele barfa tot inainte,
canadian de adoptie cazut la datorie in pat

lorelaim spune:
New clues reveal sudden infant death syndrome may be a disease
Brain irregularities seem to be at the root of breathing problems that lead to SIDS, researchers say.
Sudden infant death syndrome, better known as SIDS, is a cruel killer, striking infants as they sleep. More than 2,000 babies in the United States die of SIDS each year.
Autopsies reveal no infection or other hidden health problem. Over the years, many suspects have been put forward, as benign as too-soft pillows that smother the child or as sinister as child abuse. Scientists have been struggling for decades to discover a physical cause. Now, they've unearthed the strongest evidence yet that the brain region that controls breathing develops abnormally in many infants who die of SIDS.
Researchers at Children's Hospital Boston (Massachusetts) and Harvard Medical School, working with colleagues at the University of California-San Diego School of Medicine and other institutions, autopsied the brains of 31 infants in San Diego who died of SIDS and 10 who died of other causes. They zeroed in on the medulla, an area in the brain stem that controls involuntary actions like breathing, blood pressure, and heart rate and that has been the focus of scrutiny. Their findings, reported in November in the Journal of the American Medical Association, showed that the medullas of SIDS babies were far more likely to have abnormalities in nerve cells that respond to serotonin, a chemical that plays a key role in regulating breathing and sleep.
"SIDS is not a mystery," says Hannah Kinney, an associate professor of neuropathology at Children's Hospital Boston and Harvard Medical School and co-author of the JAMA study. "It's not something that parents did. SIDS is a disease. It's a scientific problem, and it can be tackled with scientific methods."
The irregularities Kinney and her colleagues found were more extensive than had been discovered in earlier studies. What's more, the SIDS baby boys in the study had more deficiencies than the SIDS girls, which may help explain why boys are twice as likely to die of SIDS as girls. If these flaws do indeed cause SIDS, perhaps a test could be developed to identify babies at risk in the first weeks of life. But any such test is many years away, according to John Kattwinkel, a professor of pediatrics at the University of Virginia, because no one has yet pinpointed an early-warning signal for SIDS. "You've got to figure out how to detect it."
When Kyra Oliver Hitzeman heard news reports about the SIDS study, she was thrilled - and overwhelmed by the memories it revived. Her son Hayes died in 2002, while he took a nap at his day-care provider's home. He was 4-1/2-months old, a chubby, joyful little boy.
"He was awesome," says Hitzeman, 39, owner of a graphic design firm near Richmond, Virginia. "There was no indication that anything was wrong. He was a perfectly healthy baby."
Indeed, no one knows what prompts seemingly healthy babies to suddenly die in their sleep. Most SIDS deaths occur between 2 and 4 months of age. Epidemiological data gathered over the years has shown that babies are more likely to succumb to SIDS if they are put to sleep face down, if they sleep with an adult, or if there are toys or soft bedding in the crib. The thought has been that SIDS babies don't rouse themselves when the bedding traps carbon dioxide near the face, and they suffocate.
At the same time, researchers have hunted biological causes and have found genetic variations in some SIDS babies that suggest a hereditary component. Other scientists have found metabolic problems in the liver that may account for 3 to 5 percent of SIDS cases. Michael Ackerman, a pediatric cardiologist at the Mayo Clinic, has examined 93 SIDS cases, and found that 9 percent of the babies had a genetic defect that causes Long Q-T syndrome, a heart defect that can result in sudden, fatal arrythmia. The JAMA study brings the most concrete evidence yet that SIDS is a disease, not just the result of a tragic mistake.
Kinney, who's been trying to solve the SIDS riddle since the early 1980s, thinks the aberrations in the brain's serotonin system develop in utero and can be caused by maternal cigarette smoking, which impairs fetal brain development. Other researchers think the problems could be caused by a genetic predisposition, or by lack of oxygen or other stress at birth. In the end, many prominent researchers believe SIDS will turn out to have multiple biological causes that make babies more susceptible to environmental risks like soft bedding or cigarette smoke.
Kinney says that her group's findings reinforce the "Back to Sleep" program, created by a consortium led by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development and introduced in 1992. It aims to reduce the risk of SIDS by telling parents and caregivers to put infants to sleep face up and to keep soft bedding like quilts and pillows out of the baby's crib. A child without the brain variations would have no problem sleeping face down, but a SIDS-prone child might.
"Why would putting a baby on its back save a life?" asks Kinney. If that baby has a defect in its brain arousal system, it might asphyxiate if laid face down. "A normal baby would sense the low oxygen and turn its head and wake up."
Although the Back to Sleep campaign is credited with reducing SIDS deaths by 50 percent since its inception, 77 percent of the children who died of SIDS in Kinney's study were sleeping on their stomach or side, shared a bed with an adult, or both. Kattwinkel, chairman of the American Academy of Pediatrics's SIDS Task Force, says the fact that the bulk of SIDS deaths are related to risk factors like co-sleeping, soft bedding, or sleeping face down is actually encouraging.
"We can do something about it," he says. Thanks to the Back to Sleep program, the number of newborns put to sleep on their stomachs has shrunk to 12 to 14 percent. But that number increases when babies are two to three months old - right when many mothers go back to work.
"We think a fair amount of the reason for the increase is secondary caretakers, like grandmothers and day-care centers," Kattwinkel says. As a result, he says, Back to Sleep has been targeted more toward caretakers in the past decade. The situation is improving, he says, "but it's still not where it should be."
Hitzeman knows that all too well. Hayes's babysitter put him to sleep on his stomach before he died, even though she had asked that her baby be put to sleep on his back. She says she doesn't blame the sitter for not recognizing the seriousness of the request. After her son's death, Hitzeman and her husband created a foundation to support SIDS research and awareness. And she has given the foundation's public face a flourish making use of her talents as a designer: a onesie embellished with a smiling, sleeping baby that reads, in English or in Spanish, "This Side Up."

myrrha spune:
Lorelai, foarte interesant articolul! cred ca ar trebui pus si la "parintii intreaba."
Irina, mortale fazele, mai ales a doua . M-am uitat si eu la poze, chiar ca s-a facut mare Sophie, da' arata asa cumintica, n-ai zice ca e asa de sugubeata!
Cristina, n-am concediu de maternitate . Cica imi fac minor fieldu acum, adica citesc acasa (noaptea, cu o lampita mica, in spatele unei perne), si de saptamina viitoare incep ultimul seminar pe care il mai aveam de facut. N-am nici un chef, de-abia astept sa iau modelul Denisei si sa mai fac un bb, cind ma uit la greieritza mea nu mai vreau nimic altceva decit sa fiu mamica de meserie! o sa-mi iau leave atunci, dar nu stiu cum o sa ne descurcam
mami de Agatha (21.08.06)

lorelaim spune:
Myrrha - am pus aici articolul deoarece am remarcat ca sunt f multe mamici de bb nou-nascuti printre noi si m-am gandit ca este interesant si nu l-am pus la "Parinti intreaba" deoarece din pacate nu am timpul necesar sa-l traduc in ro :-(
Multa sanatate va doresc tuturor! mai ales ca se pare ca anul acesta bate niste recorduri nedorite:
"Stomach bug spreads through Montreal hospitals
The Gazette
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
An epidemic of viral gastroenteritis has spread to at least 29 health-care institutions across Montreal, making it the worst of its kind in a decade, public-health officials say.
Both patients and staff are falling ill, and elective surgery is being cancelled to free beds at the Jewish General Hospital, the latest to be hit with an outbreak.
Experts warn the epidemic - which is also ripping through neighbourhoods outside hospitals - hasn't peaked yet.
Factys on the Norwalk virus
One in nine infected in hospital
Handwashing basics
More Body & Health news
"It's certainly one of the worst years in the past eight to 10," said Mark Miller, chief of infection prevention and control at the Jewish General.
Similar outbreaks have been reported in the United States, Europe and Japan.
Experts suspect that a new, more contagious strain of the Norwalk virus has emerged, causing the epidemic.
"We're being hit very hard in eastern Canada, and this is just the beginning of winter, which is usually the worst season for the Norwalk virus," Miller said. "I don't anticipate that this is going to peter out for at least several weeks."
Until now, the outbreaks have had little impact on hospital operations.
But yesterday, the Jewish General announced that it is postponing elective surgeries indefinitely to make more beds available.
Eleven elective operations scheduled for today have been cancelled.
Emergency surgeries will continue, however.
A total of 12 patients and eight staff at the Jewish General have developed viral gastroenteritis, an inflammatory illness that causes fever, vomiting and diarrhea. It lasts 24 to 72 hours.
The hospital has decided against ordering a quarantine in all five wards where patients are ill, but has otherwise taken extraordinary precautions to contain the outbreak.
"To quarantine every single ward means to essentially close down the hospital," Miller said. "So what we're trying to do is relocate the patients."
At the same time, the Jewish General is battling an outbreak of vancomycin-resistant enterococcus, another superbug.
Less than three weeks ago, six Montreal hospitals were hit with outbreaks of gastroenteritis. By yesterday, that number had jumped to 13, Blaise Lefebvre of the Montreal Public Health Department said. Sixteen nursing homes are grappling with gastro outbreaks, up from 10 last month.
"Viral gastroenteritis is something we see at this time of the year, but this year is significant," Lefebvre said.
At the Centre hospitalier de LaSalle, a dozen patients have come down with gastroenteritis, forcing the hospital to quarantine the second floor.
Carol Grazys said her 101-year-old mother fell ill at the LaSalle hospital yesterday
"I'm concerned that they're not doing extra things to deal with the outbreak," Grazys said. "When they have an outbreak, they should assign more staff and do Javel cleaning."
Lyne Champoux, an official with the health network that oversees the hospital, said effective infection-control measures have been undertaken.
"We reacted by calling the families," Champoux said. "We've
also put up posters on the second floor telling people not to visit."
Miller explained that the hospital outbreaks probably originated in the community. The virus is transmitted via the
fecal-oral route, and people visiting hospitals have unwittingly passed it on to patients.
Miller urged people to stay away from the Jewish General to "give us some breathing time to get it under control and to take the pressure off the beds."
"In general, stay away from other people when you are sick because that's what spreads it," he added. "Good handwashing also helps."
© The Gazette (Montreal) 2007"

oanagabriela spune:
Pentru mamicile interesate sa-si trimita copiii in vacanta la bunici in Romania, o agentie de voiaj din Montreal vrea sa organizeze un group de copii pe care sa-i duca in Romania pe la sfirstul lui iunie cu intoarcerea la mijlocul lui august. In plus vor sa organizeze si o tabara de 2 saptamini la munte (pe valea Prahovei) la inceputul perioadei, pentru copii peste 6 ani, si care sa fie preluati pe urma de bunici (sau familie) pina la intoarcerea in Canada.
Daca sinteti interesate, trimiteti-mi un PM si va dau coordonatele. Mentionez ca eu nu am nici o legatura cu organizarea, va transmit doar informatia.

try spune:
Donia, noi la botezul lui alex am facut la restaurant. Am vorbit din timp la biserica sa stie nenea preotu' ce si cand sosim, nasii au cumparat lumanarea, cruciulitele de pus i npiept (la noi asa se obisnuia) si hainutele de schimb dupa baita in cazan. Noi am platit preotul (suntem de principiu sa punem oamenii la cat ai putina cheltuiala) si apoi am mers direct la restaurant. Am gasit un rest. romanesc asa ca meniul a fost pur romanesc: aperitive cu toba, sunca etc., apoi ciorba de perisoare (mi-a fost frica sa aleg de burta sa nu fie ceva invitati care sa nu manace, dar m-au balacarit toti la cap ca de ce n-am ales de burta), sarmale cu mamaliguta si carnati romanesti facuti in casa si prajituri aduse de noi. Tortul trebuia sa-l dea localul, dar au uitat sa se duca dupa el la cofetarie si dupa 9 inchisesera. S-a dansat si s-a baut la greu, muzica a avut-o restaurantul (baiatul patroanei). Batura a fost inclusa in pretul meniului, dar nu la discretie (adica nelimitat). Sucuri, apa au fost la discretie, am adus si noi Slibovitza si ceva vin si pe la 1 noapteea ne-am cara acasa. Eu nu-s adepta evenimentelor doar cu stat la masa. La mine petrecerea trebuie sa fie cu dansat ca asa simte tot omu' dupa 1-2 pahare nevoia de "miscare".
Denisa, pupam o Emma dulce si grasunica si pe bebe din burtica.
"Tot ceea ce nu te doboara, te face mai puternic" Alex - 5 Nov. 2004 si Adrian 24 Aug. 2006 ......... poze cu noi

try spune:
Donia, si-am uitat sa-ti spun ca alex avea 2 luni si-o sapt. la botez si la restaurant a dormit, a mancat si-a stat treaz trecand de la unul la altul in brate fara probleme. Cu toata muzica aia data tare dormea cate 2 ore de n-avea aer. A fost un cuminte!
Iar eu cand mancam, cand dansam, cand eram cu invitatii, cand eram cu alex. Si asta nu m-a impiedicat sa ma simt bine.
"Tot ceea ce nu te doboara, te face mai puternic" Alex - 5 Nov. 2004 si Adrian 24 Aug. 2006 ......... poze cu noi