Sezatoarea canadiana (56)
Raspunsuri - Pagina 12

Ira spune:
Originally posted by Ana Stroe
LA MULTI ANI si numai bine, un an in care sa vi se implineasca visele...cum spune zatzul Irei
Ana, azi am dat in bobi, dar n-am ghicit nimic ca a inceput Sofie sa se joace baseball cu ei prin casa. La pasenta insa, mi-a iesit un crai de trefla la drum de seara si le-am aruncat repede in foc, hai copii la joc

Astfel incat ramane sa ma bazez tot pe instinctul meu, 2007 e de bine in Canada, oameni buni, si cu incalzirea asta planetara ce sa mai vorbim, mai avem putin si ne ies palmieri in stare naturala in chicoutimi abitibi temiscamengue !
Mon pays ce n'est pas un pays, c'est le verglas !

columbiana spune:
sa ai gura aurita, se spune ;
nu ne-ai mai spus cum e cu curcanul ala, l-ai mincat ?
sper ca ati petrecut bine,
sa aveti un an bun!
pina trece verglasu', iarna, gerul care va veni :)) si alte...iaca poze de la soare, din Dominicana:
sa o ajutam pe Emma

ange spune:
La multi ani si un An Nou plin de realizari
"nimeni nu moare virgin.viata i-o trage fiecaruia cel putin odata."

Podeanu spune:
LA MULTI ANI fetelor, va doresc numai sanatate si impliniri pe anul 2007.
Ana mi-au placut mult pozele,stilul e diferit si de Mexic si de Jamaica. In vara poate incercam si noi Rep Dominicana.
Numai bine la toata lumea
Dana si gemenii

Ira spune:
Ana, am vazut pozele, f frumoase !
Curcanul astazi l-am pus la dezghetat in frigider si miercuri o sa primesc invitatii, colegii mei. Pe 26 am fost invitata la ei si am avut o seara fondue, habar n-aveam ce reprezinta, era mozzarella cu vin si épices topita intr-un vas special si trebuia sa inia o pauzam legume si crutoane si nu mai stiu ce acolo. Apoi am avut cioco fondue, asta chiar m-a dat gata.
Eu o sa fac o supica de legume usoara, salata boeuf, curcanul asortat cu o salata de varza si la sfarsit bouche de Noel, o rulada cu cioco si caramel pe care o s-o cumpar.
Eu mai am o saptamana de vacanta! In plus, incepand de maine Sofie va merge la gradinita. Sunt atat de fericita cand ma gandesc ca ma asteapta o saptamana de leneveala in pat ! N-o sa fac nimic, dar absolut nimic in afara de sa beau café-ul in pat si sa citesc.
Acum ca a intrat Romania in UE as vrea sa-mi fac pasaport nou, profit de ocazie pentru ca si asa mai e putin si-mi expira. O sa avem cele mai tari pasapoarte din lumea asta, de Uniunea Europeana si de America de Nord, woooooow !!
Stiti cumva unde trebuie sa aplic si ce trebuie sa fac pentru a primi pasaportul cat mai repede ? Merci !

lorelaim spune:
LA MULTI ANI! An nou bun cu sanatate si numai bucurii sa va dea bunul Dumnezeu!
Uite ce am citit... si m-am speriat... Voi ce stiti despre acest subiect?
Superbug at Canada's doorstep, doctors warn
Last Updated: Tuesday, January 2, 2007 | 12:16 PM ET
CBC News
A superbug that is popping up in locker rooms and day cares in the U.S. is poised to "emerge in force" in Canada, doctors warn.
Community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or CA-MRSA, was previously confined to hospitals but epidemics are occurring in the U.S. and it's making inroads in Canada, according to a commentary published Tuesday in the Canadian Medical Association Journal.
The bacteria cause large boil-like infections, and can cause hemorrhagic pneumonia or flesh-eating disease in rare cases.
The organism is an "old foe with new fangs: a pathogen combining virulence, resistance and an ability to disseminate at large," Dr. John Conly, an infectious disease specialist and professor of medicine at the University of Calgary and his colleagues wrote.
New Canadian guidelines for health-care workers are meant to prevent and manage the problem, the study's authors said.
In the U.S., clusters of infections have been reported among professional baseball and football players, and toddlers in day care.
So far in Canada, outbreaks have occurred in B.C., Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Ontario, with infections reported in Toronto, Montreal and Quebec City.
Two fatalities in Canada have also been linked to the germ: a healthy 30-year-old Calgary man and a three-month-old infant in Toronto in 2005. The deaths resulted from necrotizing pneumonia, or lung abscesses, the commentators said.
Prevention tips
"Front-line physicians need to be aware of the increasing prevalence and the potential severity of CA-MRSA infection," they wrote.
To prevent cases, the authors suggest emphasizing hygiene at day-care centres and schools, such as:
Washing hands or using alcohol gels.
Keeping kids at home if a draining wound cannot be consistently covered.
Practising respiratory etiquette like covering coughs.
Athletes, particularly those participating in contact sports, are also at risk, and should also practise hygiene such as showering after every practice or game, cleaning common bathing areas frequently, and regularly cleaning equipment.
Doctors and veterinarians should also keep in mind that pets may act as a reservoir for infections.
Traditional risk groups include intravenous drug users, the homeless, First Nations, the military, people infected with HIV and prison inmates.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control lists the "5 Cs" that have been implicated in transmission of the superbug:
Frequent skin contact.
Compromised skin.
Sharing contaminated personal care items such as towels.
Lack of cleanliness.
"Although the CA-MRSA superbug is advancing northward and is knocking at our door, it is prudent to take every preventive effort not to welcome it inside our borders," the team concluded.
Killer germ set to 'emerge in force'Calgary doctor says superbug spreading in Canada
Sharon Kirkey
CanWest News Service
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
An epidemic of community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or CA-MRSA, is raging in the U.S. and beginning to entrench itself here, infectious disease experts report Tuesday in the Canadian Medical Association Journal.
A superbug that causes infections from large, boil-like lesions to hemorrhagic pneumonia and, in rare cases, flesh-eating disease is poised to "emerge in force" across Canada, a new report warns.
While the prospect of a flu pandemic has governments scrambling to develop emergency plans, an epidemic of community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or CA-MRSA, is raging in the U.S. and beginning to entrench itself here, infectious disease experts report today in the Canadian Medical Association Journal.
In the U.S., clusters have been reported in groups from NFL players to toddlers in day care.
In Canada, outbreaks have occurred in Alberta, B.C., Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Ontario. The Calgary Health Region sees between 40 and 70 cases per month. Infections are also being reported in Toronto, Montreal and Quebec City.
Doctors are now investigating the possible transmission of the community-acquired staph strain among a small group of Calgary hospital patients, which would be one of the first cases of CA-MRSA being transmitted between hospital patients.
"Not a day goes by where I'm in clinic that I'm not pulling out a scalpel to drain one of these things," says Dr. John Conly, co-author of the report and an infectious disease specialist and professor of medicine at the University of Calgary.
"We're seeing far too many of them."
The organism is an "old foe with new fangs," a pathogen that is virulent, drug-resistant and has an uncanny ability to "disseminate at large," according to the CMAJ report. So far, its prevalence is thought to be low, but rising in most parts of the country.
"Front-line physicians need to be aware of the increasing prevalence and the potential severity of CA-MRSA infection," the researchers write.
The germ killed a healthy 30-year-old Calgary man and a three-month-old baby in Toronto in 2005. Both died of necrotizing pneumonia, or lung abscesses.
The infection begins with what looks like a spider bite, a red, very tender area that rises up and comes to a head just like a small boil. If not treated promptly, the lesions can develop into large, spreading abscesses in the soft tissues that can grow to the size of a baseball "or even a grapefruit in some settings," Conly said in an interview.
People develop fever and flu-like symptoms. In some cases, MRSA can cause bleeding in the lungs. "For some reason, there are people who are predisposed to develop what looks like standard pneumonia and very quickly they begin to cough up blood," Conly said.
Previously confined to hospital patients, the staph infection is now occurring in healthy people. The community strain "doesn't carry as much genetic baggage" as the hospital strain and is sensitive to other antibiotics, Conly says.
"But it seems to have a propensity to cause very large abscesses in the soft tissues with copious drainage, and seems to spread much more readily than the hospital strain has done."
It's also moving out of the traditional risk groups, such as intravenous drug users, the homeless, First Nations, the military and people infected with HIV.
The staph infection is spread by physical contact, through open cuts and scrapes, poor hygiene and sharing personal items, such as soap, towels, creams, razors and clothes.
Athletes are particularly prone: It has affected college and high-school-aged football players, wrestlers and rugby players. A Miami Dolphins football player lost a season because of a severe MRSA infection.
The Canadian Committee on Antibiotic Resistance and the Coaching Association of Canada has launched a campaign to educate coaches, parents and athletes about staph infections.
Pets, too, can be reservoirs for infection.
New Canadian guidelines to control MRSA recommend regular hand washing, covering any draining skin lesion and not sharing potentially contaminated personal articles. Doctors are urged to report suspected outbreak to public health authorities and to limit the use of antibiotics, because their over-use drives resistance.
The guidelines recommend alcohol-based hand sanitizers in sports facilities where there are no sinks, showering after every game or practice, avoiding sharing towels or equipment, cleaning equipment regularly, ideally after every use. Anyone with an open sore should avoid contact sports, and should stay away from common whirlpools or saunas.
Children with open or infected sores should also be kept away from day care or school until they're treated.
© The Calgary Herald 2007

try spune:
Da, la carcei spui cramps.
La multi ani cu multe bucurii pe noul an, fetelor.
Iar cu zapada... nu mi-as dori decat ca sa poata intelege si alex ce-i aia iarna si sa facem un omulet de zapada, dar altfel... duca-se. Numa sa nu fie de la incalzirea asta globala ca dupa ce-am vazut si filmul cu Al Gore nu pot spune decat ca suntem a bunch of ignorants.
"Tot ceea ce nu te doboara, te face mai puternic" Alex - 5 Nov. 2004 si Adrian 24 Aug. 2006 ......... poze cu noi

bebitzu spune:
"Acum ca a intrat Romania in UE as vrea sa-mi fac pasaport nou, profit de ocazie pentru ca si asa mai e putin si-mi expira. O sa avem cele mai tari pasapoarte din lumea asta, de Uniunea Europeana si de America de Nord, woooooow !!
Stiti cumva unde trebuie sa aplic si ce trebuie sa fac pentru a primi pasaportul cat mai repede ? Merci !"
Ira, din cate stiu eu vei avea un singur pasaport unde este trecuta si cetatenia romana in cazul in care vrei sa o pastrezi.Pasaportul va fi canadian si va fi unul singur.Sper sa nu ma insel, daca da,scuze.