Sezatoarea canadiana (55)

Raspunsuri - Pagina 13

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Link direct catre acest raspuns Crinia spune:

Ica asta
este preparatul pentru tratarea parului? Cam cit costa el?

Karina mamica lui LUCIAN (23 februarie 2005)

Oare cit avem?

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Link direct catre acest raspuns ange spune:

Ica,merci vine sa cred ca face minuni.maine merg sa mil cumpar.
pupici 1000

"nimeni nu moare virgin.viata i-o trage fiecaruia cel putin odata."

foto recente" target="_blank">povestea Maiei" target="_blank">povestea lui Robert

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Link direct catre acest raspuns Ica 1975 spune:

Crinia, da, acela este. Sunt 2 flacoane a cate 50 ml, unul ptr zi si unul ptr noapte. Eu am dat 60 CAD+taxe.
Sper sa va foloseasca


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Link direct catre acest raspuns Ira spune:

Ange, pachetul a ajuns we asta la barul fratelui tau din centru. Nu am mai multe amanunte, ca nu am avut timp sa vorbesc deloc cu ai mei. Te pup.

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Link direct catre acest raspuns lorelaim spune:

A fii sau a nu fii sora medicala in Canada...

Nurses report high levels of abuse, stress
Last Updated: Monday, December 11, 2006 | 12:03 PM ET
CBC News
Almost a third of nurses are physically assaulted by patients over the course of a year, according to a Statistics Canada survey that found nurses face high levels of abuse, overwork and stress.

The survey of nearly 19,000 Canadian nurses from October 2005 to January 2006 found the working conditions take a toll on their health.

The survey found:

29 per cent of nurses providing direct care said they were physically attacked by a patient in the previous year.
More than 40 per cent were emotionally abused by a patient.
48 per cent reported injury from a contaminated needle or a sharp object over the course of their careers. About 11 per cent had this type of injury in the previous year.
46 per cent were expected to work overtime. Half were not paid for their overtime hours, an average of four hours a week. Thirty per cent were paid and did five hours a week.
40 per cent of nurses don't have full-time jobs. As a result, 19 per cent work more than one job.
51 per cent of male nurses (45 per cent of female nurses) don't feel supported by their co-workers. But 90 per cent report good working relationships with doctors.
Nursing is more physically demanding than the average job in Canada.
Gail Beatty, a spokeswoman for the Toronto-based Registered Nurses Association of Canada, said she has faced abuse personally.

During the 20 years she worked as an emergency room nurse, she was struck by patients, had syringes and instruments thrown at her and was yelled at by patients and their families, she told CBC News.

There are too few nurses and too many patients, she said.

"It's very difficult for nurses to deliver the kind of care they want to deliver," she said. "This impacts on their emotional feelings, for one thing, and their satisfaction with their work."

Strain at work leads to absenteeism
The survey found 31 per cent of the nurses experience a high level of psychological strain, more than most Canadian workers report.

The strain leads to mental and physical illnesses, the survey said, finding that 17 per cent of nurses who reported high job strain were sick at least 20 days in the past year, compared with 12 per cent for nurses who reported less job stress.

More than half of the nurses said they took time off during the previous year for physical illness, while 10 per cent of nurses took time for mental health reasons.

One-third of nurses said their physical health made it difficult to handle their workload in the previous year.

Depression was reported by about 9 per cent of both female and male nurses in the previous year, compared with 7 per cent for women and 4 per cent for men in the overall employed population.

There are 314,900 regulated nurses in Canada, the largest occupational group in the health care sector. About 95 per cent of nurses are women.

The National Survey of Work and Health of Nurses was the first of its kind, conducted by Statistics Canada, Health Canada and the Canadian Institute for Health Information.

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Link direct catre acest raspuns Magdone spune:

Fetelor din Toronto,

La mine la firma avem nevoie de o persoana la contabilitate. Pozitia este part-time : de la 9 pana la 2.30, luni – vineri, Simply Accounting, Excel, Word , nu stiu cat de bine trebuie stiute astea. Firma e in Scarborough. Daca e cineva interesat, trimiteti-mi un pm.

Apropo, cine stie un patinoar pe langa Fairview mall, York Mill & DVP, vreau sa ies si eu cu Razvan sa patinez si nu stiu unde.

Va pup

Magdone si Razvan (19.07.2003)
"Pentru a castiga ceea ce merita sa ai, s-ar putea sa fie nevoie sa renunti la tot ceea ce ai deja."

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Link direct catre acest raspuns alona spune:

Magdone, incearca la Oriole Community Centre, e pe Don Mills 2975, aprope de Fairview Mall.

Sarbatori fericite tuturor!

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Link direct catre acest raspuns bebitzu spune:

"La mine la firma avem nevoie de o persoana la contabilitate. Pozitia este part-time : de la 9 pana la 2.30, luni – vineri, Simply Accounting"

ei uite, job d-asta vreau eu, cel putin pentru inceput.Magdone, de ce nu esti in Montreal ?

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Link direct catre acest raspuns khristin spune:

Irina, foarte bine scris articolul despre New York de sora ta....m-a facut sa revad orasul cu ochii mintii...asa ca astept cu nerabdare urmatoarea vizita acolo, se merita ....pana ajungeti fizic acolo, va recomand filmul de desene animate The Wild....connaisseurii stiu de ce


noi si poze mai noi

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Link direct catre acest raspuns ange spune:

ira,merci mult.
maine sun acasa sa le aud reactia

"nimeni nu moare virgin.viata i-o trage fiecaruia cel putin odata."

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