Sa ajutam la terapia pentru Ema

Raspunsuri - Pagina 17

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Link direct catre acest raspuns mari_paun spune:

o mami care vrea sa o ajute pe Ema a publicat un articol in

multumesc ANA pentru tot...
ajutati la terapia pt Ema
Mari, mami de Ema

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Link direct catre acest raspuns simona2007 spune:

buna, sunt Simona Alexandrescu, locuiesc in Iasi dar originile mele sunt in acelasi oras in care locuiti si voi - Slobozia. Stiu ce inseamna sa ai copii - am si eu doi Alexia si Rares. Este trist cazul fetitei tale fapt pentru care vreau sa va ajut sa revina bucuria si in casa voastra. Te rog sa iei legatura cu mama mea care locuieste la Slobozia dupa 12 februarie, ea este la noi acum, ca sa intri in posesia unui plic care te va ajuta in lupta pe care o duci.
Nr de telefon al mamei este 214182 - Baila Georgeta.
Pls. sa lasi un nr. de tel la care sa te contactam cand venim in vacanta.

Lupta si sunt sigura ca vei reusi!!!!!

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Link direct catre acest raspuns mari_paun spune:

buna Simona,
multumim pentru ca esti alaturi de noi si ne ajuti...sper ca atunci cand vii in vacanta sa ne vizitezi...

nr meu de telefon este 0729 12 45 96

o sa il las si pe PM
ajutati la terapia pt Ema
Mari, mami de Ema

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Link direct catre acest raspuns simona2007 spune:

Draga Mari, de cand am citit povestea voastra realmente sunt ravasita. Am o idee: de ce nu incerci sa infiintezi o asociatie nonguvernamentala?Sau sa contactezi o asociatie ... De ce spun asta pentru ca ai putea prin pliante, afise lipite in parc, oriunde.... sa incerci sa-i convingi pe cei care sunt angajati cu.. contract de munca sa opteze la sfarsit de an pentru virarea a 1% din impozit in contul acestei asociatii. Asa cred ca ai avea mai multe sanse... doar nu costa nimic.. oricum banii sunt opriti. Asa ai avea de castigat si statul de pierdut ...o noua masina pentru guvern. Eu anul trecut am ajutat asa o asociatie care ofera burse pentru copii fara posibilitati materiale.

uite un link gasit al unei asociatii din iasi

mai caut eu ceva si o sa mai scriu.

nu te lasa!!! muntencele sunt luptatoare.

ce marime poarta fetita ta?


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Link direct catre acest raspuns cristianc spune:

Buna Mari ,

in incercarea de a te ajuta am facut traducerea in engleza a eseului lui borcanila - daca e cineva care ar putea sa il mai rectifice pe aici pe colo, ar fi o idee buna sa incerci sa il trimiti vorbitorilor de alte limbi decat romana.

Forced Game
I had sung yesterday. Mom easy raised her lips tips, reduced her sight and then pounded on me with her arms wide opened. She sudden touched my face with her skin with its sourly taste, touched my back with her hands and I felt again the ring on her left hand. Her cheek was cold when she clinged it on my face. I eventually heard her saying something but I cannot remember what she said. I had sung another time too. I was turned with my back facing to her. Then I didn’t see what she did. I know that she though didn’t heard me, because when I am singing, she is always doing that with her hands. Sometimes she is raising me up-upward with her arms and then I feel like she is putting small wheels in my stomach. Those small wheels makes me wanting to be raised again and again. When I’m back on the ground, I still feel the air under my feet like small pillows.
Another times she puts my feet in small boots and then she puts me to wait near her. We are going out on the street and we are passing near a lot of people. Then are coming back the wheels I was saying. I never remember how many are the people near who we are passing near. We are passing near them and they near us and we walk, we walk and then we stop somewhere. Never the same way. Only when she brought me to the kindergarten. There I use to meet the same educator. She, the educator, was looking at me paying much attention to me. I don’t know why. Then she put me to sit on a little chair. When she puts me on that little chair, I had those small wheels in my stomach, but the small wheels were running faster. I liked the cubes. And the car toys. Car toys has small wheels too. When I used to take the toy cars in my hands, I had spinned their small wheels and those from my stomach was disappearing. Such a nice feeling. I don’t know why they was interrupting me, and they puts again the small boots on my feet, we were passing again near a lot of people and we were arriving home. At home I like to sing. I was singing again. Mom reduced her sight, she was raising again her lips tips, and she was pounding on me.
After going to kindergarten, the small wheels were running quickly quickly. Sometimes I felt them stopping. I knew then I had to sleep. When I sleep, am putting slowly myself on bed, then I’m waiting Mom. She is talking with someone who is called God. She is asking him to make from me a normal little girl. Sometimes Mom is sitting on a chair in the kitchen. She is moving her lips and I think she wants to tell me something. But behind her the curtain from the window is moving and I’m going dizzy. I cannot hear what she is saying to me. Then she is repeating. She is not raising at all her lips tips. She is coming near me and from her eyes are squirting water drops! What means that?
From a while, she brought home some girls. They are saying to me daily, “Let’s play!”
Do you know what means that? Playing means taking a doll and wearing it with its small clothes or you are entering in the toy house and making there a game. You are staying there a little and then you are coming out and you say, “Boo!” I cannot understand why I have to enter there. First, was appearing in my tummy the small wheels about which I told you before! Then I saw that if am doing the way girls were told me, am receiving a candy. The candy I like more is soft and has red tin-foil. They were giving to me that candy after I was saying, “Boo!” or when I was wearing the doll correctly. Now I have to ask for it. Do you know what means to ask for it? I have to tell, “I want!” When I’m saying, “I want!” the small wheels are appearing in my stomach. Then Mom is raising again her lips tips.
And all of them are applauding! And they say, “Bravo, Ema!”. Who is Ema? Is Mom Ema? Is the doll Ema? Am I Ema? Who am I? Am I Mom? Am I the doll? I am Ema. The small wheels appears to me. When they are calling Ema, I have to turn and then I receive the candy and to look into their eyes. Is just like then I would throw myself from an up place and I would put my feet again on the floor and I would feel those small pillows under my feet. I can hear Mom. Ema, I’m happy! Today you’ve said MOM. Who is Mom? Am I Mom? I start spinning around! The small wheels are going crazy! Mom is not Mom anymore. Mom changed. Mom is "happy"! What will happen from now with Mom? It will squirt water from her eyes? She will raise again her lips tips? Am spinning, am spinning, am spinning. When I am spinning, the house don’t have anymore walls. Do you know that the house’s walls are disappearing at all when you are spinning? I can hear Mom a little now. How nice it would be seeing her again tomorrow! How it will be tomorrow? How it feels like being "happy"? What will happen with my Mom from now. I had stopped. The phone rung. When the phone is ringing, Mom is talking with low voice. With me is talking loudly, differently. She is sitting in front of me and she is telling the words slowly, but am not looking at her. When am looking at her mouth, the small wheels starts. To sop them, am moving my hands. When am moving my hands, the small wheels stops but water starts to came out from Mom’s eyes. She is holding me slowly in her arms. Once she closed her eyes. She has her shirt soft smelling like marigolds cream. I liked it, something were hearing in her chest. It was like she has a clock there or a small drum. The girls are saying that there would be the heart Mom has no “heart”, she has a small drum. A heart cannot sound like a small drum. I listened her small drum. Who was playing the small drum? Mom was breathing more and more heavy. It was nice and warm there and strange how the sound of the small drum made small wheels from my stomach to disappear. Then I felt something more. I think it was my heart. I must have a heart too. The girls who are coming in the morning told me so. Do I have a heart?
Today I had been to the doctor. He puts me to wear a doll, too. He was wearing glasses. Having very thick frames. I think so. I didn’t liked his doll. I didn’t wanted to wear it. I had stayed near Mom. He told also I am autistic. I am Ema. I wanted to tell him! I am Ema. I am Mom. Am I autistic?

Mom has again water in her eyes. She took my hand and she went with me through people again. I am me and her. I am Ema, autistic, Mom is autistic Ema or I am Ema. Is Mom Ema? Autistic? Today am playing with the girls. I don’t know how to play. They are learning me. If am playing, Mom is always raising her lips tips. She told me that when she is doing that she is happy. My Mom is Mom. She is not "happy". If am playing am receiving candies. If am playing, I learn to be normal. The girls who are coming in the morning told me so. Mom told me that she loves me. I do NOT know why did she told me this. I knew it. Mom is Ema for me. And Ema is Mom!.
There are 1700000 children autistic children in Romania. Ema is one of them. Her chance is ABA therapy. Ema and her Mom have to force to play. This game costs 1,000 euro monthly. Forced game is the only chance for Ema. Her way to normality goes through Forced Game.

You can read more about Ema here:
You can hear her Mom in a interview here:

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Link direct catre acest raspuns mari_paun spune:

chiar maine merg sa vb cu unul dintre oamenii din Slobozia care vor sa o ajute pe Ema...
E vb despre Cristi Ursu ( CITY CLUB) care va face cunoscuta povestea Emei si unde speram ca membrii clubului sa ajute la terapia pt Ema, de asemenea vom face un plan de bataie pt o asociatie umanitara...
o sa revin cu amanunte cand va fii ceva concret...
Ema implineste 5 ani pe 25 februarie, are 110 cm si 25 kg, ma tot uit la lucrurile ei si nu gasesc masuri...decat in cm...are si de 110cm si de 140cm...

cristianc ...multumesc pentru traducerea eseului lui borcanila...
ajutati la terapia pt Ema
Mari, mami de Ema

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Link direct catre acest raspuns mari_paun spune:

campania de strangere de fonduri va incepe si la sala de fittnes CITY CLUB din SLOBOZIA, orasul unde locuieste Ema...
pentru inceput am pus postere cu Ema si mesaje despre autism si terapia de recuperare a Emei...
sloganul este AJUTATI-MA SA INTELEG LUMEA!!! si se vor da felicitari de valentine's day pentru fiecare donatie mai mare de ...5 lei.
ajutati la terapia pt Ema
Mari, mami de Ema

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Link direct catre acest raspuns simona2007 spune:

Fetita ta are o carticica Dino pad? Eu cred ca i-ar fi de mare folos si iar capta atentia. Nu stiu sigur daca stii cum arata, dar daca nu are o sa-i cumpar eu una care contine tablia cu creion si o carte cu o poveste. Daca are acest suport dupa aceea poti sa cumperi doar povestile sau alte activitati- sa invatam sa cantam, lumea animalelor,... si cardul atasat, ca sa mai schimbi. Realmente este foarte buna.

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Link direct catre acest raspuns mari_paun spune:

nu am o astfel de carte...
Ema are carti cartonate cu animale, puzle, carti si creioane colorate.. . NU am vazut in librarii ceva care sa semene cu ce spui tu...

multumi pt ca te gandesti la noi si ca ne ajuti
ajutati la terapia pt Ema
Mari, mami de Ema

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Link direct catre acest raspuns evitan spune:

chiar te rog sa ne dai si noua informatii despre aceasta carte, poate ca nu am observat-o in librarii ..

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