Fetele din America (66)
Raspunsuri - Pagina 14

michelle7 spune:
a cumparat cineva casa fara down payment? sau cu payment f. mic? noi am vrea sa ne luam o casa daca e posibil ,dar in afara faptului ca nu avem banii de avans mai avem si credit history aiurea, adica nu avem datorii, dar sotul meu a a plecat din us cu o datorie de 3000$ pe care a platit-o doar acum 8 luni .

michelle7 spune:
fetelor daca-mi permiteti,am gasit o lista cu 20 de sfaturi pt cei care cred ca dau prea multi bani pe mancare.
When it comes to the grocery store, the rules are the same as those for the stock market: Do your homework, don't fall for the hype and buy low.
Here are 20 ways to bring your food bill under control without sacrificing time, your family's health or your own sanity:
1. Eat your fruits and vegetables
2. Give those shelves the once-over
3. Stick to the edges
4. Shop early and alone
5. Set your shopping mood
6. Operate by the book
7. If you want to win the savings game, learn the rules
8. Know when to use a list
9. Know when not to use a list
10. Grocery stores are for groceries
11. Take a rain check
12. Know the system
13. Realize that more isn't always cheaper
14. Request price matching
15. Look for double coupons
16. Weigh before you pay
17. Beware of "discount store syndrome
18. Realize that sometimes the best bargain isn't the lowest price
19. Check your receipts
20. Put your savings to work
1. Eat your fruits and vegetables. "When you think about it, fruits and things like that are really fairly inexpensive compared to the packaged things," says Gary Foreman, publisher of The Dollar Stretcher, a Web site devoted to living better for less. And almost any time of year, stores have "a good selection no matter what you like," he says. "You're bound to find something year-round that's in season and, therefore, affordable."
Want to find the freshest and the cheapest? Investigate a local farmers market. With less middlemen involved, the produce tends to be "fresher, treated with less chemicals and cheaper," Foreman says.
2. Give those shelves the once-over. "The marketers aren't foolish," says Foreman. "They know that we're generally lazy." So they position the items they most want to sell on the shelves between knee- and shoulder-height. "The highest markup items are the ones at about chest level -- to make it really easy for you to grab it and toss it in the cart," says Foreman.
And that's where the most expensive name brands will be, says Jyl Steinback, author of Supermarket Gourmet. "You can save up to 40 percent by selecting house or generic brands."
3. Stick to the edges. For the most part, the healthy, less processed foods are at the edges of the grocery store: dairy, fruits and vegetables, meats, etc. Those are the most nutritious options, and they also go further in the kitchen. In addition, "the main areas where you're walking, the paths to milk and bread, are usually strewn with high-priced land mines," says Ellie Kay, author of Shop, Save, and Share. "Avoiding those pricey areas will really help."
4. Shop early and alone. "Try to shop when you're alone," says Steinback. "Those little helpers can quickly boost your bill." And if you shop early in the day, you get through the store faster with your list and spend less, she says.
5. Set your shopping mood. Nearly everyone knows that if you shop for food when you're hungry, you'll buy more. But did you know that you're also more likely to reach for those expensive snack food goodies if you're tired or angry?
"When you're tired, you try to get more energy through food," says Steinback, who has many of her personal training clients keep food diaries. "And people will grab the wrong choices: more sweets, more high-carbohydrates. When you're angry you go for crunch food, the junk food. So if you just had a fight, that's not the time to go shopping."
6. Operate by the book. You really want to beat the stores at the pricing game? Start keeping a book, says Foreman, who has a background in purchasing. His theory: most families prepare the same 10 to 20 recipes, using the same ingredients, again and again.
His advice: Start a notebook, with one page for each item your family buys regularly. Note what you usually pay. If you see an especially good price, make a note of where and what it is. Without a book, "I can't remember what I paid [for something] six weeks ago," says Foreman.
But if you have a crib sheet, you know if a store sale or special is hype or a good buy. When you find a real bargain, stock up.
The trick is "to buy on the markdowns," he says. "It's not at all uncommon for people to save 15 to 20 percent on groceries. You don't have to change your habits. Just buy when [items] are at low cost."
7. If you want to win the savings game, learn the rules. Read that weekly food section and check the Sunday paper to see what's on sale.
And don't forget the fine print in those offers. For example, at some stores "buy one, get one free" items ring up at half price, which means you can use a coupon on each one and double your savings, says Kay.
But other stores mark one item full-price and give you the other for free, allowing you to use only one coupon.
In addition, some retailers guarantee that if the item doesn't ring up at the correct price, you get it for free or at a discount. "Be sure you pay attention to the details," Kay says.
8. Know when to use a list. For staples, stick to what you'd already planned to buy before you walked into the store. "The only time to go off list is if you can combine savings factors [store sales, double coupons, etc.] and get a good buy," says Kay.
9. Know when not to use a list. When it comes to produce, take the farmer's market approach: Buy what's fresh, inexpensive and in season. Then adapt your menus accordingly. That way, you get good buys and your family gets the freshest food.
10. Grocery stores are for groceries. "Avoid purchasing nongrocery items at a grocery store," says Steinback, who advises consumers to weigh convenience vs. cost when they pick up supplies like painkillers, contact lens solution, mouthwash or toothpaste at the grocery store. "I know it's convenient," she says. "But, you double your cost."
11. Take a rain check. If you know that your store is offering a great price on something you use, but it's all gone when you arrive, get a rain check, says Kay.
12. Know the system. When does your store mark down goods that expire, like meat or bread?
"You can get significant markdowns on meats if you buy things that are about to expire that day," Foreman says. The deal: Use them that night or freeze them, he says.
Your store might also have a small section where they discount products that aren't as popular as the manufacturer had hoped. This area can be a gold mine for bargain hunters, Foreman says.
13. Realize that more isn't always cheaper. "It's not uncommon for readers to say they found things in lots of 24 where the unit price was higher than if they bought one," says Foreman. "The days that you could take one big package and know you were saving money are over."
His credo: "Unless you're better at math than most people, shop with a calculator."
14. Request price matching. Want to get the best prices on everything without driving all over town? "Find a store in your area that will honor all competitors' ads," says Kay. You'll save money, time and gas.
This is also a good way to get bargains on things like meat or vegetables, where coupons are rarely an option.
15. Look for double coupons. "In most places, what you will find is that a coupon will let you buy the nationally advertised brand at the same price as the generic or house brand," says Foreman. Instead, if you favor coupons, look for stores that offer double coupons, which "can be a real saver," he says.
16. Weigh before you pay. All 10-pound bags of potatoes "are not created equal," says Kay. "There could be a pound's difference." Weigh the pre-packed bags, and get the most for your money.
17. Beware of "discount store syndrome." Just because you're in a bargain store doesn't mean you're getting the best price on every item. "You have to consider whether it's a good bargain or not, and not mindlessly buy because it's a thrifty store," says Kay.
Her example: a warehouse club sells paper towels for 89 cents a roll that you normally see in your grocery store for 99 cents. Good buy? Not necessarily. If you have a 40-cents-off coupon that the grocery store will double, the grocery store cost is 19 cents. So do your homework before you shop.
18. Realize that sometimes the best bargain isn't the lowest price. There are times when you want to spend a little more on things that are important to you. For instance, a good-quality ground chuck with a little less fat or a loaf of really good whole-grain bread. Saving is great, but beware of buys that could be "penny-wise and pound-foolish," says Foreman.
"Your health is worth that," he says. "Medical bills are tough, even if you do have a good health plan."
19. Check your receipts. No matter how careful you or the store staff might be, mistakes happen. "I can't say it's widespread, but I do get reports of people saying they check grocery bills and very often they find mistakes," says Foreman. "And, four to one, they are in favor of the store."
20. Put your savings to work. Whether it's a trip, a car or a savings account, have some specific goals for the money you're not spending on food. Says Kay, "What good does it do to save all this money in the grocery store if you don't have a plan [for] what to do with that money?"

raly spune:
Fetelor, pt gingii sensibile cel mai bine mie mi-a mers cu apa de gura cu propolis trimisa de mama din Romania, iar aici este o apa de gura fara burn, se numeste Act,o gasiti in orice grocery store. Eu folosesc Listerine si Act in acelasi timp si cand am, pe cea cu propolis si vad ca situatia s-a imbunatatit mult.

bucluc spune:
Buna dimineata! Nu-mi vine sa cred ce active am devenit saptamana asta!
Eu ma simt datoare sa ingros randul celor care il recomanda pe Cornel de la NOVA Travel pt bilete de avion ieftine. A fost extrem de prompt, dragut si mi-a oferit un pret considerabil mai mic decat ce gasisem eu pe net. Ceea ce m-a amuzat insa a fost ca el nu stia de , insa de indata ce i-am spus ca e "cunoscut" aici pe site, a vrut sa intre si el sa vada unde isi au domiciliul virtual Fetele din America. A fost tare incantat si flatat!
Weekend placut! Eu ma duc incetut la coafor acum...

Llaura spune:
Buna dimineata,
Cine lua pe aici melatonin? Ca deja am intrecut masura, de vreo doua sapt nu am dormit mai mult de 5 ore pe noapte, iar azi noapte m-am culcat la 1 si m-am trezit la 5.
Am luat singura data melatonin si a doua zi am fost cheauna de cap.

ruxij spune:
Originally posted by nematics
Carmenb, cum ai ghicit ca-mi place Margheritta??
[b]Ruxij, daca vrei sa aplici ca independent ai varianta O1 daca nu esti in US si varianta EB1 daca esti in US si ai o pozitie in academia. Asta implica doctorat, publicatii citari samd - prin samd din 2004 ianuarie cind s-au luat o serie de masuri pentru inasprirea conditiilor de acordare a vizelor si de imigrare (legala, nu vorbim de ilegalii de acum) se intelege sa ai recunoastere pe plan international a muncii tale. Si s-a redus extrem de mult nr. acestor vize, din 2004.
Draga Nematics, asa este cum spui tu, asa stiu si eu, cu adaugirea ca mai e si EB2 la self-application (numit si waiver of national interest-tot cu doctorat si publicatii se aplica), nu doar EB1. Eu am aplicat pentru I140, self-aplication, categoria EB2, in Martie 2004 si mi s-a aprobat petitia in Ianuarie 2005, Green Cardul il am la ora asta. Ma gandeam insa ca o intrebare nu costa nimic, dar intr-adevar, si eu cam cred ca la situatia sotului lui Michelle Labor Department e solutia.

ruxij spune:
Cu bacsisul la tuns, eu dau doi dolari pentru un tuns de 10-12 dolari, sotul meu pentru acelash tuns da 5$. Daca e ceva mai scump las 10% sau mai mult. Dar mai rar sa ma duc eu la scump, asa ca d'aia m-am confuzat:))

sinzi_ana spune:
Eu m-am apucat de vitamine...ca ma simt tare obosita...mi-am lua din acelea "take 1 a day"...cu supliment de calciu...sper sa fie ok si sa isi faca datoria!!!
Poate ajuta si sa intareasca gingiile si sa nu mai imi cada parul...
Apropo de par...ce sampon e cel mai bun? Eu am un par tare pacatos...e f subtire, se ingrasa repede, si imi cade...A!..si isi schimba culoarea in functie de sampon sau anotimp (ba blond, ba roscat, ba roscat inchis...ba maro...)
Pana acum foloseam sampon de bebelusi..dar aici nu imi gasesc samponul potrivit...
Iau in fiecare zi viata de la capat
Sinzi, Radusi David

sinzi_ana spune:
Nemantics, cum e cu foster parent??? Il iei in grija sau il infiezi?
Ce sanse ai sa infiezi un copil?? DAca esti cetatean roman cu domiciliul in sua, si ai acte in regula poti sa infiezi???
De aici sau din Ro???
Iau in fiecare zi viata de la capat
Sinzi, Radusi David

adrienne12 spune:
Ruxij eu dau la coafor 10-20% din suma indiferent ce-mi fac pt. ca e o coafeza tare priceputa si imi place de ea.Michelle, eu sint programator, am venit aici cu viza de student pe care am schimbat-o urgent pe H1 pt. ca am gasit job imediat; era criza de programatori. Eu am facut hirtiile singura pt. schimbarea vizei si paltit avocatul, employerul doar le-a semnat. De altfel era o start-up company in basementul cuiva si eram tot asa vreo 15 oameni. Dupa vreun an jumate am aplicat pt. green card cu acelasi avocta, eu l-am platit ($5mii) si employerul doar a semnat hirtiile. Dupa 5 ani de green card am aplicta pt. cetatenie si asta e. Casa am cumparat cu vreo 3 mii de dolari down payment acum vreo citiva ani. Dezavantajul cu asta este ca platesti MIP (motgage insurance) si practic in primeii 5 ani toti banii pe care ii dai merg la dobida si mip. daca poti sa dai mai mult jos e mai bine. Ce am facut eu dupa 2 ani este refinatare, am luat un nou loan pe 15 ani cu dobinda f. mica si MIP exxtrem de mic pe care il termin de patit in citeva luni (e.g. cind principalaul platit e la 20%din valoarea intitala a casei nu mai se plateste MIP).Iuliana ti-as sugera sa iei cursuri de dans. Poate ti se pare aiurea insa am vazut oameni divortati, cu operatii pe inima si cu tot felul de alte probleme, inclusiv oameni carora le-au plecat copiii la faculate sau studenti sau doctoranzi in domenii f. grele, oameni stresati care se destindeau in felul acesta. Nici nu stii cum iti faci prieteni si mai uite de toate. Apoi e o forma de exercitiu fizic.Sinziana cu gingiile nu e de glumit. De cite ori ajung in stadiul asta dentistul meu curata gura, in sensul ca imi amorteste gingiile cu injectii, si curata adinc sub gingii. Dupa asta e ok. Am facut si injectii cu antibiotic etc...Nu cred ca trece de la sine doar spalindu-te pe dinti ca altfel mi-ar fi trecut si mie de mult. Eu am problema asta de cind am venit in sua. Nu iti recomand sa mergi la dentist fara asigurare mai putin daca esti dispusa sa platesti $$$$ pt. ca iti vor spune ca trebuie facute una, alta despre care denumiri nu vei sti ce sint dar ti se va spune ca sint absil;ut necesare. Cumpara asigurare sau mergi in Ro pt. asta.