Fibrom uterin (11)

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Fibrom uterin" target="_blank">(1)" target="_blank">(2)" target="_blank">(3)" target="_blank">(4)" target="_blank">(5)" target="_blank">(6)" target="_blank">(7)" target="_blank">(8)" target="_blank">(9)" target="_blank"> (10)
La propunerea lui Kim va invitam sa participati la sondajul urmator:
Fetele care au reusit sa rezolve aceasta problema si/ sau sa ramana insarcinate dupa ce au descoperit un fibrom uterin sunt rugate sa raspunda la urmatoarele intrebari:
Despre fibrom
1) Cum ai descoperit ca ai fibrom uterin?
2) La ce varsta?
3) Care a fost marimea lui?
4) Tipul acestuia
5) Pozitia acestuia
6) Ce simptome ati avut?
7) Cauze posibile
8) Cum s-a rezolvat? Tratament sau operatie sau altceva
9) Cu ce fel de tratament/ operatie/ embolizare
10) Ai reusit sa ramai insarcinata?
11) Dupa cat timp?
12) Cum a decurs sarcina/ nasterea?
13) Evolutia fibromului, si alte probleme medicale daca au existat.
Nota: Ar fi ideal sa raspundeti pe puncte, rezultatele vor fi mai usor de urmarit.


MadaS spune:
cred ca prietenul din Bucuresti avea dreptate.Pana nu vezi un medic specialist in eco (iar nu doar ginecolog) nu poti da crezare 100% la ce ti-a spus dr din Craiova.Si chiar daca are dreptate, poti ramene insarcinata, fibroamele tale sunt nimic.
Citeste cu grija capitolele preceente din fibrom Vei afla multe, si vei vedea cum fete cu fibrome mari si fara sanse de la dr duc sarcini la capat fara probleme.Kim e un exemplu, felicitari, cel mai recent, dar nu si ultimul.Fibroamele tale nu cerd ca pun probleme reale pt o sarcina.
La Filantropia mergi la dr PELTECU.E seful clinicii, si primeste si paciente noi.Apeleaza la cunostinta si te va ajuta sa ajungi la el

arinna spune:
Danotino, felicitari !
Mona, sper ca la Bucuresti sa afli vesti cat mai bune !
Mada, nu stiam ce e cu tine !!!

danotino spune:
arinna, multumesc!
e bine ca m-am mai linistit.
sper din tot sufletul sa raman cat mai repede!

arinna spune:
Uitati un link f interesant despre suplimente alimentare care pot dizolva fibroamele
N-am reusit decat sa arunc o privire, abia am descoperit linkul,e de studiat...
va pup !

arinna spune:
Am copiat si aici prima pagina, e interesant pentru cine stie ceva engleza...
Uterine Fibroid Tumors
Uterine Fibroid Tumors
A woman’s fibroisis condition usually associated with estrogen dominance.
Uterine fibroid tumors are found most often in the uterus of women in their 30's and 40's. Between 20-50% of women of childbearing age have uterine fibroids. They are usually benign (non-cancerous) tumors.
Read Lorraine's Story about how she shrunk her fibroid tumor with Vitalzym.
Dr. John Lee's books on
Menopause and Premenopause
Uterine fibroid tumors are nodules of smooth muscle cells and fibrous connective tissue that develop within the wall of the uterus, hence the name 'fibroid' tumor. Medically they are called uterine leiomyoma or myoma. Fibroids may grow as a single nodule or in clusters and may range in size from 1 mm to more than 20 cm (8 inches) in diameter. They may grow within the wall of the uterus or they may project into the interior cavity or toward the outer surface of the uterus. In rare cases, they may grow on stalks or peduncles projecting from the surface of the uterus.
While many women do not experience any problems, symptoms can be severe enough to require treatment, and are the most common indication for surgery, including hysterectomy, myomectomy, and uterine fibroid embolization.
There are four primary types of uterine fibroids, classified primarily according to location in the uterus:
Subserosal These fibroids develop in the outer portion of the uterus and continue to grow outward.
Intramural The most common type of fibroid. These develop within the uterine wall and expand making the uterus feel larger than normal (which may cause "bulk symptoms").
Submucosal These fibroids develop just under the lining of the uterine cavity. These are the fibroids that have the most effect on heavy menstrual bleeding and the ones that can cause problems with infertility and miscarriage.
Pedunculated Fibroids that grow on a small stalk that connects them to the inner or outer wall of the uterus.
Uterine Fibroid Symptoms and Complications
Many women with fibroids experience little to no symptoms or complications that require treatment. Women who do experience uterine fibroid symptoms may suffer from pelvic pain, abnormal menstruation, and a variety of other conditions. Pregnancy may be complicated, resulting in miscarriage, premature birth, and other difficulties.
Uterine Fibroid Symptom Check List
Abnormal Menstruation and Bleeding
Pelvic pain
Bladder and Bowel Problems
Miscarriage, Pregnancy Complications, and Infertility
Weight gain
Abnormal Menstruation and Bleeding
Fibroids can result in a number of abnormal menstruation symptoms. Periods may be longer and more frequent than normal. Bleeding may also occur between periods. Tumor pressure can result in severe cramping. Menorrhagia, or heavy prolonged menstrual flow, is also possible.
Women with menorrhagia (heavy bleeding) may pass blood clots, and may develop anemia (decreased red blood cells and hemoglobin). In rare occurrences, blood loss can be life threatening.
Pelvic Pain
Pressure from tumor growth can result in dull, aching pelvic pain. This sensation is sometimes reported as pain, or as a feeling of pressure in the abdomen and/or back. Pain may also be experienced during sexual intercourse, a condition known as dyspareunia. Occasionally, the stem of a pedunculated fibroid may twist, blocking the blood vessels in the fibroid in much the same way a kink in a garden hose prevents water flow. This results in sharp, severe pain. In this circumstance, hospitalization and surgical removal of the growth will be required.
Bladder and Bowel Problems
The pressure of a growing tumor can cause bladder and bowel problems. Women may find it difficult to urinate, or conversely, experience urgent and frequent urination. The need to urinate may force women to get up several times a night resulting in sleep deprivation. Some women have reported reccurring bladder and/or kidney infections. Constipation, hemorrhoids, and difficult bowel movements may all occur as the fibroid puts pressure on the bowels.
Miscarriage, Pregnancy Complications, and Infertility
Most women with fibroids have normal pregnancies. However, the possibility of a miscarriage is higher if fibroids are present. The increased blood flow to the uterus during pregnancy can cause fibroid growth. If the tumor blocks the uterine passage, a C-section may be required. Large growths also increase the chance of premature delivery, and greater blood loss during delivery. Occasionally, a growth may block the uterus so completely that it causes infertility.
Weight Gain
Benign uterine growths can grow to large sizes without producing symptoms. This may only be detectable as gradual weight gain and distention of the abdomen, as if the woman was pregnant. As malignant tumors can also cause this type of distention, it is important to consult your doctor if you experience sudden, inexplicable weight gain.
What Causes Uterine Fibroids?
Although no precise answers exist for the development of uterine fibroid tumors, there is a link between fibroids and estrogen production. Fibroids do not develop until the body begins producing estrogen during the onset of menstruation. During the reproductive years, hormonal imbalance can cause fibroids to form and grow. Hormonal imbalance occurs when estrogen and progesterone are not present in the proper proportions. The most common imbalance that causes fibroids is low progesterone in ratio to estrogen.
Progesterone development decreases during the 30s and 40s. When additional estrogen, such as found in birth control pills, hormone replacement therapy, and plant and environmental estrogens is brought into the mix, hormonal imbalance occurs. Additionally, fibroid tumors may grow very quickly during pregnancy when the body is producing extra estrogen.
They often shrink and disappear after menopause when the body stops producing estrogen. A woman will almost never develop fibroid tumors after menopause.
How Vitalzym and OTHER Supplements May Help
We make a finite amount of enzymes in a lifetime and levels decrease with age. With ever diminishing enzyme levels, internal organs begin to collect deposits of fibrin, causing women to develop conditions such as uterine fibroid tumors and fibrocystic breast disease. Replacing enzymes through supplementation assists the body in eliminating abnormal formation of fibrous tissue.
Vitalzym - Vitalzym contains proteolytic (protein digesting) enzymes as its active ingredients. The serrapeptase contained in Vitalzym is a powerful proteolytic enzyme. Fibroid tumors are made up of proteins in the form of fibrin, muscle cells, and red blood cells. Vitalzym can digest the protein in tumors when taken at an “activation dose,” causing tumor shrinkage.
Natural Progesterone - Natural progesterone cream supplements low progesterone levels and balances the ratio between estrogen and progesterone, thereby assisting in promoting proper hormone balance. It can be safely used by menstruating women, pre- and peri-menopausal women, and menopausal women. Additionally, women who may not be highly estrogen dominant find that if a progesterone cream is used on a regular basis, their menses and PMS are less difficult.
DIM - Diindolylmethane - Diindolylmethane (DIM) is a powerful metabolizer of estrogen, assisting in removing excess estrogen and benefiting conditions associated with estrogen dominance. Supplementation with DIM can help promote proper estrogen levels through the pre- and peri-menopausal years. These conditions include uterine fibroid tumors, fibrocystic breasts, glandular dysfunction, and more.
Myomin - Myomin is a formula of five Chinese herbs that promote proper hormonal balance. Like DIM, Myomin also metabolizes excess estrogens. Myomin can reduce levels of bad estrogens and promotes production of the good estrogens. Additionally, some of the herbs help promote shrinkage of tumors and cysts.
Magnesium Citrate - Some fibroids, especially older ones, develop a calcium coating which can get in the way of enzymes dissolving the fibrin within. Magnesium, when taken alone without calcium, can help to remove the calcification of uterine fibroid tumors.
Zinc - Zinc is important for peak gynecological function. Zinc assists the body in absorbing enzymes, such as those found in Vitalzym, to help them work as efficiently as possible in the body
SSS Tonic and Sublingual B-Total - Many women with fibroid tumors are anemic. SSS Tonic, a liquid iron supplement, and Sublingual B-Total, a B-vitamin and folic acid supplement, are for women who are clinically anemic to help raise their iron levels.
Suggested Further Reading
Vitalzym Suggested Use for Fibroid Tumors
Hormonal Balance - for more information about balancing hormones when you have fibroid tumors.
Progesterone Creams, DIM, Myomin, Magnesium, and Zinc - for products which may assist in the process of dissolving fibroid tumors.
FAQs - to answer questions you may have.
Vitalzym Suggested Use - for more information about using Vitalzym, the phases of cleansing, and what to expect.

maryd spune:
Buna, fetelor!
Nu v-am scris cam de multisor...Am fost foarte preocupata in ultimul timp,dar nu legat de bebe.Acum incep sa ma preocup de problema...Eu ma simt foarte bine dupa operatia de fibrom pe care am facut-o in luna septembrie 2005.C----l este regulat,cel mult 3 zile si foarte putin( jumatate de pachet de tampoane este prea mult, fata de cel putin 3 pachete cat foloseam inainte de operatie ).Nu ma doare nimic, cu exceptia unor mici intepaturi in dreptul ovarului drept,unde la operatie s-a scos si un chist.Intepaturile sant foarte slabe si foarte rare,nu am urmarit foarte bine, dar cred ca apar in perioada fertila.O sa ma monitorizez incepand cu luna aceasta am "liber".
Va pup pe toate!

mirel_p spune:
Buna tuturor!
Ma numesc Mirela si as vrea sa ma alatur grupului vostru.Am fost operata de fibrom(miomectomie clasica) acum 2.5 ani si desi dupa operatie nu ''s-a mai constatat'' prezenta nici unuia, au reparut deja 3; mici e drept dar exista
Operatia a constat in extirparea a 4 subserosi de 76, 65, 47 si 37mm; eu stiam initial doar de unul de 30(cu care credeam eu ca pot duce o sarcina fara probleme.Am ramas insarcinata si, la 6 saptamani au inceput sa se vada fibroamele pe burta-de marimea unor mandarine.Mi s-a explicat ca nu apuc sa duc sarcina nici la 5 luni si m-au chiuretat.La o luna fix am intrat in operatie-care a durat 3 ore si ceva(dupa spusele sotului meu).Am fost foarte bine pregatita moral, drept urmare am iesit din spital in 5 zile iar in a 8 a zi eram deja la birou(si nu mi-a facut nimeni statuie sa stiti!). Am crezut ca asta a fost partea cea mai grea.
A trecut timpul si nimic; adica nu am mai ramas; ba am trecut prin niste modif hormonale: am avut de-a face cu ceva gen acnee desi nu am avut niciodata asa ceva, aparuse un chist pe ovarul drept...
Am inceput investigatiile; dupa HSG am constatat ca sunt intr-o singura trompa(citind mai bine biletul de iesire din spital mi-am dat seama ca de fapt in tp operatiei s-a intamplat ceva cu ea - se pare ca s-a lipit de nu stiu ce organ?!?)
Deci sunt intr-o trompa, ovarul corespunzator e tocmai cel care face chisturi ...
Asa ca ma intreb, mai am sanse pe cale naturala sau trec pe inseminare, sau pe FIV?

carm3n spune:
Pentru Blanche31-cu fibromul de 10 cm!
Fetele au dreptate, nu trebuie sa disperi,vei gasi aici foarte multe informatii referitoare la fibrom si foarte mult sprijin moral.
Nu sunt de acord cu afirmatia ca "un fibrom de 10 cm este prea mare pentru embolizare", au fost embolizate fibroame mult mai mari.Cine-i dr ca ti-a spus sa nu faci embolizare daca pot sa intreb? Sora mea a facut in noiembrie, am scris aici pe site despre asta si avea un fibrom mai mare decat al tau.La o luna de la embolizare fibromul scazuse cativa centimetri si menstruatia i-a venit normal.Cat am stat cu ea in spital am vorbit cu o fata care trebuia sa nasca si avea un fibrom embolizat de dimensiuni mici atunci si am auzit doctorii vorbind de embolizarea unui fibrom cu dimensiunea de 20 cm!!
Incearca si asta inainte de despre tratamente naturiste in cazul fibromului eu nu am auzit...
Parerea mea este sa vorbesti si cu doctorul care face embolizarea si nu doar cu ginecologul, te va ajuta sa iei hotararea cea mai buna in cazul tau.

kim spune:
Salutare la toate fetele, eu va citesc in continuare chiar daca nu mai scriu atat de des, stiti ca ma gasiti mai mult la mamici de martie-aprilie.
Vad ca sunt atatea fete disperate din cauza fibroamelor, care poate nu au timpul si rabdarea sa citeasca toate capitolele de la Fibrom uterin, carora poate le lipseste informatia, increderea, speranta, puterea de a lupta...
Propun moderatoarei sa faca o statistica pe prima pagina cu reusitele fetelor de aici. Reusite ale tratamentelor naturiste, ori dupa operatie/ embolizare, sarcina, bebei, etc. Dimensiunile fibroamelor, evolutia lor... Fete care au scapat de fibroame sau care traiesc bine mersi cu ei.
Spre exemplu, la capitolul bebei Rachel Owen, Margot, Monica Elena, Florinini...
(eu fiind la capat de sarcina, in speranta ca peste o luna si un pic sper sa ma laud cu o bebelina).
Rog fetele sa treaca pe aici si sa ajute la competarea listei.
Eu sunt bine, Alicia creste frumos, la ultima echo sapt. trecuta avea 2160 g, perfect in grafic, pozitionata de iesire cu caputul in jos. Fibromul a mai crescut un pic (de la 7cm a ajuns la 9, totusi era de asteptat),a coborat jos de tot, cam aproape de col din pacate, s-ar putea sa fie o indicatie de cezariana, dar altfel colul este lung si inchis. Ziua ma simt excelent, noaptea mai am dureri dar suportabile, balerina misca intr-una draga de ea, asa ca ma rog sa duc sarcina cat de mult. Dr. mea e f optimista deoarece sarcina s-a derulat uimitor de bine si prevede o nastere la termen fara probleme, luand masuri de precautie in caz de hemoragie mai mare (banca de sange) si fara intentia de a umbla la fibrom atata vreme cat e asimptomatic. Deci totul se anunta bine, tineti-mi pumnii si nu incetati sa sperati!
34 fix KIM & p’tit bout d’chou