Limba engleza
Raspunsuri - Pagina 3
cataghe spune:
Da, cred ca asta e figura, cu "next year" sau "following year"!!! Zenks, Oana_B!! Dar este "following year" sau "the following year"?
Dar in situatia in care e vorba de anul urmator momentului din trecut la care se face referinta (1996 in exemplul vostru), nu e suficient daca spun "the next year"?
Cu chestia cealalta, bineinteles, sau "he would write", sau "he was going to write", in nici un caz "he would going to write". Eu am subliniat would/was pt a scoate in evidenta formele de trecut, nu de altceva.
Hai mai ziceti!
This is the first day of the rest of my life!
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Caroline spune:
Multumesc pentru toate explicatiile, imi sunt superutile. Am intrat doar sa va multumesc pentru ca inca stau si le "rumeg". Incerc sa le aplic, dar pentru ca in mod spontan n-am cum sa ma gandesc la gramatica... ar dura o vesnicie pana as raspunde, incerc sa fac ceva exercitii pe cont propriu. Asa ca ... mi-ati dat de lucru si va multumesc. Cred ca ar fi bine daca as gasi vre-un forum, ca sa pot raspunde fara limita de timp.... mai caut.
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antoioana spune:
Originally posted by cataghe
Da, cred ca asta e figura, cu "next year" sau "following year"!!! Zenks, Oana_B!!Dar este "following year" sau "the following year"?
Este the next/following year.
Numai bine.
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Donia spune:
Offffffff, mi se pare tare greu cateodata. Concordonta timpurilor ma omoara. In scris mai e cum mai e, dar la vorbit se duce de rapa toata teoria. Oare o sa reusesc vreodata?
Fetelor, am nevoie de ajutor. Eu nu pot sa merg la cursul de limba, se duce sotul si facem temele impreuna. Si nu gasim traduceri pentru niste expresii, e vorba de cele subliniate, eu am pus in paranteza ce cred eu ca este. (Am nevoie de intelesul expresiilor tot in engleza)
My friend's business is on the skids. (Going down?)
George's ideas are off the wall. (inadequate?)
That's enough silliness. Let's talk turkey. (serious?)
Victor was in hot water for not cleaning the garage. (in trouble?)
Cred ca "on the skids" s-ar traduce "pe butuci" in romana, dar in engleza?
Daca va tin nervii, mai am cateva (tot engleza-engleza, daca se poate, dar si in romana imi e de ajutor):
fly off the handle
beside herself
in a bind (in a difficult situation?)
put up with
comes through
in the doghouse
on the fence
down in the dumps
Multumesc mult!
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Oana_B spune:
Tie iti trebuie definitia din dictionar sau inlocuit cu o alta expresie slang care sa insemne acelasi lucru?
Pot sa te ajut cu ce scrie in webster (echivalentul dex-ului romanesc). Imi pare rau ca nu stiu expresii slang sinonime.
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Andrada spune:
Originally posted by Donia
Offffffff, mi se pare tare greu cateodata. Concordonta timpurilor ma omoara. In scris mai e cum mai e, dar la vorbit se duce de rapa toata teoria. Oare o sa reusesc vreodata?
Fetelor, am nevoie de ajutor. Eu nu pot sa merg la cursul de limba, se duce sotul si facem temele impreuna. Si nu gasim traduceri pentru niste expresii, e vorba de cele subliniate, eu am pus in paranteza ce cred eu ca este. (Am nevoie de intelesul expresiilor tot in engleza)
My friend's business is on the skids. (Going down?)
George's ideas are off the wall. (inadequate?)
That's enough silliness. Let's talk turkey. (serious?)
Victor was in hot water for not cleaning the garage. (in trouble?)
Cred ca "on the skids" s-ar traduce "pe butuci" in romana, dar in engleza?
Daca va tin nervii, mai am cateva (tot engleza-engleza, daca se poate, dar si in romana imi e de ajutor):
fly off the handle
beside herself
in a bind (in a difficult situation?)
put up with
comes through
in the doghouse
on the fence
down in the dumps
Multumesc mult!
Nu e slang sint "Idioms"
uite un link f bun care te ajuta sa le inveti. Sint puse alfabetic, iar la sfirsitul fiecarei litere poti da si un mic test.
L’amore che move il sole e l’altre stelle. Dante
Iubirea misca soarele si celelate stele
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blancas spune:
-on the skids – (informal)to be in a bad situation that will get worse
-off the wall – (informal) unusual and amusing, slightly crazy
-talk turkey-(informal) to talk about sth seriously
- be in hot water – (informal) to be in or get into trouble
-shake-up(depinde de context)- shake sb up-to surprise sb and make them think about sth in a different way, become more active, etc: Shaken up by the early goal against them, the team began to fight back.; shaken up-shocked, upset or frightened by something.
-fly off the handle- to suddenly become very angry
-in a bind- in a difficult situation that you do not know how to get out of
-put up with sb/sth- to accept sb/sth that is annoying, unpleasant etc, without complaining; syn:tolerate: I am not going to put up with their smoking any longer.
-comes through-are mai multe significatii: 1.(of news or a message) to arrive by telephone,radio or through an official organization.2.come through sth-to get better after a serious illness or to avoid serious injury.3.come through with smt- to successfully do or complete sth that you have promised to do: The bank finally came through with the money.
- be in the doghouse- (informal) if you are in the doghouse, sb is annoyed with you because of something you have done
-down in the dumps- (informal) feeling unhappy; syn: depressed
E foarte important sa ai dictionar englez-englez,de ex Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary(exista si cu CD)
Sper sa iti fi fost de folos
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Cleomax spune:
[quote]Originally posted by Donia
My friend's business is on the skids. (Going down?)yep
George's ideas are off the wall. - crazy, weird, unusual
That's enough silliness. Let's talk turkey. (serious?)or frankly
Victor was in hot water for not cleaning the garage. (in trouble?)corect
shaken-up- upset,distraught
fly off the handle- losing control
beside herself- overcome with emotion, crazy, agitated
in a bind (in a difficult situation?)yep
put up with- to accept a given situation( or person)
comes through- gets the job done, ready, helps out( depinde de situatie)
in the doghouse- in trouble, in a bind, in a tough situation, in somebody's disgrace( as sometimes on this here forum )
on the fence- asta n-am auzit-o
down in the dumps- in a bad situation
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Donia spune:
Va multumesc pentru raspunsurile prompte, am avut timp sa rezolvam lectiile si deja sotul a plecat la scoala!
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Cleomax spune:
am aflat ce e "on the fence"- undecided(la stiri spuneau de kerry ca e on the fence, adica voteaza odata intr-un fel, alta data altfel).
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