Limba engleza
Raspunsuri - Pagina 2
khristin spune:
Haideti sa ingros si eu randurile terminat franceza-engleza si sunt agajata pe un post bilingv. Mai trec pe la voi ca sunteti simpatice,
cataghe spune:
Originally posted by conchita
Cata, ca sa nu se inteleaga ca orice fraza care are principala la prezent/trecut cere subordonata la present perfect continuous, respectiv past perfect continuous, trebuie sa spunem ca ne referim strict la aspectul continuous aici, nu in general.
caci pot foarte bine sa spun:
I know he wrote his book 10 years ago.
He told me that he will/is going to write his book next year.
Nu, eu am vrut sa gasesc un exemplu pentru folosirea lui past perfect continuous, si sa explic de ce sa foloseste el acolo.
Cit despre sequence of tenses:
I know he wrote his book 10 years ago. - corect, dar deja daca spui
I knew - atunci he wrote devine he had written - nu?
I knew he had written his book 10 years before. Asta inseamna sequence of tenses. Gresesc?
La celalalt exemplu:
He told me that he will/is going to write his book next year.
nu stiu daca e corect, poate ca se foloseste in limba vorbita. Insa gramatical corect cred ca ar trebui sa fie:
He told me that he would/was going to write his book year/the next year (?! aici nu mai stiu nici eu)
Mey, Khristin si restul filoloagelor, puneti si voi umarul aicea, nu ne lasati in ceata, pliiiiiz!
This is the first day of the rest of my life!
iubibubi spune:
vin si eu cu o "schema" pt. sequence of tenses:
daca predicatul din propozitia regenta este la timp trecut, in propozitiile subordonate se folosesc timpuri verbale in functie de relatia exprimata:
- simultaneitate:
I said I was going to the cinema.
- anterioritate:
I said I had been at the cinema.
- posterioritate:
I said I would go to the cinema.
iubibubi spune:
si una pt. indirect speech:
1. statements
dupa verbul "zicerii" la trecut (past tense - said, told), timpurile din vorbirea directa se transforma astfel:
* present tense -> past tense
I don't like pizza -> She said she didn't like pizza
* present perfect -> past perfect
I have seen this movie -> She said she had been seen that movie
* past tense -> past perfect
I wrote and sent the letter -> She said she had written and sent the letter
* future tense -> future-in-the-past
I'll meet you there -> She said she would meet me there
2. questions
* yes/no questions - if/whether + statement (subiect+predicat - predicatul respecta regulile de mai sus)
- Do you like pizza? -> She wanted to know if I liked pizza
- Have you seen my keys? -> She asked him if he had been seen her keys
- Did you buy it? -> He wanted to know if I had bought it
- Will you come inside? -> He wondered if I would come inside
* special questions - wh- (question word: what, where, when, who, how etc.) + statement 9subiect+predicat)
- What's your name? -> He wanted to know what my name was
- Where have you been? -> He wondered where I had been
- When did you buy it? -> He inquired when I had bought it
- How long will it last? -> He asked how long it would last
* orders, commands, requets etc. - infinitives
- Turn off the radio! -> He asked me to turn the radio off
- Don't say that! -> She told us not to say that.
khristin spune:
Originally posted by cataghequote:
Originally posted by conchita
Cata, ca sa nu se inteleaga ca orice fraza care are principala la prezent/trecut cere subordonata la present perfect continuous, respectiv past perfect continuous, trebuie sa spunem ca ne referim strict la aspectul continuous aici, nu in general.
caci pot foarte bine sa spun:
I know he wrote his book 10 years ago.
He told me that he will/is going to write his book next year.
Nu, eu am vrut sa gasesc un exemplu pentru folosirea lui past perfect continuous, si sa explic de ce sa foloseste el acolo.
Cit despre sequence of tenses:
I know he wrote his book 10 years ago. - corect, dar deja daca spui
I knew - atunci he wrote devine he had written - nu?
I knew he had written his book 10 years before. Asta inseamna sequence of tenses. Gresesc?
La celalalt exemplu:
He told me that he will/is going to write his book next year.
nu stiu daca e corect, poate ca se foloseste in limba vorbita. Insa gramatical corect cred ca ar trebui sa fie:
He told me that he would/was going to write his book year/the next year (?! aici nu mai stiu nici eu)
Mey, Khristin si restul filoloagelor, puneti si voi umarul aicea, nu ne lasati in ceata, pliiiiiz!
This is the first day of the rest of my life!
Daca e sa asculti cum se vorbeste franceza sau engleza chiar si intr-o tara bilingva cum e Canada - nu mai poti sa vorbesti in nici un caz de sequence of ca deja ai intrat in prea multe detalii refer la spoken language fireste, unde nici o regula nu se aplica....daca ne referim la written language atunci se aplica ceea ce ai spus tu mai sus (ti-as da 10 plus)....Imi amintesc ce mare importanta avea in facultate transformarea timpurilor si adverbelor (ce mare caz se facea ...). Lasand gluma la o parte mi se pare de bun simt cand scrii un document sa fie "spotless" si sa dovedesti cunostinte temeinice, fara a face gafe de limba.
P.S. He told me that he would/was going to write his book the following year.
conchita spune:
Originally posted by cataghe
La celalalt exemplu:
He told me that he will/is going to write his book next year.
nu stiu daca e corect, poate ca se foloseste in limba vorbita. Insa gramatical corect cred ca ar trebui sa fie:
He told me that he would/was going to write his book year/the next year (?! aici nu mai stiu nici eu)
daca next year este anterior momentului vorbirii, atunci este was going to. daca e vorba pur si simplu de viitor, din punct de vedere al momentului vorbirii atunci e cum ti-am zis. in romaneste suna mai clar:
Mi-a spus ca va scrie o carte la anul.
-unde anul este cel urmator momentului in care domnul ne povesteste despre ce i-a spus scriitorul.
daca era cum zici tu si Kristin, atunci intelesul ar fi urmatorul:
Mi-a spus in 1995 ca voia sa scrie o carte in anul urmator (deci in '96).
-dar discutia are loc in 2004 ;)
khristin spune:
Originally posted by conchitaquote:
Originally posted by cataghe
La celalalt exemplu:
He told me that he will/is going to write his book next year.
nu stiu daca e corect, poate ca se foloseste in limba vorbita. Insa gramatical corect cred ca ar trebui sa fie:
He told me that he would/was going to write his book year/the next year (?! aici nu mai stiu nici eu)
daca next year este anterior momentului vorbirii, atunci este was going to. daca e vorba pur si simplu de viitor, din punct de vedere al momentului vorbirii atunci e cum ti-am zis. in romaneste suna mai clar:
Mi-a spus ca va scrie o carte la anul.
-unde anul este cel urmator momentului in care domnul ne povesteste despre ce i-a spus scriitorul.
daca era cum zici tu si Kristin, atunci intelesul ar fi urmatorul:
Mi-a spus in 1995 ca voia sa scrie o carte in anul urmator (deci in '96).
-dar discutia are loc in 2004 ;)
Ai si tu dreptate daca vorbim de modale in cazul al doilea (cand will exprima vointa), dar will/would pot fi si auxiliare (ajutatoare). Deci daca vorbim in cazul doi de "will" ca auxiliar in sequence of tenses va deveni automat "would". Deja am intrat in detalii...
conchita spune:
Originally posted by khristin
Deja am intrat in detalii...
pai nu, ca e bine sa intram in detalii. eu aici am avut ca profesoara o columbianca, Veronica, engleza era si pentru ea ne-materna ca sa zic asa, deci mi-e mult mai usor sa inteleg de la voi diferentele decat din notitele mele de la cursuri. :))
Cleomax spune:
ma bag si io cu doo corecturi minuscule, in cazurile de mai jos nu-i nevoie de auxiliarul to be, penca actiunea nu se intampla subiectului. ar fi ok sa spui ~> She said she had been seen at the movies( by whomever), sau ~> She asked him if he'd been seen with her keyes(in which case he might know where they were).
in rest, A+
I have seen this movie -> She said she had been seen that movie
- Have you seen my keys? -> She asked him if he had been seen her keys
Oana_B spune:
Originally posted by conchita
I know he wrote his book 10 years ago.
He told me that he will/is going to write his book next year
corect este:
he told me he was going to write his book next year/following year
he told me he would write his book next year/following year
Conform concordantei timpurilor verbul din propozitia secundara trebuie intotdeauna sa fie potrivit cu verbul din propozitia principala, Verbul din propozitia secundara nu tine cont cand are loc discutia, tine cont de timpul folosit in propozitia principala (desi este putin fortat "was going to" pentru ca de obicei se foloseste doar la prezent).
Pentru inteles, se poate folosi:
next year-daca domnul va scrie cartea la anul adica in 2005
following year-daca suntem in 2004 si domnul vorbeste de intentiile sale din 1995 de a scrie o carte in 1996.
Exista niste exceptii cand verbul din propozitia secundara poate fi la prezent chiar daca verbul din cea principala este la trecut, dar care nu mai tin minte decat una
-daca exprima un adevar general-valabil
my friend told me that bucharest is in romania
Nu se pun doua verbe auxiliare alaturate would sau will /was, amandoua exprima intentia, de would going nici atat nu am auzit, corect este would+vb.inf
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