Asta-seara 13.03.2004 ,la ora 18.00 ,pe Prima TV. ,la Focus :Reportaj despre CRISTI

Mirela Anca spune:
Sa puna cineva aici adresa de la Cristi de la spital .Si cine sint amer. care vor sa-l opereze .Multumesc

Marina spune:
Dr. Mihaela Dascalu - pentru Cristian Andrei Jumuga - Pediatrie, Terapie intensiva, Et.9
Spitalul Judetean Constanta
Bd. Tomis

ancuta06 spune:
Americanii care vor sa-l opereze sunt " Gift of Life International"
Ai mai jos raspunsurile lor:
We appreciate receiving your e-mail even though you did not sign with your name and address.
Unfortunately we have not been invited to return to Romania to operate and share our technical and scientific knowledge with their medical staff.
It is difficult raising money to visit other countries at this time. To bring a complete medical and surgical team to Romania for 10 days costs $90,000. We do 12 to 14 high risk highly complex cases. For comparison purposes, doing 12 cases in the US costs an average of $150,000. per case for a total of $1,800,000.
You see, we only do the complicated cases which require a pediatric heart specialist. There are less than 150 of these doctors in the entire world. Perhaps this might explain some of the problems you are having.
If you haven't already done so, take a look at our other web site which reports on our last visit to Bucharest. http://gol.nmnp.org
Bradley N. (Brad) Stanton
Chairman & Co-Founder
Gift of Life International, Inc.
Ancuta & Martijn, (24.10.2003)

alba spune:
http://www.desprecopii.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=22759 &
Corina & Darian,tot mai nazdravan...(4 ani si 6 luni)

ancuta06 spune:
The child's condition is exactly the type of surgery we do. I sent your e-mail to our pediatric cardiothoracic surgeon, and his reply was: We can only help if we are there.
As mentioned in my previous e-mail, we only go to other countries by invitation by invitation from the head of the hospital, the Chief of the Cardiac Section, and by a local 'service club', like Lions, Rotary or Kiwanis.
We are willing to return to Romania if someone is able to raise the needed funds. For us to come back, it will cost $90,000. US dollars. We are in a position to absorb $25,000. but the remainder will have to be raised by you folks, or by a local foundation, or by your government. Many governments do pay for medical teams to visit their country, and many countries pay for a child to come to the US for 'open heart' surgery.
For what some countries pay to send a child here, we can go there and do 12 to 14 opertions for the same cost. Many countries are not aware of what we do. We have been to Romania on two occassions and we are willing to return.
Perhaps the family interested in 'adopting' this child has the funds or is capable of raising the funds.
There are many Romanians living in the US, if you knew how to reach them, perhaps they will contribute.
Let us know if you are able to do anything.
Bradley N. Brad) Stanton
Chairman & Co-Founder
Gift of Life International, Inc.
We Fix Broken Hearts
Life is a Gift not a Prize.
For a child to die before it's time is unacceptable. You can help save a child's life by contacting us now.
Ancuta & Martijn, (24.10.2003)

Aurelia spune:
Ancuta stii cumva si ce medic detine dosarul medical al lui Cristi acolo in rominia si cine se va ocupa de relatiile cu americanii odata veniti in ro? stii cumva daca s-a stabilit o data concreta a operatiei s-au ei asteapta sa le spunem ca avem banii necesari si apoi stabilesc data venirii? ma poti ajuta cu ceva informatii ca sa demar si eu pe partea franceza cu colecta de fonduri? te rog din suflet sa-mi raspunzi oricare ar fi raspunsul tau ,cu drag Aurelia
Aura&Luca,2 ani!
"Daca dragoste nu e nimic nu e"

cl spune:
Sper sa nu supar pe nimeni, dar am sa spun ce cred si eu. Cred ca ar trebui luata legatura cu fundatia care a chemat echipa americanilor la Cluj. Am inteles ca au mai fost si au mai operat micuti. In mod sigur cei de la fundatie stiu toate demersurile ce pot fi facute, pentru a chema din nou echipa. Poate se vor implica si ei in strangerea de fonduri si atunci lucrurile se vor misca mult mai repede si vor face si totul legal. Iar asta nu va fi decat in avantajul lui Cristi. Si este tot ce conteaza!
Stie cineva cum se numeste aceasta fundatie?

m34 spune:
Ai numarul pe PM, sper sa nu fie prea tarziu...
Daca afli, spune-ne si noua ora si emisiunea.

papadie spune:
"Pe 14 martie, in cadrul Observatorului de la ora 19, Antena 1 va face o campanie prin care le cerem oamenilor sa-l ajute pe Cristi."
"Īn afara de constiinta totul e bestialitate" (Camil Petrescu)