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Feng Shui Solutions
by Kartar Diamond, Senior Feng Shui Consultant

Feng Shui and the Proper Use of Colors
I receive lots of inquiries regarding what colors to choose for certain rooms based on feng shui principles. People often try to figure out on their own the correct colors for an area based on what they are reading in popular books.

There are three common mistakes that are being made:

Some people are choosing colors based on their own personal “Gua” or Trigram. As an example, a person born in 1961 is the CHEN trigram, which is associated with the Wood element and the color green. To paint your bedroom green because of this could easily be a mistake and not cater to the inherent energies of the room.

Some books outline the inherent elements (and colors) associated with a particular direction and readers think that those are the appropriate colors. As an example, the south direction is associated with fire and people think it is correct to make the south room in the house red! This is wrong about 80% of the time.

The third common mistake is regarding the arbitrary color assignments given to different sections of the house based on the New Age Bagua Map (Black Hat School of feng shui.) I have to remind students and clients continually that the Bagua Map (with the Wealth corner and the Marriage corner) was invented less than thirty years ago and has very little to do with traditional feng shui. The Black Hat school recommends certain colors for those 8 imaginary life stations, based partly on western color psychology ( in the Marriage corner) and partly on a misinterpretation of the “later-heaven sequence” of the Lo-shu grid.

Astept pareri. Ce ziceti? Ce credeti?
Hi-hi-hi, nu sunt singura in ceaaaaaaata...

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Link direct catre acest raspuns Laura B spune:

Originally posted by elena_ltd

Nu retin daca s-a mai scris, dar am mai gasit un remediu pentru prosperitate: sub o planta cu frunze rotunde si flori rosii (de preferat, eventual "sporul casei") se pune o moneda invelita intr-o hartie rosie. Zbang! si sa vedeti cum curg banii...

Elena, eu am citit ca planta cea mai indicata ar fi crasula (parca asa se numea, sper sa nu fi scris o prostie). Nu cred ca face flori, iar frunzele sunt rotunde si "grasute". Daca o pui pe ea in zona bunastarii, pe o oglinda rotunda, iar intre oglinda si ghiveci pui trei banuti chinezesti (rotunzi si cu o gaura patrata in mijloc; pe o fata au 4 semne chinezesti, iar pe cealalta numai doua; trebuie asezati cu fata cu 4 simboluri in sus) legati cu panglica rosie, sa vezi atunci prosperitate! Eiii ?...

Dar de broscuta cu trei picioare care sta pe bani si tine o moneda in gura, ce spuneti? Am fost zilele trecute in cartierul chinezesc special sa caut diverse remedii, asa ca sa nu radeti de broscuta!

Originally posted by elena_ltd
In incheiere, va spun cum m-a dezamagit pe mine profund un chinez, tatal unei colege de gradi de-a fiica-mii, care m-a pus la punct direct zicand ca feng-shui e o superstitie si o prostie pentru fricosi. dar ce stie el?

Da, draga, habar n-are el! Da' las' ca-i aratam noi lui cum e cu feng-shui-ul! Imediat, numai sa terminam mai intai, sa-l macelarim bine aici!


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Link direct catre acest raspuns Laura B spune:

Ciuf, uite cum mi-ai dat tu de lucru cu articolul ala!

Pana la urma am cautat si eu articolul si l-am gasit la:

Sa va spun eu ce am inteles, dar nu stiu daca am inteles bine.
In primul rand, cred ca persoana care a scris articolul vrea sa zica ca nu numai anul nasterii te influenteaza. Dar e cam exagerat sa incepi sa faci calcule si pentru luna, ziua, ora si, de ce nu, emisfera unde te-ai nascut, ca sa afli toate influentele! Pana la urma, ideea e ca trebuie sa nu te fixezi numai la o anumita culoare pentru o camera, ci mai degraba sa realizeazi un echilibru al culorilor. Ma mai gandesc la o varianta: daca e sa tii cont de culoarea individuala, ce te faci cand culorile tale nu se potrivesc cu cele ale sotului?

Chestia cu harta pa-kua inventata cu 30 de ani in urma, tot imi scapa. Poate o fi vorba de faptul ca scolile traditionale tineau cont mai degraba de punctele cardinale, de terenul si cladirile alaturate, si de ani? Vag imi amintesc ca am citit intr-o carte (din pacate inca nu am reusit sa regasesc cartea si pasajul) cum ca pusul hartii pa-kua peste planul casei asa incat usa de intrare sa se afle pe latura cu Nordul (indiferent unde este nordul geografic), este o "adaptare" mai recenta a feng-shui-ului traditional la societatea vestica. Cat de recenta insa, nu imi amintesc sa fi citit nicaieri.

Si nu in ultimul rand, de ce sa fie simplu cand poate fi complicat? Daca totul ar fi clar si simplu, "feng shui senior consultants" pe ce ar mai putea cere bani?

Astea ar fi concluziile mele. Mi-ar place sa citesc si parerile voastre. Mai multi ochi si mai multe minti pot sa lamureasca mai repede problemele!


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Link direct catre acest raspuns Laura B spune:

Am si eu o curiozitate (ma scuzati daca e deplasata): in ce zodii sunteti voi nascute, fetelor?

Eu sint in Gemeni, anul Maimutei.


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Link direct catre acest raspuns elena_ltd spune:

Laura, eu sunt zodia fecioarei si anul sobolanului.
Acuma, hai sa va zic de ce m-am tuflit io de tot. Cica:
- feng-shuiul traditional (in multele lui forme si variante) a fost preluat de occidentali (dar nu numai) devenind incomplet si comercial ca sa poate fi vandut si aplicat si de profani.
- in aceasta forma este inutil si chiar periculos. Oops! remediile aplicate dupa ureche nu numai ca nu ar avea rezultatele scontate, dar ar putea avea efecte negative prin trezirea unor energii nefaste sau spirite tralala.
- studiul si intelegerea feng-shui sunt chestiuni de ani intregi si de aprofundari. De exemplu, se ia in calcul si anul construirii casei si se fac masuratorile cu o busola speciala care tine cont de extrem de multe date.
Daca va puteti inchipui, cu concluziile astea m-am culcat eu asta-noapte. Si ca mai bine ar fi daca as apela la un consultant feng-shui. (probabil dupa ce imi vand casa ca sa-i platesc consultatia ). Mint, mai aveam o concluzie. As putea sa fac un curs de feng-shui traditional.
Acuma, ce sa zic, Laura are si ea dreptate. Pe ce sa ne mai ia banii consultantul?

In privinta oglinzii - daca e element de apa sau nu. De multe ori, in feng shui traditional, oglinda era element de metal din simplul fapt ca era construita din bronz masiv, ca multe alte obiecte feng-shui. Nu spun ca nu este si element de apa.
Broscutele testoase, da, aduc noroc. Mai e un model de broscuta cu cap de dragon, de obicei tot din bronz, despre care se spune ca este copia fidela a broscutei originare, stiti voi, inculpata dupa care s-a dat lumea peste cap ca a adus octogonul.
Cu aripile taiate nemilos de profunzimile culturii chinezesti si cu constiinta limitarilor occidentale, inchei aici.

Elena, mama Oanei si a lui bb Mihai

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Frequently Asked Questions
What is Feng Shui?
Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese art and science of arranging elements in your environment for the purpose of improving health, wealth, and happiness.

What are the basic principles of Feng Shui?
Yin/Yang, the Five Elements, the Eight Trigrams, the East/West compass theory, the solar system, and the environment.

How are the basic principles applied?
Feng Shui is based upon a set of theories and complex calculations derived from the Yi Jing. This includes an in-depth understanding and application of the theories of Yin/Yang, along with the balancing of the Five Elements (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water) and taking into account a physical relationship between the natural environment and surrounding magnetic fields.

Are mirrors useful as a Feng Shui correction?
Mirrors are only good for reflecting light and making a small space appear brighter and larger. Period.

Should I put water or plants in my left hand side "money corner?"
There is no such thing as a left or right hand side "money corner" in legitimate classical Feng Shui. Each house has its own unique energy blueprint

Are wind chimes a valid part of Feng Shui?
Yes, only if they are made of metal and used judiciously. If wind chimes are placed improperly, they can actually cause problems

Is Feng Shui related to Buddhism or Taoism?
Feng Shui is not related to any religion or belief system. It is a discipline based on the analysis of energy and both the internal and external environments.

Not Feng Shui
Everything pictured on this page is not part of authentic Chinese Feng Shui. A few examples of things that are mistakenly considered to be Feng Shui are
Bagua Mirrors
Charms and "cures"
Religious chants or objects
Coins used symbolically for wealth

The list goes on and on... Today, there are a lot of misconceptions and misinformation about Feng Shui. It has become a fad or trendy in the West to have a Feng Shui reading. Unfortunately, there are people practicing who do not know the deeper theories of Feng Shui.

Many books write about cures and symbolisms and these cures are purported to create “good” Feng Shui. In reality though, these fall into a three categories:

Asian superstition
Money makers
Complete misunderstanding
Feng Shui has been passed down as an oral tradition for many years. Originally, the knowledge was passed down in the form of poems. These poems used fanciful descriptions and analogies for things that were actually practical. But unless you had the key to these poems, they could easily be misinterpreted.

For example, many people write about the green dragon, the red phoenix, the white tiger, and the black turtle. These are symbolisms from this oral tradition. They were simply ways of explaining the directions metaphorically. Today, people sell these symbols in the forms of statues and charms advertising that they will bring you luck. This of course is not the actual meaning. In reality, they simply represent the directions:

Symbol Direction
Green Dragon East
Red Phoenix South
White Tiger West
Black Turtle North

Feng Shui is a suprisingly accurate study of the environment. Properly applied, it can make differences in people's health, well being, relationships, and prosperity. In the Beginning and Intermediate Feng Shui courses, you will find that the 5 Elements of Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water are the remedies used to balance the qi. The elements can be in any form, such as a bronze bust, or a terra cotta statue. But it is the element that affects the qi of the house, not the design. The design is important in that it has to be pleasing to the eye. We do not want it to be out of place with the decor.

It is our hope that as you read about Feng Shui, you ask "why?" and question the things you read. Everything in Feng Shui has a reason for being applied. If it does not make sense, then it is probably not really Feng Shui. Feng Shui is natural. Further, if it looks like man-made Feng Shui, it is not good Feng Shui.

As you learn more about Feng Shui through our courses, you will find out that only the 5 natural elements and changes to the environment are considered remedies in authentic Chinese Feng Shui.

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Link direct catre acest raspuns Laura B spune:

Am gasit descrise tipurile de scoli ceva mai in detaliu :

"There are different schools of feng shui and different levels of understanding of feng shui. Most of what is being practiced in the West today is not traditional or classical feng shui. Classical feng shui has it roots in the understanding of Forms and Shapes of the land, the I Ching, Yin Yang Theory, and Five Element Theory. Classical feng shui relies heavily on mathematical formulae that have developed over thousands of years based on understanding the cycles of time and how they relate to people and their environments.
All schools of feng shui are based on similar universal knowledge, but have developed different approaches and techniques for identifying and balancing chi. The two oldest traditional schools are the Form School and the Compass School.

Form School
This is the oldest form of feng shui. It concerns understanding the energy of land forms and waterways, based on their shape, size and relative positions, as to how they will affect the people living on the land and in the buildings on the land. The orientation of homes and burial sites is a part of form school. This is a more visual approach, relying on analysis of the specific energies of the land, buildings, waterways, and roadways and then recommending proper placement of buildings and burial sites in relation to the physical surroundings.

Compass School - Eight Mansions or East-West School
This school is based on the eight directions of the compass. Every person has four good directions and four bad directions, as does every building. People belong to either the West Group or the East Group. This is determined by the year you are born. Buildings belong to either the West Group or the East Group, depending on its sitting direction. By knowing and using your best directions for sleeping, working, studying, and negotiating, you will be more supported in your life. This school enables you to understand your compatibility or lack of compatibility with other individuals, as well as buildings. There is no time factor in this school in the East-West School.

Compass School - Flying Stars
The the Flying Stars School uses the Eight Trigrams of the I Ching, and the lo shu magic square (used to divide a house, building or room into nine sectors. Each trigram is related to a compass directions, an element, a season of the year, various parts of the body, members in the family, a color and specific shapes.
This school encompasses a thorough understanding of yin yang theory, five element theory, Chinese astrology and numerology. It is very computational, relying more on the use of scientific formulae to understand the energetic qualities of an environment.
A special compass is commonly used, called a lou pan, is used to take a directional reading of the home or building. A person's date of birth and the construction date of the building are also important factors in Flying Stars calculations, as these relate to the unique time factor in this school's mathematical calculations. This school recognizes that everything is energy and that all energy is in a constant state of change and operates according to specific cycles of time. It is based on scientific observations of energetic patterns that are consistently repeatable.
The information that can be gathered and calculated using Flying Stars Compass School can reveal some very personal aspects to the house or building that can not be determined by any other way. This method can't be learned from reading books or taught to an individual in a short period of time. It takes a lot of serious study, and experience.
Feng shui evaluations based on the East/West School, along with the principles behind the Flying Stars calculations and an understanding of Form School, produces the highest form of feng shui analysis.

Life Aspiration School
This school is a very simplified form of feng shui and easy to learn. The pa kua or bagua is used as an energy map and is broken down into eight directions. Each direction is responsible for a specific life aspiration and has an element and color associated with it. The different directions can be activated by different types of cures. When these cures are put into place, they increase the luck associated with the aspiration of the direction. The aspirations are wealth, fame, marriage children, benefactors, career, knowledge and family and health. The pa kua is placed over the home or building based on the direction the front door faces, therefore true directions are being used. Another important aspect of this school is determining a persons best and worst directions. Everyone has four favorable and for unfavorable directions. By knowing and using your best directions for sleeping, studying, working, etc., you will be more supported in your environment.

Black Sect Feng Shui
Black Sect Feng Shui derives, in part, from Tibetan Tantric Buddhism, as taught by Professor Lin Yun of Berkeley, California. He brought his teachings from Taiwan to the United States in 1986.
This approach is multi-disciplined, incorporating Form School, psychology, interior design, color therapy, yin/yang theory, five element theory, the I Ching, common sense and intuition. It is sometimes referred to as Western Feng Shui. In its purest form, it is taught as a spiritual practice. However, one does not need to be a Buddhist, or for that matter of any particular faith to apply the principles of this school of feng shui. It has more to do with working with Spirit or God as co-creators, using the mind in a positive and constructive way to create our reality by working with both visible and invisible chi.
With this school, rather than using a magnetic compass to determine the directions, each house or room is evaluated from the position of the main door and the interior doors, by using a bagua. Therefore, there is no direct relationship to the cardinal directions. There is no time factor in this school."
(Sheila Wright, Feng Shui Practitioner and Teacher)


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Eu sunt Tauras, anul Iepurelui

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Link direct catre acest raspuns allya spune:

CIUF, CONCHITA ! ma bucur sa va gasesc aicea la subiectul acesta! mai si eu tocmai m-am mutat si fara sa stiu de voi am folosit cartea mea de Feng-Shui si am incercat sa aranjez casa cat de cat. O sa va mai cer si eu niste sfaturi. Am un acvariu si l-as pune undeva si la vedere cum intrii in casa caci in zona bunastarii nu s-ar vedea. E OK sa-l pun la usa? La noi usa e in zona carierei in casa si in sufragerie in zona mentorilor...

Acuma ma refer in special la sufragerie, cat si la casa in ansamblu.
Dar o combina muzicala in zona faimei? (ma gandeam ca muzica este antrenanta, totodata poate fi si relaxanta si serveste psihicului si unde poti asculta cantareti care sunt evident faimosi) si pe ea pt ca este de culoare neagra am pus o fotografie cu un peisaj f frumos drag mie de la Valea Draganului din Romania care este de fapt o padure tare frumoasa si verde. Rama este aurie. Ma gandeam sa pun si niste lumanari rosii si mov aicea.
Mai e o chestie, singurul loc unde arata bine televizorul nostru urias este in zona casatoriei...Ce sa mai pun acolo? eu ma gandeam la niste flori, dar de care?
Zona familiei si cea a copiilor sunt in schimb amenajate asa cum imi place si cum cred ca e bine.
In zona cunoasterii am pus doar o lampa noua cu picior inalt si cu un cristal swarovski atarnat de ea. caci nu aveam loc de altceva, iar intre zona cunoasterii si a familiei am pus niste flori verzi frumoase, sunt mai mult in zona cunoasterii dupa parerea mea.
In zona carierei troneaza canapeaua, care e relativ noua si f comfortabila, de culoare bej, caci e singurul loc de unde se vede bine tv-ul... ce sa fac sa activez zona cum trebuie? am in fata canapelei o masa lunga de sticla, unde tin laptopul si o carte de specialitate, e suficient?
Pe toata casa zona carierei ii cumva pe usa de la intrare si am mentorii in baie, sunt niste remedii pt asta?
A si apartamentul are 2 usi de intrare una prin sufragerie si un hol si alta prin bucatarie....

va pup si va multumesc anticipat!

ELENA depinde de chinez poate ca era unul afectat de comunism ca astia nu mai cred am cunoscut multi chinezi mai ales mai batrani care traiau in case aranjate dupa Feng-Shui si mi-a placut desi erau cam multe chinezarii altii care traiau in dezastru si dezordine si nici pomeneala de Feng-Shui....

Mai eu cred ca ne ajuta caci eu am facut un bebe in aceeasi casa in care fiecare facea cum statea acolo... e tare nostim stiu si si incredibil, dar era pt ca era cumva perfect avantajata acolo zona copiilor si noi fara sa stim ne tineam animalutele de plus fix acolo....

mai va pup, cu drag,

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Link direct catre acest raspuns conchita spune:

allya, bun gasit si aici spor la fengshuit, cum se zice pe-aici, eu navighez inca in ceata. am citit si azi dimineata cate ceva si mai rau m-am incurcat. se pare ca anul trecut cand am studiat fenomenul eram mai tanara si cu mintea in stare de functionare. acuma descopar numai doua saptamani sa ma clarific si sa decid cum colorez/decorez casa.

Laura, eu sunt gemeni in anul cainelui

Authority Zero

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